Goosefeather, principal

Yellowfang, lunch lady

Firestar, head police

Bluestar, second police

Lionheart, police

Whitestorm, police

Brokenstar, head of the Dark gang

Tigerstar, second in command

Darkstripe, Dark gang

Hawkfrost, dark gang

Breezepelt, dark gang

Lionblaze, dark gang

Brambleclaw, dark gang

Scourge, blood gang leader

Bone, blood gang second

Fang, blood gang

Hiss, blood gang

Claw, blood gang

Ripper, blood gang

Redtooth, blood gang

Littlecloud, doctor

Jayfeather, doctor in training

Leafpool, school nurse

There are more characters, these you just need to know exist before the story begins.

There was so much blood. Ivypool was screaming at the top if her lungs, smoke blearing her vision. The fire arched up, the heat making her recoil. Her normally neat hair was wild and burned at the edges. And the blood. How could there be so much blood from such a small body? Ivypool felt the tears continue, pooling down her face, making streaks through the ash on her face.

Why had this happened? Why did her sister have to get involved? This was her fight! She thought she heard laughter from behind her. She didn't turn, she knew who it was.

Brokenstar shoved her into the dirt.

"Stay out of this, we won't show you any mercy."

She watched him leave, hatred in her eyes.

Ivypool turned to see Hawkfrost watching her.

"What do you want?"

"I'm sorry, we didn't mean for this to go this far, no one was supposed to die-"

"You think I care what was supposed to happen? My sister is dead and it's your fault!"

Ivypool saw him turn away from her. Maybe he didn't want to kill anyone, but he was still dangerously, and he probably just didn't want to be caught.

He turned to go, but before he did he threw something at her. She reached out to catch it.

It was a necklace. The one he'd given her.

She knew now that he didn't care. That it had just been a ploy to gain her trust. Without looking back at him she threw it into the fire.

He glared at her. "As you wish. But Brokenstar wasn't kidding. You better stay out of our business."

Ivypool turned away from him. He shook his head and left.

This was her fault. She could have stopped it. She could have saved her. But it was to late. Ivypool sank to her nees, a sob rising in her throat.

The wind seemed to whisper to her if false promises, of the web of lies that had so darkened the truth, it was like it never was.

And they mocked her.

She lowered her head in defeat, the wind sipping through her hair.

To late.

I hope you enjoyed that first chapter. Please review! I might update today again. This was written in my iPad. Also I hate hawkxivy, just saying.