AN: and heres the next chapter.

Okami: well no duh biatch.

Me: Can it


I watched as Karasu swiftly took out his opponent at last. YAY Karasu my love you kick butt! Haha! He does doesn't he? I smiled as the egg capsule lowered to the arena floor. The cuffs the held my wrists to the arms of the chair opened with a click. I raised and walked over to my warriors with a smile. Their clothing had some rips in certain areas. We since Sakura's group were a black team, we went with white. Karasu's weapon was a scythe, Cloney had is sword Hien which was allowed, and Angel had a whip. Yes the reason Angel even chose whips was because of Lucy from Fairy Tail, even though she claims that wasn't the reason.

"Well that was fun," Karasu said. "So how'd my baby like the show?"

LOVE IT! "He says he loved it and wants to make love with you when we get home," I added in the end.

"Hm, that can be arranged," Karasu whispered with a sly smile stretched across his face. Angel laughed and smacked me on the back hard. Cloney smirked at the thought of the two making out. (Sorry to my friends if this is a little to blunt or just flat out not something you normally read….especially from my stories) I sighed as Okami kept screaming stuff like 'you damn pervert', or 'damn it why did I fall for you?' Angel was busy grabbing the winning money while Cloney asked Karasu about the spirit's love life. Life sure seems nice now. Thinking home? Yeah. Angel waved for us to come on.

"Hurry we still have to meet with the others for dinner," Angel said with a bouncy tone.

"Well looks like someone's feeling happy," Karasu said.

"Cause I'm happy, clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth," I began to sing the happy song and the others joined in as well. As we exited the dome we were greeted by a gust of freezing wind.

"Crap its cold," Cloney gasped as we hugged ourselves.

"Lets just hurry to that diner they picked out or whatever," Karasu said. We practically sprinted all the way there. When we entered the diner we were soaked thanks to the rain and snow that began to fall. Kurogane raised an eyebrow at us from their table. I smiled sweetly and walked on over talking a seat next to Sakura. Soon enough the table was filled. The waitress came over asking us for our orders. I looked up and gasped surprising everyone including the waitress.

"Frances?!" I said. Frances stared at me confused.

"That is my name miss but I don't believe we've met," she mumbled. Oh. I shook my head smiling.

"Sorry we haven't met before I was just surprised at your name tag and….name," I ended lamely. Frances smiled in understanding and took our orders then left. I sighed and sank back into my seat.

"What was that all about?" Fai asked. Maybe you should tell him Kitty. Yeah good idea bud. Was that meant to be sarcastic? No not really. "I suppose you don't have to answer that." I smiled at that thought and began to sing/whisper 'Gold Forever' by The Wanted…I think.

Say my name

Like it's the last time

Live today

Like it's the last night

We want to cry

But we know its alright

Cause I'm with you

And your with me



We were meant to fly

You and i

You and i

Colors in the sky

We could rule the world someday somehow

But we'll never be as bright

As we are now

We're standing in a light that wont fade

Tomorrows comin but this

Wont change

Cause some days stay gold forever

When I finished they stared deep at me.

"Wow Leila I didn't know you could sing," Sakura commented. I snicker at Kurogane and Fai's dumbfound faces.

"No but seriously you guys should see your faces," Karasu mumbled. Kuro-pu gave the crow a decent glare. Soon Frances came back handing out our meals and leaving again to my distaste. "Wow, were you two close in your world Lei?" Karasu asked. I smirked which caught Angels attention as she shook her head with a playful smile.

"Yes, we fact so close we had our first kiss at the beach and a few huggies and kissies in school when no one was looking..and had sex back on the roof top of our school building," I said, "And that is how close we are." Everyone and I mean everyone gaped at me. "Shit peoples I was only screwin with ya geez." Silence remained golden through the rest of dinner. At 11:56 we said our goodbyes and left.

Back at our apartment.

I said goodnight to everyone and retired to my comfy mattressy….yes I named it that. I think me tired….NIGHT BITCH! Damn it what did I tell you asshole?! I heard snoring in my mind a sighed. Bastard went to sleep. I layed on my bed and let my bestie sleep take over me.

As we entered the arena I caught sight of Sakura and Syaoran chatting. Well that was weird since when was princess so chatty with my little Syaoy.

"I Know she's talkin to Syaoy and you just want to wrench him away had have him all to yourself," a chilled voice whispered in my ear from behind. I screamed and vipped around facing a glaring Cloney. And no he wasn't glaring at me he was glaring at little miss emerald eyed princess over there with our Syaoy. "I'll invite you for a threesome if you help me split them apart," the boy offered. Smirking I shook his hand. Okay now I really wanted at least some of that threesome, but went against it. I mean me and miss virginity are buddies here. So I think I'll wait on the sex for now. We made our way to the chess board(Huge!) me and Sakura met at the middle and shook hands. Her face had a serious look while mine well a devilish smile what else.

"We wont loose," Sakura stated. I winked at her.

"Don't be to sure of yourself sweetheart," I told her. We went to our own capsules and sat down. We were lifted in the air and awaited the chains to fall. When they did our knights ran into combat. (Kurogane/Karasu)(Angel/Fai)(Syaoran/Cloney). Kill them all! Kill them with my bare hands! I smirked but I didn't even know who was talking all I knew was that this was goin be good.

AN: YES I FINISHED! SUCK IT BITCHAS! Anyway hope you all enjoyed my beautiful work..again and since its like 9 oclock at fuckin night I'm gonna go freakin watch some scary saw clips…..seriously I don't even know whats wrong with me. Oh well.