So I watched a video on YouTube yyesterday about robins laugh and damnnn was it creepy as hell. Well I started to write a fan fiction about on how creepy robin's laugh is and how enemies get scared the shit out of it. So enjoy

My one shot oh yeah its relly really short

Chapter laugh is creepy

Don't scare the enemies

Robin,'s laugh was creepy it made Kid Flash shiver...

Cause hell, did the batman and Joker make babies with that voice?

I am never ever going to look Robin in the eye'e again as long as I see that laugh...

I feel like I just got beat by a four-Year-old at that laugh

Damn Robins laugh is freaking creepy..I am never going any were around him again.

so R&R maybe I'll add a chapter who do you think is talking? :3 iI'll give you a hint he's name starts with a "R".