This'll be adorable! I hope you all like!

P.S. For the people who don't know, (because I know I sure as hell didn't know) sclera is the white part in the human's eye. ;)

" No really, I'm happy being single. "

Septimus said weakly with a smile, twirling the blood glass in his hand. Currently the demon was in a small club Nerezza held. It wasn't extravagant, but it WAS loud and fun. There was a space demon playing music, the current song being "Less talk more rokk" by Freezepop, there was a nature demon serving drinks, and currently he was in a group of other demons, talking about dating. Aries was in the group too, with Blitz laying in his lap, quietly nibbling on some French fries. Aries didn't drink, but he wanted to hang out with Septimus. Septimus didn't really drink either, for some reason he couldn't get drunk, he just drank blood or lava. Besides, it still made him look legit.

" I've had PLENTY of girlfriends before, but it always ended with them trying to control what I did in the underworld. Trust me, if I really wanted to, I could get any girl I wanted."

The fire demon leaned back in his seat, putting his free arm beneath his head and his feet on the table, legs crossing.

" I guess I'm just not looking for anything serious right now though. Besides, demon girls tend to be b****es anyway."

The demons laughed heartily at this, except Aries, but Aries was a little more calm than most other demons, and didn't have the same sense of humor as the others. The psychic slowly stood up, holding Blitz in his arms who had long since fallen asleep.

" I'm gonna go put Blitz to bed. "

" Sounds good Aries. "

Septimus responded, carefully petting the sleeping dragon on the side of the head.

" I'll be back soon. "

Aries nodded softly before walking out of the club.

" You know, for a minion that serves under you, Aries isn't very threatening. "

A red headed demon said calmly, taking a swig of his drink.

" Yeah, you'd think he'd at least LOOK scary. "

Another demon with bright green hair, the bar-tending nature demon, added, cleaning a wine glass and raising an eyebrow curiously. Septimus lowered his glass to his lips, speaking before drinking any.

" Well, true he isn't scary, but he's incredibly smart. And an evil mastermind like myself needs to have a smart, trustworthy, incredible companion like him. "

Low murmers were spread throughout the group, getting Septimus to smile to himself before he finally took a drink. He just HAD to stand up for Aries. And he wasn't lying with what had been said. Aries really WASNT all that scary, but he was one of the smartest and must loyal a demon could ever have. Septimus was lucky to be able to call him a friend.

Suddenly a lot of male demons could be heard whistling and hollering at something, and the fire demon HAD to find out what was going on. Turns out a woman had entered the club, and Septimus immediately lowered his feet to the floor, sitting normally now. Her raven hair was straight and EXTREMELY long, dragging on the floor. Her pupils were snowy white with red for her sclera, and her skin was a snowy pale shade. Her purple dress was short, cut low around her chest, with two aqua blue bands around her tiny waist. She had a black choker, red and black striped sleeves and tights, and purple high heeled shoes. Also, she had a very long, sharp scythe jutting from the back of her blue waist bands. Basically she was the gothic chick every demon guy looked for.

" Heyyy... I know her. "

Septimus turned to the demon next to him, looking confused.

" That's the angel of death: Hope! I can't believe she came HERE! "

" Hope? "

The fire demon asked softly, turning his attention back to the queen reaper, Hope. Hope calmly took a wine glass out of the waiters hand and took a sip, one leg crossing over the other as she continued to read her book.

" You haven't heard of her? She's been around since the beginning of time dude. Apparently she's never been with a man either. Strange, considering her physical appearance. "

" Septimus, you should go after her. "

Another demon said eagerly, shocking Septimus to the point of looking at the black haired shadow demon.

" Wh-what?! "

" Yeah! If demon chicks aren't your thing, why don't you try a reaper chick?! "

" Besides, "

The bartender nature demon added, smirking at the fire demon.

" You'd be a f***ing LEGEND if you managed to win her heart. No other man has EVER won her heart. Rumor has it, before Flash met Laura, he tried to date Hope. "

" R-really?! "

Septimus asked, truly surprised by this. Flash didn't seem like the type to chase after a gothic reaper girl. Then again, both have been around since the beginning. Plenty of time for Hope to change. Perhaps she wasn't a goth back then. Who knows?

" You'd sure be one hell of a man if you could do something Flash HIMSELF couldn't do. "

Septimus grinned widely, rolling his heavy crimson irises up and rubbing his chin. He DID like the sound of being superior to the almighty Flash. Admittedly in two areas, Hope WAS pretty hot, but he also wasn't really looking for a relationship. Maybe he could try anyway. Besides, who knows? Maybe he'd actually grow to like her.

Hitting a hand to the counter, the demon stood up, stretching his wings open and walking over to the girl. Slowly, he sat in front of the reaper on the other end of the table, both arms crossing on the table.

" Hey. "

He said smoothly, smiling brightly. Hope simply rolled her snowy irises up and took a single look at him before looking back down at her book.

" No. "

She said calmly, turning the page of her book. Septimus couldn't help but snicker at this, eyes clenching shut, amazed at how she responded. It was hilarious to him. Like she already knew he was trying to flirt with her.

" Aw, c'mon. "

Septimus said softly, still laughing a little.

" You didn't even let me introduce myself. "

" Septimus Winter, current leader of hell. "

Hope said simply, not even bothering to look at him.

" Known as a fire demon, but is actually a very powerful Rorshack. Date of death unknown, but is still capable of dying in the near future. "

Septimus felt his eyes widen, unable to believe his now twitching ears. Did she have knowledge of everything known to man?

" You're amazing. How'd you-? "

" I'm almost akin to a time angel. "

She explained.

" I know the birth and death of every living being, in any timeline. Past, present or future. Hence I know their names, what species they are, and how they're going to die. You are tricky though. Your aura prevents me from learning of when your death will take place, and it prevents me from knowing when you were born. All I really know about you is that you randomly appeared a few years ago, and that you are capable of dying in the near future. "

Septimus simply sat there, mouth agape, unable to think properly. This woman really WAS incredible. He didn't know the queen of death possessed such incredible knowledge. Slowly he cleared his throat, trying to stay focused.

" A-anyway, mind blow aside, "

He chuckled.

" Would you perhaps be interested in-? "

" No. "

Hope interrupted, blinking calmly and turning another page.

" I'm not looking for a relationship. "

" J-just as friends then? "

Septimus offered. Finally Hope looked up, one eye raised slightly in question.

" Say... tomorrow at about 4? "

Septimus was almost afraid she'd say no. She looked dead set against it. Suddenly the reaper queen closed her book and stood up, the demon following shortly after.

" Meet me in the park. "

She said calmly.

" Lose the demonic look so we won't get noticed. This won't be a date, so don't try anything, 'else I'm leaving immediately. "

" R-right! "

Septimus said swiftly, grinning widely and nervously, watching as the woman walked off.

" See you-... then. "

The fire demon turned to where the others from his group were, smirking at their gawked expressions. ' Ha. ' He thought smugly. ' I'll get her. '

Septimus is in for one HELL of a time trying to woo Hope. XD

Goodnight everyone!