Hey guys, it's been a while. I doubt many of you have read any of my other stories, if that's the case; Don't. I'm re-editing and in some cases completely remaking them. Anywho, this is an OC story, for the most part, everything will be canon. I'm not too sure about any filler Arc inclusion(Zanpakuto, Bount, etc.) as of yet, this will mostly follow just the main story lines. Obviously, it will be starting after Ichigo has gained his powers, but before Rukia's execution rescue. I hope you all enjoy this, please review, follow, what have you :) Constructive criticism is most welcome.

GhostDoor out Baby.



It was a warm and sunny day in Karakura town. It was the type of day that was perfect for a nice long walk, the perfect weather to, in fact, stalk an unaware teenage boy home from school. He was so oblivious to the figure casually walking above him, occasionally leaping from rooftop to rooftop. He had his school satchel thrown lazilly over one shoulder, his other hand rubbing the back of his orange hair, and he was arguing with a petite black haired girl. They were both dressed in the grey high school uniform, slowly walking as if there wasn't a care in the world.

The figure sighed, still walking above the two, feet solidly placed in the air. Their green eyes squinted as a yawn forced it's way out of their throat, and tears prickled at the corner of their eyes. This was so easy, it was boring.

Ashwina did not like boring.

Many centuries ago, there was a very peaceful village that resided at the utmost peak of a mountain. The mountain was so tall, it looked as if the temple placed at it's peak literally kissed the sky. The people here were humble and meek, simple farmers and worshippers of the almighty gods. They prayed regularly, each resident knowing the words and rituals by heart. They prayed to the gods only for their basic needs; good crops, the gods mercy, and healthy children.

However, these humble and meek villagers were cast aside by the gods, shunned and loathed. Their years of ceaseless worship and sacrifice forgotten, and their peaceful village crumbled. The great goddess, queen and mother of all Devas, single handedly destroyed them and smited them.

The villagers cried out in anguish. First, they prayed for forgiveness, next they prayed for mercy, then they prayed for the angered goddess to spare the innocent children, and finally, they prayed for a quick and painless death. None of these prayers were answered, instead they were denied and answered with ten-fold their punishment.

Why, might you ask, would the great goddess, the one they prayed to in sincerity for many years, destroy these meek and humble people?

Because of a green eyed baby girl.

What a bitch.

Rukia Kuchiki was known for many things; she was a talented and skilled shinigami, she had a quick temper yet a kind heart, she was an artist (good or bad, the opinion was in the eye of the beholder), and she was without a doubt not as oblivious as the fool walking next to her.

Her eyes narrowed as the slender figure hopping from rooftop to rooftop above them, yawned once again. She had been following the pair since they had left the school grounds, casually jumping from roof to roof, occasionally walking across the open air. Her silver hair was blowing in the wind, three long braids whipping out behind her.

Rukia wondered to herself how this fool hadn't noticed her. The girl was completely visible to the human eye, and she was so casual about the whole ordeal, Rukia didn't know if she was an enemy or someone just out for a stroll. If it hadn't been for the fact she had followed them down each turn, even abrupt turns leading in the wrong direction that Rukia had initiated, then she would think this was the case.

What baffled the petite shinigami even more was the complete void of energy. There was no spirit energy, not even a flicker. Yet, the girl was walking on air, at some points even walking completely upside down. She was not a shinigami, she was obviously not a hollow, and there was no possible way she was a mere human.

Rukia sighed, slowly extracting a pen from her uniform's pocket, and discretely scribbled down one word on her hand. Without even warning the orange haired boy, she kicked his legs out from beneath him and smacked him square in the center of his face.

"That's what you get for calling me a midget, foolish strawberry!" She silently hoped the idiot was actually reading her hand. Her hand withdrew ever so slightly, giving him just enough space to see the kanji.


The baby girl, with green eyes and hair as silver as the moon, cried out loudly as she was separated from the tight warm space she had known for the last 9 months. Her body flushed a deep red as old wrinkled hands cleaned her, handling the tiny body gently as if she were a gift from the gods. Aditi watched, her beauty and elegance enhanced by her anger, from the corner of the temple. There was a young priestess, naked and shining in sweat on the floor. She smiled so brightly at the sight of the baby, angering the goddess only more. Her silver eyes flashed brightly, taking in the happy and exuberant scene with loathing.

The babe was swaddled tightly and handed back to the mother, latching on to her breast with a loud cry. She was a beautiful baby, perfect in every way, from her round head and chubby cheeks to her ten little toes. Aditi would admit that the child was beautiful, and she was jealous. Her own children had always had an awkward look to them after they were born. This child did not deserve such beauty, being born in such an unlawful way.

Her mother was a priestess, vowed to the gods in purity of heart, soul, and body. She had broken her vow to never conceive and birth a child. She had broken her vow of a pure body, therefore voiding her vow of a pure heart and soul. The crones were just as guilty, showing such happiness after witnessing the birth of an abomination. She damned them all; the woman, the crones, the villagers, and most of all the baby.

The priestess had claimed her child would be the bridge between mortals and gods. She had convinced these ignorant fools, convinced them to let her brith this monster in the most holiest of temples. Convinced them she had been blessed by the gods themselves with the little cretin. Wost of all, she had convinced them the father of the bastard child was Indra.

HER beloved.

HER king.


Ashwina watched in mild amusement as the girl abused the boy, shoving her written on hand into his face. At least one of them was entertaining and not a completely oblivious idiot. She smirked as the boy glanced around, finally looking up far enough to see where she was standing. His brown eyes narrowed as he turned back to the petite girl.

"What the hell is wrong with you Rukia? There's no one around," he stood up, arching his back to relieve the pain. "You're acting stranger then usual, did you eat Orihime's cooking or something?" He smirked as the girl sputtered, pointing to the rooftop.

"She's right there, you imbecile! I saw her with my own-" Rukia froze, her eyes widening as she looked up at nothing but clouds floating peacefully in the sky. "Aa...Where did she go?"

The silver haired girl smirked, standing directly above the two confused high schoolers. This was too easy. She glanced down at her right arm, reading the kanji tattooed in the scroll.

Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki

They were her prey, her charges to capture. She had been warned to be on her toes, that they were formidable and hard to deceive. She almost laughed as those warnings reverberated in the back of her mind. Simply because, these two...



The crones of the temple cried out in terror and grief as the young priestess, still naked and smiling on the ground, fell limp into a growing puddle of blood. Aditi laughed, cruel and malicious, as she held the screaming babe close to her face. Slowly, her laughter died down, leaving only a beautiful smile on the goddess's perfect face.

"What a loud little monster, perhaps I shall curse you to be nothing more than a mute..." The babe's cries suddenly vanished, even though her toothless mouth was wide and tears streamed down her flushed red cheeks. "No, that is too simple. Hm, what shall I do?" Suddenly, the crying flooded the temple once again, and the crones huddled in the corner, looking on in astonished fear. Aditi shushed the child, cradling her gently, almost lovingly. She paced the long room, back and forth rocking the babe to sleep.

"Such an ugly thing you are, yet so ignorant, sleeping peacefully in my arms as I plot how to punish you." She laughed again, her eyes glowing ever so lightly in the setting sunlight. "OH! I know exactly what to do," she proclaimed so loudly, the crones jumped in fear as she turned abruptly to face them. "You," she pointed to the oldest one, beckoning her forward with a finger. The crone staggered forward, her eyes wary as she approached the enraged queen of the gods.

Aditi smiled kindly at the old woman, leaning in ever so slightly so that her cool blue lips brushed the others ear as she whispered excitedly. The crone's eyes widened, an appalled look stretching her wrinkled face. "What a marvelous plan, don't you agree?" The crone said nothing, her eyes shifting to the sleeping babe.

"I said, don't you agree?"

"Y-yes, that is a suitable punishment great one."

Aditi threw back her head and laughed as the crone fell to the ground, a hollow look of anguish in her eyes.

"Then it shall be done."

Ichigo shook his head, dead panning at the short woman as she kept exclaiming wildly about their "stalker". He didn't know what was wrong with her, and he adamantly hoped she would regain her sanity with her powers. That was the only explanation he could come up with as to why the usually stoic and calm woman would act like this. She was reminding him way too much of Orihime right now, and her wild imagination.

"-I swear Ichigo, she was right there!" Rukia swung her arms wildly, her eyes wide and her face red with anger. 'Why didn't he believe her?!'

Ichigo just nodded his head, not even arguing with her anymore. "Yeah, sure, whatever you say Rukia." He rolled his eyes as she continued to try and convince him. She must think he's completely brain dead, how could a completely visible person be following them and he not notice? He felt insulted on a certain level, her thinking that of him just pissed him off.

"She was walking UPSIDE DOWN IN THE AIR! AND-" Rukia didn't get to finish as Ichigo brought his fist down on top of her head, a vein ticking largely on his forehead. "Shut up already, I don't care what kind of hallucinations you were having, I'm done hearing about it." Rukia sat on the ground, rubbing the growing bump on top of her head as Ichigo looked down on her. Slowly, she rose, glaring icily up at him.

"It wasn't a hallucination idiot. There is someone following us." Ichigo looked down at her, his mouth already open to retort, but nothing came out. He stared at her for a long moment, his eyes narrowing as he took in her serious face. "Alright, fine. You've convinced me, so how do you suppose we find out what she wants?" Rukia looked thoughtful for a moment, her eyes scanning the area again, trying to catch sight of their stalker.

She turned to face him once again, her face serious and determined. "I don't know."

A large tick drop formed on Ichigo's head as he brought his fist down onto her head once again. "Don't look so serious when saying something so useless, midget!"

Aditi's laughter echoed through the temple even though she had already vanished back to her realm. That cold, malicious laughter rang deep in the souls of the old priestesses as they scrubbed their comrades life blood from the darkened stone floor. The once previously joyous day was now washed away and instead filled with grief, sorrow, and guilt. However, there was another emotion, right beneath the surface, whispering in all of their hearts. Resentment.

They resented the baby, screaming and red, left alone in a small cradle in her mother's old Sept room. She had brought on the bloodshed, the fear, and the unsettling feeling that this was not the last this village had seen of the goddess's wrath. A similar thought ran through each of their minds, yet not were courageous enough to voice it aloud.

'Why not just kill her?'

Why not indeed. The babe had brought misfortune, her birth endangering their entire village. She was a monster, born of sin, and they had been too blind to see it before now. How completely ignorant of them, to just believe the words of a wondering priestess, to believe she had been blessed by Indra to bear his child. The child to connect the mortals to the immortals. How utterly foolish. The gods were above them, unreachable and almighty. Why would they want to create a connection between them?

The crones gathered once more, when the moon was barely visible high in the sky. They gathered silently in the babe's room, staring blankly at the sleeping bundle. She was a beautiful baby, she was a beacon of hope and strength, yet she was a horrible monster, hanging invisible nooses around each of their necks. She bore the torch that would eventually burn their very village to the ground.

"Death would be the merciful thing, she is an orphan and scorned by the gods."

The crones nodded in agreement as the thought was finally spoken, only one stood stock still, her eyes downcast and jaw firm. It was the oldest woman, the one Aditi had shared the fate of the babe with. She did not agree with her peers, yet she did not voice her objections either.

"On the night of the hidden moon, we will remove her from this place in secret, and sacrifice her at the Great Goddess's temple." The crones hummed agreement, oblivious to the lack of noise from their oldest member. "Then, we shall speak of this no more." With that, the crones all left the room, all except the oldest one. She waited patiently until only she was left, her head bowed and eyes downcast.

Slowly, she limped towards the small bundle, sleeping so soundly in the light of the moon. Her eyes gazed down at the babe, old and grey, they held a sharp glint. She laid her old wrinkled hand atop the babe's head, feeling the strong pulse beneath her palm. Suddenly, as if there wasn't a care in the world, the crone threw back her head and laughed in pure delight.

"Oh, Aditi, how stupid you truly are sister. To think, you find a babe so intimidating, you slice her mother's throat and curse her with gifts any mortal would beg for! What an utter moron you are." The old crone laughed again, as she stood straighter, her eyes glowing silver. The hump in her back straightened completely as her nose shrunk down to a perfect and graceful swoop. The wrinkles that had plagued her face and body suddenly vanished, leaving smooth lightly blue tinged skin, dark luscious blue lips, and large seductive eyelashes. Her gray hair lengthened, turning as yellow as the sun in the sky, and she threw the off the old shawl, revealing brightly colored robes and large ornate beads.

Smiling, the beautiful woman lifted the sleeping babe from her cradle, holding it with tender care, and without another word, they disappeared in a puff of bright white smoke.

Urahara Kisuke sprawled lazily across his porch, fanning his face as he watched the children sweep the sidewalk. "Oh Ururu-taaaaan~" he sang her name, making the shy girl turn her doe eyes upon him. "Why don't you go inside and help Tessai." The girl stood in place, staring blankly at the man. "Ano, I haven't finished sweeping yet Urahara-san." The man merely waved his fan, smiling brightly at the young girl. "Nonsense, Jinta can finish. We have guests that should be arriving soon, please be a dear and go help Tessai so that we can make them feel nice and welcome."

"Hai, Urahara-san." The girl bowed and ran inside the shop, kicking her shoes off at the door.

The blond haired man watched as the girl ran inside, his shadowed eyes unreadable beneath the brim of his oh so beloved striped hat. "Jinta-kun, why don't you go help as well." The red haired boy looked up, his face pulled into a scowl. He was going to argue, complaining that it was a woman's job to prepare tea, but stopped short when he noticed Urahara was looking past him, straight at the sky. "Sure Boss." Throwing the broom onto the porch, he disappeared into the old shop as well, leaving Urahara alone on the porch.

Once the children were inside, Urahara sat up, waving his fan in front of his face again as he smiled cheerfully at the sky. A slight breeze almost covered the whispering sound of feet landing softly beside him as a silver haired girl sat next to him. She didn't speak, only glared at the blond man in his ridiculous bucket hat.

"I was wondering when you'd arrive, Bounty hunter-chan."