*****This isn't an update but this is important so please read!*****

Ok guys before I start I want ALL of you to know how much I love and appreciate every single review, follow, and favorite. With that being said Arrow: The Story of Us will be discontinued. Most of you are probably asking why right now. Well let me say that I love this story so very much, but I have lost my muse for this fic. I've had all this time to really think about whether I wanted to continue this fic or not. I feel reading through the previous chapters that I have been really sloppy with my storytelling in this fic.

I have to admit that I was writing as I went along, and up until the last chapter I didn't have a plan set out for the rest of this fic. But like is said reading through the previous chapters I realized you guys deserve so much better. My story was very unoriginal with huge plot holes. I wanted to recreate a story in which Felicity from the start had instilled hope and humanity into Oliver from the very beginning. But I went about it in a very unorganized and thoughtless way. This type of story deserves to be written well and not have so many glaring holes.

It's hard for me to admit to this guys. I wrote this story without a plan and now I'm stumped and out of muse. So this is the decision I am making. This story will be discontinued. It will NOT be deleted because I've learned throughout the years that you never know when your muse will once again hit you. Who's to say I don't come back and finish what I started? I can't make any promises but that is why I'm leaving my story up on this site.

Please understand and know that I really do appreciate every single one of you which is why now I have another completely different Olicity fic coming and THIS one has been pre- planned and is more organized. I won't let yall down again and I won't let myself down. This new fic WILL be finished because I KNOW what it is I'm going into. So stay tuned might even have the chapter out later today.

Again please, please, PLEASE forgive me for this. I really hope that you guys will understand and yall will check out my other Olicity project.

Thank you guys for your time love you all. and don't hesitate to PM me for any further questions. With all my love and gratitude.
