A starry night was there anything more beautiful than the artic night sky painted with the celestial lights. The bright and bountiful stars lighting the way for lost ship guiding them home.

A young woman dressed in a blue water tribe parka laid on the endless white snow contemplating on life's greatest questions…. for about five seconds.

Avatar Korra master of water, and earth bending was trying to keep herself busy by looking at the sky while she was going through one of her basic fire bending training drills. Keeping a campfire burning and at an optimal temperature. She had her head resting against the belly of her best friend and animal guild Naga.

Periodically Korra would lift her head up to check on her campfire that she was lighting using her left foot, Yeah she was that awesome and looking at Naga's Beautiful Polar Dog mug smiling as Naga would look back and give a tiered yawn.

As Korra looked back to the sky she couldn't help but question how predictable everything was lately.

Walk up, go back to sleep, get a second wake up call, train, eat lunch, train, have dinner with her parents, train, ask Katara for another tail of her predecessor and Katara's late husband Avatar Aang.

But really was this all there was to her life.

Well for now at least just a few more weeks and she'd preform her final firebending test. And then she'd be that much closer to being a full realized Avatar. And then she'd be off going on crazy adventures saving the lives of helpless people of the land and maybe have a romantic fling or two. The last thought made her blush and chuckle a little.

As she gazed one last time just about to call it a night she noticed something, a big something a giant yellow comet raced across the sky blazing a trail of golden twinkle.

Korra got up her eyes still glued to the cosmic event

"Hey Naga" Korra said addressing her friend "what was that old saying mom use to tell us, if you wish on a shooting star your wish will come true. You think it works on comets."

Naga rose up shaking her fur dry and yawned.

"Your right it don't hurt to try" Korra answered for her

Korra placed her hands together in a praying motion and bowed her head.

"Great comet I wish….I wish…mmm… I wish my life wasn't so predictable I could really use something unpredictable. Wow that's a pretty vague wish" she said as she rose her head up.

Naga looked up and started barking alarmed and agitated

Korra looked at Naga "what do you think I should have been more specific"

Korra looked back up and saw why Naga was so antsy the yellow comet had somehow changed direction and was headed right Towards Her!

Korra jumped to the ground forming a dome of ice around herself and Naga in the process for protection. As she felt the rumble of the comet touching the earth she motioned her arm to deform the ice back into water and got up. Serving the area she made out a giant mass of smoke coming from the distance. Without a moment of hesitation Korra mounted upon Naga and raced across the tundra headed right for the crash site.

Half an hour later she halted Naga at the edge of a huge crater, about the size of a pro bending field.

Korra dismounted and told Naga to stay as she sled down the crater and approached what looked like a huge rock.

She placed her hand on the rock only to quickly pull it back due to the rock still felt hot. Taking a deep breath she entered a firebending stance and aimed one of her arms above the rock and another behind her. She closed her eyes and opened them focused as she absorbed heat from the rock and expelling it behind her.

This went on for a few moments. Right when she felt the rock might have been from blazing hot to lukewarm a hand burst through the rock and grasped her arm.

"Ahh!" Korra yelled in surprise as she fell backward. The rock started to crack all over and grumble before her. Korra got back up and dusted herself off and was shocked at what she saw.

A boy around her age lay in the rumble of the comet. He was dressed in a orange and black jacket with a pair of matching orange pants and the most strangest black sandals she'd ever seen. But to top it all off the boy had yellow hair.

Naga barked in excitement as if asking what was going on. Korra approached the boy carefully as she bend down and raised his head.

"Hey are you alight?" Korra looked around seeing if anyone else was around they weren't that far from The Order of the White Lotus outpost/ her training compound. Someone would be coming any moment hopefully it be Katara and a first aid party.

"ooohhh" Korra looked down and saw the boy had started to slowly open his eyes. The boy gazed up and looked at Korra. The boy slowly started to raise one his arms and tried to make a fist after a few moments he positioned it right up to Korra.

"Ah you don't want to punch me in the face do you?" Korra laughed nervously

The boy smiled back and just moved his arm back and forth but still held it up with a fist. Korra still looked confused

What, was he doing trying to say something?

The boy rose his other arm and gently grasped Korra's hand and formed her own hand to a fist and tried to make them fist bump.

"Oh is this like a handshake?" Korra bumped her fist into the boy's but as she did another weird thing happened one moment she was in the middle of a crater, the next thing she knew she was standing in the middle of a giant pool of water surrounded in a vast space of darkness.

"Well, well what do we have here" a loud and deep voice from the dark bellowed Korra turned around and saw that the boy was standing on top of the water next to her looking in good health.

"Was that you?" she asked. The boy shocked his head and pointed his thumb backward as he did a giant red fox the size of a great mountain with nine tails looked down on her it's fangs and devilish look putting her off and on alert.

"Hey !get up here, we have a guest!" as the fox shouted eight other giant monsters about the same size of the fox emerged form the water and lighting where ever it was they were with bright light.

A giant a sandy-brown colored tanuki, with black seal markings markings all over its face, body, and tail,

A two tailed cat that was completely engulfed in blue flames. With a right yellow eye and a left green eye,

A turtle but with a crab-like shell, spikes about its being, and three shrimp-like tails,

A four tailed red-furred and green-skinned monkey, with a body-build of a gorilla,

A white five tailed horse, but with a dolphin's head,

A large six tailed white, with a slight light blueish tint, bipedal slug with stubby arms and feet,

A green armored rhinoceros beetle, with six of its seven tails resembling green insect wings, along with a seventh tail, all growing from the end of its abdomen. The stem of the tail is but the wings are orange

And finally a brown colored bull with four large horns and eight teneticale like tailes.

Korra could only gawk at all these creatures where they monsters or maybe giant spirits the girl looked at the boy expecting some answers.

"Don't mind them they might look a little weird, but their my friends, oh and my names Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki" the boy said as he held out his hand

Korra couldn't help but smile

"talk about unpredictable".

AN: Sorry for Grammar and Misspelling