A/n – this is my new story I have one up already if you would like to check it out reviews are appreciated it's called a family to fight for.


I was currently sat in a police interrogation cell glaring at the stupid officer that thought he could make me break and reveal everything I know about the Cullen's. It wasn't going to happen buddy.

"Miss swan what can you tell me about the where abouts of Edward Cullen on the 27th of February?" officer newton asked me.

I just ignored him and stared at the wall. I didn't know how long I would be sat here waiting for Edward to come and bust my ass out of jail.

"Miss swan we can help you and protect you from Edward we know he is a dangerous man and a lot of shit is about to go down if you give us something on him that could put him in prison we can keep you out of prison and protect you. However if you don't help us when we catch Edward you will be joining him in a cell as his accomplice in the murder of Aro and Caius Volturi." Officer black thought just because he threatened me I would tell him what I knew. It wasn't likely.

I smirked at him and raised my bitch brow "you threatening me officer?" I asked him arrogantly. I knew he had nothing on Edward and that's why he was interrogating me.

"No just stating what's going to happen if you don't help us" he shrugged his shoulders. I smirked and didn't say anything.

We sat there for about half an hour I think. I couldn't be sure there wasn't a clock in here. Anyway back to the point about half an hour after officer Newton's statement I heard a small commotion occurring in the precinct I was in.

"Where is she!?" I heard the voice I haven't heard for a few days demand to who I'm guessing to be another officer.

"Calm down sir or I will place you under arrest." The officer snarked back I just hopped Edward wouldn't kill him for being gobby.

"Does she have to stay here?" Edward obviously knew that I haven't been placed under arrested, just brought in for questioning.

"Well no but we're not done questioning her" the officer was clearly a dumbass.

"Well then if she wants to leave with me she can" and with that said the door to my cell opened and Edward waltzed in looking like a Greek god.

"Edward!" I beamed up at him. It was good to see him I missed him so much.

"Hey baby girl you ready to leave?" I nodded so he walked over and grabbed my hand leading me out of the interrogation room.

"We will get you Cullen you have no idea what is about to go down" Officer Newton just couldn't keep quiet could he.

"Whatever Newton you just stay away from my Bella" Edward growled. It was hot. Newton gulped and fear crossed his face before he composed himself.

"Can't promise anything Cullen" Newton sneered back at us. Edward was about to march over there but I grabbed him and pulled him to the car.

"Something major is going to happen Edward" he sighed and nodded.

"I know baby we'll deal with it" he promised me.

I hoped he was right. I could feel it something bad was coming.

A/n – let me know what you think