Moon and Back

Olivia smiled at her reflection with much pride. It was the day that she had been waiting for. No matter what happened today, she was going to be proud of all she accomplished and to hell with anyone who wasn't proud. She didn't want her parents to come but they insisted they come and watch their girl get her degree. A few days ago Edison called her begging to get back together. She couldn't do it anymore, pretending that she was happy with him. He seemed heartbroken when she called it quits and refused to believe it. If anything he deserved to be with a woman like her mother, a woman that she worked hard to not become. He seemed so hurt and of course that felt terrible. She had experience so much pain in her 22 years of living so returning it to someone didn't make her feel better but she had to live for herself.

"Liv. Are you ready?" Alicia asked as she peeped around the corner. Olivia smiled brightly and Alicia's smile helped illuminate the room. She placed her arm around her friend and sighed.

"We did it. We are graduating college. Headed into the big world with our heads on straight and hunger in our bellies. Ready to conquer the classroom of bright and adorable children!" Olivia laughed and wrapped her arm around her.

Jason ran in and smiled. Tyler wasn't far behind him.

"Look at my girls. Hey, Ty. I told you they still would look hot wearing these trash bags."

Alicia smacked his arm. "Four years later and you are still the slim ball freshman who thinks he can get every girl."

"Correction. I am the guy who gets all the girls. Come correct now, baby."

Olivia laughed at the normal antics of Alicia and Jason. She told them that they would get married one day- that's if Jason could get out of the friend zone.

"Okay okay you two cut it out or make out whatever. Turn around and get in this picture."

They all went into the living room and sat the camera on the table. Tyler pressed the button and sat down on the couch with everyone else.


Tyler grabbed his camera and took the picture out. He smiled as it started to warm up, showing the image.

"Aawwww guys!" Olivia said as she saw how all of them looked so happy.

"Because of you three I had the best college experience anyone could ever ask for. Thank you for being such amazing friends."

Alicia hugged Olivia and squeezed her.

"We love you Liv!"

Jason sniffed and hugged Olivia. Before long they were huddled together hugging each other. The memories they shared flooded all of them and Jason was the first to move back.

"Alright enough with the sentiments we still have one more thing to do. GRADUATE! Let's go we can take Alicia's car."

Alicia hit him again and grunted.

"You get on my nerves! You can drive."

"Graduates, move that tassel!"

Everyone moved their tassels and threw their hats up. Soon after Olivia found Alicia, Tyler, And Jason

"We are fucking graduates, bitches!" Tyler said as he went one by one to hug his group of friends.

"Hell yeah! I can't believe it's all over. Thanks to each of you for helping write essays, read chapters and study for test. I wouldn't have passed without a team like this."

Olivia bust out laughing and shook her head.

"Yeah. We should divide your diploma because we earned it."

They all laughed and Jason nodded in agreement.

"Olivia Carolyn Pope."

Olivia felt her heart drop into the soles of her Steve Madden wedges. Alicia touched Olivia's arm and told her they would be near by.

Her parents walked up to her as her friends walked away.

"What the hell is this?" Her mother held up a program.

"So you went ahead and got a education degree. My god how stupid could you be?"

"Not stupid at all" her parents eyed her, warning her to chose her next words wisely. "Being a teacher is not stupid at all. I am going to change kids lives. I will be there for them no matter what and especially for the kids who don't have a loving household like I did. And I am pretty damn smart. You all thought I was going to be getting a degree in biology but you all are here at the liberal arts area of Yale's commencement. Not only that, you showed up late and missed my speech. Proving once again that you both truly hate your flesh and blood. From this point forward I want no contact with you two. If I die before you two, don't bother to show up. Just stay away and let me down one more time."

Olivia walked away and went toward her friends. They all grabbed her to give her some comfort.

"We got you." Tyler said as he kissed her forehead.

"You all have always had me, Thank you."

"That's what family is for." Jason said as he gave her a hug.

End of flashback


"Yes! Oh my goodness Liv are you okay? I had no idea! Jason and I are coming down there as soon as possible."

"Alicia I'm okay now. Fitz is helping me out a lot. Can you believe I found someone so amazing?"

"Yeah. I can. You deserve it. How about next week? That's when Jason gets back in town. I'll call Tyler and see if he wants to tag along."

"You guys are the best. I love you so much."

"Love you more. I'll keep you updated on what day we will come."

"Okay bye."


Olivia hung up the phone and smiled thinking about her great friends. Jason and Alicia started dating a little after they left Yale. On one of their annual vacations they went to Paris and Jason proposed to her. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. She went back outside and was met by Julius.

"All finished up with business, Olivia?"

"Yeah one of my friends called me. Can I look at it now?"


Fitz woke up in a panic as he didn't see Olivia next to him. He called her name and checked in the bathroom. When he didn't see her there, he went downstairs.

"Livvie, baby where are you?" He ran back upstairs and checked his phone a text message from Liv was on his screen

Running errands, didn't want to wake you. I love you and will be back soon. Stay put. Xo

He ran his hand through his hair and let out a sigh of relief. He calmed his breathing down and decided to grab a bite to eat.

An hour later Fitz heard someone honking outside. He got off the couch and went outside, he saw a brand new Chevrolet Suburban. The person rolled down the window and she smiled.

"Hi, baby!" She yelled as she got out and ran to him. Fitz held her and prepared himself for a kiss.

"You like it?"

"Yeah, babe it's great but why did you buy another car?"

She smacked his chest and sucked her teeth.

"Really silly? It's yours!"

Fitz looked at the truck and then back at her.

"It's mine? Livvie you got this for me?"

She nodded showing all of her teeth.

"Yes. Since the truck got totaled I was able to sneak around you and get this for you. Custom made. Come check it out."

Olivia pulled his arm but he wouldn't move. She turned around and was met by his lips crashing on to hers.

"You never cease to amaze me." She smiled and led him to the car.

"Livvie! These seats!" He felt the red leather seats and looked at her.

"Yeah, I know. It was Julius idea. He said you two are friends and when he heard what happen, he was willing to help. And he added these features for free! Very nice of him right?"

"Absolutely. It's wonderful."I

"Drives great too. You should test it out so I can go back and get my car and you can thank everyone."

Fitz grabbed her and she giggled.

"Alright. Let's go."

They made it to the car lot and Julius and a few people stood there and waved. He got out the car and head toward Julius.

"Julius, thank you so much man."

"No problem, Fitz! Was happy to help Olivia pick you out a new ride. We love you and your wife. Got your back." The men shook hands and hugged.

"Thank you so so much, Julius."

"Ah I was just a small part of the plan. You made it come to life, Olivia." She smiled and unlocked her car.

"I'll meet you at home." She told Fitz as she got in.

"Right behind you. Again, thanks man."

"You bet."

Olivia was home before Fitz and she sat on the swing, waiting for him. He came home a few minutes after she arrived, windows down enjoying his new ride. He got out and went to sit by her.

"You look good behind the wheel." She said as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Is that right?"

"Mhm. Total babe." Fitz chuckled and wrapped his a around her.

"You are full of fire today, Mrs. Grant."

"Oh say it again. I like the sound of that."

"Mrs. Grant." Olivia giggled at how silly she was being.

"I'm happy to see you in such high spirits. It makes me happy."

"Well you know that you had a lot to do with this happiness." Olivia rested her head on his shoulder and sighed.

"Livvie you are the sweetest person I know. So selfless and loving. It's easy to love you so."

Around two o'clock Olivia finished doing yoga and decided to grab a drink. She went in the kitchen and got a glass of lemonade and went outside to sit on the porch. She almost dropped her glass as she saw a shirtless Fitz mowing the lawn. His arms glistening as the sun beamed down on him. She stepped down off of the porch and went toward him. He looked up and saw her so he cut off the lawn mower.

"I think you need this more than I do." He took the glass of lemonade and chugged it. Olivia could only watch with admiration. His veins popping out and his Adam's apple moving ip and down. She was brought back to earth when Fitz handed her the cup and smiled.

"Thank you, Livvie." He leaned in and gave her a kiss. She pulled back and couldn't help the smile that washed over her face. She walked away and decided that a cold swim would do her justice. She did a couple of laps and popped up once she was done. She leaned against the side of the pool and wiped her face. Lately she felt like a school girl with a hug crush on the cutest boy in the school. She hoped that it was a sign that soon she could remember certain things. She tried everyday- reading books and searching online about ways to regain her memory. Nothing seemed to really help but her need to be around Fitz grew stronger by the minute. She got out of the pool and went upstairs to take a shower. Olivia walked in the bathroom and jumped.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know you were in here."

She closed her eyes and Fitz stood up straight. He was removing his boxers as she walked in. He chuckled and walked closer to her grabbing her hand. She opened her eyes and gave him a shy smile.

"Do you want to join me?"

Olivia didn't say anything she just followed him toward the shower. He turned it on and Olivia began to undress. He let her step in first and he followed behind her. She stood there awkwardly at first until Fitz gave her her wash cloth. She thanked him and began to wash her self.

"Want me to get you back?"

"Yes please." She said as she turned around to give him her towel. They locked eyes and smiled at each other. She turned around he began to wash her back. Olivia closed her eyes for a minute and just relaxed. He finished and gave it back to her.

"Your turn." She said as she grabbed his towel and returned the favor.

"I have dinner reservations for us tonight."

Olivia smiled and worked her way up to his neck.

"Yeah. At this really nice jazz restaurant that just opened up. I thought it would be really fun."

Olivia finished and stood on her tip toes to kiss him on his cheek. He turned around completely and gave her his signature smile.

"Sounds like a lot of fun."

They got out of the shower and got dressed together. She helped him put on his tie and she couldn't decide on a dress. She found a sleek black dress with the back cut out.

"Can you zip this for me?"

Fitz went up behind her and slowly zipped her dress up. Olivia's breathing slowed with each zip. He kissed her neck and Olivia giggled.

"Thank you, kind sir."

"Welcome, Madame." Olivia giggled and shook her head.

"You are too charming, Fitzgerald."

Fitz smile slowly faded and Olivia instantly became panick.

"I'm sorry did I-"

"Baby, you use to call me Fitzgerald when you're being funny."

She saw a smile creep up on his face and he grabbed her hand.

"Let's go paint the town."


Olivia turned the radio up and started singing along.

Honey came in and she caught me red-handed

Creeping with the girl next door

Picture this, we were both butt-naked banging on the bathroom floor how could I forget that I had

Given her an extra key

All this time she was standing there

She never took her eyes off me

Fitz joined in with Olivia, both with exaggerated Jamaican voices.

How you can grant the woman access to your villa

Trespasser and a witness while you cling to your pillow

You better watch your back before she turn into a killer

Best for you and the situation not to call the beaner

To be a true player you have to know how to play

If she say a night, convince her say a day

Never admit to a word when she say

And if she claims and you tell her baby no way."

Olivia couldn't help but crack up laughing.

"Don't ever underestimate my rap skills, ma."

Olivia stared at him and another wave of laughter hit her. Barely calming down she shook her head.

"No. You did not just call me ma."

Fitz nodded and cocked his head to the side.

"Yeah, shawty you heard me."

Olivia shook her head and smacked his arm.

"You... I just can't take you. You are too much."

Fitz smiled and grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"I'll do anything to hear that laugh."

Olivia sighed and laced her fingers with his. It was such a small gesture but it was her favorite thing. Even when she was asleep she had a habit of grabbing his hand.

"You make me smile and giggle like a school girl."

Fitz smiled and before she knew it they were there. Fitz got out and opened her door and she thanked him and she reached for his hand.

"Hi. Welcome to Blue Moon. We currently only have room for the people whom reserved ahead of time."

"Yes. Fitzgerald Grant."

"Oh, awesome. We've had to turn so many folks away tonight. Glad you planned ahead. Mr. Grant, Mrs. Grant, right this way."

Olivia's eyes roamed around the restaurant. It was so beautiful. The floors were marbled, a nice color scheme of black red and white with warm lights all around and a live band.

"My name is Holiday and I will be your server tonight." The woman smiled.

"As in Billie Holiday." Olivia said with much excitement.

"Yes. All of your servers here have the names of the extraordinary jazz musicians this world has seen."

"That is really neat."

"Yeah it is." Fitz said in agreement.

"Do you two need a minute to search the menu for drinks?"

"Shiraz." They said in unison.

"Nice choice. I will have that out for you in a hurry."

"Seems like you still know your wine, Livvie."

"You know I've drank since I was 17. I enjoy a good glass of wine."

They scanned the menu and Olivia looked up at Fitz.

"What are you going to get?"

"Uhm I think I'm going to get filet mignon."

"I think I want that too."

"Copy cat."

Olivia stuck out her tongue. "Whatever. I can't help the fact that you clearly want to be like me."

Fitz chuckled and nodded. "Yeah. You are right. I want to be the incredible Olivia Carolyn Grant. Did you hear that last part? Grant." He said with a smirk.

"Fitzgerald, if I were you I would watch yourself unless you like a pair of size 7 jimmy cho's in your ass."

"Oooo I love it when you get sassy. Come on give me some more." Olivia started laughing and their server came up.

"Here is your bottle of Shiraz. Are you both ready to order?"

Fitz nodded and reached for Olivia's menu.

"Yes we would both like filet mignon with mashed potatoes and asparagus for both." The server took the menus and gave them a warm smile.

"Sounds great. I will get that in there and it should be right out."

"Thank you." They both said as she walked away.

************Flashback **************

Christmas Eve night.

Olivia and Fitz snuggled up together watching the fire crackle and glow. He kissed her on the neck and together they enjoyed their night.

Frank Sinatra's fly me to the moon played softly in the background

Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars

"I remember going to bed early and being so excited to see what Santa left me. It never failed that every year I couldn't sleep because my mind was racing, wondering what I had got. Now I just enjoy going back to school and hearing what my student got for Christmas."

"Well this Christmas is pretty much a dud because I alright got what I want."

Olivia giggled and laced her fingers with his.

"Same for me. I have the person I want right here."

She adjusted her body so that she could face him. They stared at each other with a lingering silence. Olivia took a deep breath.

"I want you to make love to me."

Fitz took a minute to respond. They had been dating for a year now and he never pushed her to go all the way. They would mess around time to time but never went far.

"Baby we don't-"

"I want to. You mean everything to me and I am ready to take it to the next step."

Fitz leaned in and kissed her softly as he caressed her shoulder.

"Let's go."

********End of flashback*******

Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars

Fitz sat there and thought about the memories this song held. He looked back at Olivia and saw here smiling and softly singing along. Fitz smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You really want to know?"

Olivia smirked and leaned forward.

"Now I'm very intrigued."

"Christmas Eve night we made love for the first time. This song was playing before we did."

Olivia felt chills creep up her body at the thought of them having sex. She took a sip of her wine and he chuckled.

"Sounds like a great Christmas." She said with a tinge of sadness. Fitz saw her mood change and reached for her hand. She allowed him to hold it but didn't look at him.

"I try not to beat myself up but it's hard not to when you have to feel all these connections alone."

Fitz didn't lead on but he knew all of the research she had been doing. The reason she ordered a pound of rosemary and lavender in scents as an aid to help her remember. Every day they were moving on but every day her need to remember by herself grew stronger.

"Livvie, I know that you want more than anything to remember on your own. But baby, I will help you remember every day as we create new memories together" she looked up at him and bit her bottom lip. "Come on let me see it." He said smiling at her, coaxing her to smile. She rolled her eyes and then gave him a small smile.

"No ma'am. I need a bigger one." She gave him an exaggerated big smile and he smirked.

"Good job. You get an A today."

"Oh shut up!" She said now laughing a little at his antics.

"Here we are. Two filet mignons with mashed potatoes and asparagus. Let me now if you need anything else."

"Looks great, holiday thank you."

"Yes it looks great." Olivia said as she looked at her plate.

"Awesome. I'll be back in a bit to make sure that statement is now facts."

Olivia took a bit first and nodded.

"This is good."

Fitz took a bit of his and agreed. They sat and ate their food and enjoyed small talk. He paid the bill and they left full and content.

"This was a wonderful date night, Fitz."

"I'm glad you enjoy it. It was nice."

He opened the door for her and she got in.

"Yeah thanks to you." She said as he started the car and they took off.

"Anything for you."

Little things like that made Olivia feel like the luckiest woman in the world. She had such a wonderful husband who would do anything to make her comfortable and happy. They arrived at home and Fitz helped her out of the truck. They walked inside hand in hand both still on cloud nine about their date. Olivia took off her shoes and they went upstairs together.

"Can you help me unzip my dress?" Fitz stepped behind her and his heart started beating faster and faster. He wasn't aware that Olivia's heart pattern matched his as she could feel his hand on the small of her back. He unzipped her dress and stayed behind her for awhile longer. Olivia turned around and faced him. Fitz kissed her and their tongues began to latch.

******Flash back*****

She was nervous and her palms were sweaty. Fitz pulled her gently to him and her breathing hitched. He grabbed the side of her face and pulled her in for a tender kiss. Their tongues now having a mind of their own, exploring each other's mouth. His hands roamed up and down her back and down to her ass. Olivia pulled back and stared at him in a love struck haze. Fitz took off his jacket, his eyes never leaving hers. He striped down until he was completely naked. Olivia took a minute to look at his body and fully take it all in. She took it as her turn to rid of her clothing. Fitz stood there and it was his time to admire her body.

"You are so beautiful." Olivia blushed and stepped closer, Closing the space between them and began too make out again. He picked her up and Olivia's body instantly became covered in goose bumps. Fitz laid her down on the bed and worked his way down to her neck and to her breast. She moaned as she felt his warm mouth around her sensitive mounds. Her hands naturally went up to his head and wrapped around his curls. He moved down to her belly and licked small circles around her belly button. She giggled and he chuckled. His laughter sending vibrations through her body. He stopped and started kissing her hip bone all the way down to where she really wanted him to kiss. She spread her legs wider and gasped at the feeling of his tongue in her. She moved her hands and griped the sheets. The feeling was overwhelming as he sped up the pace. Olivia's moans echoed throughout the room and was the best sound to Fitz. Her moans were encouraging him to do his job with exuberant skill. Her back arched and she came in his mouth. Fitz sat up and moved so his face was inches away from hers.

"How do you feel?" He asked softly as he granted her request for a kiss.

"Incredible. I want to feel you now."

"I promise I will be as gently as possible baby but it will hurt." Olivia nodded and bit down on her lip.

"I know. I trust you." She said loudly, wanting him to know that what happen next would only bring them closer.

Fitz gave her a kiss and moved himself slowly into her. Her mouth hung open as she felt him. He moved some more and Olivia let out a whimper. He stopped and she shook her head.

"I'm okay baby. Keep going."

He did just that as he began to move slowly. Her face was full of pain and he stopped.

"Baby. I can't. I'm hurting you."

"It doesn't feel great but that's just the beginning right?" He nodded and gave her a tender kiss. He started moving again and took his time. Before long Olivia's moans were more and she was moving with him. They kept going until they found their rhythm. The sound of her moans and his pants made the perfect melody. Their body's moved in sync as they both wanted to help one another reach their peak. Olivia's nails dug into his back as she sucked on his ear. She mumbled-"oh my goodness baby. Oh please keep going. Oh my!"

Fitz kept going until he felt her muscles squeeze him and began to pulse. Olivia gave a raspy moan as she felt herself lose it. He slowed down to a stop. He rolled off of her and Olivia snuggled up to him.

"Wow." She said in a whisper.

"I didn't hurt you did I?"

Olivia kissed his chest "No. Not at all. I love you, Fitz."

"I love you more, Livvie. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas indeed."



Fitz waited before he went to the bathroom. After he helped her out of her dress she had to go to the bathroom. He got up and went in. He held in his chuckle as he saw a sleeping Olivia on the toilet. He smiled and tapped her.

"Livvie." She jumped and hung her head.

"I'm so tired Fitz."

"I know baby. Let's go to be." He helped her up and they went into the bedroom. He found her pajamas and helped her into them. She got in bed and he cuddled her.

"I love you Olivia. Goodnight."

She mumbled something and yawned. He kissed her neck and let his eyelids fall.

Olivia woke up first and took the chance to stare at Fitz. She was so pissed that she feel asleep on Fitz but maybe it just wasn't the right time. When it did really happen, she knew Fitz would make it special. She lightly slid her finger up and down his chest, and circling his heart. He stirred a little and for some reason, she had an urge to sing. She began to hum fly me to the moon. Her sweet hum turned into her singing.

In other words, good my hand in other words, baby kiss me.

Fill my heart surgery sing she let me sung forever more

you are all I long for

All I worship and adore

Olivia stopped as age heard Fitz's deep voice.

In other words, please be true

In other words, I love you.

Olivia looked up at him and gave him a smile. He smiled back at her.

"Good morning." She said back not caring how toothy her smile was.

"Good morning."

"I'm sorry I counted sheep on the toilet. I was so tired." Fitz chuckled and pulled her on top of him.

"I know. You were a busy woman yesterday. Buying me a truck and doing yoga then swimming. You were on the go."

"Yeah. The things I do to keep my good wife card." She with a wink.

"You are so adorable. Give me a kiss."

Olivia gave him a peck on the lips and caressed his left cheek.

"Let's go have breakfast. I'll let you spread the jam on the toast."

Olivia smacked him and got up.

"Watch it. I can cook."

Fitz gave her a look and Olivia grabbed his arm.

"Alright. The kitchen is all yours."

Once again please forgive me I upload all of these stories from my phone and they always seem to get fucked. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Hopefully I can buy a laptop soon

Well there we are! I hope you enjoyed this and please don't get mad at me! I know yall want real olitz sexy time between the two but it will happen! Hope the fluff wasn't too much!