In 2010, there was a less than remembered incident at a zoo. From those who still remember, and were present, it was described as "horrific" and "incomprehensible." The subject of the matter was taken into custody and after further inspection, removed from her family and taken somewhere far from civilization. The subject underwent many tests, experiments, and trials for almost 2 years.

Every since that particular day, there had been an increase of security and public watch in America. No one but the people who were such, knew who was an undercover spy and who not. The spying's only exception was schools, due to not wanting to frighten teachers, parents and students. However, another incident occurred at the hands of a highschooler. Another girl, about 17, almost struck a kid with lighting when she found out she'd been bullying her little brother. This girl was also removed from her home and taken to the same facility as the previous "subject."

Jason Grace didn't know right off the bat that he had powers. It took some mishaps, some confusion, and a lot of thinking. The only conclusion he could come to was that he was either an alien or had powers. Although with both of those in mind, the ending was the same. He'd be taken away by the government. The only reason he knew who would take him was because of his sister, Thalia.

When Jason was 11, Thalia found out that he was being bullied by a kid who kept making him eat staplers. She only meant to "'ruff 'em up" and have a little chat, but the girl was a real sassy pants and couldn't mask it. The little girl said name after name and went insult after insult. Thalia had kept a straight face right up until the child ranted "And your brother is a blond idiot!" That did it. Jason, who'd been watching from afar, saw thunder clouds roll in directly above the two. Lighting shot out directly at Thalia, or more so…her hand? There in Thalia's hand, right after the loud crackle, she held a blazing and steaming zig-zag. Or more accurate, a lighting rod. Thalia barely seemed to notice the rod, much less the clouds. But the one distinct detail that was glued to Jason's mind, was the way her eyes had glowed like lightning. It was almost scary. As if she had been a completely different person.

Not even a week after the confrontation, had police and men and women in black suits, come to "Take Thalia from the premises," they'd said. From what he could recall, they didn't care if she was unwilling to come. What he didn't forget was that the police had their hands on their guns, as if Thalia would attack them. Which she wouldn't…..right? Jason's mother either couldn't stop them, or didn't care enough to.

When Jason first noticed he could do things that other couldn't, he'd been about 10. He'd taken his dog, Rufus, out on a late night walk. It was about 7:30 pm when he left the house, but the sky had still looked like 3:00 pm on a cloudy day.

After feeling that his walk was completed, Jason began heading back. About 5 houses from his own, he heard sirens and turned around to see a police car pulling over next to him.

"What are you doing out here so late, kid? It's too dark to be walking around, especially at your age." The policeman had asked.

"Dark?" Jason questioned, facing the sky once more. He didn't understand what the guy was asking. The sky didn't seem dark, much less too dark for a walk. "It's not dark." Jason simply answered.

The policeman stared at him for a minute, as if trying to figure out what was wrong with him. Jason wasn't lying, so he assumed he didn't look like he was.

"Alright kid, head on home. Stay safe, g'night." The cop took his leave, leaving Jason to wonder if there was something wrong with him or the other guy.

After that, Jason slowly found out about more and more of his...abilities? Powers? He never could put an exact name on them. Powers had always seemed to do more with helping people, which he hadn't done. Yet, an ability sounds like something taught and learned. And no one definitely taught him how to have night vision, regenerate, enhanced 5 senses, and especially flight.

The first time Jason flew, was an accident. Over time he'd discovered that his controllable gifts(?), as in not night vision and the 5 senses, would kick-in whenever he was stressed, irritated, startled, or felt inferior. After Thalia was taken away, he began having nightmares of the people in black suits dragging him into their fancy, black cars. In those same nightmares, however, he fought. He'd punch and kick and did anything to get them off of him. The first time he had this experience, he'd woken up with his back on the ceiling. When he realized the position he was in, he immediately fell face-down and laid there trying to process everything at once.

Whilst having this crisis, Jason's mother moved to a new town. They had moved to a new town to get away from all the "Where did Thalia go?" and "I haven't seen Thalia around much, how is she?" Although Jason always figured that they'd moved because it annoyed his mom, not because it brought back bad memories.

In his new town he met Percy Jackson, Leo Valdez, and Annabeth Chase. The way they met was a little odd, but would definitely be remembered.

Jason had been walking around the new town about 1 week before his 8th grade year when he came across a park. Said park contained two other boys who looked about his age. Jason hadn't felt too social recently, so he took a seat on a swing away from the other kids, although they didn't seem to notice him. One of the boys had a water bottle and the other, matches. He figured that they'd set something on fire and then put it out. Or at least, he hoped they would put it out.

Except, the kid with the water did something a little funny. He opened the water bottle, and started motioning upwards with his hands. Sure enough, the water contained by the bottle began to slowly rise, coming out the top.

As this went on, the kid with the matches lit a few and then…..ate..them..? The boy just threw them into his mouth like it was his favorite snack.

Clearly, he thought, The two of them have powers.

Jason wasn't new to what could happen when too many people with powers gathered. Someone is going to be taken away, and it wasn't about to be him.

He silently stood up and began to walk away. However, before he could exit the park, something screeched and it sounded as if a bird's claw scraped against a chalkboard. Not to mention that his enhanced hearing didn't help at all.

He fell to his knees, and covered his ears. But a warm liquid was getting all over his hands, and dripping onto the ground below. Was that…blood? The noise stopped, but the pain didn't. He wasn't deaf, but he wasn't okay either.

"You always overdo it, Percy." A voice getting closer said. "You're lucky I had my ear plugs with me."

"No, I always do it just enough. He's down isn't he?" The one who must be Percy claimed.

"Yes, he's down with bleeding ears and is possibly deaf." The unknown boy warned. "He can't just suddenly go home and be deaf."

"I know, Leo. That's why he's not going home." Percy stated. "He's coming home with us."

"Oh-" The boy who was called Leo began speaking another language. Spanish? Jason was in too much pain to think and much less regenerate to fix whatever damage he'd taken. He didn't know if it was the loss of blood or the pain that caused him to pass out. Maybe both.

When he came to, he was lying in a blue room. Literally. Everything from the carpet to the ceiling was blue, just different shades. With the exception of the white dressers and chairs.

He sat up, and found the strength he'd just so recently lost. He regenerated and in less than 5 seconds, his ears felt fine. He put a hand on his head and tried to remember what happened. Those boys..Percy and Leo? They'd done something to him and said they'd take him home. This must be their place.

He looked at his phone to check the time and it was, wow. 10:32 am on a Thursday. He had gone to the park at about 6:30 pm, yesterday. He looked at his text messages and found a text to his mom that he didn't remember sending. Mostly because he doesn't text his mom. It read, "Hey mom, I'm going to be at a friend's house tonight so don't worry." There hadn't been a reply, of course. As if she cared at all. Hell, she probably went out with her drinking buddies last night and didn't even see the message.

The door began to open, and a lady peeked her head through.

"Oh, you're up!" She laughed, coming through the door completely. She brought in a tray with a glass of milk, a bowl of oatmeal and assorted fruits.

"I'm sorry about my sons. They told me that you three were playing in the park and you were hit by a ball and fainted." She set the tray down on a nightstand near him. "But I'm glad they have more friends than each other and Annabeth. It's nice to meet you, you can call me Ms. Jackson." She smiled with an outstretched hand.

"It's nice to meet you too, I'm Jason Grace." He faked a smile and shook her hand.

Ms. Jackson left the room and Jason could only figure that she had no idea what her sons could do and what they did do.

Regeneration can also cure hunger, so Jason didn't have any sort of cravings at the moment, but he ate anyway. With a nice mom like that, Jason wouldn't want to let her know the frightening things he could do either.

After his meal, he held the door ajar, and looked around. From his position, he could only see another door across the hall. He crept out of his and headed for the other. Slowly opening it, reveled a black wooden floor and white ceiling. But the actual walls were orange, red, and yellow like fires dancing around. In the bed (and snoring loudly) were Leo and Percy.

Guess they're not morning people. Jason thought, closing the door. Wandering around some more, he found the kitchen and a note on the table. Gone to work, see you all later. He assumed it was from Ms. Jackson. In the kitchen were tons of pictures on the walls. Mostly of water boy and Ms. Jackson. It wasn't until water boy looked about 10, that the match kid also appeared. Adopted? Most likely.

"Stop right there." A familiar voice commanded.

Jason turned and was face-to-a hand on fire with match kid.

"Don't move or I'll burn you, blondie." He threatened.

Jason put his hands up as if he was under arrest. True, even if he was burned he could always regenerate, but all that pain wasn't worth it.

Water boy then came around the corner, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"What're you doing Le- Oh, it's you." The one who must be Percy noticed. "What are you all doing?"

"Well, I'm being threatened by lava boy ." Jason answered, receiving a chuckle from Percy.

"He was trying to leave and expose us." Leo assumed.

"Oh, I'll call Annabeth. She'll know what to do." Percy said, clearly still quite groggy. He took his phone off the counter, pressed a few buttons, and put it to his ear.

"Hey, can you come over? This guy, saw Leo and I use our powers. We were at the park. Well we didn't see anyone around. Well, not at first. Ok. Ok. See you in a second." Percy finished, setting his phone on the floor.

Before Jason could wonder why he'd set his phone on the floor, Percy's phone began to glow as a blonde girl's face appeared on the screen. Slowly, the girl's body was pulled (or pushed) out of the phone head first. After a couple of seconds, there was the same girl from the screen standing there before them.

Jason's jaw was dropped and it didn't seem like he planned on bringing it back up anytime soon.

"D-Did she just, c-come through that phone?!" he exclaimed, pointing to the device still on the floor.

"Yeah, what of it?" The girl said, now facing him. "And why didn't you tell them? They're all freaking out for no reason." She sat down at the kitchen table.

"What are you talking about Annabeth?" Percy asked (blushing?)

"Go ahead stranger, tell 'em." Annabeth said, gesturing towards Jason.

Jason didn't need an explanation to know that she somehow knew he had powers as well.

"I have powers…too?" He said for clarification, making sure that's what she meant.

"I know." Annabeth answered back.

"WHAT?" Percy and Leo shouted in unison.

"Are you kidding me man?" Leo asked, taking a seat next to the girl. "Don't do that to me, I was scared you'd call the government or somthin'." He sighed.

"So what can you do?" Percy asked, being the third to sit down.

All three stared at him like he had his fly open.

"Uh, a few things. I can fly, I have enhanced 5 senses, super strength, night vision, and I can regenerate." Jason admitted.

"So you're a blond superman? Nice." Leo joked.

"But can you really fly? Or is it just levitation? There's a difference." Annabeth questioned.

"I can fly. Highest I've ever been, was above the clouds. But I don't to it too often, I almost ran into an airplane once."

"Alrightie then! Lets all introduce ourselves to our new friend, whose name we are yet to know?" Leo suggested.

"It's Jason. Jason Grace."

"Good to know Jason, I'm Leo Valdez. I can control fire, duplicate myself, create light that can become fire, and I have extreme intelligence." Leo said proudly.

"But you won't see that last part often." Percy joked. He reached a hand out to Jason. 'I'm Percy Jackson. I can control water, breath under water, manipulate sound waves, and make sounds with higher pitches than normal humans. Sorry about that last time."

"No worries." Jason approved, even though that had hurt like hell.

"Last, but not least, I'm Annabeth Chase. I can teleport between anything electrical as you just recently saw, walk through walls, create portals and wormholes, time travel, and I can tell when others have powers."

"You can time travel?" Jason asked, astonished.

"And walk through walls." Annabeth repeated, ignoring his question.

"Yeah I mean that's cool and all, but time travel?" Jason also repeated, still in shock.

"Yeah," Annabeth agreed, biting into an apple. "It's pretty cool."

"I can imagine…" Jason sighed, thinking of all the possibilities.

That morning in Ms. Jackson's kitchen was the kick-start to an amazing friendship built on the need to keep the quartet's biggest secrets, well… secret.