The story of Dracula with a Beyblade twist

Dracula…………………………................................. Kai
Mina Murray ………………….................................. Tyson
 Jonathan Harker…………………………………....... Ray
Abraham Van Helsing............................................... Mr Dickerson
Dr. Jack Seward.............................................................. Lee
Lord Arthur Holmwood ................................................ Gray
Quincey P. Morris.......................................................... Michael
Lucy Westenra…..............................................Max
 R. M. Renfield ................................................................Kenny
Dranzer.......................................................... Kai's personal guard
Dragoon..................................................... Tyson's body guard and friend
Draciel....................................... Servant to Kai and later friend to Max.
Drigger………………………………………..Servant and friend to Ray

Dizzy ............................................The loyal beast of Kenny's and friend of Dragoon.

WARNING!! This is a Yaoi fic!! M/M pairings if you don't like it don't read. There are some straight pairs.  Plus there is swearing. Nudity, sex, and lots of killing, as well as romance.


Eastern Europe 1462

The night was cold as thick clouds rolled over the full moon. The mountainous, barren lands surround what looked like an old abandon castle.  The castle was black save for the occasional splatter of blood over the walls. Huge cages hung from the roof holding skeletons that had either lost a hand or a foot. Very little light shone thought the castle windows from the few allowed fires. A figure dressed in black walked down that stairs of the castle and made his way to the gardens.  The figure was tall with blue/grey hair, with eyes that were a mix of brown and red.  His strong built was covered in black leather and a thick black cape. Two blue triangles where painted on either said of his face. He was Kai, the lord of the land named Transylvania. He was a warrior and a ruthless in battle. He like so few had a powerful beast at his command. The powerful and devastating Dranzer the Phoenix. He had no weakness save one that no one dared exploit. This weakness had asked him for a small piece of land for a garden, and he the most feared man in most of Eastern Europe had order that flowers from all around the Europe to be planted for his weakness. The most precious and only weakness of Lord Kai was a beautiful boy, a fellow lord, and was most commonly known as the Midnight Prince. 

Lord Kai walked slowly around the garden searching for his missing Prince. He turns one more corner around a blue rose bush and saw him. A smallish boy with long wild blue hair the colour of the night sky was looking over the river. His eyes looked as if they held the stars in them his small cherub face held such amazing innocence that Lord Kai was surprised that it had remain even after so long in his kingdom. The smaller prince was wearing a long blue robe the same colour as his hair and underneath was a pair of black pants and a silk shirt. Kai plucked a rose from the bush and walked over to the boy. As he got closer, he saw that his precious was wearing a worrying expression on his face. Brushing against the boy fully with his body and kissing the boy gentle on the ear before he handed the rose to his precious.

"A beautiful face such as yours must never be seen worrying beloved" he whispered sweetly.

The boy smiled and turned in to his lovers embrace and rested his head against his powerful chest.

"Must you go on the morrow?"

"We have been though this heart. The Turks are fighting at our borders destroying our churches. It must end"

"I know…it's just…I can mot move this feeling in my chest that you won't be coming back of you go"

  "Tyson" Kai practically purred in to the other boy's hair. "I will have Dranzer by my side. And as long as she is by my side nothing can harm me."

"True" a weak smiled showed Kai that this was of very small comfort.

"And you my beloved will be fine. You will have Dragoon by your side"

Tyson pulled a face that made Kai laugh "Are you thinking that Dragoon will be able to do anything other then moan since you're taking his mate off to battle?"

"I guess not. You should have been harder on your beast. He would not be so lazy now"

"I know! But Dragoon was my only friend since my father refused me to have any, I could not be hard on him. He makes me laugh"

"I can only hope he does not ware Dranzer out" smirked Kai

"I would not worry about that, Dranzer won't let him do anything with out her say so"

Kai laughed out load with his love and kissed him passionately on the lips. Tyson rapped his arms around Kai's waist opening his mouth allowing Kai's tongue entrance.  Kai's strong hand ran down Tyson's small frame pulling him closer. Tyson moaned as the kiss got deeper as he pulled at Kai's cape.

"Impatient Little one?" he chuckled as he rubbed Tyson's pants making his small love sob.

"Please do not tease me Kai, Please take me"

"Later little one! I would not want you to catch a cold. Even more so when I have a warm room waiting for us"

Tyson pouted slightly but agreed to be taken back to the dark castle.  Kai led his lover up the many stairs to his room, his cape and Tyson's robe floated behind them as the rose up the stone staircase. When they reached Kai's room, Kai pushed open the heavy oak door and walked in with Tyson close behind. On the floor close to the fire was a bit Beast in her human form. She was naked as all girls were, as they were seen as unworthy to wear clothes. Her small frame showed that she was young and had very little fighting experience, for a beast of the blade.  Some parts of her skin were reptilian that was sliver under her purple glow. Tyson laughed quietly and knelt down beside the beast girl and shook her gently.

 "Draciel…Draciel wake up" he whispered as the large violet eyes opened followed by a small yawn.

"Lord Tyson?" she blinked up in confusion and then noticed Kai. "Lord Kai! I'm sorry I did not mean to fall…that is that door closed and it was heavy and I could not…"

Kai let out a small laugh and smiled at the small beast. Unlike his wild no nonsense Dranzer, Draciel was quite and shy at best and often made silly mistakes. Although she could not fight, she was a good servant and he and Tyson liked her. Draciel blushed and looked down at the floor.

"Go to bed Draciel" he said as he waved her off his smile letting her know that he was not mad.

Draciel bowed gratefully "Thank you Lord and good night. Good Night Lord Tyson"   and with that the little one ran from the room.  Tyson smiled after her for a moment but then turned his attention to Kai. "Now my Lord…where was we?"

It was very early in the morning when Kai pulled himself from his lover's side. He was actually surprised to see Draciel seeing to the fire and getting his armour ready in the joining room.

"I knew you would not wish to wake Lord Tyson so I set up everything here. I made the fire so it would warm up your clothes so you would not catch a chill. Did I do wrong Lord?" she asked in a timid voice. Kai smiled warmly at her, although she was a girl and a beast, Kai felt slight protective of her and proud when she thought on her own, like an older bother. Tyson often said that she was too young to do no wrong.

"You did everything well Draciel. Now please aid me dress I need to leave soon"

Shortly after that Kai was walking down one of the narrow corridors to a closed chamber. He walked in fully dressed in his armour, and started down at the bed. His cold hard stare had the effect he wanted; as a redhead with golden streaks and ruby eyes poked her head though the covers.

"Its time to get up already?" she muttered sleepily.

"It was time to get up almost half an hour ago Dranzer" said Kai sharply.

Dranzer looked out of the window and smiled "Jokes on you! You said we match at Sunrise and the sun has not even risen slightly over the horizon"

Kai scowled at her, but it did not do anything to faze her…it never did. She after all was the one who practically raised him after the death of his parents and his Grandfather's   retaking of the throne.  That's how she could talk to him as she did. They both had mutual respect for each other and a loyalty that ran deep. Suddenly there was a load morn and out from the covers came another head that rested on Dranzer's shoulder. From the long wild blue hair and the sleeping face, Kai knew that could only be Dragoon. Dranzer shook her head and pushed him off her shoulder but forgot how hard she pushed him and sent him spoiling to the floor. Kai's face remained straight though inside he was laughing at the pair. Dranzer walked out of the body and over her still sleeping mate.  She quickly brushed her hair and placed her hair in a ponytail, though she herself was naked.

"How do you wish me to accompany you lord?"  She asked sweetly "In my Phoenix from or in my blade?"

"In your Phoenix from, you can return to the blade in evening and battles"

Dranzer nodded as her body suddenly became engulfed by flames. There was a high pitch screeched as the human Dranzer turned in to her Phoenix from and flew rested on Kai's open arms.  Dragoon opened his eyes slightly and glared at Dranzer's Phoenix from.

"Can't you transform quietly?" he moaned

Dranzer screeched even louder at him and Kai smirked. "You better get up Dragoon, Tyson will be up soon and your company will be needed."

Dragoon nodded as he slowly got up as Kai left the room with Dranzer still on his arms.

The early morning mist whirled around the stone castle thick as snow around the knees of Kai's men. The   sky was a mixture of pink and grey as the sun rose, but its warmth seemed out of reach as the men crowed together slightly shriving from cold. They were all armoured to the teeth, with swords and spears.  Kai was seating on his horse, rapped in a heavy thick cloak with Dranzer on his shoulders.  His armour was black and gold, with a huge gold and sliver sword with huge rubies in bedded in the hilt. Around his neck was a wooden cross with a wooden Jesus pinned to it. He turned to his men and held out his cross. Kai turned to his men holding up the wooden cross.

"The Turks wish to steal the gold from the houses of God! We will not allow it"

"We fight!" he shouted "We fight for our God, Our churches, and our country! We fight and win for them or die trying"

Though cold his men roared they agreement raising they weapons high in they air as an offering to they god.    Dranzer took off and flew around the men screeching loudly. Suddenly she stopped and swooped down.  Kai's eyes followed her as she rested on the shoulder of Dragoon who was dressed completely in blue amour and next to him was Tyson wearing a think white cloak that hid most of his face and completely cover his body. Tyson stared at Kai for a moment and then slowly walked up to him, Kai's men bowing as he passed, fore he was seen as a good luck charm. Kai looked down at his small lover, worry and concern in his eyes though his face was as hard as stone.

"Tyson, return to the castle before you catch your death out here in the cold" Kai ordered.

"Would you leave with out saying goodbye to me?" asked Tyson his head corked slightly to the side, his blue eyes shone with hurt and a deep concern. Kai gave one of his true smiles and lent down and kissed Tyson's forehead.

"Be safe my heart, I will come back alive…I promise"

With a good click of his heals in the horse side, Lord Kai of Transylvania rode off to battle, leaving his love behind…safe and cared for. 

The battle was bloody. Screams of dying men covered the muddy grounds, blood coming out of their mouths choking the life out of them. Dranzer flew over the scene with excitement as she swooped down on an unexpecting victim, her talons slicing into the skull, killing him instantly. Kai marched though the battle filed slicing and cutting his way though his enemies, his armour once black was now red with blood.  A fool came running towards him waving a sword. Kai grabbed an abandon spear and shoved it in to the fool and raised it high so the fool slid down the wooden shaft. Kai threw the fool to the ground as the fool begged for mercy. As Kai's men cleared up Kai went up to the top of a small cliff, looking over the battlefield. Blood flowed like fast moving rivers, as bodies wither stood high impaled on spears or laying down sinking in to the mud. Kai knelt facing the setting sun and kissed his cross.

"God be praised! I am victories"

As Dranzer screeched as she flew over head, a sharp pain shot though Kai's heart. An image of Tyson falling, weeping, entered Kai's mind.  Something had happened to Tyson.

"TYSON!!" shouted Kai as he ran to his horse kicked and pushing people out of his way. He rode hard and fast for what seemed to him years. He rode as fast as he could, trying to beat the dieing light of the sun. He refused to allow his horse to rest as they climbed the rocky mountain side to his castle. Dranzer flew beside him, knowing something had happened to Tyson but also to her beloved life mate Dragoon. Dragoon's life force was…ebbing away. Kai reached his castle were he heard the screams of Draciel and the sound of a cracking whip. 

Kai ran in to the castle following the sounds of the scream witch led him to the church. Dranzer followed behind him in her human from, covered in mud and blood. Both entered the room gasping for breath and stared in horror at the sight that was about to change they lives forever.

In the room there were four monks. Two stood at each side of the room staring at the wall. The Third stood in the middle of the pews holding a sword covered in blue blood. At the altar was the forth beating the weeping Draciel with a thick black whip. On the floor near the monk with the sword laid Dragoon, dead from being stabbed in the chest. Dranzer felt the black tears escape her ruby eyes as she fell to the ground. Yet it was not the sights of   the fallen guardian or the weeping child that caused Kai's eyes to well with tears. Tyson dressed all in midnight blue laid on top of the altar, lying very still and very pale. Dead.  Kai staggered past the monk with the sword and then wrenched out the whip from the other monk and threw it away and then walked over to the body of his lover. There was a note in Tyson hands, and Kai ripped it out of them.

"My love is dead. All is lost with out him. May God unite us in heaven"

GOD?! WHAT GOD? Kai's thoughts were of a jumble, his maddening grief mixed with a rage that he never felt before caused him to pull out his sword and stagger around with it pointing at a random monk.

"What? What happened here?" he shouted

"An arrow was fired in to your lover's room. The arrow carried a note with the message that you were dead. Your lover could not bear his grief, and thought the others tried to convince him not to do it, he walked up to the tallest tower and jumped off it and plummeted down the falls to the river below"

Kai's hand was shaking as his eyes cast on to the weeping ball that was Draciel who was bleeding from her wounds to the body that once was Dragoon, with Dranzer his weeping mate over his broken body.

"What happened here? Why are you beating this child?" his voice was chocked and horse.

"Lord Kai, His two servants, in their misguided loyalty "He grabbed hold of Draciel's hair while speaking "were hoping to lay him to rest quickly, here in the Chapel before…" The Monk stopped as in fear for his life. This in no doubt his was.


"Lord Tyson has taken his own life Lord Kai. And of Course suicide may not be buried here in consecrated ground. The two beasts were hoping to conclude the burial in secret before I, or the others of the Church…"

"The Church would refuse him sacred burial?" Kai's words were hissed out in anger. "You slay a noble Bit Beast and beat a Child beast who was trying to give him his right of burial?"

Kai screamed and ran toward the priest cutting his hand off which held Draciel. The poor girl ran down to Dranzer who hugged the girl tightly to her breast and looked at the killer of her life mate, with a murderous stare.

"GOD'S LAW? Is this my thanks for saving and serving the house of God? To have to have the one I love taken from me? Then to HELL with gods lord"

Fear rose up like a flame in the room everyone ones eyes fixed on Kai in wordless horror, which even Dranzer, though sick for the death of her life mate and hungry for revenge, knew that her master had gone to far. Kai turned from then bleeding priest to the huge stone crucifix above his lover.

"If you will not save him God, Then I'll avenge him with all the powers of darkness" and with his sword raised high "Let Death be my life"

Kai charged straight at the great stone cross, and with all his strength plunged it in to it heart. Draciel followed the screams of the priests as blood started to pour out heavily from the broken cross.    The Monks tried to flee the room but Dranzer called up her power to make a wall of fire around the room sealing them in. Kai picked up the disregarded goblet of gold and held it under the flow of blood, filling the goblet to the brim with holy blood.  Kissing Tyson's forehead for the last time he held the goblet up high.

"Blood is the life" he quoted the holy words "and it shall be mine"

Lord Kai drank deep, all eyes fixed on this Sacrilege act. Suddenly Kai's chest heaved, his heart clenched as death took a firm grip. The Monk with the sword started to run towards Kai, his sword raised to kill.

"Hold on to me" ordered Dranzer as Draciel wrapped herself around Dranzer's waist as the fire birds flames rose high.

 "Fire arrows" shouted Dranzer as her fire shot in four directions burning the priests to death in her revenging flames.

Hours if not days went pass and either Kai or the two female beasts were able to speak. Both beasts sat by the doors of the church, Draciel in Dranzer's lap her face hidden away by her purple hair. The terrifying ordeal had ruining her. To see such death and violence in such a short time would have plagued her mind. Now she was trapped in an innocent state. She'll be forever the Child beast, in capable of evil and wrong.  And it anything bad happed before her again she would blank it and walk away as if nothing happened. Dranzer's ruby eyes were dull and lifeless for she too was damned. She had killed four holy men for her mate and master. She was now forever bound to her master, never more was she to take flight in the sky and taste freedom and never more was she to love, Dragoon was gone.  Lord Kai lay on the floor next to his lover dying. He was dying painfully and terribly that went in unceasingly on and on.   

To be continued…

Bester of Death: Please R & R.