Hello my lovely people! Its been a while since I have updated this fanfic. This chapter is like an introduction for Aomine.

I have to say thanks for all the new follows and favourites. Now that I have a new pc I can update more frequently, however the next chapter may not be up for some time because I'm starting college soon and I need to deal with all the stuff there.

The characters will be little OOC's so forgive me for that.

Character age:

Kuroko: 17 (few months till 18)

Aomine: 18

Akashi: 18

Any way I hope you like it. And I'm slow at progressing stories so it may not be exciting for now.

The memory of that night, moon high in the sky, illuminating brightly and in the darkness of the room, a pair of eyes, red and golden shining dangerously through it… Kuroko opened his eyes and blinked repeatedly, the memory leaving a sour taste in his mouth. A knock was heard and blue eyes focused the door. Like in his memories, the sky that night was dark and deep, while the moon was there, observing him. Who it could be at this late hour?
Suddenly, a deep blush painted Kuroko's pale face as a reminder of Akashi's touch. He swore he could feel the soft, feathery but secure touch on his skin. It was unforgettable.
Unwillingly, he got up and dragged his feet across the old wooden floor. Although it was old and the wooden boards creaked with an ugly screech, the floor was washed clean, taken care of, because it was the one thing that Kuroko had left from his parents. And he wanted to cherish that, even if it only was old wood boards.
When the teal-head reached the doors he nervously asked who it was behind the closed doors, because he didn't want to open his house doors to someone in the middle of night when it could possibly be a stranger or even worse, a murderer. And he didn't have the dying will.
''Who is it?''
''It's me Tetsu! Open up!'' Answered a rough, deep voice on the other side. It was not a stranger's voice, and Kuroko felt relief filling his being after hearing it. He knew who it was.
Kuroko quickly swung the doors open so he could greet the person there and let him in. Without second thought he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around the newcomer. ''It's nice to see you Aomine-kun!''
It was Aomine Daiki. He had navy short hair with matching eyes that sent shivers down your body, and beautifully tanned skin, that most women would be ready to kill for. Aomine had bigger build than the teal head. The tanned teen was one of the clan members that acknowledge Kuroko as equal and always stood up for him when needed. He had the power and the money to stand out, to be recognized. It was because he was born in a noble family and that meant that you had control over the lower classes and because he had the daring and exotic aura around him he also had the control over some of the upper class vampires.
Aomine that almost lost his balance from the surprise hug, wrapped his arms around Kuroko shoulders and gave a quick squeeze. The tall teen gave out a chuckle ''Good to see you too, Tetsu. Didn't know you missed me this much.''
They parted and went into the living room where Kuroko was before.
Aomine was Kuroko's best friend, you could say that he was also the only support he had and still has since his father passed away.
However, to Aomine, Kuroko was something more than just a friend… he was his first love. Not a single living or dead soul knew about it, but himself and Aomine. It all started from the first glance on the small boy. It may seem cheesy at first but that's how it happened to the tall teen.
It was a grey day. Gentle rain was pouring down, a perfect that to wash away all the sorrows with the falling water. Kuroko had found a shelter at the small playground that was next to his favorite place - a basketball court. Although he wasn't good at the sport he enjoyed the feel of the rough ball against his small palms and having control over something, even if it was small. He was shivering when he glanced over at the court and only then he noticed that there was one more person in the court. It looked like the rain didn't bothered him at all and like everything around him didn't exist. Only him and the orange ball that was bouncing on the wet ground. The person moved with such grace and power like Kuroko hadn't seen before. It was enchanting and hard to look away.
Aomine dribbled the ball towards the basket and was ready to jump when he suddenly slipped on the wet floor. Only when his butt connected with the hard ground he acknowledged the rain that was caressing his body and started to look for a shelter till the rain stops. Then he spotted a good place at the nearby playground that looked empty. Without second thought he headed there. Aomine ducked under the green slide. He thought the he was the only one there when he heard a sneeze from behind him. Turning around he saw the most beautiful person he had ever seen.
-end of flashback-
From that day on they started to meet up and spend their time together and they soon became best friends, although the way wasn't easy because Kuroko was one of the shyest people Aomine had known. Who would have thought that Aomine believed something as silly as love at first sight, with all the badass attitude and playboy looks. And it was hard for Aomine to acknowledge that the 'outcast' was this kind and gentle person, and let's not forget the beauty of the boy that most people where envy of.
It wasn't rear for Aomine to visit him this late.
''I came yesterday, but you weren't home, so I wandered. Where did you go?''
Kuroko froze. 'I can't tell him about Akashi, can I?' the small boy didn't know what to say so he just told his friend the first thing that came to his mind. ''I...I was out for 'dinner'. It took me some time to find someone to feed on.''
''I will go make some tea'' Changing the subject quickly, Kuroko said as he exited the room and headed for the kitchen, while Aomine slumped on the small sofa.
Kuroko took the kettle that was in the corner of the kitchen table that rested against a pale yellow wall. He filled it with some water. 'Is it really right to keep it from, Aomine? He has always been there for me and I know that he won't leave me . At least I think he won't. Or will he?' These thoughts ran and ran through Kuroko's head as he put the water to boil for the tea that he promised Aomine.
He took out two mugs from the cupboard that was placed on the wall above the plain kitchen table that was holding some slat and paper trays and a small vase with crimson red pansy's in it. Looking at them reminded Kuroko of the 'Red' prince - Akashi. It was almost as if he was seeing Akashi everywhere. The door of the cupboard was decorated with different kind of stickers. Mostly puppy ones. It was childish habit of Kuroko since he was a kid.
Kuroko took two colorful cups and placed them on the table. One of them was pale blue with a husky on it and the other was dark blue with different colored basketball's on it. 'Would it be wrong for me to keep it from him? And I don't think that Akashi would be happy with me telling someone.' This brought Tetsuya's spirit down more because now he thought about his and the red head's differences. He was just some kind of 'bastard' while Akashi was the head and inspiration to all vampires and even to some humans. It was sad but that was the sour truth and he couldn't change it even if he wanted to.
The small teen went to the large cupboard at the other end of the kitchen and opened it to retrieve the tea bags. In front of him stood a variety of many sweet smelling and alluring teas. He picked the small bag with small cherrybloosoms on it, which meant that that was cherryblosom tea. He knew that that was one of Aomine's favorite ones.
The teal head went back to the mugs and opened the small bag and suddenly sweet aroma filled his noise.
Putting some tea leaves in the cups Kuroko turned to the kettle that signaled that the water needs to stop boiling since nasty sounds and hot steams were coming out of the opening. Picking up the hot object he carefully applied the water to the tea leaves into the two mugs.
When he settled the kettle back in its place he picked up the two now full tea cups and headed towards the living room.
Aomine looked up and saw the small teen entering with two mugs in his hands with angry steams coming out of them. Kuroko put them on the small table and sat next to Aomine. ''Thanks'' was the only thing Aomine said before picking up the dark blue mug and taking a small sip from the hot liquid.
Kuroko still looked down because he couldn't get Akashi out of his head. And as a best friend Aomine noticed this small detail and asked the teal head what was on his mind.
''Tetsu, whats bothering you?''
The smaller teen didn't expect this kind of question and quickly looked up at Aomine with big round eyes. It actually came as a shock because Kuroko didn't think that it would be so noticeable. ''How did you know?' Sometimes he could be blunt. But that one of the reasons why Aomine liked this cute boy. ''Wonder why? Maybe because we have been best friends for 9 years and we know everything about each other?'' Aomine said sarcastically. ''You can tell me anything, you know that I will listen''
''It's nothing, Aomine-kun.'' He bluntly replied. 'I can't tell him about Akashi.'
''Perhaps it's about the meeting tomorrow night?'' Aomine asked. He knew that his best friend was always nervous when it came to the gatherings because he wasn't welcomed there by the others but it was his duty to be there because he was a member of it. Although Aomine was with him he couldn't protect Kuroko all the time from the harassing because he himself had things to deal with as a member of a noble family and he couldn't be always around his friend.
''Yeah I'm just little bit nervous about the clan meeting'' Kuroko quietly murmured.
'I wonder if Akashi-kun will act differently around me now. 'The teal head thought sadly and pouted.
-time skip-
They finished their teas while they talked about small things and Aomine even started to blab about some kind of new shop that opened not too long ago. In secret he loved all kind of sweet stuff so he was excited about it and offered Kuroko to go together when they both have time. Aomine looked at his wrist-watch and sighed.
''I think I should go, otherwise my dad will be furious that I haven't been home all night. You know how he gets'' Aomine laughed nervously.
''Yeah, it would be unfortunate for you.'' Kuroko answered and stood up from the couch. Aomine followed Tetsuya's movements and stood up, stretching his now sore muscles that ached for some kind of movement. They both went to the front doors and Aomine looked down on the smaller one ''I will come tomorrow around 9pm so we can go together to the boring gathering crap''
The clan meeting usually consisted of updates around the town, hunter activities and other things that involved or happened around the vampire race. And most importantly, you can't forget about the gossips that lively ran around the huge room where everyone gathered. And that was one of the things Kuroko was scared of, because the gossips mostly were about him or at least those that he have heard.
But he didn't let them bother him so much because he promised that he will be strong for his mother and father that couldn't do it. Although they abandoned him in the cruel reality, he had Aomine. He knew he could rely on him and he knew that he was not alone.
''Alright'' Kuroko simply answered.
Aomine opened the dark doors and shivered when the night breeze licked at his skin. He barely was wearing warming clothes. A plain dark blue tank top with a white cotton shirt over it and jeans. No wonder he felt cold.
''Well then it's time for me to head back, 'night, Tetsu.''
''Goodnight, Aomine-kun.'' Kuroko granted the tanned teen one of his beautiful smiles and nodded.
When Kuroko closed the doors he went to the stairs and climbed. It was almost as if they could lead you to the heaven itself. Taking smalls steps he got to the top of the stairs and turned to the left and stood in front of a pair of light brown doors that lead to his bedroom. On the opposite side were doors that lead to his parents' bedroom and he choosed to avoid it as long as possible before his curiosity gets the best out of him. He streched his hand and grabbed the door handle and push it down so he could pull the doors open.
Behind the closed doors were the most comfortable space in the whole house, at least that what the small teen thought. It had pale blue walls, because that was Kuroko's favorite color.
At the west wall he had places his big bed that was covered in white sheets that were soft as feathers and lulled the small boy to the dream land every night and comforted him on those cold days when winter was approaching. Right across the bed was huge window that showed outside world and Kuroko felt as if the glass worked as a shield that protected him form the ugly truth and danger that existed there. On both sides of it had dark purple curtains that shaded the room from the blazing sun on hot summer days. Right in front of the window rested a big rocking chair with fluffy blanket in it and next to it was a small table that usually was occupied with books and tea cup. That was one of the favorite spots in his room when it was raining because he could enjoy the beautiful view while sipping his heart warming tea and read one of his favorite novels. The north wall was occupied mostly with book shelves because he enjoys reading since when his mother read for him and when he learnt how to read himself. Kuroko liked how he could associate with some characters and how all the scenes played in his head when he read the book.
The teen headed towards the white doors that was on right side of the bed and opened them to revile a small bathroom.
The pale teen closed the doors and stripped all of his clothes to leave him bear. Turning on the hot water he stepped into the shower and allowed the water to cares his pale skin that started to turn lightly pink because of the temperature of the water. Kuroko enjoyed these kind of showers however he couldn't stay long in there because he would get dizzy from all the steam that was collecting in the small room.
When he was done he got out and wrapped himself in a towel. Wondering toward the mirror he picked up his toothbrush and applied some paste to it and began to brush his teeth.
Later on he exited the small bathroom and headed to his warm bed that just screamed 'comfort'.
The small pale boy buried him under the comfy blanket and closed his eyes, however he couldn't fall as sleep till the end because his mind was occupied with certain red head. He was nervous about the tomorrow gathering. 'What if Akashi attitude has changed towards me and doesn't even look at me?' Usually he sent small glanced toward the teal heads direction and that allowed Kuroko to feel needed but without that he would feel more invisible.

I was wondering what do you think about the last chapter from 'Kuroko no Basket' manga if you are reading it.(Although, it came out 10 days ago). I just can't get over that it will end so soon.