A/N: there are a few time jumps, but this all quite closely follows the season 3 canon so it's nothing too major!

It wasn't often that Blaine blushed in front of Kurt. He was a performer in all aspects of the word, and very little seemed to sway him around his boyfriend. They could be getting off in the back of a car in broad daylight and he wouldn't be shy at all, yet when they were sitting in Blaine's room after West Side Story rehearsals, he had his face buried in a pillow.

"Urpyaspedevwevavsex," he mumbled. Kurt arched an eyebrow at him, petting Blaine's hair gently.

"You're going to have to talk to me and not the pillow, unless that was the intention," he instructed. Blaine raised his head enough enunciate clearly.

"Artie asked if we had sex." He promptly returned to his previous position.

"No way! At rehearsal?" Kurt lay down beside Blaine and sighed. He could understand Blaine's response now.

"Yes! He just told Rachel and I that we couldn't be passionate enough if we didn't have the experience to back up what we were saying, and then he was like 'have either of you even had sex?' and Rachel tried to fill the silence with excuses, and then she realised that I hadn't said no and argh. I didn't have to say it, they just knew what I meant, and… they wanted details."

"Oh no, she's going to tell Finn. I'm not going to be able to look at him for weeks," Kurt worried aloud.

"They were like…. 'You can't have sex! You're my precious innocent Blainers!' and then Rachel was like 'why didn't Kurt tell me?' and gave me no time to reply before all but yelling, 'it was with Kurt, riiiiiight?' It was so awful," Blaine elaborated. If the content wasn't what it was, Kurt would have been impressed by Blaine's impression of the girl.

"You didn't give them details though. Right?"

Blaine rolled over and propped himself up on one arm to face Kurt. "I promise I didn't reveal anything more than that we slept together."

"Rachel's going to ask me, you know. She's going to be so mad that I didn't tell her."

"You don't have to tell her everything, you know. Just because you're her best friend."

"I'm Mercedes' best friend. I'm Rachel's best gay." Blaine nodded knowingly.

"We're Brittany's unicorns, Rachel's best gays, and Hadley's rainbow people," he listed, "but more importantly we're each other's boyfriends, right?"

"More importantly, we're each other's everything," Kurt breathed, and soon enough he found himself laying beneath Blaine, who was clearly very interested in a heavy round of kissing.

Santana and Kurt had only ever really been anything resembling friends when they needed to be a united front against Rachel Berry in the past. Since Santana had come to out to him their relationship had definitely altered, but not so much that it was noticeable to anyone other than them. She had given him her tumblr URL, a sign of complete trust, especially as her blog contained little other than Xena Warrior Princess, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and pictures of young women in lingerie. While it didn't really match up with Kurt's own blog's aesthetic (his was really more of a Broadway and pretty pictures blog, with the occasional Twilight post thrown in), he had followed it, and neither really mentioned it to anyone else. When they posted personal, diary like things, they would often end up with some kind of acknowledgement from the other, but neither would bring it into the real world.

The day that Santana came out to everyone (which, regretfully, was not quite at her own pace), she cornered Kurt at his locker and dragged him to their shared Chemistry class. They walked briskly as so that passers-by wouldn't be able to listen in, a technique that he was familiar with, but not so fast that they couldn't still talk. Kurt knew she must want something, otherwise she wouldn't have bothered.

"Is this about planning to murder Rachel again? While she's annoying, she isn't anywhere near as bad as you would think. And I'm not getting blood stains on another party cardigan," he said. Santana finally dropped her hold on his arm.

"Kurt, how the fuck do you have a boyfriend?" she asked. While she had never been one for subtlety, he tended to expect the things she said to be slightly softer around the edges than that.

"Excuse me?"

"How the hell did you meet another age appropriate, gay, actually into you guy? This is Lima, we don't have a GSA or anything, and like, outside of school I don't think any of your friends are straight, if I've understood what the others have to say properly. So, how do you do it?" Kurt wasn't sure exactly who had talked to Santana about his LARP friends, the group that did often look more like a LGBTQ+ support group than a superhero roleplaying club, but he was glad that they did and he was happy to help her out. He had been in exactly the same position when he had come out, and he had needed to be a lot more creative when it came to finding likeminded people to share his experiences with.

"I thought you were implying I'm a mountain troll or something," he said, making Santana smile at the very least, "I just happened to meet an amazing bunch of people and now I meet up with them a lot. You could come and meet them, if you wanted."

She lit up at the offer. "It's not going to be weird, is it?" Kurt paused for a moment, trying to interpret her question suitably.

"That depends why you think it would be weird."

"Because they're your group of friends and I'm just in glee club with you. The only other person I know is Blaine." He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, that's not the part you should be worried about," he assured her, not quite sure how she would react when she found out exactly what the group did together. They made plans for her to go with Blaine, Kurt, and Marley after glee club to check it out, even though Marley was obviously intimidated by her when they met.

It wasn't until Blaine and Marley emerged from Blaine's house in costume that Santana began to wonder what was going on. Much to her credit, Santana simply rolled her eyes and said, "What, you aren't going to put on a costume?" in Kurt's direction, far less phased by their happenings than he had expected her to be. He didn't know how she could be so calm about it.

"I don't have a lot of costume to put on," he said simply, though he happily put on Darcy's aviators to keep up with the play. Santana noticed, groaning slightly as she glared at him.

"You don't have to stay for the session if you don't want to," Blaine said, "we know it isn't exactly everyone's thing and we won't blame you if you want to just come and meet people and then flee."

When they arrived at the park they weren't surprised to find most of the others there already, chatting with one another as Jeff and Leo jumping around excitedly. A few of them called out greetings as the group got closer, and Kurt, Blaine, and Marley beelined to Erica with Santana in tow. They made the introductions, and Erica seemed happy to have another of their friends along, and informed her that Blaine and Kurt were positively sickening to watch.

Santana looped her arm through Kurt's and pulled her towards Jeff and Nick. While they weren't actually touching one another, it wasn't hard to see the look that Nick was giving his boyfriend. Santana had made a good choice in choosing the friends she wanted to meet first.

"Guys, this is Santana," Kurt introduced, and the boys said their hellos, "This is Jeff and his boyfriend Nick. She doesn't believe I know any other not-straight people."

"Well you have options here," Nick said, "Jeff's bi, and I'm something."

"Yeah, and Ethan and Leo are both gay, same as Kurt and Blaine," Jeff added.

"How about the girls?" Santana asked. Last Kurt had heard Brittany was it for Santana, but if truth be told he wasn't completely against the idea of her branching out a little more.

"Rory from the other group is pansexual, but we seem to have a distinct lack of girls in general," Jeff answered. While she seemed to be slightly disheartened by the news, she also didn't seem upset when they pointed out that Hadley was very much straight.

"You asked how we met people without a GSA. Well, this is it," Kurt said, "and we're kind of going to do our thing, so…"

"You can go now, if you want to," Blaine interrupted, "not that we want you to leave! But if you want to stay just remember that this could be a weird. Erica or Luke can talk you through it all."

"I might just go," Santana said, "unless these other girls are going to show up?" Kurt was almost saddened by how hopeful she was.

"Unlikely," Kurt admitted.

"So when do you two start being cute?"

"Um, we're always cute?" Blaine said.

"Erica told her that Nightbird and Darcy are vomit inducing," Kurt explained.

"Well, we'd better give the people what they want." Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt's waist, and Kurt gave Santana a final reassuring smile as he pulled him away. When they finished the session Santana was long gone, but Kurt had received a text from her.

Santana L. I hung around long enough to see you macking on your boyfriend. I vomited pixie dust. If I'm not at school for the rest of the year you will know why.

Kurt and Blaine spent a lot of time cuddling on the couch in his Kurt's living room. It was something they had kind of always done, even before they had been officially dating. They didn't even spring apart when they heard Burt coming the way that they had when they first began dating, either. It was one of the places that Kurt felt the most comfortable in the world; in Blaine's arms, where no one cared.

Except, suddenly, Blaine didn't seem to feel the same way. Where there used to be only comfort, now every time Kurt reached out to pull Blaine closer, he would shrug it off, and often put more space between them. The only thing that had changed in the last week was that Sam Evans was now staying with them.

Kurt shuffled closer to Blaine, who didn't have a lot of space to shuffle over into, and took his hand. Blaine flinched slightly at the contact. "Okay, what's up with you?" Kurt asked.

"Can we go up to your room?" Blaine asked shyly. Kurt furrowed his brow at him. "Please?" with a slight sigh, realising that there was a lot his boyfriend wasn't saying and wasn't about to in the living room, Kurt nodded and the two of them headed to his room.

"Okay, what's really up? We can't hang out in my room all the time, they totally already know that we're… you know," Kurt said. While he had gotten much better at talking about sex, he still wasn't comfortable with saying things so loudly, especially when they weren't home by themselves.

"I'm not comfortable in your living room anymore," Blaine said, glancing to the open door before he continued, "I'm not comfortable around Sam and Finn."

"But you and Finn used to get along so well! And… ugh."

"They don't like me, Kurt. They never listen to me. They just think that I'm some guy who waltzed in and wanted to steal their show, but you know what? They can have it. I didn't transfer to McKinley to become the leading man of your glee club. I had that at Dalton. I transferred because what I didn't have was you." Blaine sat down on Kurt's bed, folding his hands in his lap. Kurt just wanted to wrap him up and keep him safe forever.

"Oh, honey," he said gently, taking a seat beside him. "You liked Sam when he first got here. He's so into superheroes and stuff, I thought you were bound to get along. And I mean, he's cute, isn't he?" Kurt nudged him playfully, Blaine cracking a smile. "I'm going to talk to Finn. But we need you for Sectionals. Need you. Without Rachel you're one of our best team members, and the Troubletones are going to be good. You shouldn't have to be afraid of the jocks in glee club, B. You should feel safe enough to speak up when you aren't comfortable." Blaine leaned his head on Kurt's shoulder, and Kurt in turn wrapped an arm around his boyfriend.

"Thanks," Blaine said, bringing both of his arms up to properly hug his boyfriend. Kurt adjusted, letting Blaine snuggle into him. This was what he wanted to have all the time, Finn and Sam be damned.

Blaine stormed out of dance rehearsal the next day. While Kurt was used to fighting over solos, never before had he experienced anything like he just watched happen with Blaine. Finn and Sam were aggressive in a way that Rachel never was- Kurt guessed it came down to an alpha male battle. There was a lot of testosterone in the room, especially since they had lost all their girls to the Troubletones. He worried about his boyfriend a lot, but he couldn't follow. He knew it wasn't his fight. He had talked to Finn, and as soon as Blaine had cleared the room and enough glares were thrown around, Finn had followed.

It didn't leave Kurt with many options about what to do. Blaine had snapped because Kurt had told him to stand up for himself. He had to just let it play itself out, let Finn and Blaine work on it without his intervention. He had told them both what he thought about it already, and he knew it would work out.

Or he hoped really hard, anyway.

He was a bit concerned when he still hadn't heard from either of them long after glee practice had ended, when he got home and Finn's car wasn't parked outside. He set about distracting himself- sewing up the costumes he had agreed to for Tina, making a start on dinner, trying to do his reading for his classes- without much luck. When Blaine's name finally appeared on his screen, he couldn't answer the call fast enough.

"Blaine, hel-"

"Kurt!" Blaine sniffed.

"Have you been crying?" he asked, knowing how protective of his boyfriend he was being. If he had to cut a bitch he would. Or maybe he would just leave some bones in Finn's plate of dinner. Something, anyway.

"Yes, but like, in a good way," came the sincere response.


"Yeah, I don't even know what to say. I think we worked it out."

"That's great, B. Why all the tears, though?"

"I'm just… overwhelmed. Finn and I can work together now, and he said I'm talented, and… and we can kiss in your living room again. Kurt-" Blaine sighed dreamily. "I love you so much."

"I love you too. Rest up, okay? We've got a lot more practice ahead of us in the next week."

"Yeah. Yes. I'll text you later?"

"Absolutely. See you tomorrow, honey," Kurt said. Blaine sighed softly again.

"Thanks for everything." Kurt wasn't sure exactly what Blaine was trying to pinpoint by that, but he knew that it was something that he meant with his whole heart.

Post-sectionals, everyone could finally breathe again. The Troubletones had reunited with the New Directions, the competition season hiatus of the LARP was over, and all of Kurt's life felt like it settled into place. It only seemed fitting that he spent some time hanging out with his friends, from all his circles. The party he co-hosted with his boyfriend at Blaine's house was just what they all needed to unwind and relax back into their daily life that wasn't being heightened by constant competition.

"Yo Lady Lips," Santana called out, "when's the good stuff coming out?" Kurt rolled his eyes.

"It's three in the afternoon, we're not about to start drinking," he replied. "Can I deter you from "the good stuff"," he made air quotes, "by introducing you to one of our charming LARP friends you failed to meet when you visited us?"

Santana narrowed her eyes at him. "Is this the mysterious queer girl?"

"Absolutely. Rory!" Kurt called, ending up with two people wheeling around to face him. He had forgotten about the charming Irish exchange student in his excitement. "Um, Lorelai Rory, sorry," he clarified. Rory rolled her eyes at him and sauntered over.

"Don't call me Lorelai," she said by way of greeting, "can I help you?"

"Rory, this is Santana. Tana, Rory. I'll just leave you to it." He slipped out immediately, hurrying to his boyfriend's side. The girls were still talking, but it became clear to him that he hadn't been the most delicate or subtle person in the world in the moment.

"Are you trying to set those two up?" Blaine asked, "I don't think Santana is really emotionally available for a girlfriend."

"Santana needs some girls who like girls, whether or not she dates them," Kurt rationalises, still watching the pair. Blaine wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him to his side.

"You're right. It will be good for them both. Even if LARPing wasn't ever really going to appeal to Santana, I'm glad she could get something out of it from us." Rachel more or less skipped over to them and seemed to consider pushing her way between the couple before thinking better of it.

"Can I meet your other gay friends?" she asked excitedly, "being raised by two men myself I feel particularly in tune with gay men more than I am with most other people, so I just know I'll love them!"

Kurt rolled his eyes, receiving a small smirk from Blaine in response. They had this understanding between them that Rachel couldn't ever fully comprehend what it was to be gay, to be called a "best gay" or a "gay friend". When she called them their friends without any descriptors, they would know that she actually learnt something about it all from her dads.

Kurt pointed out Leo and Ethan, their only actual friends who were gay, and when she gestured towards Nick and Jeff who were cuddled up together, Blaine simply replied with, "you don't have to be gay to be dating someone the same gender as you, Rachel." She had to pause for a moment then to work out what that even meant.

"But they are a gay couple," she amended. Still nope, Kurt thought.

"Not how it works," Rory said. Kurt hadn't even noticed that she and Santana too had joined them. It seemed like perhaps there were a few too many concepts there for Rachel to understand in one day. If she came away with dating someone of the same gender doesn't make them gay, then they could call it a success.

Later on when Blaine nudged Kurt and pointed out the heart eyes Rory was making at Santana, he wasn't exactly surprised, but didn't have high expectations for them. Blaine had been right; Santana wasn't really ready for a girlfriend, even someone as awesome as Rory. "She likes her," Kurt thought aloud, and Blaine hummed in agreement. "You know where I've seen that look before?"

Blaine giggled. "I think I have a pretty good idea."