A/N: Hi there! One last time we would like to thank you guys for sticking with us through this long journey! Thanks to anyone who took the time to review. It really meant the world to us, that you guys told us how much you enjoyed this! To those of you, who reviewed as Guests, we're sorry we couldn't answer any questions, but thanks to you, too. Also thanks to those of you following and faving our story, we appreciate it.

So, finally here it is, the last chapter. Actually, this is two chapters, because there is an epilogue at the end. You waited for it long enough, now you will finally get to read how things turn out for Gon and Killua. We hope you'll enjoy the end as much as the rest of the story. Let us know what you think.

Once more thanks for sticking with us and keep an eye out for AdaraLove's work and mine. For those interested, next up will be a Katekyou Hitman Reborn roleplay with Dino and Hibari as the main characters and it'll be posted under AdaraLove's account.

Warning: Once again this chapter contains Yaoi. If you don't like it, just don't read it and skip ahead to the epilogue ;D

Chapter 15

When Gon awoke, a warm body was wrapped around him. For a second he was shocked. He wasn't used to this, and yet, it felt good and...right. As he became fully awake, he looked at the silver mop of hair that was all he could see of Killua's head, because the other's face was buried against his chest, and all he wanted to do was stroke it and kiss it.

Gon was a little surprised at his own thoughts. He liked to touch and to brush the other's long, silky tresses, but since when did he want to kiss them? Maybe the thought had come to him because of all the kissing they had talked about because of Leorio and Kurapika? And, damn, those two had kissed yesterday, the teen remembered. He had seen those kisses before, but only in movies and between men and women!

Before Gon could follow this train of thought, Killua made a soft noise in his sleep and rubbed his face against his chest. Suddenly it felt like a stab to his heart as the memories of their talk from last night came back to the beast hunter. Killua really planned to leave him! He would be alone again, after all this time of being together. He'd be without his best friend. And, the worst thing was, he didn't know if the other would ever return to him!

With Killua so close to him and yet so far away, and the painful knowledge that soon he might be gone for forever, Gon felt his heart break all over again. Images flashed through his mind of how he could keep the other from leaving, and they were disturbing and unhealthy and they were what Killua seemed to fear. Killua had asked him to let him go if he cared about him, but really, how could he?! Gon felt like going crazy then. He wanted to hold Killua as tightly as possible and never ever let go again. He didn't even care whether the other would use his assassin's claws on him to get away. He would gladly bear the pain if it meant he could hold onto Killua for just a moment longer.

He was shocked by his own thoughts then. What was wrong with him? Gon knew that he needed to get away in order to get a grip on his own thoughts and feelings. The object of his obvious obsession being so warm and close to him was making it impossible to think clearly!

Very carefully, he disentangled himself from his best friend. Luckily, he knew that Killua slept very soundly if he felt secure. His family had trained his instincts to react to threats even in his sleep, and Biscuit had honed their aura to detect any danger even while they were asleep, yet Killua's body was used to his presence and knew it wasn't dangerous. Gon also tried to project warmth and safety with his own aura, just like when he was approaching wild animals. In this way, he managed to extricate himself from the sleeping body, and remained a moment to make sure Killua stayed in the land of dreams.

After making sure of that, he left for the bathroom. Since they had gotten out of it so soon yesterday, he decided to use the hot spring again. Maybe the relaxing hot water could help ease his mind, too.

Gon undressed and washed himself quickly. He went outside into the garden then. In the early morning sunlight, the garden looked even more beautiful, but the spiky-haired teen just couldn't enjoy it. Everywhere he looked, all he could see was Killua's hair and his face and the sad look the other one had worn last night. Squeezing his eyes shut, Gon heaved a sigh, only to cry out in frustration when the other one's face stared back at him even then.

Hanging his head, he stepped into the pool, hoping the hot water could do something for him.

Kurapika awoke still nuzzled cozily against his love. Leorio, on the other hand, had turned onto his back, arms stretched over the whole futon, and was snoring softly. A smile graced the Kurta's lips as he reminisced about their last night together. He was as happy as he could be in that moment. In his happiness, he just felt like expressing it by kissing his beloved doctor's chest. The slight movement drove home two facts, though. The first was that he was sticky and felt very wet around his rear end. The second was that his whole body felt stiff, and that said rear end burned like a bitch.

Barely keeping a groan inside, the Kurta knew he wouldn't be able to fall asleep again feeling like this. Yet, since he knew it was still too early, he didn't want to wake Leorio, who was sound asleep. Silently, he moved away from his love, who didn't seem to notice and just kept snoring. The hard part came when Kurapika was out of the futon. By then he understood that his body wasn't just stiff but aching, too. This, on top of his still sore leg, gave him a hard time when he tried to get up from the floor, but the resilient Kurta managed somehow.

With an actual limp, Kurapika dragged his sore body into the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and gave himself a sheepish look. The last time he had felt this battered must have been after his fight with Uvogin! Contrary to that time, though, he was feeling happy and even kind of proud. He would wear his own 'battle scars' with pride this time. This thought brought a smile to the Kurta's lips.

He decided to take a shower to get himself cleaned up. A lot of soap and hot water helped him feel a little better. At least he was clean now, but his body was still aching something fierce. For a long moment, Kurapika thought about what to do. Should he return to the warm arms of Leorio, or should he try his luck in the hot spring? His love was still asleep, most likely, and after his shower the Kurta was fully awake now. If he took a dip in the hot spring, maybe he'd actually feel better with the mineral water soothing his ache away... This last thought, and the fact that they had their very own hot spring so no one would see him limp there, made the blond decide on the pool and against the tantalizing warmth of Leorio's body.

The sore Kurta smiled sheepishly to himself as he slowly limped out into the garden and made his way to the pool. When dark hair suddenly surfaced before him, followed by Gon's face, Kurapika's cheeks turned a bright red and he almost cursed. No matter how hard he tried, there was no way to hide the tender way he walked. He knew the curious nature of the beast hunter. Although there were some questions he'd rather not answer, there was no turning back now that Gon had seen him.

Slowly and carefully, he entered the small pool, getting ready to evade the boy's questions, which, surprisingly, weren't fired at him.

"Oh, ehm...good morning, Kurapika," a distracted Gon mumbled in the direction of the other with an unfocused gaze.

"G-good morning to you, too, Gon."

A soft sigh escaped the blacklist hunter's lips then; a mixture of the soothing waters and the relief at the other's obliviousness. When the blond looked more closely at the younger hunter, though, he saw that his friend was sad and upset.

"You don't look too good, Gon. Is something wrong?"

"Everything!" The beast hunter shouted out, not holding back in the slightest. "Kurapika, I don't know what to do! He says he needs to leave, but he doesn't seem to want to, and I don't want it either! How could I? He promised to stay with me forever! I believed in that promise! I need him by my side, but he says he'll leave anyway. But if he really wants to then why does he cling to me like he really doesn't want to. Why can't he tell me what's going on already so I can help him deal with it? I would do anything to help him," the distraught beast hunter poured his heart out in a very fast, confusing spurt.

Even though Gon forgot to mention who 'he' was, Kurapika knew only too well. He needed a few moments to discern the rest of the information the young hunter had dumped on him, though. In the mean while, Gon looked at him with sad puppy dog eyes that only bore a last glimmer of hope.

Knowing this would take a moment, the Kurta decided to sit down next to the beast hunter. Once he did, he had to close his eyes and bite back a hiss of pain. Damn that Leorio!

"Okay, Gon, take a deep breath and then tell me what happened last night, but more slowly," he demanded then.

The beast hunter recounted what had happened after they had left the hot spring the night before (omitting the fact that they had spied on him and Lerio, of course). Kurapika listened with an understanding and compassionate expression. He knew exactly how Killua felt and why he had come to the conclusion he had arrived at, even though the Kurta knew just how wrong said conclusion was by just taking even a fleeting glance at Gon. Once the beast hunter had finished his tale, he looked at the blond with big eyes again, hoping for a clue on what to do.

"Gon, you told me you can't let Killua leave and that you need him by your side, yet you were alone and content before you met him and you're such an open and easy person that you don't have any trouble turning even enemies into friends. So, why is it that Killua is so special to you that you can't let him go?"

"I don't want just any new friend! I want Killua! He's my best friend!" Gon shouted out, upset at the notion of just replacing the person he had shared the last five years of his life with.

Kurapika couldn't help but smile at this answer. He knew how the other felt, but the boy didn't quite know it himself yet.

"Killua isn't just your best friend, now, is he? He's the person you care most about. He means everything to you, right? You can't imagine going on when he's gone?" The Kurta waited for the younger one to nod. "You see, Killua feels the same way."

"But why would he leave me then?!" Gon shouted out, not understanding anything.

"That's because he still misses something from you," Kurapika explained slowly then. "Have you ever wanted to touch Killua? Have you ever looked at him and thought he was beautiful? Have you ever wanted to kiss Killua?" Gon's first nod came easy, at the second, there was a soft blush, and by the third his eyes went wide. "Gon, have you ever told Killua, that you thought he was beautiful?"

"Ehm...ehm...no. I don't think he'd like that..." The beast hunter answered, uncertain and a little embarrassed.

"And that's where you are wrong. Gon, Killua feels the same way about you. He wants to be with you, but he doesn't know how you feel about him."

"No, that's wrong. He knows. I told him I can't let him go, that I need him!"

"But you never told him that you loved him, did you? Gon, that's what you feel. He's the one that is always on your mind, the person most precious to you, and the one you can't be without," Kurapika declared in a soft voice.

"L-love?" Gon asked stupefied. "B-but Killua is a guy..."

"Yes, that he is, but in the end that really doesn't matter. Your heart has decided on him."

"It doesn't?" The young beast hunter marveled at the answer, and finally felt that Kurapika must be right. "And... and what do I do now?" Gon looked confused at the older one.

"Well, you should start by telling Killua how you really feel. And then I'd advise you to try on that kiss you've already thought about. I guess the rest will happen on its own then," the Kurta answered with a little smirk.

The young beast hunter's face was all scrunched up then as he got even more confused. "What do you mean...'the rest'?"

Kurapika looked at the confused, young hunter as realization struck him. His cheeks turned rosy in slight embarrassment. Gon had no idea. He had always known the young hunter was innocent at heart, but he was sixteen now for crying out loud! He was a nature boy and out in the wild half of the time. He should know about these things, shouldn't he? The Kurta had never thought he'd end up having to have 'the bees and flower talk'. He knew he'd never have kids! Or so he thought, obviously...

"W-Well, Gon...w-when two people love each other...they do more than just kiss each other, usually. You...you touch and..." Kurapika took a deep breath to calm his nerves. This was nothing to be ashamed about. It was all natural after all. "If you really love someone, you want to be as close as possible, you see? So, you get naked together and you touch and when you get...a-aroused you...you unite."

Once more, Gon's face was all scrunched up, and the Kurta feared there would be steam coming out of the obviously overheating youngster's brain.

"But Killua and I are guys. How can we 'unite'?" The beast hunter asked, not understanding anything.

Kurapika's rosy blush turned crimson. At least Gon seemed to know some things, right? He didn't have to explain everything? Why was this so hard, anyway?

"You don't take the front door, but the...back," the Kurta said in a low voice, hoping against hope that this roundabout explanation was enough for the sometimes dense teen.

Gon's face remained scrunched up for about an eternal second longer, before it cleared up in understanding.

"Ah!" There was a pause and then the face scrunched up again, but in a different way. "Ewwwwwwwww! Doesn't that hurt?!"

"A little, but it's worth it," the Kurta blurted out, almost slapping his mouth afterward and feeling his face heat up even more.

Gon's eyes widened then. "You did it! You did it with Leorio!" He shouted out excitedly.

Kurapika wished the pool would turn into a gaping hole and swallow him up right then. It wasn't like he wanted his relationship with Leorio to remain a secret before his friends, especially since Killua obviously already knew what was going on, but having it shouted out to the world hadn't been in his plans either!

"Ehm...yes. Leorio and I did it and we're happy we did. And you shouldn't waste any more time either. Tell Killua your feelings before he finally gives up hope and leaves you."

'Do it now and please leave me alone,' the Kurta thought in addition but didn't say it out loud. The wish he had silently put out to the universe was still fulfilled, though.

"You're right! I have to tell him!" Gon shouted out and was out of the water faster than Kurapika thought possible.

With a deep sigh the Kurta finally relaxed. He hissed as he wriggled into a more comfortable position. His back end still burned, but at least the rest of his body felt better already.

A wet and naked Gon ran back to the bathroom. He didn't bother with a towel or drying down. He only slowed down as much as needed so as not to slip on the tiled floor. Finally, he understood his own feelings and had a name for them. He understood his urge to kiss Killua again. And now that he knew, he wanted to kiss him even more and...and do more!

He dropped to the tatami floor next to the sleeping form of his best friend, who wasn't just his best friend but was actually his love! Gon couldn't wait for the other to wake up, not when he had such a revelation. Killua needed to know! He needed to know that he felt the same way and that there was no need for him to leave. Not now, not ever!

"Killua! Killua, wake up! I need to tell you something! Killua!" Excited, he shook the other, ignoring the grumbling and growling. He flashed a thousand watt smile at his blinking and grumpy companion. "Wake up! I've got to tell you something!"

Sapphire orbs opened groggily as incessant shouting woke him from his slumber. Killua couldn't help but notice that the voice belonged to Gon, and that it sounded excited, but why was the other so excited this early in the morning? Killua's body could just tell that it wasn't time to get up yet.

Muttering irritated grumbles under his breath, Killua looked up from his pillow to see Gon was hovering above him to the side of the futon…and his hair was dripping wet.

"…What the hell, Gon…?" Killua asked in confusion then, his voice still groggy from sleep. "Why did you wake me so early…and why are you wet?" It was here that Killua's tired eyes roved down his best friend's body, taking in the fact that Gon's chest was bare and that…nothing was covering his lower half.

Nothing was covering his lower half

The silver-haired teen's sleep addled brain finally seemed to comprehend what he was staring at because he quickly averted his eyes to stare up at Gon with a 'why-the-hell-would-you-do-this-to-me?!' look as a blush covered his entire face.

"W-Why the hell are you naked?!" The former assassin practically screamed in distress. It was way too early in the morning for his brain to take all of these facts in. Hell, Killua wasn't even sure if he was dreaming or not. This actually looked like the start of a really weird wet dream, to be honest.

"I told you! I need to tell you something!" Gon repeated the reason why he was waking the other one up. He was a little exasperated that it took the other one so long to wake up and that he had all these questions that were really insignificant compared to his huge revelation that he wanted to share so badly. "I was in the hot spring just now when I met Kurapika and we talked and he helped me understand and now I need to tell you," the beast hunter bubbled up.

Instead of asking him what it was that he had to tell, Killua once more asked something absolutely irrelevant.

"Because I didn't have time to dress again! What I've got to say is important. It's so important that it really can't wait!" Gon needed to say it now. Both his hands cupped the other's face, looking at him intensely then. "Listen to me, Killua! I talked to Kurapika and he made me see. I...I was an idiot. I had all these feelings, and they were always strong and deep, but I didn't know what they meant. Kurapika helped me understand, though. You can't leave me, because you don't need to! I love you, Killua! I don't know for how long, but I've always cared about you, and you're the person that is most precious to me in this whole wide world. Even...even more than Mito...or...or different at least? Anyway...You are always on my mind and I can't even bear the thought of you leaving, because I don't know how I could go on without you. I love you, Killua!"

The young beast hunter ignored the disbelieving look in the other's eyes and just swooped down to plant a kiss onto Killua's lips. After the kiss, Gon flashed another thousand watt smile at his best friend and love. He was incredibly happy.

Killua just blinked up at Gon in complete confusion as the taller teen gave him an answer like it was the most obvious thing for him to not cover himself up because what he had to say couldn't wait at all.

Before the silver-haired teen could tell his friend that he was a complete idiot, said idiot actually grabbed his face the next moment and stared with such intensity into his eyes that Killua was left completely speechless. The former assassin forgot how to even breathe as Gon started rambling like, if he stopped for a breath of air, he'd never be able to speak his mind again. Killua could barely comprehend what the other was saying to him because, for most of it, it was just too good to be true. He had to be dreaming!

When he heard Gon tell him that he loved him again, those three words practically causing Killua's heart to explode or stop all together from the mixture of happiness and utter disbelief he felt, and felt the other's lips against his the next second, Killua was seriously lost on what to think. Just what the hell was going on?!

The kiss was short and sweet, and when Gon pulled away from him, the confused transmuter was met with the hugest, happiest smile Gon had ever bestowed onto him. Seriously, what the hell was going on?!

Startled and unsure of what to think anymore, Killua backed away from Gon as fast as he could, putting distance between him and the strange man who had just replaced his friend, and stood up. In what reality would Gon ever kneel before him naked first thing in the morning and declare his love to him?!

"Th-This is a dream, right?" The former assassin asked himself more than Gon as his eyes flitted across the room, searching for something that would prove that all the crazy things that were happening weren't true…because they just couldn't be! Gon would never say things like this to him; this was just wishful dreaming on his part!

He heard Gon calling out to him, saying that this wasn't a dream, but Killua couldn't believe him…until he pinched his arm, that is. Wincing at the slight pain the hard pinch had caused him, Killua's eyes widened exponentially the next second. He had felt pain…that meant he wasn't dreaming…

The young, blacklist hunter's eyes fell onto Gon's form again, his eyes shaking with utter shock. Gon was truly standing before him naked, had just declared his love to him, and had kissed him…it had all been real.

But…that didn't make any sense.

Killua had been so certain of how the other felt for him. Gon had shown no obvious indication that he cared for him as more than a friend. Never! How could the other even know how he felt…how did Gon even know what romantic love between two people was like, especially two guys, when he had been trying to teach and make Gon understand throughout the whole damn vacation with concerns to Leorio and Kurapika?! Wasn't Gon uncomfortable with the thought of two guys being together?!

All of a sudden, something clicked in the silver-haired teen's mind, and he felt his heart begin to shatter at the realization. This…This was all a ploy by Gon to try and make him stay, wasn't it?

"You're lying…" Killua hissed out on broken breath then as he allowed his bangs to cover his eyes. He clenched his hands into fists by his sides as he felt his whole body begin to shake with anger and despair. He knew Gon was selfish, but to think that the other would stoop so low as to mess with his feelings in order to make him stay was just too much. "You're just saying this to get me to stay…" Killua continued as tears began to well behind his eyes against his better wishes. "I wouldn't be surprised if Kurapika was just trying to be helpful to pay me back for helping him finally get with Leorio, and that you were desperate enough for any excuse you could find to try and get me to stay with you."

With that said, Killua's tear-ridden eyes glared up at Gon, his sapphire orbs shining with intense hurt as his voice began to rise with every word he spoke next. "So what, Kurapika just told you what the feelings you were feeling meant, and you just believed them wholeheartedly without analyzing for yourself what 'romantic love' even means? You just went with what Kurapika said because he told you that I loved you and that, if you told me the same thing, that meant that I would stay?! Don't mistake the love you feel for our friendship for what the hell I feel for you, you bastard!"

As that final cry left his mouth, Killua turned around and started walking as fast as he could towards the door, his eyes blinded by his now falling tears. Before he could get too far, though, Gon grabbed one of his arms in a vice-like grip, calling out for him to stop.

"Let go of me, you bastard!" Killua choked out between his tears as the betrayal he felt at Gon's actions took complete hold of him. How dare the other treat his feelings like they were some fucking joke! "I hate you!"

He felt Gon completely turn him around to face him then. Since Killua was too caught up in the heartache he felt, he didn't have any energy to stop the other. All he could do was stare up into Gon's burning hazel eyes, his body freezing to the spot as he felt two hands place themselves on either side of his face, holding him there. Killua stared up desperately into the beast hunter's eyes then, silently begging the other through his tears to tell him that he actually was wrong, that Gon hadn't betrayed his feelings like this, that the other truly loved him and that he knew what it meant, because, if this really was just a ploy to get him to stay, Killua wasn't sure if his heart could survive the heartbreak. It felt like it was dying already.

Gon's happy face slowly turned into one of surprise. Killua wasn't happy like he had thought he would be. Instead the other one skidded backwards, created distance between them, and stood up, claiming this had to be a dream.

"But it isn't. You're wide awake and so am I!" The beast hunter exclaimed, smiling again.

Killua still seemed hard pressed to believe him and just pinched himself. The smile remained on Gon's face as he stood up, hoping to have the other believe him now. But when the enhancer looked at his friend, his eyes flitted through the room and he looked like a trapped, wild animal.

Suddenly, Killua exclaimed that he was lying and that he only said these things to make him stay. The other's beautiful sapphire eyes hid themselves behind a curtain of bangs, and the other's hands clenched as his body shook in hurt and anger. Gon was shocked to see this change. What had he done wrong?!

"Y-yes, I...was desperate, because I can't lose you..." The confused beast hunter admitted as he stepped closer to calm his friend down.

Gon's heart clenched in pain as the other's sapphire orbs finally looked up at him, but they were full of pain and swimming with tears. This was supposed to be a happy moment. Why was Killua crying?! He felt the other's pain wash over him in waves as he told him that he didn't believe a word Gon was saying, and that his feelings of friendship were nothing compared to the love he felt. As the enhancer tried to decide if he should be happy about Killua's deep feelings, his friend suddenly turned and rushed away from him.

He couldn't let the other escape! Especially not with all these wrong assumptions between them! Gon ran after him, grabbing onto his arm to make him stop. Killua screamed at him to let him go. He even shouted that he hated him. This couldn't be. The beast hunter outright refused to believe the other one. Gon made Killua turn around to face him then. Once more, he took hold of his love's face. He couldn't let Killua ignore him; he had to make him believe. More serious than he had ever been in his life, Gon spoke, looking into those eyes that wanted to believe so badly but didn't dare to.

"I'm not lying. I could never lie to you. I love you, Killua. It's true that Kurapika had to explain it to me, but just because I...I didn't know. You were always the only one I wanted to spend my life with. You are always on my mind. I thought...hmmh…I thought we were as close as we could get. I just didn't know there was...more. Not between two guys. You know I...I sometimes don't get things. You can be mad at me for...for being an idiot, but you have to believe me!" Gon hated to admit to his greatest fault of being dumb before his smart love, but in this moment it was important to be absolutely honest to make Killua understand. He tried to say the things he hadn't before. "You're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen! I love to feel your silky hair between my fingers, I love to share every experience with you, and I wanted to bathe with you, even when you didn't want to anymore, because I thought that was being as close as we could get. I was stupid and just didn't get it. I know you tried to show me during this vacation. Now I understand that, but it was...too much of a jump for me. I was content to just be with you, because I didn't know there was more. I know...it's stupid, right?" Gon smiled sadly at his love then. "Now that I know, I want to kiss you, and I want to touch you. It's true that I didn't know my own feelings. And you're right, I am desperate. I will do anything to make you stay with me, but that is because I love you, and if you want to leave me, you can just go ahead and use your assassin skills to rip my heart out and take it along with you, because I wouldn't need it anymore." Gon searched Killua's eyes then, hoping for a sign that the other one believed him. "Tell me what I should do to prove my feelings for you. What can I do to make you believe that I truly love you? I will do anything; anything you ask of me to make you believe me." Remembering what Kurapika had told him, the spiky-haired hunter blushed profusely then. "I...I will even let you use my...b-backdoor..."

Gon still felt weirded out by what Kurapika had explained to him. As of now, he wasn't sure if he really felt ready to try that, but if that was what it took to convince Killua of the truth and depth of his feelings for him, it really was worth it, just like Kurapika had told him.

As Gon started to explain everything to him, it all started to fall into place, and Killua began to understand. This whole time he had been wrong. Gon had just been a complete idiot in regards to his own feelings, but it was something that Killua could never fault the other for because he had been an idiot for not seeing those feelings in the first place. He had been in such denial that he had completely missed what was probably obvious. How ironic that Gon and him were just like Kurapika and Leorio...

The silver-haired teen's tears began to dry and hope started to shine in his eyes then as Gon practically stared right through him, his hazel eyes searching his to see if he understood. Killua almost wanted to doubt again that this was actually happening, that the dream he had had for so long was finally coming true, but the way Gon looked at him then, the way the other explained his feelings, there was no way that he could deny it anymore. Killua began to feel guilt then for not putting more faith into Gon's feelings, for thinking that the other was too much of an idiot to understand the depth of what love was. That was pretty hypocritical of him, considering that he was brought up as an assassin and shouldn't have understood the feeling either.

While Killua was thinking this, he was taken by surprise by Gon's next words. His taller friend begged of him to tell him what to do to prove his love for him. Killua's heart seized with shock and anticipation as scenarios started to formulate in his head, but, when Gon mentioned that he could use his 'backdoor' the former assassin's eyes alit with confusion.

"Your….backdoor?" Killua questioned out loud, his tone filled with uncertainty and confusion. What the hell did that even mean?

When he saw Gon blush profusely in response, Killua was quick to catch on to what the other was implying. In his own response, the silver-haired teen's face lit completely up like an exploding firework. As much as he liked the idea, the very fact that he was still trying to get used to the idea that Gon actually felt the same way towards him as he did for the other made the whole situation a little too much for the smaller teen to take in one go. Heck, Gon even looked very uncertain about the idea as well.

"Y-You don't have to do that if it makes you feel uncomfortable, idiot!" Killua called out in his embarrassment as he shifted his eyes away from the other as well, unsure of how to handle the crazy and out of this world situation he now found himself in.

It was at this moment that full realization seemed to hit the young transmuter. This situation he found himself in…it was real…it was as real as it could ever be and Gon…Gon felt the same way for him. Gon loved him, and he loved Gon, and Gon wanted to do anything to prove that what he was feeling for him was real but his eyes told Killua enough as it was. This wasn't a dream!

Feeling completely overwhelmed by the mixture of happiness and shock to his system, Killua leaned forward then and buried his face into the crook of Gon's neck while his arms came out to wrap around the other's body and draw him close. He felt Gon place the hands that had been cradling his face around him then in an awkward fashion, like the whole situation was completely new to him even though Killua had done this before. The former assassin inhaled his love's scent then, and pressed his body as close to Gon's as possible, like he never wanted to part from it (he really didn't). This was really happening to him…Gon shared his feelings…he wanted to only be with him for the rest of his life…This wasn't a dream, this was completely real!

Killua felt tears come to his eyes then, but this time, they were tears of happiness. As his tears fell onto Gon's skin, though, the tall beast hunter didn't seem to understand this concept, because he started to freak out. He started begging him not to cry and to ask him what he had to do to prove himself again. Killua couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled in his throat because of Gon's actions. He lifted his head then to send Gon a small, happy smile.

"You idiot, I'm not sad anymore, I'm happy," the young blacklist hunter explained, his voice soft and affectionate before it turned a little teasing. "If you really want to still prove yourself, though, you can always kiss me again. I'll be sure to return it this time."

Killua didn't seem to understand what he was offering at first. Gon feared then that he'd have to spell it out more explicitly, which he really didn't want to, but a second later his friend's face burned up a bright red just like his own. It was a good thing that Killua had realized for himself what he had been trying to say. Looking away from him, the other shouted that he didn't have to do it if he was uncomfortable with it.

"But I'd do it, if that would convince you," Gon mumbled out.

The next moment Killua pressed into him, burying his face against his neck and wrapping his arms around him. A little unsure if things were okay between them now and if he was allowed to do so, Gon wrapped his arms around the other, too. Just when he was starting to relax and revel in the feeling of holding Killua close, though, he felt warm, wet tears against his skin.

"Waaaaah! Killua! I'm sorry! Don't cry! Please don't cry! Tell me what to do to prove myself to you! What should I do?!" The freaked out beast hunter shouted in distress. All he wanted to do was to make Killua happy, but he seemed to be just god-awful at it.

Then, suddenly, a laugh bubbled up against his skin. Shining, sapphire eyes looked up at him and a beautiful, happy smile accompanied them. The silver-haired teen told him that he wasn't sad but happy now. When Killua demanded a kiss as proof for his true feelings, there was nothing Gon would rather do. A grin split across his face then.

"I think I can do that," he answered softly as his hold on the slightly smaller hunter tightened.

When his lips tenderly touched Killua's this time, his friend's lips pressed back lightly and moved against his. Gon absolutely loved the feeling and reciprocated. While their very first kiss in the Ferris Wheel had felt kind of weird, this kiss just felt good and right and Gon yearned for more.

He buried one hand in Killua's silky, silver tresses and gazed in wonder at him, once their lips separated.

"I had no idea it could be this way," he whispered in awe.

Eagerly his lips claimed Killua's once more. Remembering what they had seen last night and what he had watched on T.V. before, his tongue came out to lick at the other's soft lips. When they parted with a sigh, Gon just went ahead, entering the new territory. His eager prodding was met with a groan at first. Killua's tongue stopped his own, only to gently slide against it the next moment, eliciting a moan. The feeling was just incredible, making Gon's stomach flutter and his body feel all hot. Catching on fast, he curbed his eagerness and moved his tongue more gently. His answer was a soft moan from Killua that became louder when he gently stroked the back of his love's head in time with his roving wet muscle.

When he heard Gon's soft answer, and felt the other tighten his hold on him before his lips met his once again, Killua couldn't stop the shiver of utter happiness that traveled down his spine and pooled in his gut. He had wanted to experience something like this with Gon for so long now.

Wanting to share this feeling with his newfound love, Killua kissed Gon back just like he had promised, his lips just as hesitant and inexperienced as Gon's, but the kiss itself still felt perfect, nonetheless.

The kiss was short lived, though, and the silver-haired teen had to hold back a very pathetic sounding whine when Gon pulled away. The beast hunter made up for his departure by burying one of his hands in Killua's hair then, making the former assassin shudder with anticipation as Gon's beautiful hazel orbs stared straight into him like he was seeing him for the first time.

Feeling a light blush dust his cheeks at his love's next words, Killua eagerly accepted Gon's next kiss, wanting to feel the heat of the other's skin against his. He could feel that the other was just as eager, seeing as the kiss was a little sloppier than the first, but he hoped that Gon would calm down in a moment and just…cherish the moment by taking things slow. Killua had never expected himself to feel this way under the situation he was in, actually. In his dreams he was always ravishing Gon to the greatest extents he could imagine (and the other would do that to him as well if he decided to have a role-reversal dream), but now…now that he was finally having a moment with the other, he didn't want to go too fast. He wanted to take everything in and experience it to its fullest and for as long as possible.

As Killua thought this, he felt Gon swipe his tongue against his lips. The young transmuter sighed out happily at the chance to experience something new, but when he opened his mouth to give Gon access, the other shoved his tongue into his mouth like an over-eager puppy. Killua groaned in a mixture of pleasure and irritation as he felt the hair's along his body bristle like a ruffled cat. Not wanting the other to get too carried away and ruin the moment they were having, Killua pressed his tongue against the other's to stop his crazy rampage, and then slowly rubbed his wet appendage up and down Gon's tongue, as if to show him how to enjoy the moment properly. Gon, like his usual self, was able to grasp what he was doing quickly and returned the gesture without a problem. Killua moaned happily at the intimate feeling, his moan becoming even louder when Gon started to stroke the back of his head in time to his tongues movements. Damn, he really was a fast learner…

When they parted this time, it was for the sake of oxygen. Killua stared into Gon's pleasurably dazed eyes, knowing that his own sapphires probably looked the same as they both gasped for breath, their lips only connected by a small trail of saliva. It was in that moment that Killua felt something stir against his thigh. He didn't have to look down to know that Gon was starting to become hard…

…Oh man, this really was happening…Gon really was attracted to him!

The former assassin didn't know how his situation could feel even more real than it was, but yet, it somehow managed to do so with the addition of Gon's little problem to their moment. Killua was beyond ecstatic by this point, his happiness directed more internally than out since he was still trying to catch his breath, and he wasn't one to smother Gon with a hug just because he was showing signs of being turned on by him. That was just weird and embarrassing.

Taking his own feelings concerning the moment to heart then, Killua pressed his lower half into Gon's as if to show the other how his lower half was also stirring because of him, his yukata rubbing against his friend's hardening length. More than anything, Killua actually wanted to reach down and feel the other, but he didn't want to jump the gun like that. He was going to go with his earlier mentality and take things slow, so that he could explore Gon to his fullest just like he hoped the other would do to him. He didn't quite know where all of this would lead since it depended on Gon's comfort level, but Killua was excited to find out all the same, and didn't care where it ended as long as he got to experience this moment with Gon.

"There's no need to be so over-eager, Gon," Killua mentioned softly then as he brought one of his hands out from around the other's body to gently stroke along the other's chest, his pointer finger dancing around one of Gon's nipples in a teasing circular fashion. "We have all the time in the world to be eager, so let's just take our time now and explore and learn new things about each other while we have the chance to. We might not be able to take the time like this as much once we start taking hunting jobs again."

Sending his taller companion a soft smile, Killua leaned forward to plant a short, sweet kiss on Gon's lips before he started trailing light kisses down the other's jawline and to his neck. As he did this, Killua let his teasing finger finally rub against Gon's nipple, the former assassin taking in his love's gasp of pleasure. So Gon's nipples were sensitive? What else was sensitive then?

Intrigued on what he would find out, Killua decided to lick a long trail up Gon's neck as his thumb twirled the beast hunter's nipple, feeling the shudder the action provided. Killua smirked against Gon's muscular neck then as he placed his lips against the area where his taller friend's neck met his shoulder blade and tentatively sucked and lapped at it with his tongue as he twirled the other's nipple between two of his fingers a moment later. Would Gon like this, or was it too much for the other to handle still…?

Killua's moans were the sweetest sounds Gon had ever heard. His whole body was reacting to the other one. When they finally parted for air, they looked at each other and the beast hunter just loved the slight haze he saw in the other's eyes, and the redness of Killua's soft lips. Gon licked his lips then, separating the last trail of saliva that had connected them, and savoring the aroma that was Killua.

A low but deep moan rumbled in the spiky-haired hunter's throat the next moment as his lover pressed his lower half into him and gently rubbed against him. The friction was sending shivers down his spine and making him harder, and fast. The thing that was even more intriguing, though, was that he felt Killua's member harden behind the yukata, too. Gon wanted to see and he wanted to feel. Eager for more, his hand that had held the other's back slid lower to pull Killua in even tighter for more friction.

That was when Killua told him he shouldn't be so overly-eager. Immediately, he loosened his hold, almost like he had been caught doing something bad. Instead of scolding him, though, Killua tenderly stroked his chest, arousing his sensitive nipples by circling them in a teasing fashion, and told him that they should take this slow and enjoy themselves while they had the time.

Gon closed his eyes and sighed then, right before a tender, sweet kiss was planted onto his lips. He understood what Killua was saying, but with the way he felt right now, it wouldn't be too easy. Light kisses touched his jaw, and his eyes flew open again with a gasp as his hardening peaks were finally rubbed. How the heck was he supposed to take things slow with Killua teasing and arousing him like this?

Just as he thought this, a warm, wet tongue licked along his neck and his nipple was rubbed even more intensely. New shivers of pleasure ran down the beast hunter's spine as he moaned. The next moment the tongue was at the crook of his neck, making tiny hairs at the back of his neck stand on end. Gon growled then as Killua sucked at this spot he had no idea was so sensitive, and twirled his hardened, sensitive nipple at the same time.

"Killua," he growled the other's name, full of desire.

Gon had had no idea he could feel this way. He had long been possessive of Killua and had not wanted to share his friend with anyone in any way. Right now he knew that he wanted the other to forever be his and his alone. He wanted to be the only one to get touched like this and to feel him in his arms. He wanted, no, he needed to make Killua feel the same way. Killua could never want to feel anybody but him.

He had only ever touched himself like this, but the places where it felt good for him would be the same as for Killua, he was sure. Also, he had seen a few of those movies that were on late at night in the hotels they stayed at. As far as he had understood by now, things between guys weren't too different from those between a guy and a girl. Maybe he should do what he always did and just go with his instincts. Those were usually good.

The beast hunter's hands moved along Killua's body then, tenderly stroking the other's back through the yukata. Once more the other sucked at his skin, making Gon growl. This time, though, he reacted. He bit Killua's ear, latching onto it. The surprised yelp his action elicited turned into a moan when he sucked tenderly, nibbled, and licked at the outer shell.

Killua gasped and shuddered as soon as he heard his name tumble from Gon's lips. He had no idea that just hearing his name could turn him on, but the way Gon had said it sent shivers of pleasure down his spine.

As the former assassin sucked on his beloved's neck again, wondering if he should trail his attention downwards to see if the other liked his tongue against his nipples as well, his thoughts were brought to an abrupt halt when he felt Gon bite his ear. The silver-haired teen yelped from the surprising pain before said yelp turned into erotic moans as soon as Gon started massaging his ear with his tongue, lips, and teeth. Killua was practically paralyzed at the feeling. He had stopped his own ministrations since the pleasure Gon was bestowing upon him was too distracting. It also didn't help that the other was stroking his back, which actually made Killua arch into the beast hunter's body, like a cat basking in the attention. Breathless gasps left Killua's person then as Gon shifted his attention to his other ear. The young transmuter was only too willing to bend his neck in the opposite direction so that Gon would have more room to lavish his sensitive appendage.

"Gon…" Killua moaned out in breathless need, his body unwilling to move due to the pleasurable touch of the other's body. He was a trained assassin, and yet he found himself completely paralyzed by Gon's touch alone, like his body was craving for the other's touch so much that it only wanted to stand there and feel everything, like it wanted to surrender for once in its life. Heck, maybe that was entirely true. As much as Killua loved the idea of ravishing Gon, the thought of the other completely spoiling him was a little more enticing, especially since he had wanted this moment for so long.

In the next moment, the former assassin's thoughts were cut short again as he felt Gon stop stroking his back to tangle his fingers into his hair as he continued to lick and nip at his ear, the other's arm wrapping around Killua's waist in order to keep the other as close to him as possible. A moan of pure ecstasy escaped the silver-haired teen's mouth as he experienced having a true weak spot. Who knew that his hair and ears were so sensitive? Maybe his whole body was just being very receptive to Gon at the moment?

As Killua thought this, he began to realize the growing frustration bubbling within him. Gon was completely naked at the moment, but he was still clothed, and his hardening length was not only being restrained by his current garment, but so was his skin. He wanted to feel Gon in his entirety. With that thought in mind, Killua somehow got control over his hands again and made them slide down Gon's warm, chiseled body before they grabbed hold of the other's hips, his fingers digging into them possessively as his thumbs rubbed circles around the other's hip bones. This seemed to distract Gon from his current actions for a moment as the taller teen's eyes met his.

Sending a playful smirk up Gon's way, Killua just leaned forward like the tease he was, their lips just centimeters apart, and he whispered, "So are you going to take off this yukata or am I going to have to?"

Killua, of course, already knew Gon's answer, and was excited for the next moment to come. Gon was always possessive and would want to do the honors himself, to get the hands-on experience, and Killua was only too willing to let the other do whatever he wished, to feel the other strip him.

The instinctive nipping and licking at the silver-haired teen's ear had a very obvious effect on him. The slightly smaller body arched into his tender strokes. Killua's own ministrations stopped, but Gon didn't care about that, what he cared about were the sweet sounds he elicited from his love.

As he let go of the first ear to lavish the second, Killua turned his head only too willingly. As his tongue licked along the shell, the other moaned his name. His own name had never sounded as good as then. Gon felt a shiver run through him and heat pool in his lower regions. He reacted instantly. His hand buried itself in the thick mane of his love as he sucked and nibbled at the other's ear. A strong arm wrapped around Killua's waist and pulled him even closer. There was a growing need to feel the other's body.

Gon sucked gently at the ear and massaged the back of his love's head as Killua's hands began to move again. A low growl rumbled in the beast hunter's throat when the other's hands grabbed his hips possessively and massaged there. Even more heat was collecting below his navel and he was getting really hard now. Distracted by the arousing action, Gon looked into Killua's eyes.

There was a catlike smirk on his love's beautiful lips, and his eyes twinkled as his face came close enough to almost kiss. Killua asked him whether Gon would finally take off his yukata or if he had to do it himself. The enhancer's eyes went wide.

"No! No, let me," he was fast to answer.

It kind of felt like unwrapping a present. He knew what Killua looked like naked, but this time he was allowed to touch him, too! Gon opened the belt to the yukata then. Loosening the tightly wound sash, he just let it drop to the ground. Next he just slipped his hands under the fabric, pushing it over Killua's shoulder to make it drop to the ground, too.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered, full of reverence.

The spiky-haired hunter had always felt that way, but hadn't been too sure his companion would appreciate him saying such things. Now things were different.

"That looks very uncomfortable," he decided after his eyes had roamed Killua's body a little more and had been drawn to his love's groin and the bulge that was caged by the other's boxers.

The next moment, Gon was bowing down and pulling down the other's underwear. When the hard flesh of his love sprang free, he heard the hitch in Killua's breath. He saw a rosy blush flush the ex-assassin's pale face, making his love look even cuter than he already did.

Gon didn't think twice then. His arm wrapped around Killua's middle again. As he pulled him close this time, their naked, hot, hard erections touched, and it sent a jolt of pleasure through both their bodies. He tangled his hand in the other's silver mane once more and pulled Killua into a kiss, his tongue immediately seeking entrance. As it rubbed a little more passionately against its counterpart, he moved his hips in the same rhythm, moaning eagerly into their hot kiss.

Killua practically purred as he felt Gon eagerly undress him. He had wanted this sort of attention from Gon for years now, and it felt beyond amazing to know that this was all happening for real. This had to be the greatest day of his life.

The silver-haired teen was taken by surprise the next moment, though, when he heard Gon call him beautiful. A light blush dusted his cheeks as Killua stared at Gon in surprise. Never in his life had he ever thought he'd like to be called beautiful, but he was quickly finding out that a lot of things were different when Gon was involved.

Before Killua could get too caught up in his thoughts, though, the former assassin heard Gon comment on his boxers next. The young transmuter shuddered as Gon stared down at him like a hungry wolf. Killua found out that he was slowly losing his will to keep going slow as he felt Gon slip his boxers off the next moment, his breath hitching as the cool air hit his hardened erection. He wanted Gon to touch him more than ever then.

As an even greater blush flourished across his cheeks, Killua was practically swept away by Gon the next second when he felt the other wrap an arm around him then and bring him back towards him, their erections touching from the action. Killua felt like he had just recharged himself with his taser then from the sudden jolt to his system as their lengths lightly brushed. He couldn't dwell on that feeling for long either before he felt Gon's other hand tangle itself in his hair the way he was finding out that he really liked, and had brought him into a heated kiss. Killua was practically a shuddering, moaning mess then as Gon's tongue entered his mouth to sensually tussle with his own. The other's fingers massaged the back of his scalp, and Gon's hips rocked against his own in time to his other ministrations. Unconsciously, the silver-haired teen moved his hips in time with his love's as well, their erections brushing in the most arousing way. Damn it! He wanted this so much that he could hardly even think anymore, could hardly breathe, even as Gon's lips parted from his for air.

Killua just stared up into the taller teen's lust-filled orbs, his brain practically a mushy mess within his skull. So much for being able to think clearly under every situation.

"Gon…?" The young blacklist hunter tentatively asked then as his hands unconsciously dug into Gon's hips, halting the other's movements. In all truth, Killua had no idea what he wanted to ask the other, but the urge to question about something, something important, rose within him. As his newfound love looked at him questioningly then, and as he felt the others hips beneath his fingers, Killua was finally able to figure out what he wanted to ask then.

"How…how much of this do you truly want, Gon?" Killua questioned softly then, his sapphire orbs shining with curiosity. "Do you just want to do this…?" The silver-haired teen continued as he rubbed his erection against Gon's again, a slight, shuddering breath leaving his lips as he did so. "Or do you want something more…?" Killua finished breathlessly then as he grabbed Gon's hand that was wrapped around his waist and guided it lower until it was placed firmly against his backside. Killua shivered in delight as Gon's fingers automatically dug into his soft flesh. He stared up at the other imploringly then, wanting to know where they should draw the line. If Gon was still hesitant to go further, then he wouldn't push the other, but if the other wanted more, just like he did, Killua was willing to bottom if that would make Gon more comfortable with the situation. It wasn't like he was worried about the pain that would come with the action or anything, since he had experienced far worse, and he wasn't worried about his pride being diminished since he was submitting. Killua personally didn't care because all he wanted was Gon. Nothing else mattered in comparison to that.

As they parted, panting for air, they once more looked into each other's eyes. Gon was sure that Killua's eyes had never looked as beautiful as they did right now. He looked questioningly at the other when his name was breathed. Tender, yet firm hands at his hips stopped his yearning movements and Gon began to wonder if he had done something wrong.

Killua asked him then on how much he wanted this. The beast hunter was a little taken aback at the question. He thought he had made it clear that he loved the other and wanted to do anything to prove that to him. But then Killua made his question clearer. The slight rubbing of their erections against each other made him shudder and moan once more. Next, the other one took his hand and placed it against a round, firm back cheek. Gon couldn't help but take hold of it firmly. It just felt too good. The shiver that went through the other's body, and the imploring look he sent him, excited Gon to no end. The over-eager teen had a hard time keeping his head then. His instincts told him to just crush Killua against him, and rub and kiss and squeeze until they both found release, but he knew that wasn't the right way to go about this.

"What I want is to make you happy," Gon just answered honestly. "I let you suffer because I was too...stupid to understand either of our feelings. Whatever you want me to do, I want to do that, too. But...But I don't know how to do that," he gently squeezed Killua's firm cheek, "and I'm sure that it hurts and I don't want to hurt you unnecessarily." With his admission he searched the other's eyes. "I want to make you feel good and...and to hear you moan," Gon said softly with a light blush dusting his cheeks. He loved the sounds he could elicit from Killua.

When Gon finally answered him, Killua could feel warmth wash through him at the other's words. It wasn't like the burning feeling of desire he was used to now, but a more comfortable warmth. Just hearing Gon tell him that he wanted to make him happy made his heart skip a beat with giddiness.

It was then that Gon told him that he didn't know how to go as far as he wanted him to. Killua let out a light gasp as he felt the taller teen squeeze his backside again, loving the feeling more than he thought was possible. Whatever pleasure the silver-haired teen was feeling was replaced by slight irritation, though, when Gon said that he didn't want to hurt him the next minute. Did he have any idea who he was talking to?! Pain was a laughing matter to him.

Killua's irritation disappeared into nothingness like it had never been there, though, when Gon's next words reached his ears. A light blush dusted the former assassin's cheeks as well as he felt a shudder of desire rush down his spine.

"And I want you inside of me," Killua whispered out breathlessly then, his eyes completely serious and holding no shame for what he had said as he trailed one of his hands down from Gon's hips to lightly trace his fingers up his partner's length. "Don't treat me like I'm breakable, Gon," Killua reminded his beloved, his voice turning hard with slight annoyance. "I was brought up as an assassin, and I have undergone so many different types of torture. The slight pain I'd feel from this is absolutely nothing compared to the hell I've gone through as a child, or the pain I've encountered from the missions we've taken."

A soft smile replaced Killua's annoyed features then, showing Gon that he wasn't angry with him despite his irritation. As he wrapped his arms around the taller teen's neck then, he leaned in close to the other, their lips barely touching once again.

"If you really don't mind going through with my want, there are two ways we can approach this, Gon," Killua explained then with a knowing smile. "I know that the best way to teach you on how to do this properly is to show you and have you experience it yourself instead of just telling you what you have to do. Because of that…I can walk you through the preparation process by doing it to you and then you can prepare me afterwards…" The silver-haired teen trailed off then as a look of embarrassment came over him the next second. "…Or…I can show you how to prepare me by…preparing myself in front of you if you're too uncomfortable at being bottom for a short time…"

Killua's confident answer sent new heat into the beast hunter's lower regions. A second later, he moaned as the other lightly touched his hard length. The cool fingers felt incredible. The feeling was so very, very different from touching himself. While he fleetingly stroked along the straining erection, Killua warned Gon that he wasn't breakable and reminded him about his childhood. As if the beast hunter needed reminding of that! Over the last few years he had met most of Killua's family. He had a pretty good idea, or rather, a very, very bad idea of what it must have been like.

Although Gon feared for a moment that Killua might be angry with him for saying the wrong thing, the other smiled at him a moment later and wrapped his arms around his neck. Their lips barely touched as the silver-haired teen spoke again. He explained then how they could go about this. Gon knew his slight blush deepened as he listened to the other, because his head heated up and felt like it might explode as he imagined the possibilities. He saw how the transmuter got embarrassed at the last part he mentioned, and he understood very well why that would be so.

"No! No! Show me! Please!" Gon exclaimed, but knew he had chosen the wrong words from the flustered look his love had next. "I meant, teach me by showing! Ehm, eh...do it to me!"

The enhancer got flustered himself then, because he couldn't even tell what he was trying to say himself anymore! His flustered state and his blush were enough to make Killua laugh in the end. The loving look the other hunter granted him helped calm down Gon again.

"I want you to teach me right by doing it to me first," he explained his confusing words. "I know you're not breakable or very sensitive to pain, and I know about your past, Killua, but that's exactly why I need to do this right. I know you can withstand a lot of pain, but I don't want you to have to bear any more than what is necessary. I want to make you feel good and I want to make up for the bad you had to go through."

He looked deep into Killua's eyes once more before he made their lips touch fully and kissed his love tenderly.

Killua practically gawked at his beast hunting friend as Gon declared that he wanted him to show him how to prepare himself, his face flushing crimson as embarrassing images jumped to the forefront of his mind. In truth, he had hoped that Gon wouldn't choose that option since it was so humiliating for him, but he didn't want the other to feel awkward about bottoming either, so it would have been just as bad for him to leave that option out!

The silver-haired teen was taken by surprise the next moment, thankfully, when Gon fumbled over his words until he corrected himself, saying that he wanted Killua to practice on him. Seeing how flustered Gon was over his little fumble earlier, the other's cheeks blushing with embarrassment, Killua couldn't stop the amused laughter that bubbled up his throat. Gon was just the cutest.

After his laughter had died down, Killua sent Gon a loving gaze, which seemed to help his taller friend to calm down some. It was then that Gon started to explain himself, the enhancer's kind words sending the former assassin's heart soaring with happiness.

"Gon…" Killua whispered out in adoration, feeling touched by the other's consideration. Before the young transmuter could say anything more, though, Gon's lips were against his in the tenderest of kisses. Killua pressed his lips back against his love's just as gently to show the other that he felt the same for him as Gon did. When they parted a short moment later, Killua smiled up at Gon again as he brought a hand up from the taller teen's neck to gently stroke the side of Gon's face.

"I always wonder if I deserve someone like you…" Killua started out, but he quickly shook his head to clear himself of such thoughts. This wasn't the time to bring himself down. Instead, he should be focusing on the situation at hand. "Never mind," the silver-haired teen commented the next second as he sent a worried looking Gon a reassuring smile. "How about we get down to the lesson?"

When he heard Gon agree to his statement, Killua leaned forward and pecked the taller teen affectionately against the lips, pleased that his newfound love was still willing to go through with something like this, even if it made him a bit uncomfortable.

"Alright, but before we do, how about you grab the 'do not disturb' sign from the closet and place it before our door," the former assassin mentioned then as he nodded his head to the closet next to them. "We don't want the maids to interrupt us, right?" Killua sent Gon an amused smirk then before he disentangled himself from the other. "While you're doing that, I'll grab some lube. Meet me at the futon when you're done."

With that said, Killua sent Gon an alluring smirk before walking away from the other towards his bag. In truth, he had only brought some lube along for himself just in case he found that he had some rare time alone. He knew that going on vacation with Gon to a tropical paradise was probably going to test his patience and his sexual frustrations to their limits, so he wanted to be prepared just in case he did get that time to himself. Who knew that he'd actually get to use it for something other than a wild fantasy?

Once he was done grabbing the bottle from his backpack, Killua made his way over to the futon where Gon was awaiting him. The poor beast hunter looked a bit nervous, so, as Killua knelt down on the futon next to him, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Gon's, loving how natural their kisses felt. When the silver-haired teen pulled away the next moment, he sent his love a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, Gon, I've done research on this and I know what I'm doing. Just sit back and learn what I'm about to teach you. It's best that you relax as much as you can."

It was then that Killua trailed light kisses down Gon's body from his jaw to his stomach in order to distract the other somewhat. Killua then placed one, teasing kiss to the tip of Gon's erection just to see the other react. Why did Gon have to be so sexy? Killua hoped that he'd be able to keep himself in control during the lesson…

"Alright, you have to spread your legs, Gon…" The silver-haired teen whispered soothingly then as he watched Gon blush cutely below him before doing what he asked. "Good…I'll take this exact position when we switch roles later. Before we really start, though, you have to coat your fingers with lubricant." As he said this, Killua grabbed his bottle of lube and poured a large amount onto his fingers so that the other could see. "You need to use a lot in order to stretch me effectively, so don't be afraid if you're thinking you're going overboard on the lube. There is no such thing as too much, alright?"

His kiss was returned with the same tenderness Gon tried to show. The words the other said after their kiss, though, made the beast hunter a little sad. Even though so many things had changed for Killua since they had met, his past was still very much present to him and the bad things he had done. But his friend wasn't that person anymore. He was no assassin, not anymore.

"But you do," Gon started to protest when Killua told him not to mind.

Although he still worried, the enhancer didn't say anymore at the moment. No mere words seemed to help his best friend have a better view of himself. Gon had tried for years to make Killua see that he was a good person at heart, but his doubts resurfaced every time. Maybe if he wrapped him in all of his love and made him feel really, really good, then he could think more positively about himself?

Killua asked him if they should begin and Gon agreed, receiving a little kiss then. He was told to put out the 'do not disturb' sign. It was morning, and of course the attendees would want to put away the futons and take care of their breakfast. That would be super awkward if they came in while... Gon blushed profusely as Killua smirked at him. He said something about getting some lube, which the enhancer didn't quite understand, but he decided to rush to put out the sign instead of dwelling on that.

He got down onto the futon as soon as he was done with his task, just like Killua had asked. As he watched the other one approach him, the moment got more real for Gon. He had felt strongly for Killua from the moment they had met, his feelings only deepening with the time they had spent together and the experiences they had shared. They had both saved each other's lives countless times. He felt as deeply for Killua as he knew how, and right now, they were about to express those feelings in a way he had had no idea was possible. It was a little overwhelming for the beast hunter. He knew that he was good at taking action, and a fast learner if he could experience something, but right then a whole lot hinged on what was about to happen. Gon had meant what he had said; he wanted to make Killua feel good, so he needed to get this right. It was super important to him. That was why he felt a little nervous and edgy when the other knelt down next to him, but the kiss he got helped a little.

"O-oh okay, I'll try," he answered a little flustered still, but leaned back onto his elbows so that he could still observe Killua's actions.

The next moment warm, soft lips were all over his body. Silver tresses tickled his skin as sweet kisses were planted lower and lower on his body. Gon's head was reeling. He had had no idea the two of them could do something like this! Looking back now, he knew how stupid he had been, but he had never questioned the concept that intimacy like this was reserved for being shared between a male and a female. Right now he understood only too well how wrong this assumption had been! He had never even imagined Killua might touch him like this, and now he never wanted the other to stop! He had no idea it could feel this way to get kissed and touched by someone else, and Gon was pretty sure it couldn't feel any better if a girl would do it, especially not with the way he felt about Killua. There really was no difference between male and female, he was sure now, except where to put it...

Just as that thought was going through his mind, soft lips kissed him in the most sensitive place he had.


The moan seemed to be torn somewhere from the depth of his very soul. Gon had never thought sensations like these were possible! He blushed at his sensitivity and at the request Killua made. This really was it and he needed to concentrate, but with everything he was feeling, that would be hard! Trying somehow to get a grip on himself at the same time, Gon spread his legs just like the other one asked.

"Lu-Lubricant, right," he repeated unsteadily.

He watched as Killua squeezed out a good amount that made his white fingers glisten. The young hunter was surprised at himself as he felt his hard on twitch at the sight, and the urge to lick and suck at those fingers. Somehow he held himself back, though, understanding that it would defeat the purpose of what Killua was explaining.

'Concentrate!' he mentally berated himself.

"A-alright. Lots of lubricant."

Gon nodded, still blushing deeply. His eyes burned with the strain of staring at those enticing fingers, unblinking for fear of what he'd do if he missed something or relaxed.

"Spread the gel where it's needed then," Killua carried on, not quite as cool and collected as before.

A shiver ran over Gon's body a second later as the cool lube touched his heated cleft, and he moaned again. It was the weirdest feeling as his love's fingertip brushed over that place that was usually an exit but was now meant to become an entrance. It felt weird, and yet, somehow good.

"Relax, Gon," Killua told him in a soft, yet urgent plea. "If you're tense like this, it will only hurt."

With new surprise the beast hunter relaxed the hands that had clenched into fists.

"Ah! I didn't notice! Sorry!" Gon exclaimed with a sheepish look.

The next moment the tip of his straining erection was kissed again. Closing his eyes, the spiky-haired teen moaned and unconsciously relaxed. When he opened his eyes again, Killua smirked like the cat that ate the canary and wiggled the fingertip he had pushed into Gon.

"If I should tense up, a distraction can help," he explained still grinning.

"I...I wouldn't mind a little more of that distraction," the beast hunter mumbled then, his blush glowing just a little more.

As Killua continued, he began to feel his own bout of nerves as he started to explain to Gon on what he should do next. He hoped that what he was actually doing and saying was correct. Killua had done research on sex between two guys, and he had also watched some videos on it…but seeing and reading up on something felt totally different than from enacting everything in person. It…it was so much more exciting, and arousing, and…nerve-wracking…He just hoped that he wouldn't mess this up and make Gon uninterested in having sex with him in the future.

The young transmuter tried to push his nervous thoughts to the side then as his lube-slicked fingers trailed along Gon's cleft, his fingers beginning to spread the lube around his love's entrance. The beast hunter felt hot beneath his touch, and the other's moan only aroused Killua further. If he was making Gon moan like that, then maybe he wasn't doing so badly?

It was then that Killua noticed how tense Gon was beneath him, how the other was clenching his hands into fists by his sides. The silver-haired teen urged his friend to relax again so that he wouldn't hurt him. He saw how Gon apologized and tried to relax then…but just to be on the safe side, Killua decided to distract his beloved before he'd take the first plunge.

With that in mind, the former assassin leaned forward and kissed the tip of Gon's aching erection. He heard the taller teen moan once again and relax even more underneath him. Taking his chance, Killua pushed his first finger a little bit into Gon's entrance. When Gon looked up at him the next moment, Killua sent his love a pleased smirk as he wiggled his fingertip experimentally within the other, Gon's tight heat encasing his fingertip in the most intoxicating way imaginable.

Killua tried to distract his sudden urge to shove his entire finger into the other to feel more of Gon's heat, the young blacklist hunter explaining then that it was good to distract him if he was having problems relaxing. When Gon responded with a blush, and said that he wanted more distractions, Killua couldn't help but blush in return.

"Of course," the silver-haired teen agreed as he leaned forward to kiss Gon's stomach, pushing his finger into the other a little more in the meantime. "But don't go overboard with the distractions, Gon," Killua reminded him the next second as his eyes met his lover's dazed hazel. "The distractions have to be light and fleeting…like small kisses…" He explained as he kissed Gon along one of his legs then as he pushed his finger into the other even more. "If you start licking and sucking like crazy while you're trying to prep me, then I might ejaculate too early. Remember that a person can only orgasm so much before they're totally exhausted and unable to continue, so only use a distraction if I'm having problems relaxing…"

Killua hoped beyond hope that he wasn't overloading Gon's undoubtedly overwhelmed brain. He wouldn't be surprised if the beast hunter didn't remember everything he said, since it was probably hard for him to focus when he was being pleasured and prepared like this. As Killua thought this, he pushed the last stretch of his first finger into Gon, the other's inner walls clenching down on his finger as possessively as ever at the action.

"Damn, Gon…" Killua hissed out in a breathless moan. He wanted nothing more than to totally encase himself within the other…or feel the other fully inside of him…Damn it, now he wanted both!

Taking a deep breath to steady himself and his chaotic thoughts, Killua's sapphire eyes caught Gon's hazel again. He noticed that the other was a little uncomfortable, since he had adjusted to his finger by now, so he was fidgeting a bit, wondering what was going to happen next.

"Sorry," Killua uttered with a slightly embarrassed blush. There was no way that he was going to tell Gon that he had gotten carried away in the moment and had wanted to top the hell out of him…Something told him that Gon probably wouldn't be ready to hear something like that, especially when their relationship was so…'new' at the moment. "As soon as your partner has adjusted, you want to start moving your finger in and out like this," Killua explained then as best as he could, despite his embarrassment, as he started moving his finger like he had suggested. "Do it slowly so that I'll adjust to the feeling a little better when you get to do it, alright? You always want to take your time when you're preparing me, or vice versa, so that you don't end up tearing up or irritating your partner's insides too badly…"

His forward request made Killua blush in turn. Shouldn't he have said that? But Gon felt like it was important to be honest about his wishes and feelings. The other told him then that it was okay but that the distractions needed to be light and fleeting. The silver-haired kissed Gon's stomach and legs but not the place he wanted to feel those lips again the most. At least Killua explained why that was. If he was too excited, he'd come, and that was bad.

While his love explained and distracted him, he pushed the finger ever deeper into him. Gon just thought it felt weird, but it wasn't bad or hurting him. He was a little surprised when the finger was pushed into him so deep that he felt the knuckles of the other fingers pressed against him. His body acted of its own account, clenching around the intruder, making Gon only more aware of the thing Killua was doing to him. It was very weird what they were doing. The beast hunter knew that he would only ever let Killua do this to him, and he never would allow anyone else to touch his Killua in this way either.

Even though the other was doing this to him, and Gon wasn't touching Killua at all, for some reason the silver-haired teen moaned his name a moment later. Just hearing his love react in this way to what they were doing was enough for Gon to want to keep going, no matter how weird it was to him, and even if it would hurt at some point. He just wanted to hear more of these wonderful sounds from his best friend. They were looking into each other's eyes for a long moment. Wanting for things to keep going, to be able to hear Killua's sweet moans, the enhancer fidgeted around a little and actually broke the other one from his spell.

As the blacklist hunter explained some more, his finger started to move. This feeling actually wasn't so bad. For some reason, Gon's body seemed familiar with the rhythm and instinctively began to move with it. The information the other was dumping on him was starting to become a little too much for him to handle because he felt his brain wanting to shut down, but Gon knew he needed to listen; this was important. Maybe it was the most important thing he ever needed to memorize.

"G-go slow to avoid tearing," he repeated the main fact, clinging to it through a haze of lust and the overload of information.

Gon could feel the finger inside of him not only move in and out, but slightly change direction and bend. Killua was explaining to him that there was a spot deep inside of him that made one feel really good, when it was touched but the enhancer didn't feel anything like that yet. For the moment the other one seemed to stop his search, too, because the finger was almost removed. When it entered again though, Gon hissed and squirmed a little bit as he felt himself get stretched more than before.

"Once the body has adjusted to one finger, you use two. Usually you need to go up to three fingers for the right girth," Killua explained blushing once more.

Since the two fingers obviously weren't too easy to take for the virgin beast hunter, his love resorted to distraction once more. Sweet kisses to his skin helped Gon relax, and, with that, eased the way for the other's fingers into him. By the time the two fingers were buried inside of him to the hilt, Gon was panting from the strain he felt. Once more Killua gave him the time to adjust to the new sensation and enforced how important this was. Moments later, the fingers moved again.

The young beast hunter wouldn't have believed it, but the stretching that had been uncomfortable and a little painful a moment ago was now turning into friction that actually felt good. Soft moans escaped him as he moved with the rhythm Killua set. Once again the fingers changed direction, bending inside of him. Gon looked at his love, and heard him moan in the cutest way himself. The next moment, the two fingers plunged into him, bended, and lightning exploded in Gon's body. He saw a flash of white light as electric shocks shot through his spine.

"Ah! Killua!"

The young hunter's body was overwhelmed by the new sensation, and there was no way to stop the chain reaction. Arching his body, Gon's orgasm ripped through him and he came hard, not only spraying his own stomach but hitting Killua, too.

It took the beast hunter a few seconds to come down from his high enough to realize what he had done.

"Waaaah! Killua, sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to...!" Flustered and absolutely distraught, Gon looked at his shocked love. Killua had told him it was bad to come too early. He had just ruined everything!

Moving his finger in and out of the other, Killua did his best to explain the situation to Gon more while he tried not to get lost in the other's heat at the same time. The silver-haired teen thrust and bent his fingers, trying to see if he could find the other's sweet spot. He wasn't having so much luck, so he decided to try a second finger.

As he started to push the second digit in, he noticed the strained look that overcame Gon's face. After explaining to the other that he had to at least go up to three fingers, Killua started to distract his love with light kisses up and down his body as he continued to push his two fingers in. By the time his fingers were fully sheathed in the other, Gon wasn't the only one panting. Even though the pleasure he felt then probably wouldn't even come close to if he truly entered Gon, the heat of the other's tight passage was still almost overwhelming.

"Always remember to give your partner time to adjust," Killua whispered out then as he tried to calm himself down. His erection was practically aching by that point in time, but he knew he had to bear with it. This had to be done so that Gon would know what to do when they switched positions.

With that in mind, Killua gauged Gon's facial features before he started moving his two fingers in and out of the other like the last time. It didn't take long for the former assassin to note how pleased his partner was at the action. Gon started rocking his hips back against his fingers, light moans emanating from his lips. The very sight was enough to make Killua moan in turn as he thrust, stretched and bent his fingers within the other, the friction of Gon's passage feeling pleasurable against his skin. As Killua tried to keep his mind focused, he started thrusting into Gon at different angles, seeing if he could find the other's prostate before he had to push in a third finger.

Thrusting his fingers in harder than before then, and bending them at just the last second, Killua felt his fingertips brush a bundle of nerves that felt different from everything else. The smaller teen felt a moment of triumph at finding what he wanted before a rapturous scream left Gon's lips a millisecond later. Before Killua could even blink, Gon was ejaculating all over himself, and him included, hot semen falling onto his chest, since he was hovering over the other at the time he orgasmed.

The startled transmuter could only stare at his partner in complete shock and wonder on what he was supposed to do then. If Gon just came…was there a chance that they wouldn't be able to continue?! The beast hunter himself seemed to think along the same lines because, as soon as he came down from his orgasmic high, he started apologizing up a storm. Even though Gon just came copiously over the both of them, Killua could clearly see that the other had plenty of energy left if his erratic speech patterns were anything to go by.

Smiling reassuringly to the other as his own fears were put to rest, Killua slipped his two fingers out of Gon before he leaned forward over the other and tenderly kissed the other's lips.

"Don't worry about it," the former assassin murmured in a soft, affectionate voice as he parted from the other a moment later. "We're both young and have a crazy amount of stamina as it is. It's going to take a few more orgasms before you'd be unable to continue, Gon, and that goes for me as well. Just take this as another lesson. Even though finding your partner's sweet spot is important, it's a good thing to realize that they might come from the first hit if they aren't experienced with the feeling. Not only that, but if you want to make the pleasure last as long as possible, don't hit the sweet spot repeatedly when your partner is used to the feeling. We're still new at this, Gon, so mishaps like this are going to happen because we're inexperienced."

Killua blushed and averted his gaze then, unable to stop himself from what he said next, despite how embarrassing it was. He thought Gon deserved to know anyways.

"I'm…I'm really glad that I'm experiencing this with you…that we can figure this out together…"

Gon's greatest fear was that Killua would be disgusted at his lack of control and be furious with him for ruining their first time. He whimpered as he felt the other one's fingers leave him. This was it. Everything was over! Killua would be so angry that he didn't know if he'd ever get another shot! But instead of raging at him, the silver-haired beauty leaned in to softly kiss him.

Surprised, confused, yet relieved at the same time, he looked at Killua wonderingly when the other told him not to worry. Gon nodded wildly then as his love stated that he had lots of stamina and that they could still go on. He sure didn't feel exhausted in the least. Killua explained some more about that spot he had obviously found in him.

"Sweet spot", he repeated and nodded lightly to himself. That was a good name for it.

He looked apologetic again, even though his love was forgiving and said mishaps were to be expected with their inexperience. Still, Gon felt like he had let down Killua. The other one was looking away from him then, but not because he was disappointed, rather it was the contrary. With relief washing over him, the beast hunter actually smiled at his love then.

"I'm glad, too, Killua! I wouldn't want to do this with anyone else. And...and I don't want you to do it with anyone else, either!" He knew how possessive it sounded, how it was like a command, but he couldn't help himself. Gon reached out and tangled his hand in the other's silver tresses again. "I want you to be my Killua forever and ever. I will learn to do this right and I will make you happy, I promise." He looked at his love seriously, making sure the other would believe him. Killua knew how tenacious he was if he set his mind on something, and that he always kept his promises.

This time it was he who initiated their kiss. Even though it had felt incredible from their first time, their kisses now had a very different quality. They made Gon feel hot instantly, and all he could think about while they kissed was touching Killua everywhere.

When they parted again for air, the spiky-haired teen looked at his love with new desire. The other one had not been able to go through with his whole demonstration, but Gon was quite confident he had gotten the important parts.

"Let me try to make you feel good," he begged of his partner, his hands at Killua's shoulders and turning them around.

Gently he pushed the other down onto the futon then and hovered above him. The way the other's long silver hair pooled around him and the loving, sapphire eyes looked up at him was taking Gon's breath away.

"Killua..." He whispered his friend's name in wonder as his gaze wandered lower over the slender yet incredibly strong body.

Suddenly, the beast hunter blushed as he saw the milky white splashes spattered across the ex-assassin's creamy chest.

"Waaah, Killua, I'm sorry!" Gon exclaimed once more as he realized what he had done.

The next moment, he descended onto the other one's chest, licking at the salty liquid that was staining his love's beautiful body. In his embarrassment at what he had done and his feverish attempt at cleaning up his mess, it took the enhancer a moment to realize that Killua seemed to enjoy his work. Every lick and suck was accompanied by a sweet moan or gasp.

"Do you like this?" Gon asked innocently as he sucked once more on a spot that was very close to one of Killua's nipples and looked up at the other one.

When Gon answered that he was happy they could experience this together, too, Killua felt even more embarrassed. Why had he said something like that? He knew that Gon deserved to hear how happy he was, but that didn't make it any less…well…awkward for him to say. It wasn't like him to speak honestly and openly, after all.

Hearing his love's possessive words the next second, though, brought Killua out of his thoughts. His heart skipped a beat in his chest at the possessive-like demand the other gave him, and his arousal peaked even further when he felt Gon's fingers through his hair. Killua wanted to say something, to assure Gon that there was no way he'd want this with anyone else, but the mixture of embarrassment at the words he wanted to say, and the high arousal he felt in that moment, left him speechless.

Before he could think too much, though, he felt Gon's lips press against his and found a way to release his feelings. He kissed Gon back with as much fervor as the other did, feeling happier than he could ever remember. Gon had just promised him that he'd do everything in his power to make him happy…and just the thought of what that meant for their future shook the smaller teen to his core. That meant that, every day, he was going to feel happiness like this. That thought felt almost too good to be true…

Feeling overwhelmed with what the future had in store for him, Killua didn't realize that he was being pushed back onto the futon until his back hit the soft material of the bed. The silver-haired teen stared up at Gon for a split second in surprise before the determination in his love's gaze made him understand the situation. Gon was hovering over him then, his posture and gaze sending him the feelings of his desperation to please him, and Killua couldn't help but smile up at Gon lovingly then. Even though he hadn't finished with his demonstration, he knew that his love had been paying attention and that he was quick to pick up on things. He was in good hands.

Gon whispered his name in desire then, which sparked Killua's all the more. His erection was aching so badly for release by then that the former assassin actually wondered how long he'd last under whatever Gon was willing to subject him to. Well, if he came too early, that would just make them both even in the end, so there was nothing wrong with that.

Before he could get too caught up in the moment, though, it was broken the next second by Gon's insistent apologies. Killua didn't even know what the other was apologizing about since he had been too caught up in his thoughts. When he finally figured out what all of the fuss was about, the thought was quickly erased from his mind a second later as immense pleasure coursed through his system. Gon was licking and sucking fervently around his chest where the other had spilled his semen, and Killua couldn't stop the breathless gasps and the needy moans that escaped him at the onslaught, his body more than receptive to his lover's touches because Killua had been craving something like this for years.

He heard Gon ask him if he liked what he was doing a minute later, his voice all innocent like he hadn't noticed. More than anything, Killua wanted to slap the other upside the head for such a stupid question, but that thought quickly vanished once again when he felt the other suck near his nipple. The young transmuter's body arched wantonly at the touch as a lustful moan tumbled from his lips. When Gon's lips retreated from his skin a moment later, Killua was left panting and staring at the other imploringly, his sapphire orbs begging the other to continue since he couldn't find his voice to proclaim his desires. His mind was so clouded with passion that it was becoming even harder to think.

Gon's question remained unanswered by words, but his love's body arched underneath his sucking lips, and Killua was moaning and panting. He stopped his ministrations hoping that the other would calm enough to give him an answer, just to make sure he really was making the other one feel good. When he looked into the other's beloved sapphire orbs, though, they were begging him for more, while only ragged breaths tumbled from the soft lips. He took this as a definitive yes.

Since he had cleaned up his own mess already, Gon decided to go for a spot he knew was sensitive. Tenderly, he licked at Killua's nipple then. Soon, sweet moans filled his ears, and the silver-haired teen's body was writhing and arching underneath his. Experimentally, he sucked at the tiny peak that seemed to be straining for his mouth, and quickly learned that Killua seemed to like that, too.

As he switched to lavish the other nipple as well, one of his hands began to stroke the other's body just anywhere he could reach, enjoying the soft feeling of Killua's skin. His love's passionate moans and gasps seemed to get more urgent and quick, though. Maybe he should start on the preparation thing?

A little reluctantly, the enhancer stopped his exploration of the other's body and looked up at Killua again.

"Ehm...is it okay when I begin?" He asked his love.

Once more Killua's answer wasn't very vocal, but the slight nod, and even more so the legs that spread trustingly beneath him were just as explicit. Gon smiled tenderly then, before he stretched to reach the lube. As he did so, he felt the other's rock hard erection brush against his stomach and leave a hot, wet trail.

Sitting back on his haunches, Gon coated his fingers just like Killua had shown him. While he did that, he looked at the other's body that was spread out before him. His gaze caught at the straining erection that rose from a nest of silver curls. A few pearls of just as silvery semen glittered at the top. Ever curious, Gon descended onto those pearls. Would they taste the same as his own?

Eagerly, he licked at the head of Killua's hot member as his coated fingers gently stroked along the even hotter cleft between his love's back cheeks. A low growl rumbled in the beast hunter's throat at the aroma of the other. It was nothing like his own; it was so much better. It was kind of sweet, just like everything about the silver-haired teen seemed to be.

His love gasped his name then, burying his hands into his hair. Believing this to be a good sign, Gon licked along the full length while his middle finger gently massaged Killua's entrance. When he felt it give way, he pushed his slick finger in about half way.

Gon gasped at the feeling that hit him then. Tight heat was surrounding his finger, clenching around it. His finger really was inside of Killua! He had never thought he'd do anything like this, not to mention that he'd like it and that it would turn him on like crazy! Gon felt the heat pool in his groin again and his member get hard.

"Killua...Killua...it's amazing...it feels so good," he whispered in absolute wonder.

Feeling a gentle lick against one of his nipples a moment later, Killua moaned a little louder; his body shivering with pleasure and arching underneath his lover's touch as if to beg for more attention. It seemed like Gon was able to pick up on what he was liking at a quicker pace then, because he felt the other's mouth surround his nipple a second later and suck, causing another moan to jump from his throat. Killua soon lost himself to the sensations his love was bestowing upon him as the taller teen started to experiment his new techniques on the other nipple, while his hands simultaneously rubbed along his body. The silver-haired teen could feel his breath quicken and pressure build up in his lower half from the other's touches, precum starting to glisten from the tip of his erection. He was drawing closer to release.

Unsure if he should feel thankful for what happened next or not, Killua felt Gon stop with his ministrations and ask him if he should start with the preparation. It took a little longer than he liked to even understand what the other was talking about, since his brain was so muddled by pleasure, but when he finally understood that Gon wanted to be inside of him, he sure as hell didn't want to put that off a second longer. With a nod of his head, since he still couldn't find words to speak, Killua invitingly spread his legs for the other and felt no shame in doing so. Gon was the only person he'd ever allow to see this side of him, to experience this with. He could show weakness to the other and not be criticized for it because, with Gon, he could be totally free, he could be himself, and that's why Gon was the person he cared about most in this world. Now he had the chance, more than ever, to embrace that freedom. By giving himself to Gon, by being in this relationship with him, he could finally experience that true freedom that he had always wanted since his childhood. He could truly be himself around the other.

As Gon sent him a tender smile before he started reaching for the lube, Killua returned it gratefully, even though Gon was too preoccupied to see it. The former assassin was too preoccupied himself a moment later as well when he felt his erection rub up against his love's stomach, his precum glistening down the sides of his length as tremors of pleasure coursed through his body at the slight touch. A long, needy moan escaped Killua's lips the next moment, especially when he saw the wet trail he had left along Gon's skin. It looked like he had marked him in a way.

Since Killua was too busy calming down from the pleasure in his system, he didn't notice what Gon was doing until he felt a finger sliding across his bottom and a tongue against the tip of his erection. For the first time in a while, Killua was able to speak, and when he did, he was gasping his love's name, and his hands were tangling into the other's messy, black locks. Gon seemed to get the message of what he wanted because, the next moment, the other's hot tongue was licking along his shaft, and the other's finger was massaging the ring around his entrance. Killua was lost completely to bliss, unable to even hear the erotic moans that escaped him because of the amazing pleasure Gon was bestowing onto him. The silver-haired teen felt a little bit of pressure then before a warm finger entered him a moment later, his inner walls pulsating around the digit and eagerly bringing it in half way. It felt a little awkward, but that feeling was practically insignificant to Killua, who had felt far worse things. The fact that Gon was inside of him only turned him on all the more, so whatever pain would come in the end wouldn't matter to Killua in the slightest. As long as Gon was willing to do this, nothing else mattered at all.

Gon's wonder-filled voice reached his ears the next second, making Killua moan all the more. Just knowing that his love was enjoying him made him inexplicably happy.

"Yes….it does…" Killua was finally able to gasp out between shaking, pleasure-filled breaths, his inner walls tightening around the beast hunter's finger as if to emphasize his words. Not caring how he would look then, or what the outcome of his desires would be, Killua's fingers dug into Gon's skull a bit, his fingernails scratching along the skin as he tried to lower the other's head down to his pulsating erection that was practically screaming for the other's attention.

"More, Gon…More…" Killua whispered breathlessly with need then as he pushed back against the other's finger at the same time. He wanted Gon's mouth around him, to surround him, and he wanted the other to enter him at the same time, to feel everything the other had to offer to him as he explored inside of him. Killua didn't care if he was being greedy because he wanted to feel the other so badly, to know that the other truly cared for him like this. He had waited for years for this and now he wanted to feel everything because he was just sick of waiting.

Killua confirmed to him that it felt amazing for him, too. This was important to Gon. Just when he was trying to decide what to do next, he felt the other's fingernails scratch the back of his head, the ex-assassin's hands trying to urge him lower. The tiny hairs at Gon's neck stood on end at the feeling, and he growled at the sexy eagerness of his love. Breathlessly and even sexier than before, Killua begged for more attention then. There was no way Gon could deny this request. He had never even thought about it.

Gon felt his finger sink deeper into the other's body as the eager transmuter pushed back against him. Moaning at the feeling of even more heat surrounding his finger, the young beast hunter leaned down again, licking at the other's straining erection once more. This time, he was concentrating more on the sounds of his love, the sweet gasps and erotic moans filling his ears and telling him that he was doing well.

As he buried his finger as deep inside of Killua as possible, the other's fingernails scraped over his scalp once more. Gon feared for a moment that he had hurt his love, and that the other's hands were trying to clench, but the moan he heard a moment later told him differently. Killua wasn't in pain, and Gon had his finger as deep inside of him and he was licking him, yet the other one was obviously urging him to do more with his scratching nails.

The spiky-haired teen thought of the few adult movies he had watched. He knew now that the differences between what he had seen there and what he could do with Killua were very little. Finally, he understood what it was his friend most likely wanted. Without hesitation, he opened his mouth and wrapped his lips around the leaking tip of his love's erection.

Killua's reaction was instant. He moaned his name; arching underneath him. With a little groan, Gon just let the other thrust deeper into his mouth. Although this was new and unexpected, he understood what Killua wanted and got the hang of it fast. While his silver-haired lover thrust his hard flesh into Gon's mouth, the beast hunter pulled his finger back only to drive it in deep once more when the other was leaving his mouth.

As moans turned to ragged gasps, and Killua's movements got faster, Gon had an inkling that the same thing that happened to him was going to happen to his best friend, too. Since the blacklist hunter had told him that he would easily be able to go on after just one orgasm, too, Gon only thought it fair if that were to happen. Yet he had to make sure that he prepared Killua properly or there would be tearing and pain, like his love had warned. Thinking the other one was distracted enough at the moment, Gon plunged into him then with two fingers at the same time. Killua had said something about waiting and giving time to adjust but the enhancer was caught too much in the moment himself, and was barely hanging onto the goal he had to achieve, so he forgot about that little fact.

Even though there was a hiss and a groan, the wanton movements of his love never faltered. Gon was copying the search pattern of the other then, pushing his fingers into the transmuter at different angles and bending them to find that mysterious spot. At the same time, he let Killua guide his head and use his mouth in the way he needed it.

A gasp of rapture tumbled from Killua's lips once he felt Gon's tongue lick a trail up his shaft. It was so close to what he wanted but still not what he wanted exactly. He wanted Gon's mouth around him, not just his tongue.

Another cry of ecstasy escaped him as Gon's finger pushed all the way inside of him then, filling the former assassin a little bit, and making him shiver in pleasure. By that point, Gon was still licking his length, not quite understanding what Killua wanted from him. The silver-haired teen couldn't find his voice, though, through the haze of pleasure he was feeling, so he dug his fingers into Gon's scalp again to get his attention. How else could he portray what he wanted?

In what felt like an eternity to Killua but was only a few short seconds, Gon finally seemed to read his mind and placed his lips around the tip of his heated length. Killua moaned rapturously in desire as his hips automatically thrust up into the intoxicating heat, hearing Gon groan for a second but not feeling the other restrain him.

Seeing as his brain was hardly even thinking anymore, Killua just took this as a sign to continue with what he was doing. As he thrust up into Gon's hot, awaiting mouth, he felt the other shift his head a bit to accommodate the angle, taking him into his throat. If Killua had been thinking clearly at the moment, he would have probably wondered how the other was able to do this on his first try without gagging, but he didn't. He just moaned and gasped and writhed as intense pleasure overtook him, Gon's throat and mouth sending delicious heated friction down his shaft, and the other's finger producing the same feeling as he thrust it in and out of his entrance at the same time. It didn't take long for Killua to become a shaking, wanton mess as his thrusts became faster, his breaths becoming more erratic as heat began to pool and coil in his lower abdomen.

There was a tiny bit of pain then as he felt a thicker girth thrust into his passage, but Killua barely paid it any mind afterwards as pleasure quickly replaced the pain. Gon was thrusting and bending his fingers inside of him so exquisitely that the former assassin couldn't hold back his orgasm from ripping through him a second later as soon as the other's fingers hit a bundle of nerves. He screamed Gon's name loud and clear as his vision flashed white and electricity coursed through his system until it felt like all of his nerves were on fire. Killua had never felt an orgasm like this before, and that was why he was left completely breathless and satisfied as soon as it was done.

Killua's hands fell uselessly onto the futon beside his head as soon as the last tremors of orgasm left his body, the smaller teen taking in shuddering, desperate gasps of air as he started to come down from the greatest high he had ever experienced. As soon as that high was over with, though, he realized what he had been doing up until that point and felt immense guilt and a twinge of fear consume him. Had he gone too far? Had Gon even wanted him to do that? Had he made the other uncomfortable with his crazy desire?

"G-Gon?" Killua called out hesitantly on still shaky breath as he glanced up at his best friend and lover in worry. Gon was just licking a trail of white from the corner of his lips as he asked his question, which only made Killua feel all the more guilty. He had ejaculated into Gon's mouth! Was the other even ready for something like that?

It seemed like Gon had sensed his worries because Killua felt the other move his fingers, which were still inside of him up until this point, in and out of his passage, the movements rhythmic and languid and just utterly breathtaking to the smaller teen. Killua automatically forgot his worries and just laid back, closed his eyes, and relished in the pleasure Gon was still willing to give him. Killua really wondered when he had ever deserved something as amazing as this.

"Gon…" Killua was finally able to whisper out a moment later through the pleasure, his voice breathless and filled with gratitude as his sapphire eyes caught his lover's burning hazel. "…I love you…"

When the beast hunter's fingertips hit a tiny nub deep inside of his love, Killua exploded just like he himself had before. The hard flesh inside of his mouth pulsated and erupted. He swallowed the warm seed as best he could as he heard his name being shouted out. It had never sounded so good to his ears.

Gon looked up then, taking in the sight of his beautiful friend caught in the throes of passion. Every little move of his finger, every tiny flick of his tongue seemed to send new waves through the body that was already writhing in orgasm. Only when Killua's hands dropped to the futon and he lay there looking absolutely boneless and spent did Gon stop his movements to let his love rest a moment, even though all he wanted at that moment was to see more and feel more of Killua.

A little bit proud at what he had achieved, the enhancer looked down at the cute, satiated and dazed face the silver-haired teen made as he licked at a stray trail of semen he hadn't been able to swallow fast enough. The cute look vanished from Killua's face after a moment, though, and was replaced by worry and even fear as the other called his name.

He had no idea what had brought on this change, but Gon didn't like it. He wanted his partner to feel good. Gently, he moved his fingers again, which had remained buried inside of Killua. Slowly, he moved them back and forth, in and out. The worried expression disappeared, and with a moan, Killua closed his eyes, obviously enjoying the attention.

When the other one opened his eyes again, their blue-violet depths were filled with warmth as he whispered his love. The warm feeling the other one radiated filled Gon to the brim. With a groan, he claimed Killua's lips then, kissing him with all he had. How was it possible to feel this good?! And how was it that he had thought he had everything he needed when he had missed out on so, so much? He understood it was useless to dwell on that, but he promised himself to make up for what he had missed out on.

Even while he kissed Killua breathless, he kept moving his fingers inside of him. He was careful to not touch that special spot, though. Once the kiss ended, Gon looked at the moaning and panting transmuter.

"You are so beautiful. I want to make you happy forever and ever, that you always look like this," he whispered, caught in the other one's love and lustful sapphire orbs.

Since pleasuring Killua and watching him writhe in passion had returned Gon to full hardness again, he thought he was ready for the next part. It was what his love had wanted, and right now he felt like it was what he wanted, too; to be as close to Killua as was possible.

He pulled his two fingers back and started to squeeze in a third. This time it wasn't quite as easy, and the hissing and squirming emanating from his love were obvious signs that this wasn't feeling quite as good as before. Yet Gon understood that if he wanted to squeeze his big thing into that small hole, at least all three fingers needed to fit in easily first. Obviously, this was the moment when a distraction was definitely needed.

Tenderly, he licked at one of Killua's nipples once more until his friend was moaning softly again. He then moved his three fingers, inching them into the tight channel while he lavished the tiny, pink peak with his tongue and lips.

As soon as the words of his devotion left his lips, Gon's lips were claiming his the next moment in a heated kiss. Killua felt his love pour all he had into the gesture, so he gave everything he had back with no hesitation, his mouth opening up and inviting Gon's tongue inside. The silver-haired teen could taste his own unique flavor as Gon's tongue intertwined with his, the taste a little weird, yet sweet at the same time.

While the two of them kissed passionately, Killua felt Gon's fingers continue to move within him, the other's fingertips just barely missing his sweet spot every time, driving him wild as he moaned into the other's mouth. He wanted more of Gon then. He wanted to continue so that they could finally become one.

When Gon's lips parted from his own, Killua stared up at his lover in a lustful daze. Loving words met his ears the next second, and the former assassin found himself blushing from the warmth that spread throughout his body. Seeing Gon so devoted to him was not only adorable, but highly arousing at the same time. Killua could even feel his member twitch back into life as Gon's loving words repeated themselves inside his head.

It was then that Killua felt his love begin to push in a third finger, a spasm of pain traveling through his nervous system as his inner walls were stretched all the more. It was a bit more uncomfortable than the previous two fingers. It actually hurt a little more than expected, which caused him to hiss and squirm underneath his lover, but it still wasn't anything to cry about. Killua really had felt pain that was ten times worse.

Even though he was beyond certain he could handle the slight pain he was in, Gon swooped in to distract him nonetheless, just like Killua had trained him to do. The distraction was welcomed without complaints as the other's lips and tongue surrounded one of his nipples and began to lavish it with attention. Soft, languid moans left the young transmuter's lips as he arched into his lover's touch, the slight pain he felt soon forgotten, even as Gon's fingers continued to delve inside of him. The taller teen just switched between licking and sucking on his nipples until his three fingers were fully sheathed inside of him, and then traveled up to his neck to nip and suck there as well as his love let him adjust to the feeling. Killua just moaned rapturously at the attention, quickly adjusting to the girth inside of him.

"Gon…please…" Killua practically whined as he moved his hips back against the other's fingers a few seconds later, signifying that he was ready for more. "…I need more of you…"

With his loving distraction, his friend seemed to bear the moving fingers easier. Gon sucked when the fingers moved in deeper, and licked when he let the other adjust to it. This went on until the three fingers were finally buried to their hilt. He then kissed a trail up to the long, creamy neck of Killua and tenderly nipped at the sweet smelling skin. Having heard of it, but never tried it before, he sucked at the most sensitive spot he could find, and was pretty proud of himself when he not only made his love moan again, but left a colorful hickey, too.

Killua moved his hips impatiently then and begged him for more of him. The request sent shivers down the beast hunter's spine, and made him feel an incredible need for the other that he had never realized or understood before.

"I will give it to you, Killua. I will give you everything; everything you need," Gon assured him, whispering close to his ear as he moved his fingers almost out, only to push them back in a second later.

The low, deep moan this action tore from Killua's lips sent a new wave of heat through Gon's body. A crazy feeling of possessiveness came over him again. As he pushed his fingers into the willing body below him, he once more bit into Killua's ear. With a yelp, the other's body arched. Gon felt no remorse for what he had done, but eagerly sucked and nibbled at the sweet ear as his fingers pumped and moved inside of his love. Going by the gasps and the moans the writhing body emitted, he was pretty sure Killua enjoyed it in the end.

Just like his love, though, Gon needed more. When the other one breathlessly moaned his name, trying to urge him on (although without articulate words), the enhancer pressed his hard erection into his love's thigh.

"I need you, too...I need to feel you," he rasped at the other's saliva gleaming and slightly red ear.

Gon pulled his fingers out of Killua then. There was still a little bit of the lube on them as he looked down at them. His aching hard on wasn't as wet and slippery as them, so he had a feeling that he should change that before they could carry on. He was going by his gut instincts and Killua's explanation that there was no such thing as too much lube.

He got the tube then and squirted another copious amount of the gel onto his hand. Gon groaned as he applied the cool stuff to his overheating flesh. The young beast hunter looked down at the beautiful creature that had been his best friend for the longest time and yet was so much more. He was about to become even more to him now.

Killua had calmed down a little in the meantime, it seemed. When Gon was done rubbing the squishy lube all over his erection, he leaned down again. He looked a little lost then. Killua hadn't explained things this far.

"D-do I just put it in now?" He asked in a low voice and with a slight blush.

A shiver traveled down Killua's spine as soon as he heard Gon's seductive whisper in his ear. He couldn't wait to feel what the other had in store for him, and what it would feel like when they were finally united.

When Gon finally moved his fingers, his digits thrusting into his tight passage in the next moment, the silver-haired teen let out a hearty moan, his moan soon turning into a cry of surprise when he felt Gon bite his ear and thrust his fingers into him a second time. Soon, the former assassin was a writhing mess. Gon was thrusting his fingers into him at a constant pace, and sucking and nibbling his ear in the greatest way imaginable.

It wasn't enough, though, because Killua wanted all of Gon, and they were so close to finally achieving that moment. He gasped out Gon's name then through pleasure-filled moans, his other words turning into lustful gibberish as he tried to get the other to take the final plunge. Thankfully, Gon seemed to understand what he wanted, because he felt the other press his hot erection against his thigh the next moment and heard the other rasp wantonly into his ear.

Killua shivered with intense desire before a whimper of loss left him a second later when Gon pulled his fingers out of him. He felt so empty then, and cold, and he just wanted to pull the beast hunter back and just mold their bodies together. Killua couldn't bring himself to do it, though, because he was too transfixed at the sight of Gon rubbing lube along his shaft. The very sight turned Killua on like nothing else and filled the silver-haired teen with an intense surge of impatience. He wanted Gon so badly that it was becoming physically painful!

Despite how giddy and impatient he was becoming on the inside, Killua kept his outward appearance as calm as possible. It wouldn't do to make Gon rush through this just because he wanted it so badly. No, it was best to take this moment slow and cherish it, and also just to make sure they did this without seriously harming himself. He was a fast healer, but he really wasn't up to dealing with a ripped-up rectum, thank you very much.

Just as he was thinking this, Killua noticed how Gon leaned forward then, his eyes shining like that of a lost puppy's. The young transmuter stared up at his beloved in slight confusion as he saw a blush dust the beast hunter's cheeks, and heard Gon ask him if he should just put his erection in him then. It took a moment for Killua's lust-filled brain to comprehend what was even happening, but when he did, and truly took in Gon's appearance, the smaller teen couldn't help but chuckle affectionately at the other. Killua realized then that he hadn't really explained this far before Gon decided to take control.

"Yes, if you want to," the former assassin smiled, laughter shining in his sapphire orbs as he reached a hand out to dig into Gon's ebony locks. "Just make sure to put it in slowly. You're just a little bigger than three fingers, so having you put it in me will still be a strain on my body. It's something that I will have to adjust to or else you'll tear up my insides."

He saw worry flash in Gon's hazel eyes then, so Killua leaned forward and planted a sweet, short kiss against the other's lips.

"Don't worry, if you go slowly, I'll be fine," Killua reassured his lover as he stroked the other's hair affectionately. "This will probably be pretty intense for you too, so, just to make sure that you don't come too early, it's best that we distract each other," the young blacklist hunter added as an afterthought, a sexy smirk crawling across his lips a second later. He leaned forward then until his lips were barely a centimeter away from Gon's, his eyes half-lidded with lust for the other. "How about we kiss?" Killua asked, his voice airy and teasing as he stroked a long finger down Gon's chiseled chest in a sultry manner.

"What do you say, Gon?" Killua questioned his for-once speechless lover as he leaned forward the last centimeter and teasingly lapped at the other's lips with his tongue. "If you don't want to, I really don't care how else you decide go about this for a distraction. I'm up for anything so just…enter me…please…" Killua's voice wavered with need then, his lust-filled eyes turning beseeching as he stared at the other with all the love in the world. "Make love to me…"

Gon wasn't too sure Killua was supposed to chuckle at this point, but at least he wasn't annoyed or angry. The beast hunter smiled sheepishly down at his love then, who returned his gaze with a smile as he buried his hand in his raven hair. The transmuter told him he could put it in but had to be slow about it or he'd end up hurting him. Once more, the word 'tearing' was mentioned, and it was starting to scare the enhancer. No matter what Killua could bear, he really didn't want to hurt him in a bad way.

As these thoughts were turning in his mind, his love planted a sweet kiss onto his lips, startling him from his brooding. Stroking his hair in a calming way then, Killua reassured him that everything would be fine if he just took things slow. Also, to keep him from getting overexcited at the new sensation he was going to experience, his love suggested a distraction as well. With a sexy smile, the silver-haired teen closed in until his sweet lips were almost touching his again. Gon groaned at the teasing. Hot breath tickled his own lips as Killua suggested they kiss for a distraction. If he wanted that, why did he not just go ahead with it?! And why, oh why was his finger stroking him so teasingly across the chest?

Once more, hot breath ghosted over his lips as the other one asked what he said to his suggestion. Really, what was there to say?! Gon wanted everything his beloved best friend had to offer! He wanted to touch and to taste him, and to feel him in every way possible! Before Gon could try to utter anything like this, though, Killua's hot, wet tongue lapped at his lips.

In the most teasing and arousing manner possible, his love told him that he didn't care what distraction he chose as long as he finally entered him. Eyes gleaming with lust and need looked imploringly up at him, and Killua begged him to make love to him. A low growl left Gon's lips then. He had never thought he could get turned on like this!

Weaving his hand into his love's hair once more, he looked at the other with a burning gaze.

"Killua..." He rasped the other's name with all the need he felt in his body.

The beast hunter claimed his blacklist-hunting partner's lips then, pushing him back into the futon while he gently massaged the back of his head. At the same time, his other hand guided his aching flesh to his love's entrance. As his head breached Killua's tight ring-muscle, and incredible heat welcomed him, Gon moaned into their passionate kiss. He had never felt anything like it and had never even imagined something could feel as good as this. Yet, as the thick tip of his member had entered, he stopped, only too aware of the tension in Killua's body. Panting, he ended their kiss so his love could breathe again.

"Killua...this is incredible...I love you," he whispered between kisses and tender licks along the silver-haired teen's jawline.

The sexiest growl left his beloved's lips before Killua felt the other's hand entangle itself in his hair. Shudders of anticipation traveled down the silver-haired teen's body as Gon rasped out his name with such need that it actually took the smaller teen's breath away. Thankfully, Killua was able to take in some more air before Gon pressed his lips against his the next second.

As the former assassin found himself being pushed back into the futon, Gon's fingers massaging his scalp at the same time, he felt his lover push his hot, dripping length against his entrance. Killua moaned from delight and need then before he felt the beast hunter push into him, the head of the other's erection slipping inside and practically splitting his whole body apart…Or at least, that's what it felt like.

Against his better judgment, Killua tensed at the pressure and pain that accompanied the other's actions. This tension caused Gon to stop pushing himself into him, though, so Killua was able to catch his breath and try to adjust as soon as Gon released his lips as well. Killua took in shaking breaths then as Gon kissed and licked along his jaw. Sweet, meaningful words tumbled from the taller teen's lips as he did so, which caused intense warmth to spread throughout the silver-haired teen's body. Despite the slight pain he was in, the thought that Gon was actually inside of him was enough for him to completely forget about his predicament, if only for the moment, at least.

"Yes…amazing…" Killua breathed out in wonder as both of his hands sank into the enhancer's, thick, black hair. "…keep going, Gon…fill me…please…" With that, Killua brought the other back to his lips for another kiss. The young transmuter licked at the other's lips incessantly until Gon actually gave way and allowed him entrance into his mouth for the first time. Killua could feel his lover start to push himself into him a little more, and the silver-haired teen winced for a second, but he tried his best to ignore the pain as his tongue explored Gon's mouth, the wet appendage taking its sweet time in investigating and feeling everything it could touch.

For a few moments, his silver-haired lover just panted and slowly relaxed again. The young beast hunter did his best to distract the other one with his tender kisses and little nips. Killua soon agreed that the feeling of their union was amazing, and asked him to fill him even more while his hands buried themselves in Gon's thick hair. The taller teen was pulled down then, and the other's wet tongue licked his lips, pressing against them in an obvious attempt to get between them. The enhancer only now realized that it had always been him who had explored and plundered. That didn't seem fair.

As he opened his mouth to Killua's exploring tongue, he pushed himself a little deeper into the other's tight channel. While he moaned at the incredibly exciting, tight heat that gripped him in just right way, his love winced at the pain. Gon understood this was just part of it, and that Killua wouldn't beg him to go on if he couldn't bear it. Still, he did everything he could to make the other one forget about the pain.

His hand kept massaging his lover's scalp gently, while his tongue sensually tussled with its counterpart inside his mouth. Once again, he pushed himself in a little deeper when he felt like Killua could take it, and halted to give him time to adjust again. When their kiss finally ended, they were both panting. Looking at his beautiful lover with deep desire, Gon licked at his saliva wet lips.

He was about to push even deeper then, but the way they were positioned at the moment made his wish not that easily achievable. Using his free hand, Gon pushed it underneath Killua's back and took hold of a firm cheek, angling it up a bit. When his love welcomed the move with another deep moan, Gon was sure he did the right thing, and that his instincts were pretty good even though his knowledge was limited. Groping the perfectly round globe, because Killua had shown earlier signs that he liked that, he pushed into him once more, but this time as far as it would go.

His love arched underneath him, uttering a pained groan again. Gon's heart was hammering in his chest then. He had never felt so incredibly good. He heard blood rushing in his ears, and all he wanted to do was move like he had moved his fingers before, but he didn't want to hurt Killua! With utter restraint, he remained buried inside the other's searing heat and just kissed and sucked his sensitive neck, trying to make everything okay again.

"Killua...Killua...my Killua...my love," he rasped again and again between kisses.

Moaning hungrily into their kiss, Killua's tongue tangled with Gon's then, their wet appendages moving together in the most sensual of dances. Every gasp of pleasure Killua emitted was canceled out with gasps of pain, though, as Gon continued to push himself inside of him. But, thanks to their heated kiss and the other's massage against his scalp, the silver-haired teen was able to push the pain behind him whenever Gon advanced. It also helped that the beast hunter was being considerate and allowing him to adjust with each movement he made.

By the time the two of them had to come up for air, Gon was almost completely inside of him. Killua's mind boggled at the very notion, almost like it was in a state of disbelief. To think that something like this was actually happening to him, that something he had wished so long for was finally coming to fruition. Before the former assassin could think too much on that, though, he felt Gon's free hand slip underneath the small of his back and head down until it was groping one of his back cheeks. Killua moaned wantonly at the possessive feeling, loving the way Gon's hand fit against him perfectly.

As the young transmuter felt his love lift his lower half up a little bit, Killua figured out what the other was getting at and shivered in anticipation. With the new angle, Gon used the extra leverage to sheath himself fully inside of him in a single movement. Pain erupted throughout his entire nervous system at the action, causing the silver-haired teen to groan pitifully. He kept telling himself that he had felt worse pain, but it was hard to keep that mindset when his mind, body, and soul were so in-tune and so sensitive to every single thing Gon did. From the other's skin to every intake of breath, Killua could feel it. He could feel it even better now that they were fully connected; Gon's erratic heartbeat, the expansion and compression of the other's lungs as he breathed, the warmth of the other's lips as he kissed and sucked along his neck, the tickle of the other's breath as he whispered words of love against his skin, and the pulsating shaft buried deep inside of him. He could feel all of that, and then feel his body respond in turn to his love's proximity. It was like nothing Killua had ever experienced before, and, because of that, the pain he felt subsided; slight discomfort left in its wake.

It was then that the former assassin saw Gon's beautiful hazel eyes meet his, and Killua could only stare up at the other in absolute wonder, like he was seeing him for the first time. The silver-haired teen slipped his hands out of the other's hair to cup the sides of the taller teen's face, as if to make sure that what he was feeling was real. This had to be real, right? He had already established that this wasn't a dream, that it couldn't be…and yet…why did Killua find himself fearing that it still was? Why did he have to keep scaring himself with such a thought?

"Gon…" Killua whispered out in a mixture of awe and worry then, his eyes beginning to glisten with happy, yet fearful, unshed tears. He was beyond overjoyed that they were finally connected, but his previous thoughts were starting to get the better of him. "This is real…right? Please tell me this is real…" The silver-haired teen begged then on shaking breath, his inner fears coming to light. "This feels too amazing to be a dream...but…I'm terrified that it is…I've wanted this for so long, Gon, that I don't think my heart can take it if this is all in my imagination…"

Killua could feel his tears begin to fall then as he stared up at his lover in desperation, hoping against hope that he was just being silly and that he was just overthinking things. He wanted this to be real, but he was so used to bad things happening to him, and so used to the thought that he didn't deserve Gon in any sense, that his suspension of disbelief was at its peak because of the situation he found himself in. If this really was happening, than what had he done to actually deserve something so amazing?

Killua whispered his name in the sweetest way. It made shivers run down Gon's spine. The pain his love felt would soon subside, and then he could show the other his own feelings by loving him like he had asked.

The next moment, though, Killua's voice turned more brittle as he asked if this was really happening and not a dream. For once his brave, strong, beautiful friend and newfound love actually seamed fearful as he looked up at him. There were tears running down the pale cheeks of his love then, making Gon's heart ache.

"This is real! It is true!" The beast hunter tried to convince his suddenly distraught partner. "I'm sorry I kept you waiting for so long when I always, always felt the same about you! I love you, Killua! I think I always have. I love you, and I'm here, and we're together, and we will always be, so don't cry, please, please don't cry. I can't bear to see you like that!"

Gon had tried massaging the other's scalp again, but it didn't seem enough. Words just didn't seem enough in that moment, and all he wanted to do was to hold his love and make him feel how absolutely real this was. So, that was what he did. Shifting his arms and hands, he sat up, pulling Killua along until he sat on his haunches and the smaller teen came to sit above him.

They both moaned as his hard erection delved even deeper than Gon thought possible into Killua's body, but he tried to ignore the desire this invoked. Instead, he wrapped his arms around the other tightly and pressed his love against his chest.

"Feel me, Killua," Gon whispered intensely, before placing a kiss against a wet cheek. "Feel me inside. Feel my arms around you. This is real, as real as can be." Every sentence was accompanied by a sweet kiss to his lover's face. "I love you and I'm here with you. You're not imaging things. It could never...ever feel this good if it were just a dream."

With all of the feelings, all the love and friendship, and even worship he felt for his best friend, Gon looked into Killua's still glistening eyes before he kissed him again. It wasn't urgent, or pressing. It was a tender brush of mouths, a gentle lick of his lips. He waited for Killua to believe, to open his lips of his own accord. When he did, Gon moaned happily. Weaving his hand in his love's hair once more, he kissed him with as much feeling as his gaze had held a moment earlier.

There was a string of saliva still connecting their lips for a second longer when they finally parted. Gon's eyes were full of love and wonder as he touched their foreheads together.

"This is no dream. This is real. My love for you is real. I will do anything I can to make you believe, Killua."

Comforting words reached his ears as Gon told him not to cry and that everything was real. Even as his love rubbed his fingers against his scalp, Killua couldn't find comfort in the other. Words were powerful and could mean the world to him…but they just didn't do it for him in this situation. They were just empty syllables that couldn't prove that he was really experiencing anything.

Just as the silver-haired teen thought this, though, he felt Gon grab hold of him and pull his body up to bring him into a sitting position upon the other's lap. Automatically, Killua could feel his body sink down onto Gon's shaft even more, his lover burying himself deeper into his heat. A guttural moan fell from the young transmuter's lips at the feeling, wondering how it was even possible to feel more connected to Gon than he already was.

Feeling the other's arms wrap around him then, Killua heard Gon's next words, the taller teen filling him with new hope as he continuously kissed him. The former assassin did as he was instructed and just 'felt'. Like he had experienced before when Gon had fully penetrated him, Killua could feel their connection again but even stronger than before. The other filled him so utterly that he truly didn't know where his lover ended and he began.

Killua knew then that he had been thinking correctly beforehand, that all of this really did feel too good to be a dream. Gon reaffirmed his thoughts with his own convictions, making Killua believe all the more. As those beautiful hazel eyes stared so devotedly into his own sapphire orbs, there was no way that Killua could believe that this was all a dream anymore.

In that next moment, warm lips tenderly pressed against his own, and Gon's tongue gently lapped at his lips, asking for entrance. Killua didn't hesitate to open his mouth invitingly and feel everything Gon was willing to show him. Gon didn't waste a single second as he poured everything he had into the kiss, blowing the poor silver-haired teen's mind until he could barely focus anymore.

As Killua gasped for much needed breath after their kiss, he felt Gon press his forehead against his, and saw the love and wonder shining in his beloved's eyes. Killua could feel himself get swept away in the other's gaze again as he spoke with absolute conviction. The former assassin's tears never slowed, though, but, this time, it was for an entirely different reason from before.

Overwhelming happiness consumed the smaller teen as he stared apologetically into Gon's warm, hazel eyes.

"I-I'm sorry for acting this way," Killua apologized then as he averted his gaze and bowed his head in embarrassment and shame. "I c-can't believe I doubted something like this. You're right, nothing this amazing could ever be portrayed in a dream…It was just so hard for me to believe that this is actually happening…"

As the silver-haired teen gathered his nerve, he glanced up and into Gon's eyes again, loving adoration and a sincere, happy smile making its way across his face a second later.

"I'm s-so happy, Gon," Killua stuttered out emotionally as he brought himself forward to plant a swift kiss against the other's lips. "I'm so happy that this is happening that I don't know what to do with myself." He kissed Gon a little longer then, feeling his whole body go jittery from the overwhelming delight he felt at finally experiencing everything he had ever wanted. His whole body was trembling in Gon's arms with so much excitement and need that Killua wondered if he'd ever gain control of his body again.

When Killua apologized for his doubts, the spiky-haired hunter slightly shook his head, gently ruffling the silky hair of his love.

"I will show you, and I will prove to you every day that this is real, and that my feelings for you are real. It's happening, Killua, it's happening right now, and I'm the one who's sorry for making you wait and doubt for so long."

His love had dropped his gaze, most likely ashamed at his doubts, but when he looked up again, there was finally a smile on his face, even while tears still glistened on his cheeks. As Killua told him that he was happy, the silver-haired hunter leaned in for a swift kiss. Overwhelmed at finally seeing Killua smile again, Gon pulled his love into an even tighter hug.

The other's trembling body gave a soft moan as he was moved slightly on the thick flesh buried inside of him, and Gon moaned at the delicious friction this caused as well. When he looked at Killua again, the beast hunter uttered a low growl. Experimentally, he loosened his hold on the smaller teen's slim waist, letting the other's body relax back, but only to pull him in again. It was a subtle movement, but the both of them moaned as it sent heat through their bodies.

"Killua...Killua...feel me," Gon whispered in wonder.

This time, when he loosened his grip and pulled the other one back in, he moved his hips underneath him, too. It was only a little more movement, but it felt incredibly good. Gon felt his senses tingle with all the new impressions. He was hyper aware of the heat and the tightness that surrounded him, and yet, when he delved in at a slight angle, the squeezing tightness still accommodated him.

"This is me...and I'm inside of you," Gon whispered, like he fully grasped this concept for the first time, and, in a way, he did. He had done what he was told to and it had felt good, but right now, as he tried to make Killua believe the reality of their unity, it was the moment he fully understood it, too. Gon had never thought this was possible. He had been stupid enough to believe that what they had was all there was, and had been content with it. The young beast hunter had been naïve and stupid, and he knew now that he would have missed out on a whole new world. "Feel me...feel me, Killua," he urged as he took hold of a firm back cheek again, moving his love's hips against his own in slight, rotating movements. A moan full of wanton desire was torn from the beast hunters lips. His hand, which was on Killua's head, massaged the other's scalp more intensely. Gon then latched onto his love's sensitive, creamy neck, sucking and kissing as he guided Killua's hips on his own, and making his hard shaft move deep inside of the other. The feeling was incredibly intense and like nothing Gon had ever felt. He was as close to his best friend as two people could be, and he never wanted this feeling to end.

The intensity of this feeling only became stronger when Killua buried his hands into the young beast hunter's own wild hair, and began to move his hips on his own, moaning in that sweet, sexy way.

A look of pure happiness came over Gon's face before Killua felt his lover bring him into a tighter hug. The slight movement caused friction between their connected bodies, though, which caused both of them to moan rapturously at the feeling. The movement had only been slight, but even such a small movement could create intense pleasure between them. This truly wasn't a dream if something like this could feel so good.

When the silver-haired teen's sapphire orbs met his beloved's lustful hazel, he heard Gon utter out a low, sexy growl that caused a tremor of excitement to travel up the smaller teen's spine. A second later, he felt his lover release his hold on him, which caused Killua's body to move back to its original position. Once that was done, Gon repeated the same movement as before; he gathered him in a tight hug, which made him move against the beast hunter's erection. Killua moaned with his partner yet again at the delicious feeling.

"I…I feel you…" Killua reassured his lover between shuddering breaths. Such small movements were taking his breath away; it made him wonder if he'd even remember to breathe when Gon's movements became more intense.

Killua got his answer a moment later when Gon started increasing his actions, his words becoming heavier with desire and wonder as he started rotating his hips underneath him. Killua didn't know what to do with himself even more as he felt Gon's fingers sift through his hair and rub at his skin while his lover's other hand grabbed hold of his hip and started moving it against his own thrusts. The smaller teen gasped and moaned in such pleasure then, his fingers digging into Gon's shoulders in order to steady himself against the intense heat that consumed him.

As the moment between them continued, Gon started massaging his head even more intensely, and even started sucking and kissing at his neck. The other's actions were driving him so wild by that point that Killua wanted to actually do something in turn. That's how he found his hands in Gon's messy hair a few seconds later, and how he started thrusting his own weight against Gon instead of making the other do it for him. Killua moaned wantonly at the feeling, loving how thrusting back of his own accord actually intensified the moment.

"Gon…Gon…" Killua moaned out with every breath as he moved in time with the other, Gon's pulsating shaft reaching so deep inside of him that the former assassin found himself getting dizzy. He felt his legs weaken below him as well with every thrust he made, the intensity of the moment, and the added fact that he had to put more energy into his thrusts since he had to lift his whole weight before going down on the other, was starting to take its toll. Killua knew that he wouldn't be able to keep this up for much longer.

"Lay me back down, Gon," the young transmuter begged then in a breathless manner, his sapphire orbs beseeching his love to do as he asked. His lover complied a moment later, and gently helped to lay him back down onto the futon, Gon still thrusting into him at a steady pace. Despite how hot that action was to Killua, he could feel an automatic difference in their position now. Because he wasn't sitting on Gon's lap anymore and was lying down instead, Gon wasn't thrusting in as deep as he was used to. Killua whined at the loss, but only for a second as another delicious roll of his lover's hips distracted him, causing him to buck back against the other when the next thrust came.

Wanting to feel Gon as deeply as before, though, Killua lifted one of his legs enticingly for the other. "Lift my leg onto your shoulder, Gon," Killua breathed out lustfully, remembering this trick from one of the movies he had watched. The silver-haired teen expected for Gon to follow his instruction, and he did shortly after, but Killua was surprised to find that Gon actually went an extra step. As soon as the other lifted his leg, Killua could feel Gon grab hold of his backside and lift his bottom up as well. The drastic change in angle allowed Gon to penetrate him as deeply as he had before, but, not only that, his lover also managed to hit his sweet spot.

"Oh, Gon!" Killua found himself screaming in ecstasy a moment later as he arched his back from the intense pleasure. "More…Please, more…" He begged breathlessly shortly after, his fingers automatically digging into his lover's skull since his fingers were still in his hair. He had thought that feeling the other brush against his sweet spot with his fingers had been heaven, but it didn't even compare to what he had felt right then.

With every sexy, wanton movement, Killua moaned out his name. It sent new heat into Gon's groin. He never would have thought his name could sound so good to his own ears. His slight, but deep movements had turned into actual thrusts into his love's body, and it was like nothing he could think of. Of course Gon had pleasured himself before, but rubbing himself and thrusting into his own fist not only paled in comparison, but it felt like two different worlds!

Killua's hot, rhythmic ride slowed down then, and for a moment, the beast hunter thought it was what the other one wanted, but then the other begged him to lay him back down. Gon didn't even need to see the beautiful sapphire orbs beseeching him. He would have done just about anything on a mere whisper of his love.

Trying his best to keep his slow, but rhythmic pace, he gently lowered Killua back onto the futon. As their angle changed again, though, he felt that he couldn't go as deep anymore. It was just matter of anatomy. To himself this wasn't quite as bad as it was to his love, going by the whine the other uttered then. Trying to make things better, Gon rotated his hips again, going for more friction instead of depth.

This seemed to help, and Killua arched and pushed back against him at the next thrust. Before Gon could get into the new rhythm, though, the other suddenly lifted his leg and asked him to take it onto his shoulder. Instantly grasping the idea behind this request, the enhancer followed suit. He lifted the long, slender leg onto his shoulder but he didn't stop there. As he kissed the utterly soft skin on the inside of Killua's thigh, he once more took hold of the other's perfect ass. Lifting that up, too, he thrust into the willing body, reaching as deep as before again, but at a slightly different angle. This made a world of difference to his love, though.

Killua screamed his name in ecstasy and arched his body like lightning was passing through it. Understanding, that he had found the other's sweet spot again, Gon didn't need much more encouragement. The fingers that dug into his scalp at the intensity of the feeling only served to turn the beast hunter on. He wanted to hear that voice, wanted to hear the moans and the screams. Keeping that perfect angle, he thrust into Killua again.

The screams his love uttered were driving Gon crazy then. Without really knowing what he was doing, he lifted the other leg up, too, driving himself into Killua's sweet body at a steadily faster pace until the both of them were crying out in ecstasy. As the transmuter's fingernails dug into his skin, Gon couldn't help but growl and bite into the soft, sensitive flesh of the other's thigh, sucking eagerly at the skin as he rammed as deep into the willing body as he could.

The cry that Killua uttered then (a mixture of pain and ecstasy) was the most beautiful and arousing one yet. A second later, pearly white semen shot from the silver-haired hunter's pulsating member, splashing onto both of their chests. As if seeing his beloved writhe in the ecstasy of his orgasm wasn't enough to make him come, too, Killua's insides clamped around him and rippled, making for such an overwhelming sensation that Gon thought he might lose himself to it.

Screaming Killua's name, he flooded his love's tight channel, making for obscene squishing noises as he kept moving until he just couldn't any longer. With an exhausted sigh, Gon sank onto his best friend then, kissing him again and again, while trying to draw in some breaths in between.

Killua completely lost track of himself and his surroundings as Gon continued to thrust into him, the other repeatedly hitting his sweet spot. The former assassin was completely lost to the mind-numbing pleasure his lover was bestowing onto him, his body writhing and arching in ecstasy, and his vocal chords vibrating from the rapturous screams that left him. Killua barely had time to breathe between every wild thrust, so it was no wonder why his mind was fogged down and overridden with pleasure. All Killua could do was dig his fingers into Gon's scalp and hold on for dear life as his lover completely dominated him and gave him everything that he had to offer.

The mixture of Gon's own screams of ecstasy, his movements, and the bites and sucks to his thighs caused Killua to come undone a few minutes later, a pleasure and pain-filled scream leaving his lips. The pressure pooling in the silver-haired teen's abdomen practically exploded from the pleasurable overload he had just experienced (apparently, having Gon hurt him while they were having sex was another turn on he never knew he had), causing the smaller teen's inner walls to clamp down on Gon's shaft as his whole body shuddered from the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced. It was only a few seconds later that he felt Gon come inside of him. The feeling was foreign, and a bit weird, but the intense warmth that flooded him then, and Gon's continuous thrusts and cries of his name were enough for Killua to ignore the slight weirdness. He just gasped and moaned at the attention he was given although he was coming down from his post-orgasm high and exhaustion was starting to take hold of him. Killua had actually reached his limit by the time Gon was done pumping everything he had into him and promptly collapsed on him afterwards.

Killua gave a little disgruntled 'oomph' as his heavier, more muscular built lover fell onto him completely and started to kiss him frantically. The former assassin was already having problems breathing during their sexual excursion, so having the wind completely knocked out of him due to Gon's weight, and then having the rest of whatever oxygen he had left taken from him the next second by desperate kisses only served to make Killua even more exhausted and a little bit lightheaded.

"Gon…" The silver-haired teen gasped out desperately then between Gon's kisses. It was really sweet that Gon was doing that, but all the same, Killua felt like a cat who was trying to relax but being bombarded with kisses by an overly friendly dog at the same time, so, needless to say, despite how sweet the gesture was, it was annoying and not wanted at the moment. "Can't…breathe…heavy…."

Thankfully, before Killua could pass out from oxygen deprivation, Gon seemed to hear his plight and promptly got off of him. It was here that Killua felt the other slip out of him, an uncomfortable coldness overtaking his body at the same time he desperately drew breaths. Killua was surprised that his body didn't go into complete shock from the intensity and suddenness of both feelings.

He vaguely heard Gon apologizing to him then, but Killua mainly ignored him in order to focus on his breathing. Having his lover completely separate from him so suddenly was jarring the poor silver-haired teen's system. His body was in such desperate need of Gon's touch after having experienced it (Killua had a vague feeling that his body had automatically become obsessed with Gon's touch just because it had craved contact ever since he was little), and his lungs were in such desperate need of air at the same time that Killua started to hyperventilate a little. He calmed down quickly enough, though, when he felt Gon's arms wrap around him and bring him close to his body. Killua felt himself automatically relax and his breath finally even out as he buried his face into Gon's sweaty chest, feeling the other's heart beat erratically next to his ear. He knew that he had worried his lover a bit with his lack of response and hyperventilation, so that only made Killua feel even more embarrassed than he already was. It wasn't helping that he was remembering what he had been doing during their whole sexual encounter. He had never acted so openly before in his life.

"I'm alright, Gon," Killua mumbled into his lover's chest then, unable to bring himself to look the other in the eye because of his current embarrassment. He was a former assassin for crying out loud! He shouldn't be acting this way just because he craved the other's attention! "I'm sorry I worried you…"

Without him even thinking about it, Killua felt his legs intertwine with Gon's then to bring them even closer together. The young transmuter could feel a vibrant blush overtake his face from the added embarrassment, and his ears felt hot, like they were on fire. Damn it, Gon was probably going to notice!

The beast hunter was overly-eager to show his love and appreciation for what had passed between them to his beloved. He wanted to crush Killua tightly to him but had to settle for loving kisses at the moment instead. Even those he had to stop, though, because Killua gasped that he had a hard time breathing with him on top.

"Waaah...sorry!" The beast hunter uttered, scrambling off of the more slender body of his lover. "I didn't think about it. So sorry!"

When he received no answer and Killua just seemed to be kind of out of it, Gon became worried. Had he hurt the other one? Had his best friend changed his mind about the way their relationship had turned? The young hunter reached out, wrapping his arms around his companion, and pulled him in close. When the other's tense body relaxed against his, and Killua eagerly nuzzled against his chest, Gon relaxed a little bit, too. Whatever he had done wrong, it couldn't be too bad if Killua still wanted to be close to him like this, right?

His love told him then that he was alright and that he was sorry to worry him. Since these words were only mumbled against his chest, and the other didn't even look at him, the spiky-haired teen was unsure whether to trust the words fully. The next thing he knew, though, Killua's soft, slender legs intertwined with his own for even more closeness.

Gon was confused and unsure what to make of his lover's actions. When he weaved a hand into the other's hair, he brushed a hot, burning ear. Looking down, he realized that Killua was burning up.

"Are you really okay?!" Gon asked, even more worried then.

Without further ado, he made the other one look up at him.

"Did I hurt you? Did I do something wrong?" He worried as he looked questioningly into the other's sapphire eyes, which tried to escape his own gaze.

Killua's usually pale skin was glowing a bright crimson.

"Yeah...I'm sure. I'm just..." The silver-haired teen seemed to search for words. In resignation, he closed his eyes. "I just can't believe the way I behaved. I feel...kind of embarrassed."

A huge sigh of relief left Gon at his love's confession. With a loving smile, he crushed Killua tightly against him and pecked his forehead.

"I loved the way you behaved! I loved every sound you made! I loved that you wanted me, and I can't believe what we just did and that we get to do it again and again. It was incredible. I want to feel that again, and I want to hear you again. I want you to behave like that in the future. I want you to be the way you are, and I never, ever want you to be embarrassed about anything when you're with me. It's me, Killua. I'm the one that knows you best. And I want to know everything about you. Just be yourself with me, because that's the one I love. You."

Gently massaging the other's scalp like he had learned Killua liked it, Gon leaned in for one long, sweet kiss. When it ended, his beloved hunter looked up at him with shining, sapphire eyes.

"I love you, Gon," he whispered, but couldn't keep a yawn in right after the words were out of his mouth.

"I think we should take a little nap, hm?" The beast hunter asked, even though he felt anything but tired. Still, he guided an obviously tired Killua's head back to his chest.

Gon stroked his silky hair, trying to soothe his lover to sleep. With the other's face still buried into his chest, Killua's soft voice asked, "G-Gon...? When I...when I wake up, will you still be there? Will you still...love me?"

There was a pain in his heart as Gon held the slightly trembling body in his arms. Gently, the beast hunter kept stroking the other's silver tresses. A part of him was incredibly sad for Killua; that his love didn't dare to believe this was real. The beast hunter knew that a huge part of the reason was the Zoldyck family's fault, but he was to blame too for his own blindness. Gon promised himself that he'd commit himself to making his love believe in the truth of his feelings so that he never needed to doubt again.

"I'll be here, and I will love you still, tomorrow and the day after and the day after that until forever," he answered with all the sincerity he could muster.

There was a soft sigh and then he was nuzzled again. His love's trembling subsided, and the body in his hold relaxed. Thinking about what had happened between them and the big revelation Kurapika helped him to realize, Gon guarded Killua's sleep. His heart was pounding and overflowing with the love he held for his best friend. He was too overwhelmed and excited to sleep but he loved just holding and gently stroking the person most precious to him, and to bask in the knowledge that Killua was his and that they would stay together forever.


Before Killua knew it, their last day in paradise ended, and he and his friends were at the airport the next morning, ready to say their goodbyes. The silver-haired teen could remember waking up in Gon's arms an hour after their first sexual excursion. By that point he was starting to get a little sore, but the overwhelming happiness he felt in that moment quickly outweighed any pain he was feeling. If waking up to Gon's smiling, loving face with the other stroking his hair affectionately didn't prove that he hadn't imagined the whole wonderful experience, than he didn't know what did.

The rest of the day had been spent in basic isolation. Killua knew that Leorio and Kurapika probably wanted the time to themselves, since they would be separating for who knew how long by tomorrow morning, so he had insisted that Gon and him let them be. Of course, since that meant they were spending the whole day together, Killua and his newfound lover wasted no time in getting to explore each other even more. The young transmuter took full advantage of the time, knowing that as soon as their vacation was over, Gon and him would be starting up on a new hunt (after paying Alluka a visit of course), so they wouldn't have precious alone time for a while either.

Needless to say, the next morning finally came, and Gon and him had to see Leorio and Kurapika off. Killua had told Gon to not act openly romantic around him because, not only would that probably make Leorio and Kurapika feel even worse at their own separation, but Killua didn't want word to get out about his and Gon's relationship either. If his family ever found out that he saw Gon as more than a friend (which was problem enough in itself), there was no doubt in his mind that they'd be stirred into action to try and dispose of Gon. His parents still insisted that he was going to be the next head of the family, so that meant, in their eyes (especially his mother's since she wanted grandchildren—preferably granddaughters) that he'd have to marry a woman and continue on the bloodline. Not only that, but Illumi was creepily obsessed with him almost as much as Hisoka was with Gon, so having either of them (Hisoka was usually around Illumi, so he was bound to hear things as soon as Illumi did or vice versa) learn about their relationship was automatically catastrophic. Killua knew that their relationship would be found out eventually, but he seriously wanted to keep it a secret for as long as possible, just so he could relax and enjoy it before everything would go nuts. He knew that he'd have to seriously cut all ties with his family at some point (which would probably end in a fight of some sort at least) so that they'd understand he wasn't coming back (taking Alluka away from them was already a big enough hint for them to start considering his permanent departure), but he didn't really want to think how much of a horror that would be.

As these thoughts were running through his head, Killua stood beside Gon as they started bidding goodbye to their friends. His and Gon's flight was heading out first, which was perfect in Killua's opinion. That would leave Leorio and Kurapika the alone time they deserved. As he heard Gon thanking Leorio for inviting them on this vacation, and thanking Kurapika for helping him understand his feelings, Killua couldn't help but send a small smile of appreciation the Kurta's way as well at the mention of the other's help. Without Kurapika's guidance, he could have easily been miles away from Gon by that point, and possibly permanently separated from the other, due to his feelings. The conjurer's help had truly come at the perfect time.

"Yeah, thanks." Killua showed his gratitude then towards Kurapika, his voice soft yet filled with conviction for his words as he sent the other a grateful glance.

Now that their departure was upon them, Gon felt pretty sad about it, especially that he didn't get to spend some last minute quality time with his friends. On the other hand, he got to do some more very new and very interesting things to, and with, Killua. Still, he would be together with his love every day while he had no idea when he would get to see his two other friends again. Yet, when he looked at his friends, he could see the glow of happiness about them, and knew that Killua had been right in his assessment that the two of them needed some time alone, since they had to part for an indefinite time now, too.

While Leorio and Kurapika held hands openly, not caring if anyone saw, Gon had both his hands at his sides. He, too, would have liked to show his feelings for Killua to the world and kiss and touch him constantly, but he understood why he shouldn't. With every passing minute at the airport, he could see the imminent separation weigh more heavily on their friends. So, really, it wasn't nice to flaunt their own happiness at staying together. Also, there was the matter of the Zoldyck family finding out about it. Killua and him were on a good way to earn their first star in their respective fields, and they were on quite a few people's radars, since they were proficient hunters at such an early age. This made for a very real danger if their relationship was made known, so they had to be careful in keeping it a secret.

As cheerfully as Gon could muster right then, he looked at his friends.

"Thanks, Leorio, for inviting us along. It was the best vacation anyone could ask for!"

His grin became a soft and grateful smile as his gaze fell on Kurapika.

"And thank you for helping me figure out my feelings," He rubbed the back of his head in a sheepish way. "I couldn't have done it without you. I owe you a lot."

He got a soft smile in return.

"There's no need to thank me, Gon. The two of you already repaid me...us more than enough," Kurapika said, returning Killua's thankful gaze in the same way.

"We totally have to do this again!" The beast hunter exclaimed then. "Even a full time doctor has to get some vacation at some point, right? Maybe we can all meet up here next year again?"

He looked around at each one of his friends and they all seemed to like the idea. Then it was finally time; their flight was called. While Killua played it cool, nodding at the other two and telling Kurapika to not be a stranger, Gon jumped and hugged them. The Kurta looked a little ruffled and embarrassed but couldn't keep a smile from lighting up his face. Leorio, on the other hand, actually had tears in his eyes as he crushed Gon as tightly to him as the beast hunter was doing to him, and pounced on an unsuspecting Killua a second later. The beast hunter had to try hard not to laugh out loud as his boyfriend flailed his limps in the taller man's crushing hold, almost looking like a cat that had been pushed into a pond.

Bristling and blushing, Killua was making a beeline for their gate, while Gon lagged behind, turning around every second step to wave good-bye to his friends, until they were finally out of sight. A few moments later they boarded the airship that would take them as close to Alluka's hidden home as possible. At least their flight would take just over three days and they had their own cabin. Hidden away from prying eyes, Gon would be able to show Killua his love in every way he could think of.

Kurapika's heart was heavy and light at the same time. With every passing moment, he felt sadder at having to separate from his one and only love, but, at the same time, he was still incredibly happy at being blessed enough to have this man love him back. The last hours they had spent on this dream island, the two of them had shared in bliss, basking in each other's love.

Again and again Kurapika had to promise Leorio that he would call regularly, or at least answer his phone. The Kurta did understand his beloved's concern and was patient in promising it each time, even though he had explained it very clearly why he could not bear to answer the other when he had thought that his love was in vain.

He was also sad to see his friends depart, but Kurapika kind of wanted them to go as well, so he could have his last moments alone with his lover. Kurapika liked Gon's idea of trying to meet again here next year. It would be wonderful to do this again, especially without all the drama, though he was kind of wondering whether Leorio and him would even leave their room for meal times then, since he wasn't sure how much they would be able to see each other in the meantime. They had both promised to work at it, but they had very little illusions about it. With Leorio starting to work as a doctor, and him back undercover, they would have a hard time actually meeting up.

Trying not to let himself get pulled down by this thought and ruining their last moments, Kurapika gently squeezed the hand in his once the two boys were leaving them. When Gon waved his last good-bye, and they had returned it with an indulgent smile, he turned to look up at Leorio.

"It would be nice if we could do this again next year," he said softly.

Their last day together had been more than perfect, but, like every good thing in his life, it ended far too quickly. Leorio was practically an emotional wreck by the time Sunday morning rolled around. He knew that he'd have to say goodbye to Kurapika that morning, and he didn't know when he'd ever see the other again. The young doctor also knew that he had probably annoyed his lover with his constant asking for assurance that Kurapika would still stay in contact with him. He knew he couldn't exactly help that fact, since losing Kurapika in any sense had become one of his biggest fears by that point, but, all the same, continuously asking for the same reassurances within the past twenty four hours had to be testing Kurapika's patience with him.

His own problems aside, though, once Leorio and his friends arrived at the airport, they bid their goodbyes. The taller man got a little overemotional once Gon hugged him goodbye, so he ended up crying a bit and smothering both Gon and a very riled up Killua against him. It would be a very long time until he'd see the both of them again as well, and just knowing that he couldn't be beside them, that he couldn't help them if they ever got hurt, caused Leorio to worry for his two younger friends (who were practically his brothers) just as much as he did for Kurapika. He couldn't stand the idea of losing Gon and Killua, either.

After Gon and Killua left for their terminal, a very disgruntled Killua looking like a cat who had just gotten its tail trodden on (Leorio personally didn't care because he felt like Killua needed more hugs in his life anyway), he heard Kurapika's soft words, the Kurta's voice sounding wistful. Leorio automatically tightened his hold on his lover's hand (they had both agreed that they didn't care if people saw them because they'd more than likely mistake Kurapika for a woman anyway), his own hand shaking in the other's. For all Leorio knew, this plan for next year's vacation might be the only time he'd be able to meet up with Kurapika again.

"I'll make sure I'll schedule that time off," Leorio assured his lover with determination. "For all we know…it might be a full year before we can see each other again…" The young doctor's voice grew heavy with sadness then as he averted his gaze away from Kurapika to watch the airships outside the window beside them, his eyes growing distant. "I'll be so busy with my fulltime job, studying and perfecting my Nen techniques, and maybe even taking some more classes that I'll hardly have time enough to sleep as it is…And then you still have so much to do with your own goals as well…A majority of your peoples' eyes are still out there and it might take you longer than expected to gather them all…"

Leorio thought desperately then for a way that Kurapika and him couldn't be separated. The older man had always wanted to be a doctor, and work for a hospital, but now, just within one week, his whole plan for the future had been flipped onto its head. Now he wanted something even more than to just be a doctor. He wanted to be by Kurapika's side…but with the way their lives were at the moment, that dream wasn't possible. Leorio knew that it would take quite a few years until the both of them were ready to go out and travel the world to help out the injured and the persecuted, but was there any way that they could join forces sooner?

"I wish I could help you with your quest, Kurapika…" Leorio whispered out then as he turned away from the window to stare shamefully at his feet instead, his voice full of lament because he felt so entirely useless at that point. "But…with the way my Nen is now, I'd just be more of a hindrance to you. I…I just don't want to part from you. I've spent these last three or so years completely separated from you, and this past week has hardly helped to satiate my desire to be by your side. I hate that we have to do this…that I'm not strong enough to be beside you, and that you have your duty to uphold. Why…why can't we just be free from this? Why can't we just be together?"

Leorio could feel tears coming to his eyes again as his whole body shook from the raging emotions inside of him. The young doctor took a steadying breath then to help calm himself down. Why couldn't he just gain control of his emotions? Surely Kurapika was fed up with his constant worrying and whining by this point?

"I'm sorry," Leorio mentioned then as he sent Kurapika an apologetic look and a small, wry smile. "I'm acting kind of childish, aren't I? I know that this is something that we both have to do. I know that I have to get stronger, that I have to get more experience before I'd be fit to help anybody, and I know that you have to help your people. I would never want you to abandon your duty to them, nor would I ever make you…but I just…I just hate that we have to be separated in order to do these things…"

Although Leorio promised to make time for another vacation next year, he uttered his fears that this might be the next time they actually might get to see each other. Unable to look at him, the doctor watched the airships outside and elaborated on the problems they faced as if Kurapika needed reminding of how hard it was going to be on them. The Kurta knew only too well. They had talked about this before. They knew it wouldn't be easy, but now that their feelings for each other were out in the open, the biggest of their problems was already tackled. The rest somehow would work itself out.

As he uttered his wishes for them to stay together from now on, and for both of their duties to just disappear already, Leorio slowly but surely unraveled before his eyes. Caught up in wishful thinking, the reality just got so much harder to bear. Kurapika could see tears glinting in the taller man's eyes, felt the other's body shake. A moment later, Leorio tried to pull himself together again and apologized to him.

Without thinking, or particularly caring about who might watch them, Kurapika lifted his free hand to cup his taller lover's cheek.

"I hate it that we have to separate so soon after we finally found each other, too. But there is nothing either of us can do about it. All we can do is work as hard as we can to accomplish our current goals, so that we can meet up again and stay together. There is no other choice, so stop racking your brain, and stop making this harder on both of us," the young Kurta demanded in a soft voice.

He pushed his hand into Leorio's thick hair then, pulling him down gently, but firmly. Although his lips initiated their kiss, Kurapika eagerly let the other take over then by parting his lips for the other's hot tongue. Kurapika knew that he would miss this, would miss the kisses, the touches, and his lover's eager, demanding body. He would miss Leorio like crazy, but they had promised to contact each other as much as both their schedules allowed, and, this time, Kurapika would uphold his part of the bargain.

The young blond made sure then that his taller lover's face stayed close, so that he could whisper his next words. His hazel orbs stared into their chocolate counterparts'; making sure the other one would see his desire and his love.

"We will make it through this. I know that your love gives me hope and it gives me strength. I had been thinking about the easy way out. Sometimes I kind of hoped I would die for my cause to end the nightmare, but not anymore. Not only will I survive, I have something to look forward to, something to live for. I will be even more driven to put my brethren to rest, just to come back to you. I hope you can say the same. I hope my love will give you the strength to get through your coming trials. I want to be with you. I need to be with you." Kurapika's voice dropped even lower, and became husky as he continued, his lips brushing their counterparts. "I need you."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Leorio whispered out in apology again as he felt Kurapika's hand cup the side of his face and heard the other reassure him once again that everything was going to be alright. Even though Kurapika's soft, yet demanding tone was enough for Leorio to realize he had probably annoyed his lover to death by this point, when he felt the other's hand slip through his hair the next second and felt the other tug him down into a kiss, the young doctor poured everything he had into the other, taking Kurapika's open-mouth invitation only too eagerly.

The kiss ended way too soon for Leorio's liking, but when he heard Kurapika's next words, the Kurta's voice eventually dropping into a husky whisper, the taller man couldn't stop himself from kissing the other with even more fervor.

"I need you too…" Leorio whispered out heatedly as he came up for breath a moment later, one of his hands holding the back of Kurapika's head, while his other arm was wrapped securely around the other, holding him tightly against him. He stared into Kurapika's warm, brown eyes with smoldering lust then, the rookie hunter wanting nothing more than to just take Kurapika away from this suffocating airport and spend the rest of the day basking in the other's company, but he knew that he couldn't do that. Kurapika had to start on his mission once again, and he had to get back to his dorm room and move all of his stuff into his new apartment, and that would take a few days for travel.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep, steadying breath then, Leorio calmed himself down enough and placed a gentle, affectionate kiss against Kurapika's forehead. He buried his face into his companion's blond hair a second later, and just held the other as close to him as possible, trying to memorize the feel of the other's body against his and the other's unique and addicting scent. He'd have to make this feeling last for another year at the most…

"I promise that I'll get stronger," Leorio assured his lover then as he started rubbing gentle circles into Kurapika's back, not caring what other people would make of them. "I'll work as hard and as fast as I can so that I can be by your side as soon as possible."

Just as he said this, Leorio heard Kurapika's flight announced over the intercom. The doctor's blood ran cold, and his grip on his lover automatically tightened upon hearing the announcement. No, this had happened way too soon!

Before he could get too carried away and grab Kurapika and just start running in the opposite direction like his body wanted him to do, Leorio just took one more moment to feel Kurapika's warm body completely against his before he let go of the other and stepped back. The very action had to have been one of the most difficult things he had ever done, but he had managed to do it. Leorio had promised Kurapika he would get stronger for him, and this was the first step to honor that promise.

Schooling his features as best as he could, even though he felt like begging the other to stay with him, Leorio did his best to send his love off with a smile.

"Good luck," the taller man whispered out with finality, an affectionate, yet sad smile adorning his lips. It wasn't quite the smile he had wanted to show his love but it was all that he could manage at the moment.

His words were met with another kiss. Kurapika felt heat rush through him. Softly, he whimpered as Leorio's lips and tongue claimed him with passionate need. The Kurta wanted to cry with the yearning he already felt and that was sure to grow to an unbearable level, yet he controlled himself, only hanging on to the kiss as long as he could.

Leorio held him tightly when they separated, telling him he needed him, too. It had taken them so long to come together, a year or two more shouldn't make much difference, but it did. The way his love was looking at him then, his gaze full of desire, of lust, Kurapika felt the need pool in his lower regions in answer. He might look like he was in control of his feelings, and he was often perceived as cool and levelheaded, but if Leorio had told him in that moment to run away with him and leave their old lives behind, he would have agreed without a second thought.

The doctor didn't say anything, though. He closed his eyes and gently kissed the Kurta's forehead. As his smaller body was pulled in even tighter, Kurapika buried his face into the other's warm chest, nuzzling it and breathing in the heady, musky scent that was essentially Leorio. Gently, his back was rubbed as the other one promised him again that he would get stronger and study harder so that they could be together.

A second later, they both clung to each other as Kurapika's flight was called. He never wanted to let go. Never ever. Leorio finally loved him, too. The young doctor wanted and needed him. Why? Why the hell did he have to leave? Why did they have to part? Why already? Why now? As the Kurta felt the cold fingers of despair reach out for him, Leorio let go of him and stepped back. It felt like a bucket of ice cold water was dumped over the Kurta's head then. It hurt fiercely, but it sure jolted him back to reality. Neither of them could run from their path of duty. He had to trust his own words. They would get through this and work hard to be together forever as soon as possible.

Contrary to his parting from the boys, Leorio was pulling himself together for his sake. Kurapika didn't know whether to laugh (hysterically) or cry. How could the other one suddenly be so strong? The Kurta knew then that he had to be just as strong. He had to resume the role of the cool, level-headed warrior, and he had to act confident and brave for his lover's sake, as well as his own.

"Yes. Good luck to you, too. I'm sure you will become a wonderful doctor and a role model for a new generation of street kids."

Sighing softly, Kurapika shouldered his bag, knowing he had to go. He was sure it was the best to do it quickly, before he lost his resolve and his cool. With a smile just as sad as his lover's, he allowed himself one, last, lingering gaze.

"Call me once you've settled into your new job, okay?"

He had promised again and again that, this time, he would call back if he couldn't take Leorio's calls right away, but he didn't repeat it now. Kurapika just nodded when the doctor promised to do so. As a huge lump formed in his throat, and his eyes started to burn, the young Kurta turned around without another word.

With measured steps, he walked to his gate. Taking deep breaths, he blinked to keep the tears from coming. Only once he was at the gate did he turn around for one last glance. He couldn't keep the longing from his gaze, but, most of all, there was love shining in his eyes as he looked at the man he loved with all of his heart. As much as his life had been dominated by hatred for the longest time, he had come to believe that there was love in his future; love with and for this man. He didn't know how long it would take them, but he knew that they would be together again.

The End