Hey guys! Short intro to this all. I haven't been on FanFiction for very long yet, so I don't have many stories. Just bear with me and I'll try to make it enjoyable! Now to the story…

Peter ran down the length of an alleyway, turning to sprint down the next one, nearly taking out several trash bins in the process. The growling behind him was getting louder with each step, and even in his Spider-man outfit, which had absolutely NO drag, it wouldn't work. His web shooters were useless, they decided to malfunction on him, and even with his sticking abilities to stick to walls, the creature chasing him would catch him. The low growl came again, and this time he could hear the panting of an animal's breath, before a shadow flew overhead. He ducked, trying to turn around the way he came, but claws caught his hip, pulling him back and flinging him into a large, metal trash bin.

He let out a short howl of pain, blood seeping out of the new wound, luckily not squirting, or he would have a problem. The creature turns towards him, long fangs dripping with saliva, or what should saliva. When the strange liquid hit the cement, a small line of steam rose from it, giving Peter the impression it was a type of acid. It had a cat-like face, but its body resembled a kind of powerful dog, and it had the tail of a scorpion. Speaking of which.

He saw a glint of light, and barely had time to roll to the side when the scorpion tail sank into the metal where he had just been. The cat face let out a snarl, and faster than even Peter's spider-senses could react, the claws came down again, pinning him like a mouse under the large paw. He gritted his teeth, the claws stabbing into his chest, while the weight began to build on his chest and ribs.

Its paws were large enough to cover a grown man's chest and ribs, let alone Peter's. It towered over him, red eyes glinting in the dim lighting, and saliva dripped onto Peter's shoulders and face, making him scream again. The scorpion tail rose once again to strike, but before the large animal could deliver the killing blow though, a flickering object came spinning from the darkness, slamming into the animal's side, pushing it off of Peter. He lay there for several seconds, black dots dancing in his vision, before it occurred to him that the sounds of a fight were coming from the side. He slowly began to pull himself to a sitting position, almost immediately regretting it as the deep claw wounds on his chest, and he believed to be broken ribs, screamed in pain.

He pushed himself up against the trash bin, out of breath as a strong burning sensation came over his face and shoulders, probably the strange acid that had come from the animal's mouth. He kept pushing himself, slowly getting to his feet and heading towards the sounds of the fight, which were dying down. He was half slumped against the alleyway wall as he moved, his eyes widening under his mask at the sight of Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, and Hawkeye had surrounded the enormous creature, even making the Captain seem small. It lay on its side, twitching feebly as its life force slowly left it. Iron Man landed, turning to the others,

"Well, that was rather easy." He stated, his metal face-plate coming up to reveal Tony beneath it. Captain America turned towards the billionaire,

"Because you blasted its tail off." He said, and when Peter looked more closely, the end of the scorpion tail had indeed been blasted off, "Besides, it was being distracted when we had first gotten here." The soldier then turned towards Peter, who was finding it harder to keep his eyes open,

"Spider-man?" Hawkeye asked, "Ummm…awkward." He muttered, receiving a slap on the back of the head from Black Widow. Captain America approached Peter, who had suddenly collapsed to his knees,

"Get over here you guys, he's injured." The captain ordered, and before Peter could stop him the Captain was trying to detach his arm, which was pressed against the worst of the claw marks on his chest,

"That doesn't look rather fun." Tony muttered, moving forward, "He'll need Bruce immediately, and its closer."

Peter was slowly slipping into unconsciousness, and by this point he couldn't hear what they were all saying. He didn't really care though, since the pain of his wounds wasn't so bad anymore. As Captain America, the Captain America, lifted Peter over his shoulder, the pain came back twice as bad, and there was a strangled sound, was that him? Before he finally managed to slip into a blissful sleep.