Hey y'all sorry for the wait. Here is the next chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee

Finn was pissed. They were messing with his image of the club. He and Rachel were the leads! They were supposed to be together!

He had fallen for her take no prisoners attitude during Glee. As well as her killer voice and body. She was supposed to fall for him too and dump Matt and go out with him! Not be pregant with his baby!

The gender reveal party

Rachel smiled as she heard the first few bars of the songs that were going to play. They would play a few lyrics from each song. They were hoping that a few people would realize the meanings in the songs.

Somebody's gotta wear a pretty skirt

Somebody's gotta be the one to flirt

Somebody's gotta wanna hold his hand

So God made girls

Two days past eighteen

He was waiting for the bus in his army green

Sat down in a booth in a cafe there

Gave his order to a girl with a bow in her hair

She spins and she sways to whatever song that plays

Without a care in the world

And I'm sitting here wearing the weight of the world on my shoulders

It's been a long day and there's still work to do

She's pulling at me saying "Dad I need you!

There's a ball at the castle and I've been invited

and I need to practice my dancin'

Oh please, Daddy, please!"

He was a boy

She was a girl

Can I make it anymore obvious?

He was a punk

She did ballet

Rachel smiled as she heard the last of the songs played. She could tell by the way that some of them were smiling that they understood. Though she could that some were still confused by what they heard. Matt unplugged his phone and grabbed her around the waist. They smiled at the group and waited for a second to see if more people would get it.

"Alright, so how many of you think you know?" Matt questioned.

About half of the crowd raised their hands.

Smiling Rachel decided it was time to end the suspense, "So for those that don't know, we are having a boy and a girl!"

All of their friends and family cheered and gave the couple their hugs and congratulations after the came down from the stage. They're friends were at the back of the line and Rachel was confused as to why Santana looked a bit annoyed.

"San what's wrong? You were right, we're having a girl." Rachel questioned.

"I know Berry, it's just now I owe Wheels twenty bucks because I said it would be two girls and he said that you two were having one each." she explained.

Turning to their wheelchair bound friend Rachel saw the smug look on his face. Rolling her eyes she leaned down and hugged him as best she could. They finished the line and spent the rest of the party milling about talking to their different friends and family. They were happy with how the party went, though they did notice the absence of three very important people.

Finn, their friend and teammate and Rachel's dads who hadn't spoken to their daughter since she revealed she was pregnant.

They had no idea that something big was about to happen.

Hey y'all I hope you liked it! What is Finn going to do? What is going to happen? Will Rachel's dads ever speak to her again?