A/N: So Yugioh isn't my normal fandom but I decided to try my hand at writing a story. It has been a while since I was really into it, I recently found my way back to it. So.. R&R but no flames. Constructive criticism is welcome. This story will be a PRIDEship, you have been warned. Other characters will be present. Enjoy :D

KEY: Yamis' have their own bodies.

Bakura = Yami Bakura

Ryou = Bakura

Malik = Yami Marik

Marik = Marik

Disclaimer: Don't own anything except the plot.

Chapter One


Seto Kaiba sat at his desk with his nose in his book. He ignored the stares from his classmates. It was like that every class, he would walk in and sit down at his desk then he would read his book and ignore the rest of them. He would know immediately when HE walked in because the watchful eyes would shift from himself to Yami.

He knew he would notice as soon as Yami entered the classroom but yet he found himself glancing around the room wondering if he had somehow missed the spiky haired teen's entrance. He hated that he would react that way. He was the untouchable CEO of KaibaCorp and yet Yami affected him more than he was willing to admit.

The class started to fill up more rapidly. He ignored the movement around himself. The moment he was unconsciously waiting for arrived. Those watchful eyes shifted automatically to Yami. Yami stepped into the room and Seto drank in his appearance over the top of his book.

Yami was wearing his leather pants they clung to his hips. The double belt hung loose on his slim hips. His black sleeveless shirt was tight around his muscles. The jacket hung around him like a cape revealing toned arms and his studded wristbands. The puzzle hung from the chain around his neck falling easily over the choker around his neck.

Seto held back a startled gasp when his eyes finally moved up to his rival's face. His crimson eyes narrowed as he looked around the room, but that wasn't what caused the CEO to be startled, no it was the bruise that was beginning to appear around Yami's right eye. Seto wondered briefly what happened but knew he would never ask.

Yami strode effortlessly down the isle and stopped behind Seto. Seto groaned inwardly as he realized that was the only seat left in the full classroom. His rival settled into the seat hardly making a sound as he placed his boot covered feet on the basket under the CEO's seat.

The teacher came into the room and started the lesson. Seto closed his book with a sigh and started to take his notes for the class. Seto dropped his pen with a sound of great irritation as his seat shook under him. Seto turned in his seat to send one of his best glares at Yami.

Yami had his head down on the desk. He lifted his head slightly when he felt the movement in front of him. Yami's crimson eyes narrowed sending Seto one of his own looks, it clearly said 'I'm not in the mood.' Seto smirked, he couldn't help it, he knew it would be funny to get his rival started.

Seto turned back around in his seat and waited until Yami stopped paying attention to him. He pushed one of his pens off of his desk so that it fell down beside the desk. He bent down to pick up his pen. He grabbed it then shoved the boots off of his basket and turned around grinning to himself. Seto heard the low growl coming from his rival and smiled wider.

Most people were intimidated by Yami. He had become something of a rebel since getting his own body. Nothing at all like his younger "Brother" Yugi. Seto however was not intimidated. He smirked wider yet as he heard Yami shift in his seat letting out small sounds of irritation.

Seto jumped slightly as he felt slim fingers fist into the top of his coat. He heard the desk behind him squeak as Yami shifted once more. He leaned forward on his elbows and whispered into Seto's ear only for him to hear.

"Challenge accepted." Yami said before releasing his hold on the CEO's coat.

He heard Yami shuffling around in his bag before the zipper closed and Yami leaned forward once more. The rest of the class Seto spent ignoring the tugging motions to his hair. He refused to give his rival the satisfaction of knowing it was bothering him. He focused on the teacher's annoying monotone voice and took his notes like a good student.

"I win." Yami whispered as he stood and strode out of the room leaving Seto confused as he gathered his things.


Yami's day was not going well at all. He had stayed out too late the night before with Bakura and Malik. He barely got any sleep before being forced out of bed by his alarm. He hit snooze a few times and willed himself to sleep the extra ten minutes. He ended up oversleeping and waking to an upset Hikari. He hurried through his shower getting soap in his eyes. Then he hurried through throwing his clothes on and brushing his teeth since he didn't have time for breakfast.

He knew Yugi had already left with Ryou. As soon as he finished he heard a car horn and grabbed his bag and threw it over his shoulder and ran out to the red four door car and threw his bag into the back and slid in. He nodded to Bakura and Malik.

The three had become close since they got their own bodies. They boded over struggling to fit into this odd world. It had become normal to see all of them together most of the time. Yami broke out of his thoughts and leaned forward between the seats and turned up the radio. He ignored the seat belt and leaned back into the seat as Malik pulled out of the driveway. They each took turns alternating the days that they would drive each other to and from school.

They rode to school and listened to the music, each teen locked in their own thoughts trying to forget how tired they were. This time Yami was thrown out of his thoughts as he was slammed forward into the back of Bakura's seat hard enough to give him a pounding headache. He groaned and rubbed his head as Bakura let out a stream of Egyptian curses. Malik let out his own curses as he slammed the car into park and threw open the door.

Yami let out a frustrated sigh and threw open his own door rushing around the side of the car to head off Malik before he could strangle the poor man who had hit the car. Unfortunately for the other driver Yami could only get his hands on one of them at a time, Bakura had already slammed his fist into the man's jaw sending him crashing to the ground. He had now moved onto kicking the curled up driver.

Yami shrugged, what could he do he already had his hands full holding Malik back from taking a similar action, plus he kind of wanted to do the same himself so he settled for the middle ground and let Bakura have his "Fun."

"Let's go!" Bakura called out getting back into the car and slamming the door.

Yami released Malik and climbed into the back of the car rubbing at his pounding head. Thankfully the group made their way to school without further incident. The day passed rather quickly and he was thankful for that. The teachers all seemed to be in some sort of a mood all of them were assigning as much homework as possible.

Yami's terrible say came to a head in his physical education class. They played baseball and Yami caught a ball with his face. He covered his throbbing eye with his hand letting out a low growl and forcing himself to remain calm. The other boy had practically dived behind the teacher who dismissed Yami to the nurse breathing a sigh of relief when the very angry Yami stomped away.

Yami let the nurse tend to his eye, irritated that he would be late to his last class and wouldn't get his favorite seat by the window. He headed for this class and stood in the doorway realizing with a groan that the only seat was behind his rival.

He sighed to himself. His eyes shifted around the room hoping for a different seat. He didn't want to spend his last class hyper aware of every movement his rival made. He knew he would though because every other seat was taken. He tried not to notice his rival but it was no use.

Yami took in those cold blue eyes shoving off his thoughts wondering what would melt that Ice. He took in his rival's flawless face and brown hair that hung partially over his eyes. He was reading his book just like always. He was wearing tight pants and a long sleeve black shirt. A long white trench coat hung over it falling open.

Yami wondered through the isle forcing his thoughts away from the CEO as he took the only seat left. He hated that he would be hyper aware of every move the CEO made. He was the untouchable King of Games, but yet Seto touched him more than he ever knew. He put his stuff down and put his head down and rested his feet on the basket under Seto's seat. His leg shook at all of his pent up frustration of the day. He felt the CEO turn in his seat and looked up allowing crimson to meet sapphire.

Seto sent him a glare and Yami returned it, he really wasn't in the mood for his rival's drama. When Seto turned around Yami placed his head back on the desk satisfied that his rival would leave him alone. He felt his feet slip out from under him and he let out a low growl.

He leaned forward and fisted the top of his rival's trench coat. He leaned forward on his elbows to whisper to his rival. If that was how Seto wanted to play then he would return the favor.

"Challenge accepted." Yami whispered releasing his rival who ignored him.

Yami bent down and pulled out some paints and his rag. They were still in his bag from his art class he had just after lunch. He squeezed the tube of black out first then smeared it on the lower ends of his rival's hair. He moved on to the red next and added just a little to the black. Then he used a little of the golden color and framed the other colors with it.

He smirked to himself and wiped his hands off before dropping all of the supplies into his bag and zipping it up. He just made his rival look like his number one fan. The bell finally went off releasing them from the class.

"I win." Yami whispered as he passed his rival leaving him confused as he packed up his books.