A/N: Hello world of FanFiction! I know I haven't been updating my stories as much, and I am truly sorry. I been on Wattpad, another story sharing site, similar to this and FictionPress. Look me up on Wattpad - Penguin5689. I don't have any fanfictions on there yet.

So, anyway I decided to write a what if story, and decided to post it on here... So enough of my ranting, without further ado, here it is!


Elsa's POV

"The party's over. Close the gates," I said walking away from Anna.

"What?! Elsa! No, no! Wait!" Anna said as she grabbed my glove off my hand.

"Give me my glove!" I demanded.

"Elsa, please, please. I can't live like this anymore!"

"Then leave," I paused and walked toward the door.

"What did I ever do to you?!"

"Enough, Anna."

"No, why? Why do you shut me out? Why do you shut the world out? What are you so afraid of?"

"I said enough!" I said as I turned around, spikes of ice forming in front of me.

"SORCERY!" yelled the Duke of Weselton. "I knew there was something dubious going on here."

I ran out of the ballroom, and down the hall out into the court yard. Everyone was cheering for me, but I ignored them all.

"Your majesty, are you all right?" asked a villager holding a baby.

I stepped back and bumped into the fountain behind me. I touched it, and it frozen instantly. I backed away and saw the Duke on the steps with his men.

"After her!" He said.

"Please, just stay away," I said, motioning him with my hands, accidently shooting ice at him.

The Duke fell back. "Monster, monster!" he yelled.

I stared back at the crowd, all backing away from me in horror.

"Elsa!" Anna yelled.

I ran through the crowd to the sea. I stopped and turned around to see if they were coming. I backed up and the ground started to freeze beneath me. I stepped on the water as it froze under my feet and started running, never looking back.

Anna's POV

"Get me the US Government. They'll know how to get her," I over heard the Duke of Weselton talking to his men.

"No!" I said marching up to them. "She's my sister. I can go get her."

"But Anna," Prince Hans said from behind me. "It's too dangerous. She's too dangerous."

"Yes, Yes. Listen to this smart fellow," the Duke said.

"No," I said. "I'm going to get her. Guards, get me my horse please."

I walked down the steps of the castle. There was a guard with my horse holding my light green cloak. I took the cloak from him. Prince Hans out a hand on my shoulder, and I turned around.

"You can't go. Let the Duke take care of her," Prince Hans said to me. "It's too dangerous to go now. The snow's picking up, and it's gonna get darker out. It's just not safe."

"It's not dangerous; its my sister," I said getting on my horse. "Beside, I was the one who started it. It is my fault she did this. I was the one who pushed her further. I should be the one to go get her."

"Just be careful. I don't want anything to happen to you," Prince Hans said.

"I must go, now," I said to Hans. "I need you to stay here to watch over Arendelle."

"On my honor," he replied.

I turned to the crowd, "Prince Hans of the Southern Isles is in charge while I'm gone."

I jolted out of the kingdom on my horse to the sea. The horse rushed over the now frozen water and towards the forest on the other side. It was even darker in the forest, and it didn't help with the snow piling up on the canopy above me. It was getting darker by the minute, but I kept on going, hoping I would catch up to Elsa.

Meanwhile (Story's POV)

"Get me my phone; I need to make a call," said the Duke as he enter the castle.

Prince Hans followed after him. "Are you really gonna call them?" He asked.

"Why, of course, my dear prince! What else would I do?" The Duke replied. "They can bring the queen back to me, and I can have her beheaded. This will put a stop to all this snow, and her shenanigans once and for all!"

"And what if the snow doesn't melt?" Prince Hans asked.

"Oh, well, second ice age," he said. "It would give a an even greater chance of taking over Arendelle, but more importantly, the world!" The Duke started to laugh manically.

"I like your style, Duke," the prince replied. "First Elsa, then Anna, and soon the world!"

"Yes, yes, I know. Be patient, my prince. You shall get your chance," the Duke said as he put his hand on the prince's shoulder. He turned to his men, "You shall all get your chance!"

Everyone, meaning his four goons, cheered.

"Now, if you excuse me, I need to make a phone call," he said as he laughed manically walking away.

Disclaimer: DUN DUN DUN! I don't own Frozen or Monsters vs. Aliens. DUN DUN DUN!