If you wanted to hunt there were many rules that you had to follow, such as 'never hunt a wendigo alone, it doesn't end well' and 'silver, holy water and salt are the hunter's holy trinity'. There were whole chapters dedicated to the rules of hunting certain monsters and what to do and not do whilst hunting it.

There was a whole book written on how to act when you met a Winchester.

Rule #1 – don't fuck with Sam, Dean will eviscerate you if you so much as think about hurting him.

Dean once took down a whole pub full of hunters, excellent ones at that, because they called Sam 'freak'. Imagine what he would do to you if you actually tried to kill his little brother.

Rule #2 – they're immortal, deal with it.

They have been reportedly killed at least 5 times each, and after each one they appear back on the hunting radar a few months later, looking for all the world as if they hadn't been killed a few months prior. It's a scary thing, thankfully this only seems to apply to Sam and Dean, Hell only knows what would happen if John made a reappearance too.

Rule #3 – don't insult their car, they will treat it as an insult to themselves and beat the crap out of you for it.

The Impala is Dean's baby and anyone who so much as scratches the paint job will get a beating from him anyway, insulting the car just ensures that Sam will also be there to hold you down while his brother kills you slowly.

Rule #4 – don't fuck Sam, you end up dead.

This is a strange but completely true phenomenon, as everyone who has ever had sex with the youngest Winchester always dies without fail. It is unknown how this happens, many assume that Dean kills them because they were not good enough for his brother, but the cause is still unknown.

Rule #5 – never argue with them, Sam will argue you into a corner and Dean will just punch you and be over with it.

Dean is aggressive enough as it is, arguing makes it worse. Sam is rumoured to have gone to law school at some point, you don't fuck with a lawyer, you just don't.

Rule #6 – don't ever touch the journal.

They consider their journal more important than their lives. Sam repeatedly smashed Gordon Walker's head into a table when the man offered to buy the journal off them, imagine what they would do if someone actually dared to steal it from them?

Rule #7 – don't go for torture, it never ends well…

Sam has been a little unhinged for a while now…here is a transcribed recording from a time when someone actually managed to capture him for any length of time…

=== "Break me?" He asks hysterically, "You can't break me! I spent an eternity being tortured by Lucifer and Michael, your 'torture' is nothing in comparison! Nothing! So just try to break me bitches! Just try!" He laughs out, head cocked to one side, eyes wide and demented, maddening grin etched on his face as he egged on his captors.

"Break me, go on, burn me, cut me. Peel off my skin with white hot knives and dip me in salt, strangle me in my own intestines, drown me in my own blood, make me scream, make me cry, shatter my bones, force my spinal cord down my throat and choke me, tear out my heart, crush my inner organs, rip off my arms and legs, make me eat my own filth, pulls out all my finger nails, put needles in my eyes, hurt me, break me, rape me and tear up my insides, choke me with your cocks, fuck me over and over until I'm begging for it, make me watch my brother die over and over, kill my father in front of me, kill all the girls I've ever gone out with and fuck their dead corpses, make me kill them all over and over, tell me it can all end if I do it myself and watch as I kill myself over and over to get out of it, watch me give in and force me to kill my family in order to make the torture stop! Come on, come on, what ya gonna do? Physical? Sexual? Psychological? What type of torture are ya gonna use? What are ya gonna do to break me? Come on, come on, tell me, I'm just dying to know! Break me bitches! Come on break me!" ===

Yeah…If that doesn't convince you then the fact that all of those men that captured him were put into intensive care and later transferred to mental hospitals after Sam had finished ranting at them and Dean had caught up with the idiots…Don't go for torture…just don't…

Rule #8 – pool and poker are no no's if you ever come across them, they will take all your money and laugh in your face.

Sam and Dean seem to make a living off this, they are far too good at it to not make money out of it. Dean hustles pool like a pro and Sam has one of the best poker faces of all time (lawyer school must teach students to do it) they make lots of money out of this so trying to keep yours is an exercise in futility and bankruptcy.

Rule #9 – Mary Winchester is a goddess in their eyes, treat her as such.

Both boys have easily decked anyone who dared to insult their mother, it is not worth the hospital bills and therapy that follow the Winchesters if you dare to mess with their mom.

Rule #10 – they have contacts, really big ones, they will hurt you if you mess with them.

A list of names to watch out for in any case; Castiel, Crowley (sometimes), Cain, Meg, Charlie Bradbury to name a few.

Rule #11 – don't associate with them, great allies they may become but they have horrific enemies.

Abaddon – Knight of Hell. Crowley (sometimes) – King of Hell. Lucifer – AKA Satan himself. Michael – The Archangel. Uriel – Another Archangel. Raphael – Another Archangel. Lilith – Powerful demon. Eve – the Fucking Mother of Monsters. Azazel – tried to take over Hell, got close. Dick Roman – Leviathan leader, enough said.

Rule #11 – they're strong enough to TAKE DOWN all of their enemies, don't fuck with them.

All of the afore mentioned enemies are either dead or trapped forever in Hell. Scary strong could easily describe the Winchester brothers.

Rule #12 – they are always armed, it's almost impossible to actually dis-arm them, they use everything as a weapon. Everything.

Sam decapitated a vampire using his bare hands and some razor wire, he got a little cut up in the process but the vampire died horrifically. They can and have used their bare hands to fell monsters and attacking hunters alike on numerous occasions, you cannot EVER dis-arm them, don't try, they'll take it as a threat.

Rule #13 – if they start smiling like its Christmas, get out of there.

Nothing good can come of it.

Rule #14 – killing them only pisses them off.

They are immortal, they just don't die! People far more powerful have tried and failed in this regard.

Rule #15 – they are wanted by ever secret service in the US and possible further, don't associate with them.

They are the only pair of hunters to have a FBI folder that practically takes up a whole drawer of the shelving unit. The fact that half of their crimes weren't actually performed by them is irrelevant, they do not know that and have been on the tails of the Winchesters for years.

Rule #16 – don't trigger Sam.

He's been very unstable for a while now, he's liable to do one of three things:

One – he snaps and uses his well known telekinetic powers to crush you into little itty bitty pieces.

Two – he snaps and uses his bare hands to beat you into a bloody pulp.

Three – he breaks down and Dean guts you for upsetting his little brother.

All options will result in a painful end for you so don't try it, just don't whatever you do.

Rule #17 – do not try to steal from them, ever.

In a reported case both thieves were killed by the cursed item that they stole, how the brothers survived is unknown, but they are immortal so it could be that the curse just doesn't work on them. In any case stealing from them will end with you dead, either whatever you stole will kill you or they will (by doing it themselves or sitting by and watching as something else tears into you.)

Rule #18 – Kevin is off limits. Period.

You don't touch Kevin, you don't go near Kevin, you don't even look at Kevin funnily, they will kill you. Kevin is like a younger brother to them, harming them will be met with extreme prejudice and the last thing you see will be their faces as they murder you violently.

Rule #19 – if they are on a hunt that you are on then you get off that hunt as soon as possible.

Murphy's Law applies to any hunt they go on. Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, it will never be a simple salt and burn, after one hunt you will believe that Werewolves and Vampires to be the 'simple stuff'. They have to deal with the Kings of Hell, Angels, Leviathans and much more, you don't want any of that shit, you won't survive.

Rule #20 – they saved the world multiple times, they deserve respect, give them it.

The list of things that they have saved you from is long and lengthy.

They may have started the Apocalypse accidently but Sam jumped into Hell to save the world and he did not come out unscathed.

They closed the Hellgate and killed the one responsible for opening it, they then spent months tracking down all the demons and exorcising them.

Sam on his own took down several powerful demons without moving an inch from his position.

They stopped Azazel and killed him when he tried to raise an army of demons.

They took down the Leviathans that were planning to enslave the whole world and use all of humanity as a food source.

They almost put Hell in lockdown, they were only and hour away from doing so when something unknown stopped them.

They killed the mother of monsters.

They helped to stop an Angel Civil War.

They killed a Knight of Hell.

They locked Lucifer and Michael in Hell for all eternity.

The list goes on. Point being that they have suffered and even died for the world (even if they haven't stayed dead) so they deserve respect for it.

For more rules (#21-#100) please refer to the full guide written by Chuck Shurley.

Thank you for reading.