Sasuke wrinkled his nose at the strong scent of paint. So strong it made him sneeze. Slowly he poured the baby blue shade into the pan next to him. He dipped the paint roller in and rolled the paint around for a minute. Taking it out, he stroked up and down on the stark white wall in front of him. After finishing the bottom half of the wall, he grew bored. He still had to do the other three walls and the ceiling. He just hopes he doesn't end up falling asleep. Where the hell was Naruto? He was supposed to be here half an hour ago. He took a deep breath, inhaling a lungful of paint odor, and sneezed again. Irritated, he was ready get this done and over with. And wring Naruto's neck if he didn't get here soon. He'd do worse if he got here right when he finished. For the next several minutes, Sasuke entertained himself with ways he could torture the blond dobe. His musing was cut short by another sneeze.

"Sasuke, are you okay in there?" He twisted his head around just in time to see Sakura walk in. He dropped the roller into the pan, splattering some blue on the, thankfully, covered floors.

"You shouldn't come near here, the fumes will make you dizzy," he told as he approached, turning her around and urging her out.

"I know, but you kept sneezing. Are you okay?" Her eyes didn't detect any weariness from him. His eyes were clear and his complexion looked healthy.

"It's the paint." He led her to the couch and seated himself on the coffee table in front of it. "Do you feel dizzy?"

"I wasn't even in the room for ten seconds. I'm fine Sas-" she cut herself off with a gasp of surprise. Her hands flew to her torso.

"What's wrong?" Sasuke was up immediately.

"He's kicking." She replied in awe. Grabbing his hand, she slid it across her protruding belly. He felt three taps against his palm. His lips melted into a smile.

"Hi," he murmured softly, stroking the spot.

"It won't be long now," she brushed his knuckles tenderly.

"Aa,"sitting next to her, his forehead met hers, taking in the moment. He has a home, a wife he adores, and soon a child. Everything was perfect. In the presence of his precious family his earlier annoyance just melted away.

"Sasuke-teme! I'm here!" Only to come crashing back with an even greater force.

I know it's short.
