First Fanfiction that I wrote and edited at 5 a.m. while trying to study for my psychology final! Disclaimer: I do not own anything that is or has to deal with Gravity Falls besides this story!


Chapter 1

It was a nice warm summer day in Gravity Falls. The birds where chirping, the dogs where barking, and the gnomes where peacefully bathing. All seemed right in the world. Mabel sighed happily unable to contain her excitement. Today was the fourth of July, the day where her three favorite F's where all together in one place: fireworks, food, and her family!

"Todayyy is gunnnaa be GREATTTTT!" She exclaimed skipping out the door. Gravity Falls was hosting a barbeque celebration on the outskirts of the forest this afternoon and she just couldn't contain her excitement. "I'm gunna wear my flag eaaarrriinnggss, and my sparkly red white and blue sweateeeerrr, OH DIPPER!" She shrieked making her twin jump. "We should wear our matching sweater!"

"Uh..I don't know about that Mabel…" Dipper muttered from behind his book. All morning he had been trying to avoid his sister's presence.

"...Why not?..." his twin whimpered. Dipper looked up to see his sisters crushed face. Oh God… he thought.

He exhaled deeply contemplating on what to tell her. The thing was, Wendy was supposed to be there. Wendy. WENDY. The girl of his absolute perfect dreams! He didn't want to be looking all-ridiculous in front of his crush! And more than likely her friends and Robbie were going to be there. He was actually sort of-not really-but kind of cool in their eyes! He could NOT mess up his chance of hanging out with Wendy and her friends. He needed this night to be perfect.

"Come on Mabel. Don't you think we're a little too old to be going out dressed the same? Plus it's 98 degrees outside and I'm not going to be sweating all night."


Dipper gawked at her.

"You just don't want to wear it because Weennddyy's going to be there. C'mon Dipper are you serious? You think you can lie to me?" She huffed. She was getting tired of Dipper and his whole obsession with Wendy. Why couldn't he just act like himself and be normal for once? Sticking her tongue out, she stomped out the door, clothes in hand. Dipper just rolled his eyes. Girls. She'd be better in 5 minutes. Tops. Then she was going to run in jumping on the bed too excited to actually produce words just like she normally did.

"It's just a dumb sweater Mabel..Geez…" he muttered getting back to his book.