Our Future Chapter 1

DISCLAIMER: Fairy Tail Belongs To Hiro Mashima

This wasn't supposed to happen to us. We didn't do anything. We didn't do anything to deserve this.

Acnologia is flying in front of us preparing to attack. Why? Are we all going to die? He destroyed Fairy Tail's main members on Tenrou Island without even trying. What chance do we have? So many people died, not even 10% of the world's population survived. What chance do we have?

We've been fighting this war for years now. Dragons v.s Humans. It's obvious who is winning. We didn't stand a chance but we still fought. Why? How did this even start? When did we start having to fight for our own lives?


Thank god we finally got out of the castle. I thought we'd be stuck in there forever. The place is huge! Like seriously you'll need a map if you want to work there.

*Rumble. Rumble*

The floor is rumbling and at first I thought it was an earthquake but the massive cheers emerging from the stadium proved otherwise. Natsu quickly shot the signal into the sky. You know the one to tell the others we got out of the castle.

After shooting the signal up, we relax a bit and started walking to the arena. By the time we got there the audience was quiet again. We walk on to the platform where our guild mates are, just in time to watch the trophy being handed over to Fairy Tail's team. The stadium once again erupts into cheers and our guild mates finally turn around to see us standing there. As soon as they noticed us they jump on us and gave us a huge hug.


It seemed that everything would go back to normal after that. But it didn't.


After all the cheering and picture taking was done we all decided it was appropriate to go celebrate. The other guilds joined us too. Yes even Sabertooth. Yep! It seems that they've turned a new leaf and now we're all friends. Yeah, life was good.


How stupid of me to think that at the time. Life wasn't good. We walked right into the dragon's den. Our ignorance killed many and it'll be the cause of our deaths too. The people still alive that is.


The party lasted for hours. Literally. No breaks, nothing. We all partied for three hours... and I feel like I'm the only one that thinks that crazy. I probably am the only one though. But seriously THREE HOURS and their still not tired. These people are going be the death of m-.


Silence filled the room. Everyone stopped what they were doing. A familiar sounding roar resounds and literally blows the roof of the building. It was the roar of a dragon. Everyone drops what they were doing and runs outside to make sure they weren't wrong. We couldn't mistake what we saw.

A horde of dragons are flying straight towards us. Everyone's frozen in fear and when someone finally reacts the dragons have already reached the area.

Everyone starts panicking, they're running around and screaming. I don't know what to do, the dragons are already preparing to land.

When the first dragon lands it feels like an earthquake, it's large body cracks the earth it lands on and it's strong wings blow us off our feet. It roars at us and the other dragons soar around and over the area as if to convey that this has become their territory.

We don't have a choice between running or fighting. We're only human we won't be able to escape from here, but fighting with the dragons isn't a good idea either, they completely overpower us. So what do we do? Stand here and wait for them to kill us all? No. That's not Fairy Tail, we don't give up till the bitter end and it seems that I'm not the only one who thought that.

Natsu races out to the dragon in front of us and attacks, everyone else soon follows after.

We all decide to fight for whatever hope is left.


This is our story.