"..And if the dark were to swallow you whole, I'd be the helpless fool that would follow you into the abyss, and I wouldn't stop searching for you until the very heart that beats inside of my chest, stills. I love you, Stiles. Always."

- Lydia

An overwhelming urgency to press her lips against Stiles captivated Lydia as she watched him push through the heavy steel doors of Beacon High school, His warm brown eyes were quick to fall upon her and The response of her ovaries, proving to be too much, forced Lydia to return her attention back to Allison, who seemed to be involving her in a casual conversation that she has yet to tune into.

"Maybe it's just me though.." Allison breathed leaning her back against the lockers.

"Yeah, totally." Lydia sighed before glancing over her shoulder again.

"You weren't listening, were you?" Allison asked with a doubtful expression.

"It's that obvious huh?" Lydia questioned apologetically.

"Just a little." Allison teased. "What's going on with you anyway, You've ignored my texts all weekend and now you look completely occupied with everything but what's in front of you."

Lydia scanned her surroundings before grabbing Allison's hands and inhaling deeply.

"remember how I invited you to Jacksons party Friday?" She began waiting impatiently for Allison to confirm. "well you said you had to go out with your dad and handle some family affairs, and even though I do see that as a valid reason not to attend the biggest party Beacon High has ever endured, I was still a little upset with the fact I had to show up alone and look completely pathetic."

Allison cleared her throat obnoxiously, interrupting Lydia.

"Sorry..." Lydia paused before speaking again.

"After six shots of tequila and two mixed drinks later, I somehow ended up in Jacksons room during my search for the bathroom, and even though I was hoping to find a white porcelain instead of Jackson, I was still equally as pleased." Lydia faintly laughed.

"I was confused that he was hiding in his room instead of hosting his own party, But He was just standing in front of his window looking down at everybody. By the way he reacted to my sloppy entrance, It was obvious that I startled him. He told me to get out of his room, and to forget that I ever saw him in there. When I didn't move, he just looked at me disgustingly and told me that he knew I had a crush on him and that I needed to understand that I had no shot in hell with him, that I was classless and it should have been painfully clear that I would never be good enough for him." Lydia exhaled angrily before returning to the story.

"He made me feel like shit before storming out and because I did have a crush on him since middle school, it hurt. So I ended up sitting on his bed and crying my eyes out for hours until someone decided to barge in and interrupt my drunken break down. I looked up and Stiles was staring at me , face white, and eyes huge. I didn't have the heart to tell him too leave, s o I let him sit down beside me and listen to what just happened." She smiled at the memory.

"Of course, Stiles being Stiles, made me out to be this deserving goddess who should be sitting on some type of pedestal made out of gold, and Jackson to be a peasant whose death would be by his own miss use of his tongue. Surprisingly he made me feel a lot better about myself, and this part is still a bit hazy, but I kissed him. I'm not really sure if I wanted too or if the liquor had something to do with it, but at that moment it just felt right."

"You kissed Stiles?" Allison gasped. "He didn't initiate it?"

"No, I kissed him first." Lydia stated.

"Okay, I'm not sure if I'm following. so... Jackson broke your heart with in .5 seconds of finally having a real conversation with him, Stiles finds you with your feelings utterly shattered, Makes you feel better, and to show your appreciation you kissed him." Allison shrugged. "So, what's the problem?"

"I didn't just kiss him, Allison." Lydia admits, her cheeks now red.

"okay, so you... you..." Allison's mouth suddenly flew open and her eyes widened.

"You slept with him?!" She screeched.

Startled by her friends outburst, Lydia rushed to put her hand over Allison's mouth and nervously looked around before retrieving her hand back to her side.

"Aside from the awkward glances, we have yet to speak to one another, and normally that would be perfectly fine, but once my hang over was cured and I started thinking clearly again, I realized that maybe, Just maybe, I actually have feelings for Stiles." Lydia confessed unable to look at Allison.

"Hey... " Allison whispered causing Lydia to make eye contact. "If you're waiting for me to judge you or give you some kind of lecture about it, then you're sadly mistaken. Stiles is a really good guy, And If I had to choose between someone as selfless as Stiles and, well, Jackson. I'd be honored to pick Stiles." Allison smiled before the bell rang.

Lydia fixated on the conversation she had with Allison all day, everything else passing in a blur. She kept replaying the events that took place at Jacksons party over and over again, and By the end of the school day she came to the conclusion that her feelings were more than just lust; she had to find Stiles before her thoughts ate her alive.

Carefully avoiding any distractions, Lydia paced herself as she scanned the halls for Stiles. Her heart threatening to burst out of her chest every time she reared a corner.

"Lydia, are you okay?" A voice boomed from behind her.

With a turn of her heel, Lydia was greeted by a very concerned Scott.

"I'm fine..." She lied, looking past him in hopes of seeing Stiles.

"Where's your sidekick?" Lydia asked nervously.

"Stiles?" Scott questioned.

"Yes, Stiles." Lydia answered annoyingly.

"He left a few minutes ago." Scott told her as he arched his left eyebrow.

"Do you mind telling me where he may be?" Lydia asked quietly.

"His house..." Scott said. "His dad needed to talk to him before his night shift."

"Okay, thanks." Lydia quickly smiled before making her way outside and to her car.

Her mind began to race with events that have yet to happen, or may never happen, once she finally approaches Stiles and confesses her true feelings. the fear of rejection started to consume her, and the closer she got to his house, the slower she drove.

Carefully Parking in front of Stiles house, she slowly pulled down her visor and checked her reflection. After fluffing her red curls a bit and reapplying her cherry lip gloss, she then took a deep breath and stepped out.

Lydia could hear Sheriff Stilinski's voice rising as she made her way to the front door, and before she could ball up her fist to knock on it, Mr. Stilinski came storming through it. Startled to see Lydia standing there, wide eyed, and mouth opened, He gave her a half heartedly smile and said, "Stiles is inside." and then proceeded to walk around her.

Her body was shaking as she stepped over the threshold and into their foyer. She's never been in Stiles house before, and despite the fact that a couple of males live in here, it seemed to still have a woman's touch.

"Hey, what're you doing here?" Stiles asked.

He was leaning against the staircase, his arms folded, and hair a mess. His face looked flushed, and eye lashes still damp. Lydia's heart fluttered as she stared at the beautiful mess standing before her. She wanted nothing more than to put her arms around him and promise a lifetime of safety, but all she could do was stand there, paralyzed.

"Earth to Lydia." Stiles waved his hands toward her. "Are you okay?" He asked, now approaching her.

"I'm... I'mfine. I just..." Lydia scrambled her brain for some sort of response, but she couldn't stop staring at him and his overbearing concerned expression that always managed to make her feel more important than she should.

"Did my dad say anything to you?" And just like that, The feeling disappeared, and an urgency to reassure Stiles that everything would be just fine, captivated her.

"No, He just told me that you were inside." She smiled, wishing she could erase the pained look in his eyes that seemed to have buried itself deep within him, never seizing to ease.

Sensing her uneasiness, Stiles put his hands in his pockets, and stared at his feet.

"Want to talk about it?" Lydia offered, reaching for his arm.

"It's nothing, really." Stiles promised. "It's just your typical father and son dispute, rooting cause, lack of mother."

"I'm sorry.." Lydia began, but Stiles was quick to quiet her with the look of disapproval.

"You never did tell me why you were here." Stiles reminded, now gesturing toward the couch.

Lydia politely followed and sat beside him, his cologne filling her nose. She couldn't help but giggle at his nervous ticks and the shaking of his leg.

"What's so funny?" He chuckled unsurely.

"It's just..." Lydia felt it again, that overwhelming urge to kiss him.

She feverishly pressed her lips against his, their mouths parting on queue, and tongues gliding across one another. She could feel his body shift as he placed his right hand behind her head and gently laid her down. He then pulled away just enough to make eye contact, and with a silenced, yet loud cry of permission, Stiles lightly kissed her forehead before placing his lips on her neck. Chills covered Lydia's body as he yanked his shirt over his head and then began unbuttoning her blouse. Lydia craved every inch of him, and she almost felt as if she could die if she didn't get to have all of him right this second. she quickly undid his pants, which now hung loosely under his hipbones, revealing his black American Eagle boxers.

"Hey, Stiles!" Scotts voice boomed from the front door. "We need your help on something... Oh, Oh sorry dude." Scott stammered as he pushed away sounds of more scuffled feet.

Stiles was already standing up, running his hands through his hair, "Really, Really man?" He groaned.

"I didn't... we didn't know you were..." Scotts voice trailed off as Derek's chimed in.

"We need your help, and it's a lot more important than teenage heartbreak." Derek informed sternly.

"Well it better be." Stiles warned "Because this act of selfishness from you deserves a silver bullet."

"Pull your pants up, Romeo." Aiden called from the back of the group.

"And put a shirt on." Ethan laughed.

Lydia already had her blouse buttoned by the time she stood beside Stiles. Her face was red from embarrassment but mostly anger.

"I don't plan on this being just another teen heart break." She declared, grabbing Stiles hand and starring proudly at the group of werewolves before them.