Okay don't kill me, I am sooooo sorry I didn't update sooner 'but I had terrible writers block on this story.

Hermione pov

{at home}

"I am so happy that I can stop being so mean to you now sis"

"trust me jake so am I" I went over to hug him. I made us dinner and served it for us.

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[the next day]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

Jake walked up to me while I was watching tv.

"Hermione sam orderd me to take you over to his house, so come on we have to go"

"he orderd you to take me to his house!" I shouted ,I was lived haw dare he !

"fine lets go I am going to hex him into oblivion!"

[[[[[[[[[[[[sams house]]]]]]]]

I stormed into sams house and saw everyone waiting for me in the living room .

"Sam how dare you , order Jacob to bring me here!"

He atleast had the courtesy to look sheepish.

The longer he didn't answer me the more angry I got.

"you know what I am so sick of you Sam fist you order my friend to leave me and be horrible to me then you order my brother to take me to your house what if I don't want to come here, what then?" I shrieked loudly but I wasn't done yet "Sam I think that you are abusing your power over the other wolves and it needs to stop ,arg you are such a jerk!"

I took out my wand and decided to use a hex that would hurt but not too much.

I quickly deliverd a stinging hex to sams arm and he yelped in surprise .

I landed two more hexes one on his leg and one on his other arm before I decided he had had enough.

The guys looked between him and me and then burst out laughing and they didn't stop till tears were rolling down there eyes

"She really showed you Sammy" called Embry through his laughter.

Sam grumbled under his breath about stupid wolfs

"FYI, Sam you are a wolf too and you are the alpha so that makes you the most stupid of the lot" I informed him.

"Sam you just got owned" laughed Quil

Jacob pov

I laughed along with my friends as my sister tells Sam what she thinks of him .

I had patrol soon so I ate fast and got ready to go as soon as Leah got back, man she is in for a surprise when she hears all about this!

Leah pov

I quickly shifted back after I felt jake phase and headed to Sam's house.

When I got there I was bombareded with screams of information that I couldn't make sense of.

"whoa slow down guys i can only listen to one operson at a time."I snapped

In what felt like hours Hermione's story was told to me and I honestly couldn't believe it it was so terrible all that poor girl had been through.

Please review it means so so sooo much to me