Saving Not Two, but THREE Lives

This idea, this thought came in my head and I was like I so gotta right this! So here I'm at.

READ TO UNDERSTAND: Bruce got Jason way back before Dick so Jason is older like what, 22? He's just that age when Dick is nine kay? Oh, and this is when Jason is Red Hood just to spice things up! ;)


Disclaimer: Sadly... No... AGHH!

A man wearing a red coat over a blue vest and white shirt with a red bow tie, holding a cane and wearing a hat walked through the clod of smoke into the spot light, and giving a greeting wave to the cheering audience. "Welcome! To the Haly International Traveling Circus; Where the world is your oyster!" he exclaimed. The crowd cheered, full of excitement for what they awaited to witness. But no one knew it probably wasn't going to be a pretty picture. High above them, at the opening of the tent, a broad figure sat, looking down.

He wore a red mask and a brown heavy jacket, along with tight black pack at big heavy black steel toed boots. In his left hand was a box of popcorn. "How exciting," his husky voice cooed as he lifted his mask just a bit above his lips to toss a hand of popcorn in his mouth. The buttery flavor seeping into his tastebuds made him moan in delight.

"And we all enjoy these pearls," Haly's voice echoed. He pointed his cane to the tall posts and the spotlight traveled on revealing a young boy with raven hair, named Richard Grayson, on one post and a woman with brittle colored hair, named Mary Grayson, on the other at the bottom. Below them were two males. One was bulky in all sizes named John Grayson, and the other was his brother, George Grayson. All four wore red suits. "The Flying Graysons!"

On que, Mary, the wife of John Grayson swung on her trapeze along with her son Richard. John threw up two green barrels and George shot a hand full of arrows in the air. Both Mary and Richard let go of their trapeze and flew through the barrels and soared past each other gracefully, never getting shot by an arrow George shot. At the end, Richard did a cannon ball twirl for several seconds before grabbing onto the trapeze at the nick of time. The crowd cheered wildly, giving them a standing ovation.

Red hood smirked under the mask in amusement. "Not bad Kid, not bad at all," a crooned, referring to Richard. He hasn't yet seen such a young boy do magnificent tricks like the ones he was witnessing. Kid's got a gift.

"You'll never see a trapeze act like this one, folks!" Haly exclaimed, "and all this is done WITHOUT a net!"

"Ooh how scary!" Red hood teased.

Next, John left George below to go to one post across the one his wife and son were waving at him encouragingly. Little did anyone know that in the audience, a man named Tony Zucco and his gang sat casually. Tony had a deadly grin playing on his face as he chewed on his toothpick. "Why are you smiling, Boss?" one of his crew members asked. Tony chuckled darkly, his eyes focused on John getting ready to swing. He dumped a small box... And the trapeze bolts fell in his palm. His members gawked in shock, piecing together the pieces.

"Let this be a lessons to both the Graysons AND Mr. Haly. NEVER mess with Tony Zucco."

Above, Red Hood was witnessing all this and a small gasp escaped from under his mask. "This can't be good." Throwing his popcorn away, he stood. "I gotta stop this show."

By now, John was swinging with Mary's ankles in his grasps and the two lovers swung to reached for Richard... And they could feel that the insecure ropes were unhooking from their place. Then, a loud SNAP was heard. Richard gazed at the broken ropes then back at his mother with frightened eyes. Mary froze with her hands still reaching for her child... But then she felt both John and her falling to the earth. "Dick!" she yelled, calling her son by his nickname.

Richard reached for his falling parents. "No!"

The audience's breaths hitched in terror, but Tony kept his grin on to await the fate of the Daring Dangers. The at the moment, Red Hood zipped down on a zip line, like a bullet, he pasted Richard. "I got them, Kid!" he exclaimed. Time seemed to slow down...

John and Mary were feet close to hitting the ground...






Like lightning, with strength, Red Hood grabbed the trapeze and swung up, feeling a hard pain his shoulder as he felt it being pulled from his socket. He clenched his teeth shut and with a scream, he swung John and Mary Grayson roughly onto their post, where they nearly died from terror. Everyone, even Tony, was shocked by what they just saw. "Who is this guy?!" Tony hissed among the chattering... Then... All silence broke into cheers. Red hood swung to Mary and John's post, looking at the sobbing couple who were shaking in relief. Mary gazed up at Red Hood with grateful eyes. "Th-thank you... Thank you," she whispered.

Red Hood nodded, holding his shoulder. "Tați! Mama!" a young voice came inches away. John and Mary chuckled and gathered who was a worried Richard in their arms. The raven haired boy shook with relief sobs, glad to know that his parents were alive and well. "Oh my little Robin!" Mary chuckled, kissing her son on the head. Red Hood smiled under the mask at the sight, but then gazed to see that Tony Zucco was gone...

Another bastard on my hit list, Red Hood thought silently.

He looked down at Richard who gazed up at him with a little nervousness in his ocean blues. "Th-thank you... For saving my Tați and mama," he said shakily. "Your welcome, Kid," Red Hood replied gently. He then turned around and used his uninjured arm to swing himself up on the zipline, and out the tent. Richard raised an eyebrow and stood. Curiosity had caught him. Who was this guy? Why did he save his parents? A smile stretched on his lips and he stared climbing higher up the ladder. "Dick! Get down from there!" Mary scolded. "I'll be back Mom," Richard replied. John chuckled and placed a hand on his wife's shoulder. "Let him go. Come on, let's get to George and Haly. Looks like they are expressing their concern for us."

Richard had made it on the tent just in time to see Red Hood walking casually away with his hands in his jacket pockets. A smile brightened on the boy's face. "Hey! Wait up!" he called. Red Hood turned around to see the boy sliding down the tent carelessly. His breath hitched a bit in fear that he might fall down, but Richard jumped and did a front flip on the building roof he was on. Red Hood released a relieved breath. "Jesus, Kid. Did you not just see your parents about to fall to their death moments ago?" he growled. Richard blushed shyly and rubbed the back of his neck. "S'rry. I just... Wanted to know your name," he said.

"Red Hood."

"Red Hood?" Dick smiled. "Cool. Well... Thanks again for saving my family, Red Hood. It means a lot to me and everyone else."

"Happy to help, Kid... What's your name? It would be a sure darn pain to keep calling you 'Kid' after witnessing that wild performance you gave," Red Hood exclaimed. Richard's eyes brightened. "You saw what I did?!" he asked in excitement. Red Hood nodded and crouched down to Richard's height on one knee. "You bet, and it was the BEST circus act AND act I have ever seen someone do," he said. Richard smiled even wider. 'Thanks. My name is Richard, but people call me Dick."

"Ouch. Not nice."

Dick giggled. "No! That's my nickname. Dick Grayson."

"Dick Grayson?... I like it."

With that, Red Hood stood and ruffled Dick's hair. "See ya around, Dick," he said and began walking away. "W-wait!" Dick yelled and ran after. He grabbed Red Hood's jacket. Red Hood looked down at the boy who gave him pleading eyes. "Don't go," Dick whimpered. Red hood stared at him with his helmet eyes before pulling off the helmet, revealing masked eyes and black hair. Richard's eyes glistened in awe. "Sorry Dick, but I can't stay."

"Please? Can you at least stay for the night? Over dinner? My mom and dad would surely enjoy getting to know their hero..." Dick smiled. 'And mine." Red Hood thought for a second and though of that guy in the bleachers...the guy who tried killing Dick's family... He should make sure they are safe for the night. Looking back at the boy, he sighed and rubbed his head. "One night won't hurt I guess," he chuckled. Dick did a whoop in the air and grabbed Red Hood by the hand, dragging him back to his trailer.

"This is going to be so cool! I have these cool board games and this one ninja sword! Oh, and Sasha would enjoy meeting you!"


"She's my friend. An elephant. But don't point out her left tusk, she is very skeptical about that. Terry the Tiger was VERY hungry that night."

Red Hood smiled nervously. "Oh, can't wait to meet her..."

What do you think? Should I continue? Will I ever finish a story? Review!