A Good Soldier-- chapter 7

By Slayne

Notes- I feel I should state again, before you read this chapter, that this is Toon continuity! Please adjust your preceptions accordingly. Thanks to Robin for bringing me this idea and letting me turn it into my total characterization of Beach Head. Huge thanks to Scarlett_Hauser for fixing my typos all through this thing. She says it's nothing...but I think it's a bigger job then she lets on, lol!


Wayne brought the M-16 up and leveled the rifle against his shoulder. He took careful aim and slowly squeezed the trigger, releasing a few short, staccato three-round bursts of fire towards the target. He knew without looking where those rounds had hit. The corner of his mouth jerked upwards in smug satisfaction.

"Beach Head...you're losing it! You hit him in the knee!" Gung-Ho crowed, pointing out at the target distantly in front of Wayne. Wayne winced a little at the codename. They'd given him a choice and it was the lesser evil of the list. He turned his head and raised a brow at the big Marine.

"What are you talking about, Gung-Ho. I was aiming for his knee. Head shot is too easy!"

Gung-Ho smirked slightly but shook his head and raised his own rifle. "You Army guys are so full of shit!"

Wayne grinned despite himself. He watched the man fire and had to bite his tongue to keep from correcting the Marine's grip on the rifle. Gung-Ho was NOT open to 'helpful hints' on his shooting technique. Wayne had found that out the hard way during his first few weeks with G.I. Joe. A little constructive criticism had earned him a hard stare from the Cajun soldier. When Wayne had blithely ignored the warning signs, the Marine had thrown down the gun and pulled him into a headlock, wrestling him to the ground while swearing profusely at him in French. To add to his humiliation, one of the major bane's of his existence on this team, Shipwreck, had been nearby and had squatted next to them cheerfully translating the Marine's remarks that had questioned Wayne's parentage among other things. Wreck had learned a smattering of languages in his travels with the Navy and almost all of it was obscene. This incident had had to be repeated once more before Wayne had got the message and let Gung-Ho shoot any way he wished. But once he'd got it...they got along fine.

Rank seemed to be ignored here for the most part, except among the command structure of the team. General Hawk had gone looking for a fourth-in- command among the enlisted ranks, wanting an infantry grunt instead of an officer. He'd found Wayne quickly and within weeks Wayne had been a member of the Joes. That was nearly two months ago.

Wayne slung the rifle over his back and began walking away from the target range. There was a mission briefing in half an hour, and he was never late. As he walked by a Brawler parked in front of the HQ building, he glanced at it sidelong. He stopped. He backed up.

"Shipwreck! Are you sleeping?" He barked loudly at the prone figure in the seat of the combat vehicle. The sailor barely moved.

"Well, not anymore...thanks to you!"

"Get the hell out of there! If you have nothing to do, I can put you to work!"

Shipwreck sat up then and scowled at him. There was a squawk from the interior of the vehicle and a green parrot suddenly shot out and flew around Wayne's head. He swatted at it absently as if it were a mosquito and gritted his teeth. This whole damn unit was not what he expected it to be. What the hell was with all the pets?

"I'm going, I'm going..." Wreck muttered, shoving his hat back up on his head and climbing out of the Brawler. Wayne watched him walk away and resisted the urge to take a potshot at the stupid bird flying over him. He was struggling with the lax view of the regulations on the team. The soldiers here were the best at what they did, but they could be so much better. Appearances, behavior, even training were not enforced in the same way they were in the normal Army ranks. This was supposed to be an elite fighting force, and he could make it so much better if General Hawk would give his ideas the time of day. Instead, every time he pointed out the shortcomings of this team to him, the General would get testy and eventually put him in his place.

Wayne rarely bothered with Duke and Flint. Both of Hawk's next -in-command seemed to savor the freedom this team gave them and neither were very patient when he began one of his rants. In fact, while Duke often let him ramble on without comment, Flint had pulled rank on him several times much to Wayne's growing dislike. He hadn't worked with a lot of Warrant Officers during his career, but the mustangs were quickly making his shit list. Not as bad as Second Lieutenants but gaining ground. He was trying to help and improve this team. Why, exactly, could they not see that? Still...he had to admit, when the fighting was fierce, the soldiers here demonstrated exactly why they had been chosen. And even after a few short months here, his loyalty to Hawk was locked-in tight. He'd follow the General anywhere if asked. The man was exactly the kind of officer that Wayne loved: professional, direct, highly intelligent, sound, and very decisive.

He walked into the HQ building and walked through the halls to the assigned briefing room. A figure hidden behind an open file came from a merging hallway as she read and ran into him. He glared briefly before she looked up in surprise and lowered the file. His glare softened.

"Oh...Beach Head. I'm sorry!" Lady Jaye smiled a little guiltily at him and he felt his chest tighten.

"It's alright." He said, lifting one corner of his mouth. He followed her into the briefing room. To say he had been shocked when he'd first been introduced to her the day after he'd reported for duty with the Joes would be an understatement. He'd been sitting in Hawk's office going over his duties with the General when a knock on the door had been followed by a woman's lilting, softly-accented voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Hawk...I didn't realize you were busy."

"No, Jaye...come in. Meet our new Ranger."

The voice had nearly prepared him, but not quite, for when the familiar form of Corporal Alison Hart-Burnett had stepped into the room and faced him. He had stood, speechless, as his gaze took her in. She was here? She was with the Joes? He was stunned. She appeared surprised too, her mouth dropping and her eyes widening a bit, but she recovered more gracefully than he did and offered her hand to him.

"Staff Sergeant Sneeden. Nice to meet you again."

He took her hand and gripped it tightly. "Corporal Burnett!"

"Actually, it's Lady Jaye here." She smiled at him. He stared into her green eyes feeling a bit shell-shocked.

"Uh...Beach Head." He replied with his own codename, nearly rolling his eyes at the sound of it.

Hawk cut in then. "That camp you ran a year ago was to provide me with a list of possible additions to the Joes. Lady Jaye was my choice...and I've never regretted it." He smiled at Lady Jaye, and she looked embarrassed. Wayne had just stared at her, still not over his shock.

That had been three months ago. He'd been pleased to know they'd be getting to know each other as teammates now. He was still an instructor, so to speak, with the team, but not in the same way it had been at the camp. She still faced her job with that same drive, but now she seemed to have a comfort and confidence that brought out more of her personality.

She strove hard in his PT sessions, making comments about the impossibility of them with the others, but never complaining or whining about them. He dug into her when she lagged, but he also knew her capabilities and didn't feel as if he had to ride her as hard as the others. He had realized that he had an inherent trust in her that he didn't quite have with the others yet. Still...things hadn't quite gone as he had hoped. They didn't really get to know each other as well as he had thought they would.

He chose a seat in the front and sat down to wait for the briefing to start. He looked back when he heard the light, soft sound of Lady Jaye's laughter. She sat off to the side, in her usual place as Hawk's Intel specialist. Flint stood beside her, one foot propped on the chair next to her, smiling down at her. Wayne felt a wave of irritation bite through him. Jaye and the Warrant Officer were often together and seemed close. Wayne was sure that was what had spawned the rumors of their intimate involvement, because he was sure it couldn't be true. She was directly under Flint's chain of command. A relationship could end both of their careers. She wouldn't risk all that hard work, would she? And if Flint was half the man everyone said he was, then he wouldn't put her at risk like that. But it was obvious the mustang was attracted to her, and, although they were professional in the field, there existed a comfortable companionship between them.

Wayne ran a hand over his short brown hair and sighed heavily. Flint was a master at military tactics, and he could be incredibly hard-nosed and rigid when he wanted to be, but he was also arrogant and it sometimes took effort to deal with him. Wayne wasn't a wordsmith like Jaye. That kind of psychological effort and negotiating made him impatient and jumpy.

Hawk arrived and finally started the meeting. Lady Jaye read the newest Intelligence information on Cobra and jumped in on Hawk's instruction when more information was needed. She was one of the few allowed to interrupt the General without a stern glare. When Flint started in with his own ideas and the current strategy for the team, Wayne fidgeted a bit. He and Flint often disagreed on strategy. Despite Flint's outstanding record with sound strategy, Wayne much preferred the head-on approach of an infantry attack. When the enemy stuck his head up, you slapped him down with a strong, swift stroke. Make him think long and hard before sticking his head up again. All this undercover creeping around and slow infiltration seemed like a waste of time. They knew who the enemy was, and they almost always knew where to find them. What was the hold up?

He finally couldn't stand it anymore and stood and turned to face Flint. "No, no...we're just waiting around for them to do something again!" His deep southern accent seemed even more evident among these men who spoke with no regional dialect at all.

"Beach Head." Flint warned him sharply that he was in no mood to argue with him today. Anger spiked through the Staff Sergeant.

"We shouldn't be doing it this way! If I was in charge of..." He never got the rest out as Flint stiffened and snarled from across the room.

"You're not in charge of this mission, Beach Head...I am!"

Wayne bristled in return and barely held his tongue as he glared daggers at the other man. They squared off for a long moment before Flint ordered harshly.

"Sit down, Beach Head!"

It was almost more than Wayne could take. He glanced at Lady Jaye, who stood beside the Warrant Officer, and then the rest of the room, including the General, who stood silently observing but not interfering...yet. Wayne realized that simply by reason of rank, he'd have to stand down once again. He forced a retort back down his throat, but a low frustrated growl escaped anyway. He sat slowly back down, seething. He was quiet during the rest of the presentation, but every time the Warrant Officer spoke a new streak of irritation shot through him. At the end, Hawk hesitated almost wearily and reluctantly before taking a deep breath and voicing the final word.


Wayne shot to his feet again and the rest of the room groaned in resignation. Wayne frowned slightly and ignored them.

"I have a few, General."

"Of course you do, Beach Head. Only a few this time?" Hawk sighed and smiled wryly. Flint glared darkly, but didn't seem surprised.

By the time Wayne was satisfied with the answers he was given, it was nearly lunchtime, and Hawk dismissed them all for the meal. Most of the Joes ate in the mess hall for lunch. It was easier and more convenient and not really all that bad. As Wayne opened the door to go inside, a green blur flew out and dived at his head. He ducked instinctively and threw a hand up.

"Shipwreck! Get this damn bird out of the mess hall before I skin it and roast it for my lunch!"

Shipwreck came walking slowly towards the door, grinning at him. "Aw...you're the only one Polly doesn't like, Beach Head. Why don't you make nice with her?"

The parrot suddenly dived the Ranger again and squawked. "If I were in charge, if I were in charge...brawwk!"

Wayne reached for his combat knife with a growl, and Shipwreck grabbed his arm. "Alright, alright! Sorry, Staff! We're leaving anyway!"

Wayne glared at the sailor as he left. If the guy wasn't so incredible in a fight, he'd have had his ass thrown off the team the very week after Wayne joined.

He got his food and found an empty seat at the opposite end of the table where Lady Jaye and Flint sat talking animatedly. He glanced at them as he sat, receiving a faint smile of greeting from Jaye and a tight nod from Flint. Wet Suit and Deep Six sat across from him. They were quiet and intent on eating their lunch as usual. Wayne ate and listened to the couple. Were they...arguing? Their voices were energetic and a bit condescending as they talked to each other.

"Oh please," came Flint's deep voice, sounding teasing. "Next you'll tell me that Hamlet is the basis for Star Wars!"

"You know...you're such a shit sometimes, Mr. Fairebourne!"

Wayne glanced at them and saw that Jaye was smiling broadly at Flint, her green eyes sparkling with laughter and enthusiasm for the argument. Another one of their mock debates that they engaged in so eagerly and the rest of the team was so used to. The Warrant Officer was highly educated and had a degree in Literature, of all things, which he used with delight during long conversations with the Intel Corporal. Wayne stirred his food and thought about the Shakespeare paperback that was standing neatly on his bookshelf in his quarters surrounded by Army field manuals and world history textbooks. He didn't care for fiction. Too unrealistic and useless. He enjoyed history immensely though, and thought that if he had gone to college, then he'd have majored in history. The interest and knowledge had even come in useful with the Joes a couple of times. But he'd never had a conversation like that with Lady Jaye about history or anything else, where she was looking at him with that enthusiasm and that sparkle. Come to think of it...he really hadn't had a conversation like that with anyone...except maybe Will. He dropped his spoon suddenly and stood. The rest of the table looked up in surprise as he took his half- full tray and threw it out. Then he left.

He spent the remainder of the afternoon catching up on paperwork. He had been amazed at how much of it he was expected to do as Hawk's fourth. He had dreaded it at first, but then found he didn't mind it as much as he had thought he would. Anything that made the team run smoothly was necessary and satisfying. He made sure he was thorough, neat and prompt with the work and felt the same sense of pride in doing it well as he did with everything else.

There was another short briefing in the late afternoon for the mission, which would begin that night. Wayne was basically on call for this one. He was included in the briefings, but his role would be in support here on base unless the primary team needed back up, then he'd fly out to help. Lady Jaye and Flint would be leading separate primary teams to two different areas of the globe, infiltrating two separate Cobra camps. The second briefing went smoother than the first and Hawk released them all for a few hours to prepare before the first team shipped out. Wayne hesitated as the rest began to slowly file out. He approached Lady Jaye.

"Good luck, Lady Jaye. You know who to call if you need help." He wished he were going with her, but she had chosen a good team. She smiled at him and nodded slightly.

"Thanks, Staff. You'll be the first to know if I do."

They had talked some over the past few months, but had not gotten really personal with their conversation. They were teammates now instead of instructor/recruit, so Wayne had assumed that would change with time. It had a bit, but Wayne found it difficult to change old habits and approach her. The job came first, even it meant climbing all over her ass when she screwed up. She took it as stoically as she had before, but her comfort level on the team brought out more of her personality and she occasionally bit back, much to his surprise. She was seeing them on more of an equal footing now, and it shook him a bit, but not for long. She was a damn good soldier, and he was willing to help make her better.

He walked from the room after the small exchange, ready to hit the firing range for an hour before evening mess, when he swore softly and turned around sharply. He'd forgotten to pick up the updated codes list on his way out. He strode back to the briefing room and jerked the door open, stepping inside again. He froze.

Lady Jaye and Flint were the only two left in the room, and they were locked in a tight embrace, their mouths fused in a passionate kiss. Wayne stood there stunned for a long moment. The couple didn't notice him at first, too involved in each other. He must have made some sort of sound then, because Flint jerked back from the female Corporal and his eyes flew to the Staff Sergeant in the doorway.

"Jesus...Beach Head..."

Lady Jaye turned as well and a soft gasp escaped her throat. Her green eyes met Wayne's brown ones and she suddenly looked a bit frightened. He held her gaze for a moment in disbelief and then reached forward and took the paper list from the table that he had come back for. He said nothing as he turned and walked back out the door.

His brain was roaring as he walked. So the rumors were true. She was involved with Flint. At the very least, they were sleeping together anyway. You didn't kiss someone like that unless you were very intimate. How had he not seen it all beforehand? Or had he? His body and mind were a mix of emotions: Disbelief, anger, hurt and jealousy. He should have known by the way the Warrant Officer slid into jealous fits every time Jaye talked to him or one of the other guys. When Wayne had first arrived here, she'd had lunch with him one day to catch up and talk about the Covert-Ops camp. Flint had fumed and shot him dark glares throughout the entire meal. He'd seen Jaye talking quietly to the mustang afterwards, but the glare in his eyes as Wayne had walked past had been as loud a declaration as you could get. Hands off! Mine! Wayne had thought the W.O. was just attracted to Burnett and being childish about it. Apparently not.

"Beach Head!" Flint's voice barked after him down the hall, and Wayne hesitated and then turned to wait as the man came after him.

"What is it, Chief?" Wayne ground out in slight condescension as resentment threaded its way through his mind. Flint stopped a few feet away from him and his expression grew grim.

"You weren't supposed to see that...no one was."


Flint hesitated, clearly trying to pick his words carefully. His glance moved nervously up and down the hall to insure they were alone.

"Alison and I...we have a lot in common. We get along well." Flint sighed. "More than well, as I'm sure you're aware."

Wayne flinched when the other man spoke Jaye's real name. He gritted his teeth. "With all due respect, Chief...it's a conflict of interest. The regulations are pretty clear about fraternization."

Flint's jaw tightened and he became steely-eyed. "Look, it's different here. Relationships are hard to find and harder to keep. We keep it professional when we have to, it's not a big deal."

"I wonder if General Flagg would think it's not such a big deal."

The Warrant Officer stilled and his eyes met Wayne's. Wayne tightened his jaw and stared right back.

"You son of a bitch!" Flint suddenly flew forward and grabbed him by the shirt, shoving him backwards and slamming him into the wall. Wayne grabbed the wrists of the hands gripping his shirt and blinked as his head connected with the drywall in a dull thud of pain. He fought it off and glared right back at the furious Warrant Officer.

"You'd go over Hawk's head like that?" Flint asked with a snarl. "You'd throw away two good careers and cripple this team just to get me out of the way?"

For a moment, Wayne thought that the man knew everything. Every intimate thought or dream he'd ever had about Alison Hart-Burnett. But then his words really sank in. Two good careers. Flint's sure...but Lady Jaye's too.

"What the hell's your problem with me, Staff Sergeant?" Flint growled. Wayne just glared silently at him. Running footsteps sounded in the hall and suddenly Lady Jaye appeared at their side. Her hand went instantly to Flint's arm.

"Flint! For god's sake... let him go!" She looked worriedly at the two men whose gazes were locked together furiously.

"He threatened to go over Hawk's head and tell General Flagg about us." Flint said. Lady Jaye looked surprised, and she glanced at Wayne. He met her eyes briefly and then looked away. He had an awful feeling in his gut and it had nothing to do with the raging Warrant Officer in front of him. Lady Jaye pulled at Flint's hands.

"Let him go, Dash. He has to make his own decision...just like we did. You can't change his mind like this." Her voice was soft and held that same confidence that Wayne had come to know so well from the camp. Flint swallowed and glanced at her briefly before loosening his hands and letting Wayne rip away from him. They looked at each other in silence. Wayne watched as Jaye put a comforting hand on Flint's shoulder. That awful feeling in his gut intensified and he turned abruptly and walked away.

He got outside and into the twilight, walking towards his quarters, when Taps began playing for the lowering of the base flag. He had to stop and turn towards it to salute. He saw Lady Jaye a few yards behind him. No Flint. She had also stopped to turn and salute, and their gazes met briefly before they looked towards the distant flag. For the first time in his career, Wayne's mind was a million miles away from that patriotic ritual.

When it was over, he stood quietly and let her catch up. She stood in front of him and said nothing for a moment. He didn't trust himself to speak so he remained quiet, waiting for her.

"Well...this is a bit awkward." She finally said softly as he stared down at her.

"Does Hawk know?" He asked.

"He...suspects, I think. He hasn't said anything yet, and I think he's overlooking it as long as we keep it discreet and act professionally on duty."

Wayne nodded, realizing that it was probably an accurate theory. "You're putting all that hard work at the camp on the line, do you realize that?"

She sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Look, Staff. You and I have sort of a history together. A rocky one, but it's there...otherwise I wouldn't even be admitting any of this, but Dash and I...it's different between us. It's not just a fling like the jokes and rumors portray."

"He's putting you at risk!" Wayne protested. His voice sounded pleading, even to him. Her eyes widened a bit and her eyes met his. Wayne had the feeling that his face was giving everything away. He wished he could grab the balaclava from his belt and pull it on before he said another word.

"But he's not putting me there alone! He's risking everything right beside me, Beach Head. Maybe he's even risking more..."

Wayne stared at her, speechless. Understanding was dawning in his mind.

"And maybe that's what I need. Maybe it's what I want. Someone willing to risk everything on me. He's willing to..." She searched for a workable euphemism and shrugged her shoulders. "Color outside of the lines, I guess. When you find something that works like that, you risk a lot for it."

Wayne stared at the building behind her, his chest feeling tight and heavy. He said nothing.

"I don't expect you or anyone else to understand." She continued. "I have a lot of respect for you, Staff. You're a good soldier. I'd never prevent you from doing what you think is right...but..."

"No one will hear it from me." He said suddenly. She seemed to relax a little, her shoulder losing their tenseness.

"Thanks again, Staff. You have a habit of saving my ass when I need it most."

Wayne had to force his words from his throat. "You'd better get your ass in gear, Corporal. You've got a mission to complete."

She smiled. "Yes. Well, then...I'd better get back to double-check my gear. Someone once taught me a lesson about that. I never forgot it. It's a ritual with me now."

Wayne forced a corner of his mouth up in a faint smile. His eyes slid down to hold hers. "You belong on this team. If you're forced off...it's not going to be me who does it."

"Thank you." She said it sincerely and quietly, and then turned and walked away.

Wayne stood there, silently. He stared, unseeing, straight ahead for a long, long moment. 'Maybe that's what I need...someone willing to risk everything.' It echoed in his mind.

Slowly and deliberately, he pulled the green mask from his belt and pulled it over his head. Its comforting walls surrounded him and put the rest of the world where it belonged.at a distance. And that's where it would stay from now on. He turned on his heel and walked, ramrod straight, back towards the mission control room. There was a mission going out tonight, and he had a job to do. And he'd do it well.



A huge thanks to all of you who read and gave me all those awesome reviews!