Sherlock walked around the flat with Peter in his arms, showing him around. They had gotten home from the hospital about an hour ago, and John was asleep in their bedroom. He walked around and showed him the few pictures that were up on the fireplace, pointing out who was who and what was what, he showed him John's and his chair, the smiley face on the wall, all sorts of things.

"And that's your Grandma Hudson, Grandma and Grandpa Watson, and Grandma and Grandpa Holmes. Grandma Hudson already met you, but your other grandparents can't wait." He glanced around the room, and spotted his violin. "I wrote a song for you, do you want to hear it?" In response, Peter looked up at him with those large, curious eyes. Sherlock placed him in the crib the kept in the living room, picked up his violin, then began playing a sweet, gentle piece that he composed a few weeks ago.

The song was decent length, about four minutes long give or take, but Peter seemed to enjoy it. He once again smiled in his sleep, and once the song ended, Sherlock walked over and picked his son up once more.

Peter was getting tired, so he took him into the bedroom to put him to bed, but stopped when he saw the familiar black and white photo on John's bedside table, the photo they had looked at every night sinceā€¦ the incident happened almost a year ago. "And this," he said quietly, so that he didn't wake John, who was snoring softly, "this is your big brother. His name is also Peter, you're named after him. He didn't get a chance to live, but we love him very much, and I'm sure he would love you too. We love you, Peter, very, very much, and we will protect you for the rest of our lives."

By the time he was done speaking, Peter had already began to fall asleep. Sherlock sat in the rocking chair John's mother gave them and rocked gently, until he was sure his son was asleep, then placed him in his crib and walked to the door, smiling at his family before walking out of the bedroom to look at a case file.

Thanks for reading! I hope you all liked it! Like I said in the last chapter, I will be writing a sequel about Peter growing up called "Through the years".

Don't forget to fave, follow and review, BUT NO FLAMES!