Hey guys! So this is my first fanfic ever, so, enjoy! Also, I f you have any cool outfit ideas for the Nordics let me know! (I suck at outfits…)

"What a prissy? Did you see how she squealed?" Toph laughed, walking along side Katara. Their rest and relaxation day was going great so far. The sun was out, the birds were chirping, it was peaceful and beautiful.

Earlier, the Gaang had arrived in Ba Sing Se to talk to the Earth King and find Aang's lost Sky Bison, Appa. So far, no lucky with either intention.

"I know right? They shouldn't have made fun of you in the first place." Katara giggled back. Earlier in their walk, she had drenched three prissy bit- GIRLS that were laughing at Toph behind her back. Toph was about to reply, when a loud scream was heard.

Katara and Toph looked at each other and then ran to the location that the scream came from. As they ran Katara looked around confused. Why was no one doing anything? People around them went along their daily business like no one was in danger at all.

When they got to where they needed to go, they looked at the scene in front of them, horrified. The Dai Li were holding back four teenagers, two boys and two girls. One of the boys was really tall. He had blond hair and glasses that sat upon his emotionless face. He was held by two members of the Dai Li as he was looked venomously at a pair of Agents holding one of the girls.

This girl looked to be the smallest of the teens, with curves in the right places. Her hair was a blonde bob that ended to about below her ear and a white beret lay at the top of her head. She was struggling against the two Dai Li agents who held her captive, blushing hard when one of the agents touched her in an inappropriate place. Her purple eyes pleading for the one with the glasses to help her.

Another one of the boys struggled against the Dai Li, trying to get his axe back. He had a mane of Blond hair they nestled at the top of his head and blue eyes that glared at the agent holding his precious axe captive. The agents who held onto him both were supporting bloody noses, proving that the young man wouldn't go down without a fight.

But the most heartbreaking scene was of the last teenager. The young girl had wavy blonde hair that went just below her shoulders, with a cross pin holding half of her bangs back. She was being held back by two of the Dai Li agents as she screamed at the Agent in front of her.

"GIVE HIM BACK! GIVE MY LIL BROR BACK!" she screamed, fighting her captives.

That's when Katara noticed the agent was carrying something. She looked closely and gasped, gaining Toph's attention. "What is it?" Toph asked, not being able to sense what Katara was seeing.

"He's taking that little boy away!" She stated, watching Toph's eyes widen in horror. The little boy screamed, trying to reach for the girl with the cross, but failing as the agent held him back.

That's when something in Katara snapped. She marched over to the Agent holding the little boy and looked him straight in the eye. "What are you doing?' Katara asked, not looking at the other teens around her. The one with the cross quieted down, looking at Katara with Navy eyes, curious about what she was doing.

The Dai Li agent never backed down. "Taking care of the situation." He answered gruffly, tightening his grip on the little boy. He whimpered and looked at Katara, tears magnifying his bright purple irises.

"What situation?" Katara hissed.

"Theft, harassment, and leaving their own class."

"Well, that's no excuse to take a little boy away!"

"They deserve the punishment for their crimes."

"What's this punishment that they clearly don't deserve!" Toph butt into the convention, earning a sigh from the agent.

"The teenagers will be placed in a holding facility, while this one will go to an orphanage, hopefully going to a more responsible group."

"LIKE HELL HE IS!" The cross girl screamed. Struggling even harder against her captives.

"Norge, calm down.." The axe guy stated, trying to calm cross girl down. Her struggling calmed down. The tiny girl yelped, tears streaming her face. The Glasses kid struggled more.

"T'n'!" He shouted in a really thick accent. It was hard for Toph and Katara to understand. The tiny girl cried more.

"Su-san!" The tiny girl cried. The glasses boy, Su-san, bared his teeth at the men holding her captive.

"I have a proposition for you. I am friends with the avatar. He will pick a reasonable punishment for them. We will take the kid as well, watch over him like you want." Katara stated with a tone of finality, hands placed on her hips. The Agent looked at her with annoyance.

"Fine." He answered "But we will be watching you." And with that, all the agents disappeared, as if they were never there.

"SU-SAN!" The Tiny girl cried, running to the tall boy. She jumped into his arms and cried. The boy hugged her protectively, whispering words of comfort as he rubbed her back.

The little boy ran to the Cross Girl. Katara got a better look at the boy. He had messy silvery white hair and large purple eyes. He was tiny, couldn't be older than four.

"Did you see how brave I was Luka? He couldn't take me!" He stated, his little fist in the air.

"You didn't do anything though…" the Cross girl, Now named Luka, stated. The little boy pouted. Crossing his arms across his little chest.

"Forever the realist, huh Norge." The axe guy smirked, hugging his beloved axe to his chest.

Luka smacked him in the back of the head. "Shut it idiot." The axe guy pouted and kissed the blade of the axe.

"At least you understand me, Axey." He whispered. Toph coughed awkwardly, gaining the groups attention. Katara cleared her throat.

"If you follow me, I can take you our, um, home for now." She stated awkwardly. The group followed silently, unsure of their predictement.

Well, I hope you liked it so far! Please review! This really fun to write, and I hope it's really fun to read! Next Chappie will be here soon :3 !