Chapter 3


The following days of the Nipton massacre were a bliss for Courier Six. The town had fallen into silence with the exception of some lingering pyres and the crows feasting on the corpses. Six sought refuge in the Mayor's office, since it was mostly intact from the chaos and had a great vantage point.

Even with all the smoke covering the town, there wasn't a single person brave enough to look into what happened. Not even the Mojave Outpost would send someone to check out if the town was in trouble. Fucking cowards.

As much as she savored the complete silence around her, she found herself alone with her terrible memories whenever she went to sleep. Faces of NCR soldiers taking turns with her, their drunken laughter and their unwanted caresses. She would wake herself up in cold sweat, going from utter rage to complete depression. Hugging her knees, tears would roll down her cheeks and her chest would get tight from the intense emotion. With no one else to comfort her but herself, she took some deep breaths to calm her nerves.

You are alive. They are not. You have the chance to not let this happen to you ever again.

Clarity came to her mind as she breathed slowly and she was able to sleep through most nights.

Deciding not to think about the NCR for the time being, Six worked on healing her wounds and regaining her strength after all the time she spent tied to Tony's bed. In the mornings she did physical work by gathering supplies from the abandoned houses and piling up the dead far away from the town hall. The stench of decay was beginning to cause her nausea and it brought the unwanted attention of predators.

As the sun began to set, Six would get back to the office, where she would clean off the grime of the day and catch up on some light reading. She learned a few things of topics such as medicine to robotics from the terminals and magazines. She even learned about the plan orchestrated by her mysterious savior.

Mr. Fox was his name... or at least it was to the Mayor.

Using the Mayor's corruption against him, he had trapped both the NCR and the Powder Gangers in the same place at the same time. The Mayor thought he could finally get away with a ridiculous amount of caps and had no idea of the bloodbath coming to get him as well. She remembered briefly the legionaries she saw and figured they were outnumbered by the locals, gangers and soldiers… but still managed to annihilate them. His plan had been impressive and beautifully executed to her eyes.

As she kept on reading, she tried to remember his features in that chaotic night. His frame was leaner than his subordinates but his muscles showed that he had seen his fair share of battles. The dog head he wore hid his hair but she could still make out that his shade was jet black. Crimson was the color that dominated his attire, from the whole armor to the X's marking his shoulder plates.

His icy eyes had studied her pathetic form in the middle of the carnage he created. Wonder filled his eyes when he witnessed the butchering by her hand of the surviving Powder Ganger. She figured he knew in that moment she wasn't a Nipton local. It was when he opened his thin lips her gaze changed to one of surprise. She remembered feeling as if under a spell by his voice, his silky tones speaking of sin and corruption., while the town burned around him. It was a sight to behold.

At the moment she was grateful that he spared her before she had the chance to reach the checkered man. The least she could do is do as he said and spread the word to anyone, especially NCR, about the terror in Nipton.

With her duffle bag full, her weapons loaded, her hat and sunglasses on, she hoped that the trail of her elusive killer had not gotten cold.

Caesar stood at the entrance of his tent looking over his legionaries attending their tasks. Some were training their combat skills, others were honing their weapons. Slaves were carrying on their backs large bags with supplies from the bottom of the Fort to the top all day.

As Lanius and his army came closer to the camp, Caesar was feeling anxious about the upcoming battle. Even if the numbers were in their favor they could still suffer a great loss that would doom everything he had worked for almost all his life. He couldn't afford to lose this time like they did with Graham.

It was an embarrassing moment in Legion history.

He winced in pain as he felt the sting of an oncoming headache. With his thumb and his middle finger he massaged his temples, trying to ease down the pain. Each time they seem to be getting stronger and stronger, carrying with them a new symptom. Sometimes he would be blanking out into space, other times he would be missing even the simplest of words when speaking.

Afraid of discouraging his top commanders, he would keep meetings short and straight to the point, reducing the chances of his symptoms showing up unannounced. As hard as he tried to cover his weak state, he knew his commanders were concerned for him. He could see the worry in their eyes every time they looked at him. If Caesar faced an external threat, any of his men would fiercely fight for him and give their life. But this time the threat was internal and they felt powerless to do anything about it.

His sense of holding up the morale would not let him discuss openly his condition with his men. Each day he had to manage his secret in any way he could but he was afraid he would not hold his strong facade longer. Lanius had to arrive faster to the Fort.

A legionary scout raced up the steps of the hill toward his tent carrying a piece of paper with him. He stood in front of Caesar and bowed to him.

"My lord, I have a letter from Vulpes Inculta coming from the Strip" he announced as he handed the letter.

"Thank you for your service, soldier. Vale" he said as he received the letter. The scout crossed his arm against his chest and left swiftly.

Caesar opened the letter and read its contents. It detailed Vulpes's deed of spreading terror across the Mojave with the Nipton lottery. After wiping out the degenerates, he set course to the Strip to oversee the ongoing development with the Omertas. As he was passing by Gomorrah, he stumbled upon a surprising occurrence.

A woman was spotted entering the Lucky 38 casino and leaving out safely, as if it were her own home. No human being has been seen going in or out of that casino for centuries, except Mr. House's Securitrons. Any time some profligate tried to break into the casino, their enthusiasm would be met by a rain of gunfire from the Securitrons. No questions asked.

Curiosity filled his mind as he tried to decipher this mysterious woman. Who was she? What made her special enough to enter the Lucky 38? What were her intentions?

Caesar trusted that Vulpes would take the right course of action with this new information. Knowing him, he already had a plan in motion.

The Fox sat silently by himself in a corner close to the bar, drink in hand. From all the casinos of the Strip, he certainly preferred the Tops. It wasn't as dirty as Gomorrah but it wasn't filled with pretentious swine as the Ultra Luxe. It was the perfect middle.

As much as he hated alcohol, he had to keep up the appearances whenever he was mingling with profligates. He would dilute the drink with water to lower the bitter taste and its fogging effects. Whenever he was pensive, he would swirl the drink slowly and feel the liquid clashing against the glass. His eyes were set on the brooding figure of the mysterious woman from Nipton at the bar.

Courier Six was the name that identified her. No other aliases were known.

Ever since he saw her enter the Lucky 38 without hassle, he ordered his Frumentarii to keep tabs on her. Most of the day she stays inside the Lucky 38 and at night she goes to either the Tops or Gomorrah. His informants spot the woman with a different NCR soldier every night, drinking, dancing, generally having a good time. Afterwards they are seen sneaking out somewhere private but the men don't come back.

After some digging, he learned of her personal vendetta with Benny, the Chairman of the Tops. Apparently, he stole the package she was ordered to deliver and left her for dead in Goodsprings.

Except she didn't stay dead. She followed his trail across the Mojave and took an unfortunate detour in Nipton. Still, it didn't stop her from reaching New Vegas.

Vulpes had to admit that he was impressed by her determination to get revenge. But unfortunately for her, Benny left the casino before she got to him. This time the trail was cut off and she was all alone in the Strip, clueless of his whereabouts.

Smoothing the wrinkles of his suit, the Fox made his way towards the bar and sat next to the Courier. She didn't acknowledge his presence and her expression remained stoic, with her amber gaze lost in space. Every now and then she would take a drag from her cigarette without breaking her pensive demeanor.

This was the closest he has been to the Courier. From up close, he couldn't fathom that this was the same battered woman he met in Nipton. Even though she had some visible scars on her face, it did not hinder her beauty. The coppery scent of blood was replaced with a mixture of perfume and smoke. Her figure was accentuated with a casual blue dress and black heels.

"To be someone that evaded death twice, you sure look very somber" he muttered in a calm voice.

Without looking at him, Six took a sip from her third beer and let out a dry chuckle.

"I've heard of bad pick-up lines but that one takes the cake" she replied with a smooth voice.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't try anything with woman with an acquired taste for NCR soldiers"

"I have a type. So what?"

"What is perplexing to me is that you developed affinity for this type... after Nipton"

The Courier turned her head and gave him an inquisitive look. Just like he suspected, mentioning that wretched place triggered something within her. Surveying her face, he noticed the moment the gears of her mind started to turn. Her mouth drew an amused smile.

"I have to say... it's nice to see you again, Mr. Fox"

"I'm flattered that you know that name but allow me to introduce myself properly. I am Vulpes Inculta of Caesar's Legion. I serve him as the greatest of his Frumentarii"

"I heard about your kind. Your line of work brings headaches to the NCR"

"As does yours, courier. They are already asking questions about their missing soldiers. It won't be long before they make the connection that you were the last person to be with them"

"There are plenty of their like in Nevada. I can always go to another place to have fun"

"It seems to me that your definition of 'fun' is not the same as theirs"

"Oh really? How so?" Six chuckled at his remark.

"For starters, it is curious how you convince the unsuspecting man to follow you to a hotel room and yet you are the only one that comes out. I can tell from the dried blood underneath your fingernails that your fun times involve a dash of... terror"

"Impressive, legionary. I see that you've done your homework. Now tell me, you didn't come here to compliment my hobby. What is your deal?"

"The eyes of the mighty Caesar are upon you. He admires your work, and bestows upon you the exceptional gift of his Mark. This will guarantee your safe-conduct through our lands" he said as he handed her the Mark of Caesar.

"Why does Caesar want to see me?" she asked without taking the symbol.

"Little escapes the notice of Caesar's Legion. We know a great deal about the Vegas Strip, and the comings and goings of those who frequent it."

"Besides my obvious hate for the NCR, what makes you think I will help you?"

"Because the man that gave you those scars made his way to Caesar's camp" he pointed with two fingers to her forehead.

Instinctively, she reached to cover her scars with her hair subtly. That is when he saw the fire in her eyes spark once more. The same fire present in Nipton the moment she slashed the throat of the broken Powder Ganger.

"Benny?" her mouth twitching at the mention of his name.

"Yes. If you prove your allegiance to us, Caesar will hand him to you in a silver platter"

The woman remained silent for a moment, weighing her options. The hunt for Benny began once more. It would be safe to assume that she didn't trust him or the Legion yet but it was a better option than staying in the Strip, luring and killing drunken soldiers. She couldn't wait forever for Benny to come back. The blood trail would lead back to her any moment and she would have to answer to that.

"Tell Caesar I accept his invitation" she said as she took the Mark from his hand, her fingertips brushing his palm.

"Very well. Seek Caesar by way of Cottonwood Cove, south of Nelson. The Cursor Lucullus will be waiting"

Vulpes got up from his seat and adjusted his fedora with his hands.

"I suspect you'll be a valuable asset to the Legion, assuming you're really on our side, of course"

"If Caesar holds his end of the bargain, he can count me in"

"Vale, courier. We'll be expecting you"

1 perk gained: Black Widow