Title: Save Me Usagi

Warning(s): Yaoi,mentions of rape and torture. Don't like then I insist that you should not read.

Disclaimer: Sadly but surely I do not own Junjou Romantica.

A/N: Hi please read and review. Constructive criticism is very much welcome. Happy reading. ^_^


~One heart can only take so much torture. One soul can only withstand so much sorrow. One mind can only endure so much conflict. One body can only handle so much pain.~


How long had it been? Days? Weeks? Months? I don't remember. It's always dark here except for the small lamp above my cell.

The seconds melted to minutes. And minutes turned to hours. Being left alone in this damp dark depressing basement for who knows how long.

My arms and legs were chained. The metal restraints digging into my skin. The cold and damp air chilling me to the bone. They took my clothes away a few days ago I think.

I was always weak because of the drugs I was constantly given. To weak to fight. To weak to try and escape.

They tortured and abused me. It got worse and worse as the days went by. First all they did was beat me. Then they began raping me daily.

I didn't have the strength to fight anymore. I could feel my sanity breaking. I could feel myself breaking down. My heart and soul slowly dying.

I flinched and began trembling when I heard the basement door creak open. The man that had kidnapped and tormented me for days stood smirking at me in my cage. I shifted uncomfortably beneath his gaze.

"W-What d-do you want from m-me?" My voice came out raspy and weak. I don't know how many time I'd asked that question. The man always ignored what I had to say.

I prayed that soon this torment would end. That someone would save me from the hell my life has turned into. There was one person I prayed hadn't given up hope to find me.

The person who meant the world to me. Although I could never admit it to him. Every minute of everyday I prayed he was still looking.

Still hoping.

Still loving.

Still believing that there was some chance that he'd find me.

And that person was my darling white rabbit.

My Usagi-San.

Usagi-San please save me.

So tell me what you think. Be as brutally honest as you need to be I dont mind. I love heading your opinions and suggestions. So fire away and dont forget to drop me a review. Till next time. Toodles ^_^