Dear Readers,

First and foremost, thank you for your continued love and support of my writing. Your reviews and private messages mean more to me than you know. In the last year, my life has fallen to pieces. My marriage fell apart and I was forced into an intense custody battle for my two children. The scripts new album pretty much sums it up with six degrees of separation and breakeven. But through the clouds, the sun always shines. I plan to return to writing very soon. Now that the dust has settled and my new reality is forming, I have the time to focus on writing.

To all the reviewers that told me how talented I was, Thank you! They were words that helped me keep my head up through very dark times and helped me believe that all the horrible words that were said about me were untrue.

Please se keep following me. I promise you won't be dissapointed.

Paige Lee aka Thoughts on Paper