If Only We Lived Through the Night

Chapter 10- The Verdict

Author's note- Hey I am finally back! So here is the next chapter and I will do everything in my power to update faster during the summer.

Follow me on tumblr- chelsealynne87

I am tracking the tags on this story- #ladymarvel87 and # if only we lived through the night

Thanks in advance and please take a few moments to review! Criticism is welcomed, but not flames!

There was one wall clock in the entire hotel and it was driving Haley insane. Dan's trial had started three hours ago and now the tick-tock sound was the only thing Haley could concentrate on. Haley had listened intently the first hour because she loved Keith as much as Lucas, but Dan's smug grin and smooth-talking ways had made Haley want to vomit; a sensation she grown well accustomed too.

Haley knew she needed to tell Nathan about the baby, but with his father on trial now just did not seem like a good time. That and the fact they were both living in the apocalypse. She sighed and unknowingly began to count the number of ticks and tocks of the clock.

1,000; 1,001; 1,002. Haley was abruptly brought back to the present when a loud crashing sound filled her ears. Her newfound reflexes kicked in and Haley found her fingers grasping the hilt of her dagger. "Everything is alright Hales," Nathan said from beside her as he placed his right hand over her left.

Haley nodded as her adrenaline left and heartrate returned to normal. She peered to the front of the room to see Lucas standing and Karen, Brooke, and Peyton all holding him back. Dan had his hands in the air innocently, which made Haley instantly realize the trial was not going in the direction of justice.

"Is there a chance we could be called as witnesses?" Haley asked Nathan worriedly.

Nathan shrugged, "I hope not. I wouldn't know what to say. No one really knows what happened that day other than Keith and Dan."

Haley nodded in agreement. She forced herself to stay alert for the rest of the trial. What would she tell her and Nathan's child when he or she asked about their grandfather? Haley forced that line of thought out of her brain. In the pre-apocalyptic world, a trial of 12 jurors would have been making the decision on whether or not Dan was guilty.

This world was not fair however. Haley had witnessed to much death and carnage to think that this new life was even remotely fair or just. No, Haley thought sadly, this world preyed on fairness. Gripping the seat's arm rest tightly, Haley swore she would not be weak. Weakness meant death in this life and Haley had too many people counting on her to fail in such a way.

The annoying clock now read 6:45. A recess had been called for everyone to eat and the group leaders to make a decision on Dan's fate. Haley tried to act natural, but her little miracle had other plans. In the end, she shrugged at Nathan as she crammed another sandwich in her mouth. "How many of those have you eaten, Hales?" Nathan asked wide-eyed.

"I don't know," Haley said averting her eyes, "Six or seven at the most."

Nathan laughed so hard he spilled his glass of milk all over his blue polo shirt. Hearing Nathan laugh instantly made Haley feel rejuvenated. She smiled and leaned into Nathan, which caused her to soak up a little of the literal spilled milk. "Let's get you out of this wet shirt," Haley whispered in Nathan's ear.

Nathan grinned his boyish grin and took Haley's hand knowingly. When they were both in the elevator, Haley gripped the bottom of Nathan's shirt and yanked it up and over his head. "Wow, somebody is in a frisky mood," Nathan laughed before kissing Haley on the neck, just below her jaw.

Haley went to pull Nathan in for a deep kiss when the elevator came to a lurching halt. "What the hell?" Nathan asked holding on to Haley.

Nathan and Haley waited to see if someone else was going to enter the elevator. After a minute passed, Haley began to get a very bad feeling. "Nate," Haley asked pushing elevator buttons rapidly, "Are we stuck?"

"It would appear that way babe," Nathan said running his hand through his tousled hair, "So, I hope you aren't claustrophobic."

"Maybe a little," Haley admitted, "But I am sure your mom will realize we are missing and come looking for us. Also, people use this elevator a lot so someone will realize it isn't working and fix it and we will be saved. Right?"

Trial verdict—8:56 PM

The five group leaders sat silently in a row at a long table. The mahogany table seemed intimidating to Dan for some reason. It seemed long and endless, two words Dan had grown very accustomed to since the start of the apocalypse.

Dan personally thought he had persuaded the group in his favor. This world was not a nice one. In the prior life, Dan would have never dreamed of killing his brother. No, Dan corrected himself, he hadn't killed Keith, zombies had killed him.

The leader, Zane, stood. He wore a black sweater and black pants with short, cropped blonde hair. Zane's voice travelled through the 'court room,' which was actually just a conference room. "We, the tribals, have come to a decision on the accused.

Dan found himself sweating. He did his best to try and hide that fact; he didn't want to look guilty after all. Zane cleared his throat before continuing, "We have decided that the accused, Dan, is not guilty."

Dan breathed a sigh of relief. "However," Zane continued. That one word cause Dan's heart to skip a beat. "However," Zane waited for the room to be completely silent once more, "There will be a temporary house arrest to further observe the behavior and actions of Dan. If further observation brings about a different mindset then we will meet back and cast a new judgement. Until then, Dan is to be treated like anyone else."

Dan stared into the angry face of his 'son' Lucas, his ex-Karen, and his wife Deb. Dan decided that the rest of his life was going to be spent in misery and loneliness. He did not see any sign of Nathan. Dan wanted to tell himself he didn't care, but he wished his son had cared enough to show up for his trial.

The back doors of the conference room burst open. All eyes became fixated on the teenage girl who was panting and sobbing in the doorway. "Dana," Zane asked concerned, "What is wrong child?"

"I was checking the security cameras. There is a hoard of zombies at our doorstep. All doors are locked but they appear to be pushing at the door in sync. I'm worried the front doors won't hold much longer!" Dana said clutching her chest.

Someone in the crowd yelled, "Someone find Dana's inhaler, she is having an asthma attack."

Everyone kicked into high gear. People rushed to see if the young girl was telling the truth, and others frantically tried to find where she kept her inhaler. Dan felt as though he had become frozen in time. He walked solemnly through the double doors and stood in the midst of all the chaos.

The front doors were pushing inward. Screams filled the small lobby and Dan couldn't take all the noise. "Shut up!"

Everyone stared incredulously at Dan. Taking the moment of silence Dan began, "The bastards out there are attracted to noise. If we all move to a higher level and stay quiet they will probably go away."

Everyone seemed to be pondering Dan's words. Zane spoke up, "I agree. We will take the elevator 5 at a time. Those who are in good physical shape will take the stairs. Everyone go to rooms 605, 606, and 607."

People began rushing the elevator, jamming fingers at the up button. Dan, Lucas, and the other members of their original group ascended the stairs. They hadn't taken five steps when a lady yelled that the elevator was broken. Dan continued going up, "Sucks for them."

The door closing from below caused Dan to turn and realize his group had went back for the others. "Idiots," Dan said, "They are all going to get themselves killed."

Lucas herded the people of the hotel up the stairs. He sighed as another woman began to gripe about being out of shape. "Listen," Lucas yelled impatiently, "You will be sweaty and out of breath, but you will be alive. So, start climbing."

There were only 25 people left to go when all hell truly broke loose. 30 feet from the place Lucas currently stood held the beginning of the end. The glass door that led to the side parking lot had just shattered into a thousand pieces and zombies were flowing into the hotel. "Hurry up!" Lucas yelled.

Panic set in and he remaining people began to run over each other trying to get up the stairs. "Lucas!" Peyton yelled, "There is another stairwell. Come on!"

Lucas ran to the alternate door. The metal hatch shut behind him just as the wood of the front door splintered and fell into the lobby. Lucas pulled the girls into room 607 and began barricading the doors behind them.

Again sorry for the long delay. I promise to update faster. I don't know how many more chapters this story will have. Criticism is welcomed, but no flames. If you have ideas for future chapters let me know, and if you have story ideas for after this one just let me know!

And remember to review! It will make me happy and save you from being eaten by a zombie