So this might be a bit weird... I'm a huge fan of The Mortal Instruments and I, for one, was disappointed in the movie. So, as I was watching, I couldn't stop my sarcastic thoughts that seemed to just pop up. So I decided to write them all down. Yay or nay? Let me know!

Oh, btw, none of the characters are mine... all Cassie Clares'! :)


I can hear the sounds of a beautiful tune, played on a piano drifting through the halls of the institute. I feel the urge to investigate.

I walk into a large room that looks really weird with some sort of gigantic, cheap-looking golden door in the middle of it. Not curious about it at all, I walk past to where Jace is playing the piano, in the same room. "It's beautiful." I say, mostly in an attempt to scare him.

He stops playing after having an unnecessary spass out and turns to looks at me. He then starts dribbling on about how different pitches affect demons. "Whoa, whoa, wait," I say, "Do I need to know this? Like, I mean, will it ever help me in the future?"

"W-well maybe," he splutters, "I suppose not. I'm just trying to be a know-it-all. Sorry."

I nod in understanding. I feel his pain. This must be love.

So we talk about a whole heap of completely unnecessary stuff for a little longer, before the huge golden doors suddenly spark my curiosity. Jace gets up and explain.

"It's a portal." Blah blah blah… I mostly zone out until he started moving things and there are loud sounds, so I turn my attention back to him. The huge golden doors swing open to reveal a swirly, blue, typical portal texture. They couldn't think of a classier way to present a portal? Maybe in a way where there was some sort of epic scene with the bad guy and have a mysterious mirror that reflects where you're thinking of or something? And then have the bad guy make an escape through the portal all badass-like and have the mirror dramatically shatter? I feel like that was done somewhere else though… hmm…

I snap back to reality and realise that Jace is still explaining or something. "So," I say, interrupting him, "Why do you have a portal in the middle of your institute again? Doesn't that seem a little silly? I mean, the bad guys could come straight through it and BAM! You're safe place is suddenly not so safe."

"Uhh…" Jace looks lost, "Well, the Los Angeles institute got one, so why couldn't we have one?"

I shrugged.

"Wait here." Jace said suddenly.

I obeyed, even though that was totally against my character. Jace went up to the portal and put his hand through. The next thing I knew, his hand appeared out of thin air and started stroking my hair. I resisted the urge to scream. Whoa! Creepy much?

And that's what I got so far... Please don't hate me. I know, I'm weird, and I don't care.