A/N Ok here is my attempt at the normal side of Nico and Maki- the tsundere side. I feel like when they're together they sometimes are really cute and fluffy hence my other two (late night visit doesn't count cuz that had rape in so no) Also this takes place around Christmas time. First day of Christmas. (To the song {my true love gave to me a partridge in a pear tree(?)} 1/12) Also I think fluff should be a genre just saying...

Nico was at Maki's house yet again, with Maki's parents doing their doctor thing away. The two girls were lounged around in Maki's room with Nico looking at magazines and Maki reading a book.

The older of the two looked up from her spot on Maki's bed to ask "Ne, Maki what do think of this?" While pointing at something in her magazine.

When Maki didn't so much as glance at her senior the latter got slightly ticked.

"M-a-k-i!" The twin tailed girl carefully, but loudly, pronounced each letter.

Still nothing.

'What the hell is she reading that is engrossing her so much?!' Nico thought.

She then looked at the cover that was mostly covered by Maki's hands.

'Girlfriends? Volume 2? Hmmm, let's see if I can get volume one.'

She got up and made her way to Maki's bookshelf and replaced her magazine back to its original place.

' Hm, it was a manga so it should be near the other manga being the neat freak she is. Wait what? There isn't even a gap to show where it was- it was a pretty thick book where is it?'

Just as Nico thought that ,she saw something in the corner of her eye.

'Huh! What is this? You think you could hide something from Nico? Hah, I have three younger siblings try again!'

Behind the manga there were a few hidden books.

'Strawberry Panic? Citrus? Ah, Girlfriends volume one. I wonder why these were tucked away.'

Nico started reading the book when she sat back down on the corner of the bed.

A few hours later she finished it and looked at Maki who was sound asleep with her book in her lap.

Nico very cautiously grabbed the book and put the other away. She then read the second and final volume.

In all honesty Nico actually enjoyed the book, but only after she read it and thought back on it did she realize what she had just read.

'Oh my god. WHY WAS MAKI READING YURI?! WHAT THE HELL?! Are all of those manga yuri? Is that why they're tucked away? Wait a second. This is the perfect chance to tease her! Well for tomorrow. It's rather late."

Nico looked over at her junior before sighing.

"What am I going to do with you?" She whispered.

She put everything away and then went to work. The job? Trying to get Maki to actually be laying and under covers. As it was Maki was just sitting leaning against the head board with her knees pulled up to her chest, and head resting on her knees.

'How am I going to do this?'

Some weird part of Nico's brain decided the easiest way would be to pick Maki up and with her other arm get the covers out from under her junior and onto said girl.

' Yeah, that's easy.' Nico thought sarcastically.

The elder put her arms under the younger's legs and around the latter's back to pick her up bridal-style. When she did that Maki shifted and wrapped her arms around Nico's neck causing the latter to panic.

'J-just... Just calm down. Everything will be ok!'

Seeing as gravity could help, Nico leaned back so Maki was leaning on her instead of her arm, and then used her now free arm to pull the covers back.

When Nico went to put her junior down the latter just snuggled in closer to her.

'Aw Maki. You're so cute- what? I mean you're such a nuisance... Maybe to others but not to me. If anyone other than me took care of you we'd have a problem- WHAT? What the hell I'm I thinking about?! God! That manga is really getting to me, all that lovey-dovey crap!'

The twin tailed girl shook her head vigorously before actually putting down the redhead.

Once put down, Maki still wouldn't let go of Nico's neck. She was clinging to her senior like a baby would it's mother.

Nico was pulling away slightly, but didn't want to wake up her junior. Upon pulling away though, Nico heard a faint "Nico..."

Needless to say, said girl's face matched the other's hair, and she immediately held her breath as to not wake the girl and to see if she said anything else.

After what seemed to be an eternity Nico released her breath after hearing nothing else and pulled once more.

That earned a whimper and an even fainter "Please. Don't leave... Me, Nico"

Nico about fainted right then and there.

'What is this? Tsundere by day and all sweet and innocent by night? Not to mention adorable- WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! Stop. It!'

Nico shook her head less vigorously than last time in fear that she'd wake up the sleeping wonder.

As Nico was debating on what to do, Maki suddenly pulled Nico down onto the bed.

A few minutes later and Nico gave up. She pulled up the blankets to cover Maki. Normally they'd only be enough for one person, but since they were so close it was fine.

Nico just studied Maki as she drifted off to sleep her self.

They had plenty of time to be together after all. After today there would be eleven days until Christmas. Maki's parents would be out and wouldn't make it, and Nico's mother was out with relatives and with her siblings. Nico didn't remember why she wasn't going but who cares, she was alone with Maki. What better way is there to spend Christmas break?

Nico woke in the morning to find her face pressed firmly to something... Soft? She didn't really care what it was, but it was comfortable, and warm. Lovely contrast to the cold morning.

To get closer to her source of warmth, she snuggled on closer into the heat source. ...

Something clicked in Nico's mind and she immediately opened her eyes.

And she found what she thought she'd find...

Nico's face was pressed up against Maki's chest.

The older almost screamed. Granted she fainted before she had the chance.

Maki awoke to find her holding... Hugging is a better term, something. Her head was resting on what seemed to be another head. And there seemed to be a face pressed into her chest.

Maki's face was instantly the color of her hair and everything in her was screaming 'YOU ARE HUGGING NICO YOU ARE HUGGING NICO YOU ARE HUGGING NICO!'

A few moments later and Maki got off the bed with out waking up her senior and went to get a book to read until Nico woke up.

A/N I didn't get the tsun tsun side yet... She was asleep I couldn't help myself I had to do something cute x3 And yes, those manga I named are real, and really good. I suggested the anime for Strawberry Panic though, because they are quite different and the manga may never be finished.