A/N - Ah! Emma's back and guess what...I'm taking another stab at dark!Doctor :) This fanfiction will have nearly unlimited dark themes, which may include as far as torture and/or sexual harassment and (likely attempted) assault. I don't condone any of these things. I don't even condone the mildest versions of violence. It's simply writing to the best of my abilities, and I will try to handle everything respectfully.

If any of these things affect you at all, please don't read! I'd feel absolutely terrible if I triggered you. Even if these things don't trigger you and simply anger you, don't 'flame' me for it. You can waste your time making someone feel bad for fictional writing, or you can do something enjoyable and productive.

Other than that, I hope people (new or those who have stuck with Emma and the Doctor even through unfortunately long breaks) enjoy the story! Here's a little prologue/teaser for you :)

Disclaimer - I don't own Doctor Who or anything in it, quite obviously. Though I have been called Steven Moffat a few times, I'm just a fanfic writer who owns an OC.

The air was filled with the sound of harsh breathing and the crushing of leaves and the occasional twig; thundering footsteps followed close behind the lone ones, not showing any signs of giving up their pursuit.

So Emma ran faster despite the way her lungs and side ached, doing her best not to trip over roots or knock into one of the many scattered trees. There seemed to be no end to the dark forest, and the only light she could see was barely there, struggling to show through grey clouds and the thick leaves of trees.

She took a sharp right through a thicket of trees that lead her to a clearing and, finally, the footsteps behind her were gone. Her running slowed by a fraction and she looked over her shoulder, finding that she was now alone. She didn't realize what a mistake that was until the toe of her shoe got caught on a rock and she found herself face down in the grass. Several curse words ran through her mind, but she didn't dare to yell them like she wanted to, to avoid drawing attention.

It seemed to be unnecessary, however, as she rose up onto her hands and knees and saw a pair of boots in front of her. "Oh, shit." She decided to let that one slip, given the situation she was now in. It wasn't miraculously some kind stranger come to save the day; it was him. She knew that for sure when the rough hands of his guards pulled her up to her feet, let her stare him right in the face.

"Oh, sweet Emma." He stroked her chin like a lover and then grabbed it like a viper taking its prey. "We've only just begun getting acquainted. It's not very polite to run away from me before we've even had tea." He shoved her head back roughly, releasing her chin. "Take her back. Oh, and please do make sure she's nice and comfy for dinner."

As the Doctor smiled, Emma cringed. "I do think chains will suit her nicely."

There we have it! The little prologue for the story. I hope it's pulled you in so far and if not...well, there is clearly more to come. The things leading up to this moment and the things following after. I hope you'll stick around for more :) Follow, favorite, and review if you want to! Who knows...maybe this story will give me inspiration to update my other ones.