This is going to be an Emily/JJ femslash read that is filled with drama mixed in with both cannon and original criminal stories. I'm going to start with cannon cases while I establish the relationship and will add in some original cases as we get further in.

The setting is in season 2 after the episode Legacy, however, there will be some elements from later seasons thrown in. And Henry fans prepare yourself as he will NOT appear in this work.

Tell me in the comments section if you're interested in reading this because otherwise I have some other ideas I'm working with and I'll just stop it here and expound on those.

As always I own none of the characters.

It always starts with a knock at the door.

She wasn't even sure of what she was doing, well that was a lie. She knew exactly what she was doing, what she wanted. Was it right? Maybe not, probably not. But in that moment she didn't care about right or wrong, wise or stupid, all she cared about was the one person she wanted more than anyone else. They had just gotten back from a case, a case where a vigilante felt it was his right, no duty, to abduct and murder prostitutes and the homeless, in a meat market no less. They had seen worse cases but this one affected her, it affected her because if it wasn't for a tenacious detective she would have never taken the case. Maybe it was just everything compounding together, Spence being kidnapped, Spence possibly being addicted to drugs, victims being hunted in the woods, it all added up. She was drowning from it and she only wanted one person to save her. She should have called him, but all she wanted was her.

"Emily it's JJ can you please open up?" she softly pleaded as she continued to lightly knock on the door, the door to the apartment she shouldn't have even known about. How am I going to explain to Emily that I know where she lives? Fuck she's going to think I'm a stalker. Am I stalker? Fuck me…

JJ's thoughts were interrupted by Emily opening the door looking exceptionally confused. She was wearing a white tank top with red silk boxers and JJ noticed that her normally perfect hair looked mussed. She was breathtaking wearing no makeup and looked completely raw. In that moment she was completely Emily, not Agent Prentiss and JJ loved seeing her that way. It was obvious that she had been sleeping.

Emily blinked and refocused on JJ, "JJ?" She tried to ask before JJ entered into the foyer and closed to door, pining Emily against it as she kissed her passionately. If Emily thought she was confused before she had no idea what she was then. Why the fuck is JJ making out with me at 3am?

"Fuck, I need this" JJ breathlessly said as she started kissing Emily's neck, finally giving Emily a chance to speak.

"JJ what are you doing?" Emily asked gently as she tried to control her breathing. She had to admit that whatever was happening felt great.

"Stop over thinking it" JJ mumbled against Emily's pulse point.

"JJ I didn't even know you were gay."

JJ stopped what she was doing to face the brunette, "I'm not gay, I just don't believe in labels. I believe in doing what feels right with the person it feels right with. It feels right with you." Emily bit her bottom lip as she tried to process what JJ had just said. JJ started to run her hands up Emily's sides, "have you never…" she drifted off.

"College, experimenting" Emily admitted as she lightly pushed JJ's hands away.

"Do you not want this?"

Emily furrowed her brow as she focused, "What is this?"

JJ was getting frustrated, "Fuck Emily I just want this to happen. Stop thinking about everything and just go with it."

Emily would have to be lying if she didn't admit that she found JJ attractive. She knew she wasn't gay but she also knew that JJ was alluring in the most traditional of senses. "Okay" Emily agreed hastily.

"Okay" JJ reiterated as she went back to undressing Emily as she pushed her towards where she assumed Emily's bedroom would be.

"How do you know where I live?"

"Pen" JJ growled as she moved to kissing down Emily's neck.


"If she asks I sent you a pizza because I noticed you didn't eat much on the case" JJ chuckled as her and Emily fell on Emily's bed. "Nice bed" she complimented as she straddled the brunette profiler.

"Thanks" Emily moaned as JJ's hands started to move down her body.

"Don't thank me yet" JJ quipped as Emily started to work on getting the offending clothing off JJ's body.

Emily awoke the next morning to discover that her pale legs were intertwined with a set of lightly tanned ones. FUCK! I had sex with JJ. I just fucked my co-worker, my female co-worker no less. I haven't had sex with a woman in what? Almost 15 years. And when I did it didn't exactly feel like that. Who knew small-town Jareau was so skilled. Fuck, you shouldn't be thinking like that Prentiss! But she was the one who came over here to have sex with me, she practically begged me to have sex with her. God this is going to be so awkward and I can't even leave because I live here. And JJ is a fucking stalker because I know I didn't tell her where I lived Emily internally rambled as she noticed JJ staring at her.

"You think loud" she smiled.

"Was I talking to myself out loud?" Emily asked both horrified and embarrassed.

"No, you bit your bottom lip. You do that when you're thinking really hard. So last night was amazing" JJ ventured with a large smile.

"Yeah, no, it was but I'm just, JJ what is this exactly because I am very confused."

"Let me clear up exactly what I want for and from you" JJ answered seductively before Emily stopped her, putting her hands up in front of her body.

"I'm serious, you know how the FBI is with fraternization."

JJ scoffed, "We're not fraternizing."

"Then what is this?" Emily asked as she motioned to their naked bodies in bed together.

"This is you being there for me. And when you need it I'll be there for you" JJ replied with a knowing smile. "By the way Prentiss when was the last time you released the tension?"

"Umm" Emily stuttered.


"About 5 or 6 months, maybe before I got to D.C."

JJ looked floored, "Before you go to D.C. What the fuck Emily?"

"I don't have time to date between work and trying to prove myself to Hotch, trying to show that I belong in the BAU. And I don't do one night stands because it feels cheap."

JJ rolled her eyes, "You should have come to me sooner."

"JJ I didn't come to you at all, you came here."

"Say come again" JJ laughed as she tried to fix her messy hair. "Listen, I'm not looking for a relationship. I don't want anything complicated because you're right we work together with profilers, but I do want to do this. I want to work out our frustrations about cases. I want to feel like I can connect to someone sometimes. That's what I want, what I need. And I think it'd be a good thing for you too."

"So you just want to have sex with me? Use me for sex?"

"No, Emily" JJ said as she moved a strand of hair behind Emily's ear, "I want us to be there for each other in a way that only we can."

"And if I say no will you move on to Reid or Morgan?" Emily asked with a small smile.

"Gross, neither" she giggled.

"You bit me last night."

"You liked it" JJ winked.

"You also gave me a hickie" Emily remarked as she thought back to the dark mark on her right hipbone.

"Well, no one else is going to see it."

"So we're not seeing other people are we, right?" Emily inquired as she tried to clarify whatever this was with JJ.

JJ sighed, "Em, we're not together officially. We're friends who just know each other very intimately. You can do this right?'

Emily wasn't sure, JJ had been the first person that had welcomed her to the team. They had a great friendship, even though it was new. But Emily didn't let her emotional guard down, ever. So when she actually did it mattered. Sure she hadn't thought of it in romantic terms until the night before, but she wasn't sure that she could be involved intimately without getting attached. She wondered if it was even possible emotionally. Hell, she had even felt connected to Ian Doyle, who was a sick piece of shit that she hated on the most basic of levels. Sex made things messy, good sex made things messier. But, ultimately, Emily lied, "Sure."

JJ gave her a wide smile, "Perfect."

"Perfect." However, as soon as Emily uttered that word she knew it would never be true.

Friends with benefits always turns out perfectly right?