"Rose!" Mickey quickly found his crush as they reached platform 9 3/4.

"Hey, Mickey." Rose flashed him a smile. She liked Mickey and she was quite satisfied calling him her boyfriend but she was open to branching out a little if the opportunity presented itself. She was only 11 after all.

Mickey on the other hand was dead set on Rose. He followed her to the train and sat beside her. "I hope we get the same house!" He said as he handed her a bag of candy he'd nabbed from the trolley.

"Yeah sure." Rose spoke as she ate some of the fudge flies from Mickey's bag.

In the next compartment over on the train, Rita Afzal sat with her nose in a book. She was a Ravenclaw 3rd year hoping to lie low in a quiet, empty room until two kids came in giggling and joking. Rory noticed he and Amy had disturbed Rita's solitude. "Is it ok if we sit here?" He asked.

"Yeah sure, no problem." Rita smiled. She had been slightly irritated but she wasn't about to kick them out.

"I'm Amy" Amy extended her hand for Rita to shake oblivious to the book Rita was trying to read. "And that's Rory. He's been helping me find my way around! I'm new to all this magic business"

"Really?" Rita put down her book as Amy aroused her curiosity. "So where are you from?"

"Scotland, obviously" Amy laughed.

"Well, I mean you're not from around here. Like, not from our world. You're from the muggle world, right?" Rita asked.

"What?" Amy looked at Rory for clarification.

"She means you're parents aren't magic." Rory smiled.

"Oh, no. Just totally normal boring non magical humans I'm afraid" Amy smiled but got a bit self conscious. "Is it that obvious? Do I look unmagical?"

"No, you look wonderful. That is, you look magical. I mean..." Rory blushed. "You're fine looking... You look fine."

Rita smiled seeing how obviously smitten Rory was of his new friend. "Yeah, I'm sorry for asking but you don't see too many muggle-borns anymore. They were quite common in the past but after the war..." Rita stopped. "How much do you know about the war?"

"I don't know anything about anything to be honest" Amy shrugged.

Rita took a deep breath before continuing. "Ok well, five years ago there was a huge battle. The Dark Lord had risen to power and he'd taken over the school and the press and the government and everything and he had all the muggle-born records he could find destroyed. He considered anyone who wasn't born into pure-blood wizarding families as unfit to study magic."

"So you're telling me that five years ago they tried to delete me from your records because my blood wasn't pure enough?!" Amy's hazel eyes widened. "I'm not going to get harrassed by anyone, am I?"

"Don't worry." Rita smiled. "It's not like that anymore. They're restoring as many muggle-born records as they can and there's loads of people who support muggle-born rights. I personally consider myself to be a muggle rights activist. My parents hate it of course. They say I'm too young for politics." Rita rolled her eyes.

"A human being's right to live as they choose shouldn't have anything to do with politics. It's just the right thing to do" Rory scoffed at the idea that something so obvious could be trivialized as politics. "Let me know if anyone bothers you. I'll protect you." Rory looked at Amy who smiled back at him.

"Thanks, Rory." Amy chuckled. "I can fight my own battles"

"Well, you sound really smart and really brave, Rory. You could be a gryffindor or maybe you'll be in Ravenclaw with me." Rita smiled as she stuck her nose back in her book. "I'm willing to bet Amy here is a Gryffindor" Rita was too busy looking at her book to see Amelia Pond smile at her guess.

Rory had told her what all the houses were. She knew Gryffindor was the house of bravery. She wanted more than anything to be brave.

In another compartment Slytherin 5th year, River Song sat with her legs up on the windowsill in a rather unladylike fashion as she checked her hair in the window's reflection. Jack Harkness noticed his old friend right away and sat down beside her.

"Hello, sweetie." River turned to face him and smiled flirtatiously.

"How was your summer?" Jack asked with an equally flirtatious smile.

"Terribly hot" River answered.

"Knowing you, I'm sure it was." Jack flirted back. They chuckled and made rather intense eye contact before a first year entered abruptly.

"Oops. I spoiled a moment, didn't I?" Clara Oswald clutched her books up to her chest. "Can I sit here? Everywhere else is full"

"The more the merrier." Jack winked.

Clara sat across from them and took out a book to read. "You two go about your business. Don't mind me." She sat and tried to read while the two 5th year students flirted up a storm. It was a little distracting.

The children arrived at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and were quickly ushered into the great hall. Headmistress McGonagall gave a rousing speech and then it was time for the sorting ceremony.

"Sophie Haggard. Hufflepuff"

"Martha Jones. Ravenclaw" Martha waved excitedly and sat next to Rita. They were both from prominent pureblood families and knew each other well.

"Donna Noble..." The Hat was thinking.

"Oh, come on! The suspense is killing me!" Donna yelled at the hat. If finally decided on Gryffindor. "Finally!" Donna sat down and highfived a fifth year student she'd never seen before in her life.

"Clara Oswald. Ravenclaw"

"Craig Owens. Hufflepuff" Craig smiled as he saw Sophie wave him over to sit beside her.

"Amelia Pond" The Hat spoke and made Amy jump.

"Oh, my god!" Amy looked at Rory. "That hat's talking to me!" She took his hand and jumped excitedly.

"Good luck" Rory smiled not wanting her to let go of his hand.

"Hmm... interesting." The Hat was having a difficult time placing her. "You're very creative and your imagination knows no bounds. You'd do well in Ravenclaw. But you have a very cunning mind as well. You're not afraid to bend the rules to get things done your own way..."

"Give us the redhead!" Jack Harkness yelled from the Slytherin table followed by a few Slytherin boys chanting "One of us, one of us!". Amy giggled and waved back. She wouldn't mind spending time with the Slytherin boys.

"I think in the end you belong in ... Gryffindor!" The Hat decided and Amy sat across from Donna Noble.

"Yes! We're Gingers United!" Donna raised her hands for a high five which Amy gladly accepted. "We're gonna be friends, I can tell!" Donna smiled as she ate her pudding.