Just for the record I know Zero is a guy but for this fic Zero will be a girl. I had this story since I was eight when I first watched the show. And I thought Zero was a girl so others can agree with me on that right? I've rewatched the show and remember all the terminology and most of the characters. Please take this with a grain of salt.

Zero peered over the honeysuckle bushes that surrounded the interior of the Royal family's garden. It was filled with so many kinds of beautiful flowers and streams flowed into the secret and serene place. Although the garden was not empty, soon footsteps approached this made Zero crouched lowly behind the shrubs. Pulling the twigs and leafs and saw two regal figures a young woman being escorted by a man the same age. The knight gundam relaxed but another captured her attention. "Knight Zero why do you insist we pry wherever the princess may go?" A smaller gundam with hazel wood eyes queried.

Zero released the twig and turned to the curious gundam, his diamond head piece and curved thin crest. "Because Guile aside the family themselves I am the only one who can protect the princess. And I'm one of few knight Gundams of Lacroa left. It our responsibly to teach our chivalry and honor to the coming generations as you well know my apprentice." Zero answered firmly. The young gundam sank his head, "So that justifies our snooping on her highness and her suitor?" Guile argued. Zero continued her surveillance on the couple. "I have my reasons." Guile removed his helmet and grunted. "Of course you do you and your reasons…"

Guile stared deeply into the shining gold of his crest. Remembering the dreadful tale of how Deed, Zero's former friend and Knight become obsessed with the princess and eventually sold his soul to the Dark Axis. This story shook the boy to his core and he swore he'd never stray from the path of good. Then again Guile knew it also explained why his teacher was so paranoid. Since Deed's obsession with the princess, Zero kept a closer eye to any suitor that came to her.

However this one was likely to be her husband when it came down to the end. His name was Percy the son of a Noble and was known throughout Lacroa for his compassion and fairness. He was well trained in sword fighting and hunting. To top things off he had met the princess several times in life such as at royal gathering and jousting tournaments. Percy was hand-picked by the king and be judged by his dear princess Rele. Needless to say they got along very quickly. There was no reason for Zero to worry now Rele was nineteen nearly ready to take the throne.

Then sudden talking from Rele caught Guile's attention, he put his helmet on his head and looked pass the branches of the bushes. Zero glanced at her apprentice, "I thought you said you were not a prier?" Guile smirked behind his mask, "I am meant to follow you am I not?" The gundam whispered. Zero chuckled and nodded. Their eyes and ears were fully on the conversation the two royals were having.

"It will all be prepared in just three days, I just need to know if you're okay with all of it." Percy said concerned. They sat on a bench and he held Rele's hands, she took in a shaky breath and smiled. "It's going to be strange and difficult for both of us but I know we can do this." Rele said standing. "So we can tell your father?" Percy asked happily. "Yes the wedding will be announced to the kingdom!" Rele and Percy hurried back into the castle.

The two gundams finally left their hiding place as the couple was gone from site. Zero's eyes bugged from her head, "What?! MARRIAGE NOW?! That's completely mad! Ridiculous!" The young green gundam walked in front of his stunned teacher. "Knight Zero…" Guile started. "What?!" Zero replied loudly. "I feel I must remind you that affairs of the royal household do not concern us in these matters." The apprentice finished feeling quite pleased with himself. Zero sighed and pouted.

"I-I know my ward I am merely anxious of what is to come." Guile laughed. "Look forward to this audacious occasion my knight. You can invite all your comrades from a far the ones I've longed to meet." Zero turned to the knight in training. "Well-spoken my student." Zero praised him. "Come along now you have sword practice with Ethelgyth in the court yards." Guile nodded and followed Zero with a rather peppy skip in his step.

In a large field behind the castle, the grass was lined with rope and maples trees on the perimeter. Small stone hunts laid close by, they serve as the knights' students barracks. A student testing her skills aside a taller knight in white armor. "Higher Ethel higher defense is equal to offense in battle." The taller knight ordered. The tawny colored gundam gripped the shield closer to her person and wrapped her fingers on the sword handle.

Ethelgyth tried once more she swung her sword from her hip to smite her teacher's unguarded body. She continued to strike at every chance she had and kept the shield just below eye level. When her teacher went to offense she would duck and roll from his reach. "Yes good Ethel, use any method to your advantage." Her teacher cheered.

Entering the North gates Ethelgyth's teacher gave a silent gesture to halt her movement. "Tallgeese, I trust we are not late for today's practice?" Zero called at opposite end of the yard. "Not at all, I was merely giving Ethel some counsel before you arrived." He said. Guile ran ahead to greet Ethel, "My apologies my fellow knights we're involved in other business…" Guile said blushing in shame.

Ethelgyth relaxed her sword and shield. "Snooping on the royals is not your interest dear Guile, you're too modest for such a thing." The she gundam giggled. Her helmet ponytail blow around her bowed doubled crest. "Bear in mind dear Ethel it is not my interest…" Guile uttered.

"Paths in life can lead you many places some you did not wish to find." A calm voice resonated from beneath the trees. "Hello Chanse, how are you this day?" Guile said to a gundam in dark cloak. Two blue eyes rose from the cloak, "I'm fine Guile what did your teacher's prying expose?" Chanse grumbled writing in a scroll.

"Your gossip can conclude another time now we begin the training." Zero Shouted. Guile and Ethel took up their swords and stood ready on the field. While the apprentices sharpened their skills Zero shares the news she had learned with Tallgeese. "Marriage, come now Zero that really shouldn't surprise you. It would have happened eventually whether she was to be with that Percy boy or not." Tallgeese said.

"I suppose you're right, I should be happy for her highness. I mean to have found someone to love for all her life and rule by her side." Zero reconsidered. Ugh! How foolish of me! Zero's thoughts swirled tightly into a knot.

◊~{~ ~}~◊

The castle was vibrant and bolstering in activity as the wedding's final preparations were underway. The chapel was directing guests to their seats and the clergy arranged the needed tools for the ceremony. Meanwhile in the royal chambers Princess Rele was being dressed in a stunning long sleeve snowy grown. Her veil touched the floor and her hair was folded into a waterfall braid.

"My Princess you are absolutely beautiful none can match you in this world…" Zero stammered almost crying. Zero and Ethelgyth were to be two of the princess' maids of honor. Ethel pated the winged knight, letting her know it was alright. "No need to shed tears, this is a joyous event." Zero took in a deep breath, "Thank you young Ethel. This is all so overwhelming." Ethel shook her head. "How do you think the princess feels at the moment?"

The maids finished their work on the dress and left Rele a few minutes to compose herself. "Here we go…" Rele said to herself quietly. She offered her hand to Zero and stepped off the stool as Ethel got the bouquet of violet roses. "Are you ready your highness?" Zero asked tentatively. "Yes, I know both Percy and I are ready. I'll see you at the chapel." Rele smiled and soon treaded off with her maids.

Zero had to stay out one because of being a knight and she wanted to see her old friends. Zero waited with her student Guile, Ethel, and her recluse brother Chanse. "Even on a wedding you dare to show in public in a shawl?!" Ethel scolded her twin. "At least it is formal and don't yell I'm right next to you." Guile shot the she gundam a look. "My condolences Guile and for your information sister this robe is a phthalo blue from Tallgeese. In case you are stilling think you're some kind of favorite to him. No, we are equal students to him." Chanse stated and pulled the hood further over his head.

Then a familiar whining and trotting sound alerted Zero and soon heard her name being called. "Hey Zero!" A teenage Shute ran toward the knight as did Captain Gundam. But what came to her faster was a blur of red and yellow. "Zero my friend it has been so long." The gundam samurai said gleefully and hugged the knight. "Bakunetsumaru hello… yes my friend it has been some time since we have spoken to each other." Zero blushed. Guile and the others stared at the stranger with perplexing gazes. Noticing their confusion Zero explained her friends to the students. "It is quite an honor to meet you Captain, I aspire to be like you." Guile said to the blue and white SD gundam.

Ethel took a liking to Bakunetsumaru's horse, she stroked his snout as Entengo neighed. "Uh Zero what's wrong with him the kid in the hoodie?" Shute lifted a brow. Zero explained that Chanse was not like the other knights of Lacroa to be. Mainly due to the fact he didn't want to be a knight in the first place. Chanse was often alone he enjoyed solitary rather than crowds. He desired to be a scholar than a knight. "He spends most of his days writing and reading in different areas of the kingdom. I'm shocked he hasn't gotten lost yet." Zero clarified.

"I must say this chapel is certainly remarkably." Captain said staring up at the spiraling glass windows. "My sensors indicated this building is hundreds of years old."

"You would be correct Captain." Chanse appeared next to him. "This chapel was built a decade into the Lacroain family's reign. And it took seven decades after to complete the chapel structure."

"That is impressive knowledge for one as young as you." Bakunetsumaru overheard. "Have you ever heard the term knowledge is power? True power comes from what you have learned." Chanse said plainly. Then he wrapped the robe over his body further to hide himself. He processed to walk behind an approaching Tallgeese. "I hate to break up the reunion but the wedding is about to begin."

Inside the guests chattered and the choir sang soft notes as the members of the wedding party arranged themselves at the altar. Percy stood on the left hand side while Rele would stand the right. Guile and Tallgeese were beside him as the groom's men. Zero and Ethel waited on the right for the bride. Eventually all became quiet and the choir voices grow high the chapel door open. First through were the flower girl and ring bearer, however as the flower girl trek down the aisle guests started laughing and whispering. "Oh Trevor…" Percy groaned grabbing his face.

It was apparent that no one told the little boy that the flower petals remained on the ground. So Trevor was picking all the ones the flower girl had dropped. "Oh dear." Zero shut her eyes. Guile and Ethel found it the child's ignorance amusing. The children were brought to their parents and the final moment at last came.

The doors opened revealing the princess in dress and veil calmly stepping down the aisle. All the guests stood immediately and bowed as she passed by. When Rele reached the altar Percy helped her on the steps and they turned to face the priest. The guests sat and the choir ceased the priest cleared his throat.

"Welcome one and all, friends, family, and company from Lacroa. We are in glorious time to unite these two in holy matrimony. First who presents this woman to be wed?" The priest said aloud. Then the King of Lacroa stood, "I do for I am her father and I pass her on to the man who shall be her husband." The king kissed Rele on hand and whispered I love you before sitting down. "Thank you your highness." The priest said.

Now it was time for the "I do's" and the ring bonding. "Now do you Perseus Allard Sterling take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? Through richer or poor, through sickness and health as long as you both shall live in this world?" Percy's was straight but tears were pouring out his eyes. "I do." He said firmly. The priest turned to the princess. "And do you Relejimana Miya du Lacroa take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? Through richer or poor, through sickness and health as long as you both shall live in this world?" Rele smiled and giggled "Yes I-I-I do!"

"Shall the ring bearer come forward please?" Trevor stumble to the altar and handed them to Rele and Percy. The young lord held the princess' hand, "With this ring I'll be too far, your heart shall never be empty, and no matter how dark it may seem I will light the way." Percy vowed deeply. He lifted the veil and they kissed. The entire chapel cheered and clapped and Zero was sobbing.

The festivities began the following hour in the castle's ballroom. The ensemble group played their violins and cellos as couples danced on the glossy wood floor. Guile even asked Ethel to a dance, she eagerly seized his wrist and dragged him off. Captain and Shute sat on the rim of the room watching the party-goers. Shute particularly looked very unhappy, his head rested on his hands bored.

"Is something wrong Shute? Why not go dance or have some refreshments?" Captain offered his human friend. Shute's expression suddenly snapped, "Oh it's not that Captain. It's just I was looking over at Zero and she doesn't seem to be enjoying the party." Shute answered. The pair decided to investigate what was bothering their friend. As they passed the table of appetizers, who at the moment was being devoured by Bakunetsumaru. Zero stood idly staring off into space, "I don't know what her problem is either." The samurai said to them.

Captain drew near Zero, "Is there something bothering you Zero?" He asked cocking his head. But the Lacroa knight said nothing in response. Looking closely the three detected an alarming tension building in Zero's eyes. Bakunetsumaru tried to reach and touch Zero's shoulder in hopes to discover was distressing her. Unexpectedly Zero just ran from her spot and out of the ballroom. Bakunetsumaru was rapidly trailing after her, it was goose chase nearly around the whole castle. When he finally tracked Zero down he saw Zero had led them to the sacred fountains of the waters of life. However the Ark samurai was not aware of the importance of this place.

"Zero? Zero, please we are worried about you. What is making so upset on this day?" Bakunetsumaru cried out to his dear friend. Amongst the dripping and running of the fountains he began to hear heavy sobbing and gasping sounds somewhere in the area. He glanced at corners of the fountains until he found his friend collapsed on ground hysterical.

The samurai fell to his knees, "Zero please what is wrong?" He asked desperately. Against the weeping and coughing, Zero attempted to get the words right. "The p-p-prin-nc-ce-ees-ss-s… N-n-no long-g-ger-er nee-d-d-ds-s me-ee-e…" Bakunetsumaru was baffled. "Zero don't say that! Don't be ridiculous of course the princess needs you!"

"No she doesn't now that she is with Lord Percy she no longer has any use for me." Zero refused to look at him. At first Bakunetsumaru didn't understand what Zero was getting at then he slowly put the pieces together. "Zero that's not… Zero that's completely different from what you're thinking." Bakunetsumaru said pleading. Zero stopped for only a moment and turned to him. "Wha-a-a-at?" The knight stuttered.

Bakunetsumaru helped Zero to her feet, "What do you mean… It's different how?" She wheezed. The Ark warrior gave a heavy sigh, "You protect the princess because it is your duty and you are loyal to the family. Percy vows to protect the princess because he loves her and he'd do anything in his power to do so. Now do you understand Zero?"

"So-ome-what…" Zero shivered and wiped her tears. "Percy protects Rele for reasons of the heart?" She tried to realize. "Yes, yes Zero you got it they're in love and love is an intimate special connection between two beings." Bakunetsumaru specified. Zero had calmed down after a few minutes, "Thank you my friend I shouldn't have gotten so caught up in my emotions." Zero said. "There is no need to apologize sometimes we are unable to control what transpires." Bakunetsumaru reassured.

The atmosphere became very silent and cool as a spring wind gusted by the gundams. "I must say it's been a strange feeling since you were last here. Zero said suddenly. "I mean it's to some extent… your presence here…" Zero was having trouble using the right words to get the point across. Bakunetsumaru came behind and spun her to face him.

"Don't say anything. I'm right here…" The samurai said tenderly. He took Zero's hands in his own. The knight closed her eyes and pressed her head to warrior who held her. Zero's hands leisurely went from Bakunetsumaru's hands to his chest. She felt his beating gun soul below the heavy armor. Then his hands made their way to Zero's shoulders. All at once he felt Zero tremble again up and down her body. "It's okay Zero it's alright I'm here…"

The knight widened her watering eyes and stared at the blazing samurai. "Do you swear?" She sniveled. "I swear on my honor and everything it means to be a gundam…" Bakunetsumaru pledged. Zero then just fell onto him wrapping her arms securely around his neck.

Yet the heart gripping moment was halted unexpectedly as a bright white light rose from the fountains. Bakunetsumaru childish manner kicked in and he began to panic. "Ahh! G-g-g-ghost!" stilling holding Zero with one hand he pulled a sword in the other. "You chicken that is no ghost." Zero said snapping out of the sadness. The glowing orb came toward them it came toward Bakunetsumaru first and it passed through him. As it exited it rose and circled Zero and finally entered her body, but it didn't come out. Confused and dumbfounded there was only one person they could go to who possibly help them.

◊~{~ ~}~◊

"I shall assess your writings tomorrow. When you're done reading that chapter, I'd like to go to bed." Tallgeese told Chanse as he was about to depart. Chanse leaned over the foot of the bed and glanced at an open window. "I wouldn't count on that yet sir." Tallgeese faced in the direction the trainee gazed. Bolting out of the darkness were Zero and Bakunetsumaru sprinting like mad. What in the name of the rose? The white knight thought.

"Tallgeese please we need your help!" Zero scouted. "Zero, where have you been? After the wedding you took off. And why do you need my help?" Tallgeese said trying to figure what Zero was rambling about. "We were standing by these fountains and some bizarre light came…" Bakunetsumaru babbled but was cut off. "Hold it! What fountains?" Tallgeese demanded a clearer explanation. "The sacred fountains of the waters of life." Zero replied.

Tallgeese froze then called to Chanse and then to Zero, "Follow us to the castle library." The four rushed swiftly to the large archive in the castle. The library was lite by massive lanterns and small table candles. "What subject do I need to search?" Chanse peeked under the hood of his grey night cloak. "The Mana crystals and the fountains." The covered gundam jogged into the many shelves of books and scrolls.

"Are you sure he knows what to look for?" Bakunetsumaru asked. "I don't doubt Chanse for a second knowledge is his chosen tool and his mind an equally lethal armament." Tallgeese retorted.

In a mere five minutes Chanse returned carrying an old taupe book. The spine was at least four inches thick and it had many gashes and holes.

They laid the book to a table and brought candles close to read. As Tallgeese flipped the pages tiny puffs of dust fluttered into the air. At a third of the way into the book he stopped and rubbed his finger down the side of the page reading quickly. "Here." He said calmly. "It states what we already know." Bakunetsumaru was confounded. "What do we already know?" Tallgeese groaned. "The Mana crystals are responsible for most life in our kingdom. Great spirits, the forest, and knight gundams." However there was something in the fine detail he missed, it was not part of the main article.

"Wait, it says here that the crystals can develop a will of their own before reaching where they are destined to go. It reads their paths can be altered sometimes…" Tallgeese couldn't finish or he simply refused to. He closed the book and walk to Zero and Bakunetsumaru. But he ordered Chanse to go back to the barracks.

"Zero the spirit within that crystal has chosen you." Tallgeese said tensely. "Chosen me for what?" The winged knight cautiously asked. Tallgeese inhale and spoke, "Motherhood."

Grappler sat in the fourth floor hall of the Tenchijo Castle. He waited anxiously in front of a larger chamber, the sign on the sliding cloth door read Musha Healer. The door open as two patients walked out one of them Destroyer Dom and a member of the Kibao Horde. A little gundam girl in turquoise scolded them as they left. "If I catch you two beating each other like that again don't come crawling to aunty for help!"

Grappler couldn't stop himself from laughing a bit at the words the girl said. Then she turned and saw the cobalt robot waiting patiently. "Oh pardon me, please come in the healer will see you in a moment." The girl bowed. Grappler followed her in and she shut the door behind them. "I am Alekimaru can I get you anything?" She inquired politely. "No kid I'm good." Grappler said somewhat agitated.

Alekimaru poked her head into the next door, "Aunty the next patient is ready to see you." The voice that replied was much older but calm and light. "Dear can you be more specific?" The healer said. "One of Genkimaru's guards one of the Dark Axis soldiers." Alekimaru answered. Hearing those words brought a certain string to Grappler's mind.

"Let him in dear." The healer ordered. "Yes Aunty." Alekimaru walked to Grappler and bowed to the one eyed bot and gestured to the open door. "Thanks…" He grumbled under his breath.

After he entered the door was shut to allow privacy. Grappler stared around the room, it was brightly colored had many paintings and ancient writings hanging on the wall. "What can I do for you this day young warrior?" A voice made Grappler jump off the ground. He twisted on a heel to see a gundam older than any he had seen before. Her head crest the shape of a lotus flower, the jewel piece was a jade stone, and she wore rust gold kimono. Her eyes were a gentle shade of orchid. Tiny diamonds dangled from the first trim of her shining crest.

"Greetings, I am Ivyomaru I have been give many titles in my life. Musha healer, wise one of Ark, great healer of all lands, so on and so forth. I prefer knowing one face to face." The old gudman spoke.

"So… You like your patients on first name basis." Grappler muttered nervously. Ivyomaru laughed softly. "Please come sit and tell me what ails you so I may help." She motioned.

She rested on a plush orange pillow as Grappler wrestled to sit on his. She couldn't stand watching his fight with the cushion, "Dear just sit on it eventually it will became comfortable." Ivyomaru said firmly. Grapple dropped on his hid quarters and put his hands in his lap.

"So tell when you began to feel a sickness come upon you Grappler and what are the set of symptoms?" She said. "Well… I'd have to say about a few weeks back. I'd wake up at random points in the nights. I wouldn't have night terrors but I'd be covered in sweat like I was overheating. At first I thought I could just shake it off, but a few days after that I started throwing up in the morning and get what I guessed was a fever. Lastly I'm exhausted during the day when we're patrolling. I can't go two hours without getting tired so fast." Grappler explained the best he could.

Ivyomaru was silent for ten minutes then she stood and walked to the open windows. She looked at Grappler, "I have but question. Is there anyone you particularly stick with during your patrolling?" Grappler rolled his eye and spat, "Yeah not like I want to." She glared at him, "Continue please…" He scratched his neck. "We're all in the same squad it supposed to be three of us. But Dom that idiot is always somewhere else from me and Zapper." This got her attention and she sat down on the pillow.

"What are you saying that tin can gave it to me?!" Grappler accused. Ivyomaru shook her head, "Not exactly, however I know how to answer this." Grappler was all ears. "Say the word lady anything." Ivyomaru sighed. "Have you ever meditated?"

"No but I've heard other people talk about here." The cobalt robot said. "It's very simple to do. Close your eye, relax your muscles, and breathe slowly." He did as she said, let his tension drop, shut his eye, and breathed.

Ivyomaru came and stood behind him to give instructions. "Forget the world around you and listen to the body that holds you. Ask it why it ache and heaves and why you must suffer its repercussions. Search for the source within." The healer's voice was like harmonizing melody.

In Grappler's mind everything was black he clung to the words he heard, listen to every pulse and every shock they lead to the center… Finally his mind began to wander floating endlessly in the darkness. Suddenly a faint radiance appeared he followed it and found an unknown place. The place was dim shades of grey and purple then he heard an unmistakable sound. The beating of a heart and it wasn't his either. The deeper he observed the more chaotic his mind became. In the midst of the madness what he was searching for came in his sights.

In the dark confined space a small mass was curled safely untouched from the world beyond. It was clear where the mysterious heart beating was from. And what this mass beneath him was he couldn't accept.

Grappler awake in a scream as if it were a nightmare. He grabbed his head and repeated the same word over and over. "Nononononononononononono…" Ivyomaru was beside him. "Grappler please I can help. But I know you need to take care of something." She stood and saw her niece terrified nonetheless collected. "Alekimaru open both doors please, Grappler has some business to attend to." Ivyomaru said firmly. "Y-Yes Aunty…" The girl replied.

Grappler got to his feet gradually and processed out and into the castle hall. His confusion transformed into raged, he bolted through the castle to the outside. The big zam the defense mech used by Genkimaru and his protection force. Zapper Zaku was among the soldiers on leave from duty. He and Grappler were constantly fighting each other as much as they were the gundam force. It still happened to this day no one knew why the two squad leaders disliked the other. Zapper was usually grumpy and frustrated while Grappler was level headed and occasionally did silly antics. Today on the contrary Grappler had all the reason to be furious at his "partner."

"Here comes Lord Grappler Gouf!" A zako yelled. Little did anyone realize what was boiling in his head. "ZAPPER!" Grappler shrieked. The maroon bot halfway laughing and snarling. "What's wrong Gouf a bug crawl up your tail pipe?" Grapple propelled his black sharp claw at Zapper grazing his face. The older bot fumbled back then got steady. "What the heck has gotten into you Grappler?!" Zapper yelled. "It's what you got into me you TRASH HEAP!"

Grappler pinned Zapper to the ground, the zakos watched on in terror. "What in the world are those doofuses doing down there?" Genkimaru whined glancing down from the big zam. "Whatever they're fighting about the blue one certainly isn't taking anything from the red one." Cobramaru hissed.

"What are you talking about you lunatic?" Zapper struggled to avid Grappler's grid. "I thought you went to the healer?" He stiffened his clutch on Zapper's neck. "Yeah, I did and guess what I found out?!" Grappler countered. "Tell me I'm just dying to know! Literally!" Zapper jeered.

"Grappler stop! Ivyomaru needs you both to come back to the chamber!" Alekimaru beseeched the fighting robots. She had ran out of the castle with tears in her eyes. "Please Grappler she wants to help you…" Alekimaru stood motionless until the two would follow. "I'd advise you go with the child. If the healer is one who told of this, then so she is the only one who can help you now." Bakuhamaru said stepping in. Grappler released his grip on Zapper but seized his forearm and dragged him back into the castle.

Alekimaru placed her hands over her weeping eyes; fortunately Bakuhamaru knelt and comforted the girl. "Shhh child it's over now you acted bravely." Alekimaru embraced the mammoth warrior.


"I'm grateful you chose to return. So I could further aid you." Ivyomaru said pacing in her chamber. "And now that you're both here we can decipher how this happened." Grappler was thankful while Zapper was still rubbing the grazed side of his face. "Look lady I don't know Grappler problem is but I doubt…" Zapper was hastily interrupted by a slap by a fan. "You would do well to if you'd listen instead of blather." He growled lowly and edged back.

"Any who, Ivyomaru what exactly is going on I'm incredibly lost." Grappler said. She walked to the windows and opened to a star lit night sky. "There." She pointed to the full moon. Grappler and Zapper were speechless.

"In Ark everything is an opposite of some type. Water and fire. Ground and sky. The sun and the moon. Even the night and day. You two are no different in fact you are the perfect sum of the yin and yang." Ivyomaru spoke. "And what does the moon have to do with us?" Zapper asked.

In our world the moon like the sun is more than an object in the sky it is a supernatural force. It is connected to the land, the tides, and the gun souls of us all. Because of this I believe the moon saw you a living manifestation of the yin and yang." The healer explained.

"But what does that have to with us, I don't get the point?" Grappler said growing irritated. "In nature the differences create a balance. You two did not between one another. In order to make the equal balance that brought this upon the both of you." Ivyomaru said finally.

Zapper's eye got wide and sweat dripped off his head. "What do you mean create a balance?" He said almost not wanting the answer.

Ivyomaru exposed her index and middle finger and placed them over Zapper's chest and then walked to Grappler and did the same. However she moved her fingers down just above his mid-section. Zapper couldn't speak it was if he lost the ability to vocalize. "Now Zapper I know you're not that brainless." Zapper stumbled over and stared at his partner and the healer. "Are you serious?" Ivyomaru stepped out of the room. "Do I look like I'm joking?" Grappler said.


"You think just because we spend a few measly nights under the moon means suddenly were compatible! Also why is it my fault?!" The voices of the two ex-Dark Axis soldiers broke the night like a glass vase shattering to the floor. They paced on the tiled roof of the castle.

"It's both our fault you moron weren't you listening? And do you think I honesty wanted this?! I wouldn't have even imagined this in my worst nightmares. Grappler hollered.

"But why us?! Why did it have to be the two of us?!" Zapper demanded an answer.

"That's kind of obvious isn't it you whiner? We never got along! Remember even the commander hated our arguing and nothing got accomplished! Agh… My head…" Grappler screamed back.

"Okay that I get, but is this really how these supernatural forces want to go about?" Zapper grimaced. "Grappler…?" The maroon bot was not getting a response and as he looked over his shoulder he knew why. Grapple was on his knees purging hot fluids from his body.

Zapper shook his head and walked to his cobalt partner. "Is that all normal? I mean does it come with…" Zapper dared to ask. "Yes it's all common with the process… wise guy." Grappler coughed bitterly.

Grappler wiped his mouth piece and sat on the edge of the roof top. Zapper sat next alongside him.

"So how this all going to work exactly?" Zapper said glancing at him. "Well for one no more patrol, have to stay here for seven months." Grappler began. "Geez seven months." Zapper fretted. "For two months in the beginning I can walk and do stuff. But after that strictly bed rest." Zapper scratched his head and chuckled uneasily. "Ha ha sounds like hell for sure…" Grappler himself snickered, "Laugh now because you're gonna be in there with me." Zapper's face shifted to be a pale slate. "Want to give me any warning of what to expect?" Zapper moaned.

"Yeah beware of mood swings, complaining about back pain, and the one you already witnessed. Later on more fatigue, core temp rising, and the weirdest one cravings." He said. "Okay…" Zapper exhaled. "We've screwed up harder things, we can do this…" Grappler gazed delicately at his fellow squad leader and proceeded to lay his sharp claw hand on his shoulder. "We can't capture a gundam to save our lives and you think we can raise a kid?" Grappler said mockingly. Zapper stared back. "I thought you were the level headed one." The maroon bot chuckled again.

In the luminousness of the moon and the pitch black sky the land drifted into silence. "It's real quiet now, everyone's probably asleep. I hope Alekimaru's okay…" Grappler whispered. "Who?" Zapper asked. "The kid who works with the healer and came after us." He said.

Grappler gradually leaned himself against Zapper, "Maybe you should go in and sleep. I mean since you're with child." Zapper teased. "So we're making those jokes now, alright smart guy." Grappler sat up.

As their faces met the usual scowls and pouts were gone, replaced by expressions of calm. Then devoid the need of words their heads gently touched. Their breaths were inaudible and soon Grappler spoke.

"I still hate you…" Zapper's mouth piece made a grin and his left hand moved to Grappler's abdomen. "Not all of me…" The maroon robot sneered. "We'll see…Daddy." Grappler replied.

Author's Note: I want each story/couple to have their own settings and feelings as you read. Zero and Baku have the mystical romantic theme where the both already have feelings for each other. While Zapper and Grappler have a more generic and comedic theme happening. When I say "generic" I mean stuff we often see in stories involving pregnancy. Also the whole "I hate you" thing going on. I'm not implying its slash just saying I want them to get along. A bromance so to speak. And I love making the moment awkward. Hope you enjoy ;) -Paintedlady out