Disclaimer: I don't own anything you might find recognizable. OCs are mine though.

Warning: Some mildly crude humor and sexual innuendo ahead. Proceed at your own risk.

Beta'd by Molly Grace 16

Large wolf paws pounded against the leaf-littered forest floor as he ran. Trees and bushes blurred together in a green haze. His body ached from days of running, but he didn't stop. Couldn't stop. He had to get away from...he wasn't even sure what he was running from anymore. If it was the pitying looks of his friends, his father's concern, the whispered words, the memories, or his heartache. Maybe he was just running from from himself. Most likely it was all of those things.

Jacob pushed himself harder, running faster. He ignored the protestations of his body telling him to slow down, to stop, to rest just for a few minutes. He had to get away.

Abruptly he broke through the treeline. He tried to stop, but he was going too fast and ended up tripping over his front paws, tumbling to hard ground and skidding on his side across the forest floor and onto dewy grass. His back slammed into something that felt strangely hard yet soft at the same time and he grunted. An invisible fist clamped around his body and squeezed tightly, compressing his lungs and chest, as he was lifted off the ground several feet. His muzzle gaped open, but he couldn't hear the howl he thought he was releasing.

His body twisted and shudder against the invisible grip until, just as abruptly as it had appeared, it vanished. He crashed onto his back and stared up at the indigo colored sky, his mind too hazy with pain to even realize that he was looking through human eyes and not a wolf's.

Pain wracked his body, the likes of which he hadn't felt in some time, and blackness encroached on his vision. He felt strange, like was just an observer in his own body. He could feel it, but he couldn't control it. His mouth opened and closed as he gasped for breath. The darkness had nearly completely covered his vision by now, only a tiny pinprick of night sky visible.

Bella. He sighed soundless and went limp, darkness pulling him under and into its numbing embrace.

Jacob came to slowly, his mind foggy and feeling like a herd of elephants had trampled on his head. God, did he get hit by a truck or something? His body was terribly, terribly sore. It felt like he'd just gone ten rounds with an army of newborn vampires then wrestled a grizzly bear as an encore. His eyelids felt like they were being weighed down with lead and they just didn't want to open. He gave up trying after a few moments and just laid there, giving his other senses time to adjust to suddenly being conscious.

He could tell he was on his back, moist grass pressing into the bare skin. Oh, it looked like he was also in his human skin and that he was completely naked. Great. Seriously, what the hell happened to him? The last thing he remembered was running through some forest, trying to outrun his demons, then the next thing he knew, he was waking up with a killer hangover. Not that he'd ever had a hangover before, but he imagined what he was feeling was pretty damn close to the real thing.

He took a deep breath, inhaling the scents the permeated the air around him. He could smell the forest, the morning dew, the grass beneath his body, dirt, woodsmoke that most likely came from a fireplace or campfire nearby, and something else. Something that smelled vaguely of spices, sugar, and sweetness. Like a pie. An apple pie. Huh, weird. What the hell smelled like an apple pie in the middle of the forest?

His hearing, other than his eyesight, was the last of his senses to return to him and with it came the sound of a strange female voice, smoky and rich with a slight drawl to it. Pretty.

"-seriously dude? Are you trying to wake up the guests?"

Panic, irritation, and sarcasm coated the mystery's woman's voice like honey. Interesting. Jacob wondered who she was talking to and resolved to find out.

He forced his eyes to open and immediately grimaced as he was blinded by early morning light. He blinked rapidly a few times to clear the spots from his vision. What he really wanted to do was rub the grit from his eyes but his arms felt like lead.

By sheer force will, did he manage to turn his head towards the woman's voice. The sharp pain stabbing into his skull from the movement nearly caused him to blackout again, but he muscled through it.

It was worth it.

The woman was crouched beside him with her head turned away from him, so he couldn't see her face. But he could see the rest of her. Pin-straight hair an indeterminable shade between dark blonde and light brown fell over her shoulders to her elbows. Her shoulders were broad for a woman and she was clad in a sweatshirt several sizes too big that hid her upper body from his view. He could see her hands though, and they were tanned with callouses and faint scars, suggesting she worked with them often. She held a stick loosely in one of them. Gray sweatpants covered her legs, barefeet tipped with chipped orange nail polish on her toes peeking out from under the long hems.

She was still talking, the words finally penetrating the fog shrouding his mind.

"Sorry, insulted your butt but you have to admit it puts Kim Kardashian's to shame."

Okay, what? Just who the hell was this chick talking to? He decided to ask, despite his dry mouth and raw throat.

"Who are you talking to?"

"I'm talking to you, Sprite." She didn't turn towards him as she spoke, apparently not realizing it him that had spoken. "Who do you thin-"

She faltered and stiffened in surprise, Jacob watching her in tired amusement. Slowly, very slowly, she turned her head towards him and Jacob felt like he'd been sucker-punched in the gut.

Eyes the color of sunlit oak leaves peered out of an angular face and met his own. The world around him froze then shrank down to just him and mystery woman, everything else falling to the wayside. For several moments, he forgot everything, even his own name.

He stared at her like an idiot, drinking her features in like a man dying of thirst drinks in water. Almond shaped eyes, slightly elongated at the corners rested above cheekbones that were shape enough to cut and a straight nose with a slight bump on the bridge that suggested it had been broken before. Her full lips formed an 'o' of surprise as she stared at him in shock.

"Beautiful." He murmured without thought and his body reacted without his mind's approval, his hand reaching out to gently graze her cheek with his fingertips, the action surprising him just as much as her.

Her eyes widened further and she gaped at him incredulous. Crap, he hadn't meant to say that outloud. Or touch her. Now he felt like a weirdo. A creepy weirdo that was also naked as a newborn. They were total strangers and she'd already seen him naked. And he'd been unconscious. Great, he couldn't have made a better first impression if he'd wanted to. She probably thought he belonged in a mental institution. Or had recently escaped from one. If he had the energy, he would have blushed. As it was the darkness was once again pulling him under and the last thing he saw was bright hazel eyes.

I don't even know her nameā€¦

The next time Jacob woke up, the first thing he noticed was that he was no longer lying in the dew-soaked grass, but on something soft and warm. Most likely a bed. He could feel smooth fabric against his skin and almost sighed when he realized that he was still naked, blankets presumably keeping him decent. The next thing he noticed was that his mind was less foggy, his head no longer throbbed like a marching band was having a blast inside his skull, and his body didn't feel like he'd been hit by a mack truck. That was good at least. He gotten too used to healing quickly and had forgotten how much pain was, well a pain.

The third thing he noticed was the familiar smell of apple pie. Mmm...nice. Warmth coursed through his body and he felt himself unexplainably relax as the smell invaded his nostrils. That scent triggered so many different emotions for him. Elation, longing, adoration, protectiveness to name a few. The smell also made him think of home, which was strange because he knew for a fact that he was not home. He was pretty sure he was hundreds of miles away from home. But, he couldn't bring himself to care about that at the moment. He felt light, as if a burden he hadn't even realized he'd been carrying had suddenly been lifted from his shoulders.

There were other scents, of course, like the weird musky and slightly moldy smell that reminded him of dead leaves and damp earth. There was also the faint smell of dog fur, the smell of whatever detergent was used to wash the bed linens, and a sugary-citrusy smell that made him think of the lemon meringue pie Sue Clearwater made every Thanksgiving. It was a nice smell. Not as nice as the apple pie one, but still nice.

Speaking of that apple pie smell...Jacob refocused on it and subtly inhaled. Oh yeah, that was a real nice scent. His mind supplied him with a mental image of a young woman with startlingly pretty features and intense hazel eyes. His heart skipped a beat and the longing he felt increased.

This must be what imprinting felt like.

Realization hit him like a ton of bricks and he almost gasped. His mind floundered for several moments, unable to come to grips with this new development in his already supremely complicated life. His lungs constricted in his chest and he thought he was going to have a full blown panic attack until he caught another whiff of that apple pie scent. Calm settled over him like a warm blanket and he inhaled one more time, holding his breath, and the scent, inside his lungs for several heartbeats. Jacob relaxed and his thoughts cleared.

"Ahem, I prefer the term sexual deviant."

What the hell? That voice definitely did not belong to his Apple Pie Girl, as he so dubbed the young woman he had imprinted on. It wasn't like he could call her by her name, he didn't even know it after all. Wow, that was pretty horrible now that he thought about it. He was distracted from his erratic thoughts, by an exasperated sigh.

"Why me?"

Ah, he'd recognize that smoky voice anywhere. Looks like his nose was right and Apple Pie Girl was in whatever room he apparently was in. And judging by her voice, she was close. Like within touching distance close. Jacob quickly put those thoughts from his mind and slowly forced his tired eyes open.

Instantly, his gaze turned to the left where Apple Pie Girl's voice had originated from. There she was, standing right beside the bed with her back turned, her head tilted back and her gaze focused imploringly on the ceiling as if it had all the answers.

He said the first thing that popped into his head. "Talking to your dog again?"

He wanted to smack himself for saying something so stupid. Of course she wasn't talking to her dog. Dogs couldn't talk and she'd clearly been talking to guy. Though, now that he took a second to look around, he noticed a distinct lack of people other than himself and Apple Pie Girl in the room. Maybe he'd imagined it? Nah, he clearly remembered a man saying something about being a sexual deviant. He felt a growl build up in his chest at the thought of some random guy who claimed to be a sexual deviant being anywhere near his Apple Pie Girl, but he quickly squashed it.

All thoughts left his head when Apple Pie Girl's head whipped around so fast, for a moment he was concerned she'd break her own neck, a squeak emitting from her plump mouth. Wide eyes the color of sunlit oak leaves stared at him and held him captive. He couldn't have looked away even if he wanted to. And, if he was being honest with himself, he didn't really want to.

Suddenly, the girl tripped over nothing and fell back, landing on her butt with a loud thump. Concern flooding his mind, Jacob sat up quickly and nearly fell back down. His body shrieked in protest and throbbed with all the wrathful pain of overworked muscles. Okay, ow. So that's where his soreness had gone. Good thing it was back, it wasn't like he had missed it or anything.

He cautiously leaned over the side of the bed and peered down at Apple Pie Girl worriedly. She looked annoyed and was glaring at the floor accusingly. Furrowing his brows, he asked if she was okay.

Her head jerked up and she stared at him, her mouth opening and closing several times, but no sound came out. She snapped her mouth shut with a soft click, blinked owlishly at him then pointed at the ceiling.

"My dad."

Er, okay. What about her dad? Is he in the ceiling or the floor above them, if there was another floor? He watched a blush spread across her cheeks then slowly looked up at the ceiling in contemplation. After a few seconds he looked back at her and raised his brows in bemusement and slight humor.


Her blush deepened and a stricken expression appeared on her face, "I mean, I was, you know, talking to him. Not my dog." She giggled nervously, her hazel eyes looking anywhere but at him as she rambled, "Not that I talk to my dog, because that would be, you know, totally crazy. And I'm not...Crazy that is."

She stopped rambling and coughed into her fist awkwardly. Jacob's eyebrows rose higher on his forehead and he nodded slowly, trying to keep the smile off his face. It was cute, the way she rambled like that. She made almost no sense, but it was cute. So was the blush that had spread down to her neck and upper chest. Speaking of which, wow. Definitely didn't make them like that in La Push... His own blush flooded his face and he quickly jerked his eyes back up to her face, thanking God that his dark skin hid the redness from his face. To take his mind of her...ahem, assets, he focused on her face, scrutinizing it intently.

She really was beautiful. There were faint tan lines at the corners of her eyes, as if she spent time in the sun and ended up squinting a lot. There were also faint freckles sprinkled across the bridge of her nose and each cheekbone, and a beauty mark near her right temple.

She bit her lip, drawing his gaze to her mouth. There was small scar at on the left corner of her lower lip that he hadn't noticed before. Interesting. He was curious where she got it and how she'd broken her nose. He noticed that she was no longer looking at him and how she was trying to not fidget the longer the silence between them continued. Crap, he made her uncomfortable with his staring. And he was still doing it. Double crap.

Jacob forced himself to look away and instead gaze around the room he was in. It was bigger than his room back home and better furnished. Actually, it kind of reminded him of a bed and breakfast his mother had forced the family to go to before she died. He quickly shut thoughts of his mother out of his mind and instead focused on the room. Probably with more intensity than was needed, but whatever.

The walls were cream colored, the carpet a deep brown and thick looking. There was a dresser pressed against the wall to his left, a nightstand directly to his right with a reading lamp, a round table with two chairs was directly across from the dresser, and a short wardrobe was pressed against the wall in the corner opposite to the bed and nightstand. All of it looked to be made of oak wood that had been stained dark.

Sitting up a little more, Jacob leaned against the headboard and took in the bed, which was way bigger than his own back home. That one could barely fit him, but he fit in this one rather nicely. This one was monster, most likely a queen and about as thick as two of his own mattress, resting on on a wooden four poster bed frame with a canopy. If he had money, he'd bet that the wood was oak too. The room was fancier than he was used to, but it wasn't obnoxious. It was actually kind of homey, in a old, straight out of the British country-side kind of way.

He briefly glanced towards ensuite bathroom, where, what he assumed was Apple Pie Girl's dog was lying contentedly on the brown tile. His brows furrowed briefly as he stared at the animal. That wasn't a dog, that was fluffy horse. Not that he had any room to talk about being the size of a horse, but seriously, it was huge.

Shaking his head, Jacob looked back at Apple Pie Girl and asked the question that had been nagging at him from the very back of his mind since he woke up the second time. "Where am I?"

She glanced at him and jumped slightly, as if surprised to find him staring at her. She peered at him intently, her lips parting slightly as she took shallow breaths, and her eyes roved over his face.

Jacob shifted slightly against the headboard, male pride surging through him at the look of female appreciation on her face, and he puffed out his chest. He knew he was posturing and part of him scoffed at his ridiculous and Paul-like behavior, but his male ego decided to tell that part of his mind to shove it. Hell with the way she was looking at him, he almost thought it was a good thing that he was naked under the blankets.

While she was busy looking him over, he decided to do the same. Fair was fair after all. And damn, the baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants he first saw her in really did not do her figure any justice. Honestly neither did the jeans and oversized shirt she was currently wearing. And even though she was still sitting on the floor, it was obvious to Jacob that she was fuller figured than most girls nowadays, with a large chest that narrowed slightly at the waist before swelling into a set of wide hips attached to thick, jean-clad thighs. He let his eyes trail upwards back towards her hazel orbs, meeting them head on and holding them. She unconsciously licked her lips and he focused on the motion. Oh yeah, he was really, really grateful for the blankets pooling around his waist right at this moment.

He was distracted from his heated stare down with Apple Pie Girl-he really needed to learn her name- by a deep bark that sounded like quiet thunder and the sudden weight of the huge monster of a dog landing on his lower legs. Jacob grunted in surprise, jerking his head towards the dog and scowling at it. Damn dog totally ruined the moment. Didn't matter that nothing more than staring probably would have happened, eye sex was way better than having a hundred and something pound dog lying across his legs.

Jacob stopped giving the fluffy white canine the evil eye when he saw Apple Pie Girl quickly getting to her feet. He watched her as she pointed at the ground beside her and addressed the dog sternly.

"Down, Sprite."

The dog, Sprite apparently, whined, slithered off the bed, shuffled towards Apple Pie Girl, and sat at her feet, gazing up at her adoringly. She put her hand on the beast's large head and looked at a point somewhere over his shoulder. Jacob resisted the urge to turn around to see what exactly she was looking at and instead focused on her face as she opened her mouth to speak.

"Sorry about that. Um, right, where are you?" She apologized and cleared her throat loudly. Her voice abruptly shifted and became distantly polite even as she stuttered, "You are-you are currently residing in guest room fourteen of the Mystic Inn, located ten miles outside of the town of White Oak, in Montana."

Montana, huh? Wow, he was two states away from La Push, Washington. Explained why he could hear any of the pack. He felt the corner of his mouth twitch when Apple Pie Girl ducked her head and scratched the back of her neck while shuffling nervously in place.

"I, uh," She stuttered awkwardly, "I found you earlier this morning in the backyard. You were unconscious and erm, naked..."

Trust me, hon I am fully aware of that. Jacob thought sardonically as she twirled around, hurried towards the dresser and snatched up a stack of clothes off the top then she trotted back over to the bed. She did all that without looking at him once. Damn.

"Here," Apple Pie Girl thrust the clothes at him without meeting his eyes, no matter how hard he tried to catch her gaze, "These were my dad's. They should fit alright. Maybe. I mean, he was a big guy like you, so yeah..."

She trailed off awkwardly and shifted from foot-to-foot. He reached out and took the clothes from her hands, purposefully brushing his fingers against her and letting them linger there. "Thanks."

She yanked her hands away from as if they'd caught on fire and she shoved them into the back pockets of her jeans. Jacob briefly looked toward them wistfully before looking at her face again, mentally sighing in relief when it appeared that she hadn't noticed him ogling her. He chuckled lowly at the expression on her face and half smiled at the blush that reappeared on her face. Jacob really, really liked it when she blushed.

"Um, right, so, uh, welcome to Mystic Inn." Apple Pie Girl stated hurriedly and looked frantically around the room. Focusing on something behind him, she gestured towards the bathroom with one hand, "Bathroom's through that door there. Obviously..." She tucked her hand back into her back pocket, rocked back on her heels, and sucked her bottom lip into her mouth before speaking again, "So, yeah, lunch is served at twelve in the dining room on the first floor if you're hungry..."

Starving, but I don't think they have what I want on the menu. Jacob mused, his half smile widening slightly at the thought. He had clearly spent too much time inside Paul's head.

"Right, okay." Apple Pie Girl muttered and she pointed towards the door, "I'm just gonna, you know, go...Yeah."

She was leaving. Irrational panic gripped him as she shuffled towards the bedroom door with her head bowed, that damn dog shambling after her faithfully. Thinking quickly, Jacob tried to find a way to keep her in the room, if for only a few more minutes.

Her hand was just about to turn the doorknob when he blurted out the first thing that popped into his head.


She paused and he heard her exhale slowly before she turned to face him, an expression of forced politeness on her pretty face.


An imaginary light bulb dinged above his head and he flashed another half smile at her, "What's your name?"

She twitched and stared at him in disbelief. The silence stretched on for a few seconds and Jacob worried that she would just leave without saying anything, but she proved him wrong when she cocked one wide hip out and propped her fist on it.

"Why do you want to know?"

Ooh, suddenly we've got some attitude going on. He liked that. Jacob grinned widely at her.

"I think I deserve to know the name of my rescuer, don't you?" He asked, his grin widening at the flabbergasted look she gave him. Oh yeah, sweetheart, trying dodging the question now.

She crossed her arms and shifted from foot to foot restlessly for a few moments then huffed. Reluctantly, she spoke.

"Mo Tanner."

Mo Tanner. So much better than Apple Pie Girl. He smiled happily at her and gave her his name. "I'm Jacob. Jacob Black. It's nice to meet you, Mo."

You have no idea how nice either.

Mo grumbled under her breath as she trudged down the main staircase to the first floor, her arms crossed tightly over her chest and a sour expression on her face. Pfft, nice to meet you, indeed. She looked down at the fluffy beast plodding down the stairs beside her.

"He's trouble, Sprite, I just know it. I should have just left him in the backyard and called the cops."

Sprite looked up at her adoringly, pink tongue lolling out his mouth as usual. Mo shook her head at him and, after stopping on second floor landing, wagged a finger at him. "No, we do not like the weird streaker, Sprite. Get that idea out of your head."

"I don't know, darling, you seemed to like him plenty from what I saw."

Mo groaned and started walking down the stairs again as Raphael phased into sight on her other side, easily keeping in step with her. She looked towards the ceiling and appealed to the universe and whatever deity bothered to listen to her. "Why me? What did I do in a past life to earn torture via drama queen poltergeist?"

He ignored her and continued as if she hadn't spoke. "In fact, judging from the expression on your face when you looked at him, you were one smile away from jumping his bones and taking him for a test drive. Not that I blame you, he is one fine specimen of manliness."

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about." Mo denied instantly, deciding to ignore the way her face was doing it's best to impersonate a ripe tomato. "What you saw on my face was abject horror at talking to a guy I saw naked, while he was still naked. Normal people find situations such as those mortifying."

Raphael clucked his tongue and shook his head disapprovingly, "Honey, denial isn't just a river in Egypt, you know."

"If you keep talking, I'll let Fezzik loose in the attic to pee all over it."

The attic was where he'd overdosed decades ago. He was very attached to it. Anything that happened in the attic, he could feel. Like when a ten year old accidently drops an oil lamp when she's were looking for her great-grandfather's grimoire. He'd tripped her and left dead things in her bed for a week after that.

"Rude much? No wonder you've never had a boyfriend." The gay poltergeist sniffed and floated away, phasing through the ceiling.

"'No wonder you've never had a boyfriend.'" Mo mocked in a horrible imitation of Raphael's silky voice. She glanced down at Sprite, "He's lying. I've had a boyfriend. Sort of."

Granted a relationship that ended after two days and only began because Davis Littleton lost a bet with his buddies, probably didn't count as having an actual boyfriend. Stupid Raphael. She really should have had her mother exorcise the jerk back when he used to make her dolls have orgies when she was eight.

Shuddering, Mo jumped the last two stairs and ambled through the empty dining room, Mr. Roark most likely having gone fishing, towards the kitchen. She pushed the swinging door open and held it, allowing Sprite to tramp into the large room before her. She let the door swing shut behind her, walked over to the large island in the middle of the room, and hopped onto one of the barstools. Sprite flopped down on his side on Mo's left, dropping off into a doze almost instantly. She folded her arms on the wooden top and rested her head on them, hiding her face from view.

"I take it our guest is awake?" Mary-Elizabeth asked airly, a wooden spoon as long as Mo's forearm with a bowl the size of her palm in her hand. She dipped the spoon into a large, bubbling copper pot and stirred counterclockwise exactly fifteen times.

"His name is Jacob Black and I should have called the cops when I found him this morning."

"What a lovely name. Why would have called the police on him, dearheart?" The older witch murmured and she glanced over her shoulder at her daughter then looked back to the pot. Still stirring with one hand, she picked up a small copper spoon and dipped it into the bubbling liquid, bringing it to her lips for a taste test. Humming slightly, she placed the spoon down and walked over to her dried herb rack, the wooden spoon stirring itself.

Mo lifted her head, rested her chin on her arms, and blew a strand of hair out of her face. "Well for one, he was naked when I found him. That's indecent exposure right there, which is illegal. And two, he's trouble. I can sense it. Sprite can to. Can't you boy?" She leaned back to look at the dog with raised brows.

Sprite sneezed, lifted his head, and panted up at her happily. Mo took a moment to glare at her familiar. Traitor.

Mary-Elizabeth returned to the pot on the stove and sprinkled a pinch of rosemary into the liquid. She addressed the wooden spun still stirring itself, "Clockwise, please, for twenty minutes."

The spoon instantly changed direction and Mary-Elizabeth walked gracefully towards the island to stand directly opposite of her daughter. She rested her forearms against the time-worn wooden top and leaned forward, "What makes you think he's trouble?"

"He makes my Spidey senses tingle." Mo deadpanned.

Her mother snorted in a most unladylike way and waved a dismissive hand, "I get that part, dove. Please elaborate why he makes your...Spinny senses tingle."

Mo sighed, "Spidey senses, Ma. It's Spidey senses. And do you even have to ask? He was naked and unconscious in our backyard looking like he'd spent a week running through the woods in the buff. That has got to tell you something ain't right with him. He could be a criminal for Gods' sake."

"Hmm, perhaps." Mary-Elizabeth mused and she tapped her chin thoughtfully, "But I don't think so. Most criminals don't run through the woods naked, dear."

"Well, how about a runaway then?" Mo suggested then made an irritated noise and threw her hands in the air, "You know what, it doesn't matter. He's trouble. T-R-O-U-B-L-E. Trouble."

"Double, double, toil, and trouble." Mary-Elizabeth murmured humorously.

Mo made a disgusted sound and jumped off the barstool, sliding it forcefully back into place. "Fine go ahead and make a joke out of this, but if we wake up one morning as ghosts because he turned out to be a crazy axe murder, don't come crying to me." She stomped towards the back door and grabbed a pair of work boots resting on the mat by the door. "I'm going to start my chores."

"Lunch will be ready in an hour and a half." Mary-Elizabeth called out to her daughter and she turned back to the stew she was preparing. She chuckled lightly under her breath and shook her head when Mo slammed the door dramatically behind her and Sprite. The witch looked up at the ceiling with a soft smile, "That's your side of the family shining through, love."

Her mother's airy laughter reached her ears as she approached the backdoor almost two hours later, Sprite trotting at her heels, and she frowned slightly. Mo's frown turned into a scowl when deep and, unfortunately, familiar laughter joined her mother's. She'd know that wolf laugh anywhere, even after only hearing it once. Of course her mother just had to fraternize with the enemy. Typical.

After stomping up the wooden steps loudly to make her dissatisfied presence known, Mo dropped down on the top step and proceeded to remove her muddy and soaked work boots from her feet, Sprite flopping down on the porch on her right. Next she worked her soggy socks off and tossed them over the porch rail to dry in the sun. Wiggling her bare toes, she flopped down on her back, ignoring the way her t-shirt squelched and the uncomfortable feeling of wet denim rubbing abrasively against her waist. The freaking water pixies that lived in the small lake about fifteen minutes from the Inn had decided she need to take swim with them. Bloody water imps, they enjoyed screwing with her waaaay too much.

"Is that you, dove?" Her mother called out as she opened the backdoor, pausing when she saw her daughter sprawled out on the porch, her feet hanging over the steps. She stepped out onto the porch and peered down at her wet daughter with curious concern. "What happened to you, dear?"

Mo tilted her head back and caught sight of naked guy-Jacob Black, she corrected herself, looming behind her mother like a russet skinned behemoth. Flicking her eyes away from his strangely concerned gaze, Mo fixed her mother with a deadpanned expression, "I fell into the lake."

Mary-Elizabeth covered her mouth with her hand, trying to hide the smile that wanted to stretch her mouth. She failed miserably and Mo gave her a flat look. With laughter in her voice, Mary-Elizabeth spoke again, "Yes, I can see that. I'll just go fetch you a towel then shall I?"

Mo grunted and stopped craning her neck, focusing on the wooden awning above her head while her mother disappeared back into the house. For a moment, she almost thought that the guy-Jacob, her mind unhelpfully supplied, had left. At least until the wooden board beside her head creaked and a massive shape sat down on her left, his long legs, clad in a pair of her father's worn jeans, stretched out across the porch steps. Not that she was paying attention to him or anything. Not at all.

"Soo..." He drawled, the slight awkwardness in his tone causing Mo to glance at him from the corner of her eye. "You fell in the lake?"

"Nope, water sprites decided to pull me in." She stated seriously and with complete honesty.

"Right, stupid question." He chuckled under his breath, the sound sending warm shivers down Mo's spin. Freaking hormones. She wasn't in high school anymore, she shouldn't have to be dealing with this crap anymore.

Mo watched as he pulled his legs up so his feet were resting on the second step then he rested his elbows on his thighs, leaning forward slightly. His shoulders strained the material of her dad's shirt and the muscles on his back rippled clearly through the material. He'd apparently foregone wearing the flannel left for him. She couldn't decide if that was a bad thing or not. He shifted again, muscles straining against the thin material of the shirt. Yeah, no, it was definitely a bad thing.

Mo rubbed the back of her hand against her mouth, pretending to wipe away some nonexistent water, but was actually surreptitiously making sure she wasn't drooling. She had some dignity after all.


Did he start all his sentences with that word or something?

"You've lived here all your life?"

Mo gave him a weird look. Where exactly was he going with this? She answered slowly, "Yeah."

"That's cool." He cleared his throat, "Ever think about leaving?"

Woah, what? What kind of question was that? Mo sat up and scooted stealthily away from him, eyeing him warily. "Is that your weird, roundabout way of saying you're playing on kidnapping me?" She asked suspiciously, "Because if it is, I have to warn you, I'm a black belt."

Not really. At least not in any human martial arts. But he didn't need to know that, now did he? No, no he did not.

"What? No! Oh, God, no. I'm-I'm not planning on kidnapping you or anything." He hurriedly told her. He laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck, "That, uh, that came out wrong, huh?"

Mo was pretty sure that that was exactly what a potential kidnapper would say, just to lull his victim into a false sense of security. Then he would strike and the poor, naive, hapless idiot-woman would never know what hit her. Well, he was just plumb out of luck, because that wouldn't work on her. No siree, it would not. It didn't matter that his muscles made Hercules look like a twig or that his smile would cause a swooning epidemic if he unleashed it on the female population. She refused to let something as trivial as a pair of velvet brown eyes and a nice smile turn her into a quivering mess of hormones. She would not become like one of those idiot damsels in her mother's trashy romance novels, dammit!

Shaking herself out of her own mental rant, Mo opened her mouth to retort as she refocused her gaze on Jacob. The only sound that came out of her mouth was a strangled squeak, that sounded remarkably similar to a dying squirrel. He was staring at her. Not only that, he was staring at her with an expression so earnest and hopeful, all he need was some Sarah McLachlan music and he could be in his own charity commercial.

Look away! Look away dammit! The sensible part of her mind screeched as she continued to ogle him while the dumb and reckless part of her mind screamed, Don't look away! In fact lean closer! Lean closer!

"Here's a towel, do-Oh, am I interrupting?"

Mo jerked her head towards her mother whiplash fast and squawked, "No!" Her voice cracked and she winced, praying that no one noticed. No such luck, judging by the amused looks on both her mother's and Jacob's face.

"I see." Mary-Elizabeth replied with a small, knowing smile and she held a plush pastel pink towel out to her daughter. "Here you go, dearheart."

Mo cleared her throat and spoke, her tone as even as she could possibly make it. "Thanks, Ma." She stood and rubbed vigorously at her damp hair with the towel before wrapping it around her body. Lifting her chin, she walked into the Inn with as much dignity as she could muster. Which wasn't much, considering she was still dripping wet and her face was doing its level best to impersonate a cherry.

"She's such a shy girl, my daughter. She's single you know." Mo heard her mother say to Jacob and she hurried up the servant's stairs to avoid hearing his reply, her face burning even hotter in mortified embarrassment. Gah, she couldn't believe that woman sometimes.

Author's Note: Whelp, here's the second chapter! I'll probably start most of the chapters with Jacob's POV, going through what happened in the last chapter from his perspective. Then again, I might not, it depends. Anyhooties, I wrote Jacob a little differently than I did in Always Sunny, so I hope he isn't OOC and that everyone enjoyed this chapter! I was actually a little surprise, but very-very happy, at the reaction to the first chapter, you guys are awesome!

Terms to Know:
Water Pixies:
Mischievous, but mostly harmless, fae that live in any kind of body of water. About two to two and a half feet tall with willowy builds, they have large heads with even bigger fish like eyes in various shades of blue and green and no nose. Their skin tends to mimic the color of the water they reside in, making them virtually undetectable to unaware humans. Hair often looks like algae. The have seven fingers and four toes with a thin membranous webbing between them. Two rows of serrated fish teeth hidden inside a lipless mouth. Their preferred diet is fish, frogs, bugs, small birds, lizards, and the occasional small animal that wanders to close to the water. They have two sets of gills, one pair on either side of their necks and the other on either side of their ribs, which are used to breath when they are sleeping. Like most pixies, Water Pixies are extremely mischievous, and enjoy splashing passersby, occasionally pulling them into the water for a swim, or cutting a fisherman's line. They live in matriarchal colonies anywhere from 5 to 20 pixies, can change their sex like certain frog species if it is necessary and reproduction is similar to that of a seahorse, with the males carrying the offspring. They love shiny things and tend to collect objects that strike their fancy the way a magpie does. The colony that lives in the lake near the Mystic Inn has an unholy love for chocolate, specifically Snickers and Almond Joys.

Special THANKS to everyone that faved and/or alerted! You guys are awesome-sauce!


Break This Spell666: Haha, yeah no bet this time. Twilight was the only fanfiction I could think of to use this concept on. I'm sure there are others, but it was the first one that popped into my head so I rolled with it. I'm glad you liked the first chapter and Mo herself, I actually think I like her better than Sunny. Ah, heh, the 'Nasal hemorrhage'/anime character thing was not a reference to Black Butler specifically. I was using it as generalization, since in most animes I've seen whenever a hot person shows up either naked or in a particularly revealing outfit, someone always gets a very dramatic nosebleed (i.e. Iruka when Naruto uses his sexy jutsu). I thought I was being witty. Anyhooties, I hope you like this chapter!

Rasheedah2907: Thanks, I'm glad you liked the first chapter! I hope you like the second one too!

LovingMeLovingYou: Thanks! I hope it continues to meet your expectations as it progresses. Haha, I'm glad you like Raphael, he one of my favorite characters in this story. Anyhooties, I hope you like this chapter!

Geneu: Yeah that's what I was pretty much thinking of doing, except for maybe some much, much later chapters. But for the most part, it's just gonna be Jacob in the little world I created to fit into the Twilight universe. Anyhooties, I hope you like this chapter!

Mira SeverusSirius Black-Snape: Raphael is the best, I'd totally want a friend like him. Anyhooties, I hope you like this chapter!

Yappycherub: Thanks, I'm glad you think I'm a good writer! I hope you like this chapter!

Shayna kasdan: Thanks, I'm glad you like the story so far! I hope you like this chapter too!

GigglingFangirl: Awesome, I'm glad you liked the first chapter! I hope you like the second one too!

zZhell-butterflyZz: Thanks, I hope you like this chapter!