
Once we finally wrestled Kate down for her second nap of the day, Paul escaped to the kitchen to make an attempt at blue pasta. Sally had him indoctrinated to the "way of the blue food" even before their wedding. It was cute really. We all had our coping mechanisms. Mine was Annabeth's old laptop. After fixing the furniture set up of the living room back to its "pre-battle" state, I settled down on the sofa next to my sister's crib with my laptop open. I found solace sifting through Annabeth's old files. Most of them were unfinished building plans or designs for replenish-able energy plants… I only understood a quarter of it. NOT because I'm stupid. It was because she was a genius. One of a kind…

I really shouldn't talk about her. It still makes me uncomfortable.

My life was peaceful. Nothing was going on at S.H.E.I.L.D., Paul's students were keeping up with the curriculum, and Kate could sleep through anything once we got her down. Of course, the apartment was lonelier now that Sally was gone, but we made do.

I closed the laptop and sighed. Looking around the apartment, memories from when I was younger could be found everywhere. We hadn't been able to keep up with everything so the scent of lemon furniture polish had faded a long time ago, but if I concentrated, I could just imagine my mother opening the window, the fresh air flowing in and spreading the lemony scent around the place.

"Dinners on the stove if you want some." Paul leaned against the doorway to the kitchen joining me in my nostalgia. It was a nice silence. One we often shared… The pasta was good. Not quite the same as how Sally made it, but it was getting there. The color was just a little off. It was darker than usual.

"I know that work is secret and I'll get the whole If-I-told-you-I'd-have-to-kill-you spiel but did you have a good way at work? I remember you telling me about some forms for a gun range?" Paul had stopped eating and leaned back on his chair, his hair looking greyer than usual.

With a mouthful of blue pasta "My SO says if I can't INTENTIONALLY hit something by the end of testing, he'll put me on desk duty. You had me in your class. You know how bad that would be." I continued eating. I wasn't made for desk jobs. All that paperwork, signing things, answering phones; I wouldn't handle it without the ADHD and dyslexia either. I wondered if the Sweet on America candy store was hiring.

After munching in silence, it was my job to wash the dishes while Paul settled down with grading in the living room and to watch the baby. She must have been tired from all her fussing earlier since she didn't stir. She always liked it when I cleaned. I would use my powers to make little horses and fish dance around her head. Sometimes the only thing that got her to sleep was a Pegasus mobile made of water floating above her crib.

A cool breeze flowed in through the window. It was a beautiful day outside. The sun was shining and the muted sounds of the urban hustle and bustle outside could be heard. There were a few small cracks in the tableware that formed when sally dropped them years ago. I caressed their edges under the water, feeling those same cracks within.

Adrenaline coursed through my being. Something was coming.

A knock sounded on the front door.

We both jumped to action, Paul grabbing Kate from her crib and moving out to the kitchen while I formed three floating ice daggers that were at the ready to attack. I approached the door with caution. I looked through the peep hole and saw the slightly blurry image of my SO and another standing outside the door. After signaling the all clear and disposing of the daggers back into the sink with the dirty dishes, Paul placed Kate back into her crib and I let in our guests.

My SO, Agent Folkerson, was an older agent. One that had retired before the HYDRA infiltration was discovered. He was brought back in due to the staff shortage to train the influx of new members. I had a large nose hanging over a white mustache. Kinda like Santa Clause… if Santa was my own personal smiling demon from Tartarus.

Agent Folkerson walked in, followed by an agent I didn't recognize. "Agent Jackson. How's your aim coming along? I talked with Avis and he says you have gotten worse, but I wanted to hear it from you." Folkerson sat down on the other end of the couch from Paul while the unknown Agent remained standing, looking around with curiosity. The stranger looked like a happy man, seemed like the type to always smile. He had sandy hair with smile lines on his face and his gaze lingered on Paul and Kate before settling on me.

"I think I have been improving. Avis just doesn't like me sir. I have been getting closer and closer! Maybe next time I will actually hit the darn thing!"

"Calm down Jackson. I'm not here to test you. In fact, the long-range weaponry part of your exam has been waved. Apparently, you have friends in high places." Folkerson gestured to the stranger that came with him.

"This is Director Coulson. He says that you have more than proven your ability and that he has a job for you."

Walking down the hallway of a middle-class apartment building, Agent Coulson listened to his old friend describe his student with great affection. Boasting over his persistence to succeed, his aversion to paperwork (which Coulson could sympathize with), his skills as a one on one fighter, and his passion for taking care of his family.

Coulson couldn't help but compare Folkerson's description with the one he gained in the underworld. Stories and second hand accounts that conveyed strength and humility and leadership. Folkerson's account fit more in with Sally's and Annabeth's stories; that Percy was a loving individual who cared for others more than himself and had weaknesses that made him better.

They eventually stopped at an apartment that didn't look any different than the others. There were some scuff marks at the base of the front door that told a story of being opened many times and mistreated by shoes as it was held open. Folkerson knocked and Coulson could hear shuffling as someone walked over.

The door creaked open and Coulson was met with intense green eyes, racking his figure up and down for threats. After having passed some sort of test, the door shut once more and the clinking of chains could be heard before opening once more revealing a small New York apartment, nothing different from any of the others, but the feeling in this household was good. There were toys in the corner that looked like they went through a lazy clean up, probably belonging to the sleeping baby in its crib. The walls were a calm blue color and the place smelled like pasta and cookies. The couch was old and torn and yet still overstuffed and comfortable. There were old crayon drawings on the wall. The Living room/Kitchen area was small, but cozy. This is a happy family… or was a happy family. Despite the welcoming looks of the apartment, there was an aura of mourning.

Coulson had done his research and knew that Sally, the woman who he met in the Underworld, had left behind a husband and a newborn. The husband's name was Paul Blofis, an English teacher at Goode High school now far from here. He had no record other than the occasional Parking ticket. The newborn was well taken care of with both the father's and the brother's salaries coming in. Coulson turned his attention to Percy.

Folkerson had just introduced Coulson and told Percy the news.

"A pleasure to meet you Percy. I have heard much about you and have high hopes for you in the agency." Coulson moved to shake the young man's hand. Percy gave a firm hand shake. So firm that it almost hurt. "I have a team that has been assigned for a longer mission and your skills would…"

Before Coulson could finish, the sound of a phone ringing came from down the hall. Paul quickly got up to answer it.

"As I was saying, it would be greatly ap…"

"Percy, it's for you and you might want to take this one!" Paul called out as he quickly walked back into the living room with an urgent expression.

Percy turned to Coulson and apologized, then walked to his room closing the door. "Would either of you like cookies? I made some for dessert after dinner, and they should be just about done by now." Without waiting for a reply, Paul rushed over to the oven to remove the odd blue circles. Why anyone would make cookies blue, Coulson would never understand.

There was a lingering awkwardness in the room now that Percy have left. Folkerson looked slightly put-off by the sudden exit, but that faded the moment that cookies were supplied. They were delicious. The flavor brought back memories of when Coulson's mother would bake for him and the neighbor's kids. After a long day of catch, they would all come in and have soup and cookies (not in that order of course). She would smile and tell them to slow down.

"These are sensational! Where did you get the recipe?" Coulson needed to know. He wanted to have these more often. Paul gave a sad smile as he set the plate down in the coffee table. "This is my late wife's recipe. She always made these when guests were over." Paul became lost in thought.

The Baby started to stir from its nap. Coulson went over and gave Paul a look, asking to pick her up. She was a heavy baby. Coulson could tell that it was a she. She had a tuft of light brown hair like her father, and blue-grey eyes that she must have gotten from her mother.

The peace was short lived though because once she caught sight of who was holding her, she let out an ear piercing screech. Tears started to form in her eyes as she struggled to get out of the strange man's hold.

"Paul! What happened!?" Percy ran back into the living room and snatched the babe out of Coulson's arms. She immediately quieted and gave her brother a smile.

"I am telling you! You are the only person in this universe that can make her happy. She liked me at first, but as the weeks went by, she started to notice that I wasn't you... so what did they say?" Paul gestured back to Percy's room where he was on the phone.

"They said they would take care of everything." Percy gave Paul a weird look that Coulson only caught because he was looking for it. Coulson smiled. He knew there was something else going on, but he didn't pry.

"If you don't mind, we should get back to the reason we're here. I'm not getting any younger." Folkerson was getting impatient. The only thing that kept him from yelling at his student was the cookies and the baby's presence.

Everyone sat down, Percy still holding the baby. "I want you to join my team on a mission. This is only a onetime thing if you don't want to join the team permanently, so you can come right back to New York afterwards, but we do need you for this. You willing to sign up?"

Percy's POV

I don't have a phone… Percy quickly made his way over to his room, apologizing for the interruption. Once there, I knew why Paul wanted me to take this one. Sitting on the bed was my father, Lord Poseidon, God of the seas, seated on my blue twin-sized mattress and looking uncomfortable, fidgeting with his trident.

"Hello son…" I walked over and sat next to him. He looked guilty, like he didn't like what he was about to say. "The council has a favor to ask of you. Before you say it, we know you're retired and need some time away after… after sally passed, but circumstances have changed…"

I knew it. I had made friends with most of the gods and goddesses on the council, but once they were in an official meeting, things were done for the greater good of Olympus and all emotional attachments to anything other than duty were disregarded. Poseidon cared about me. Poseidon was there when Kate was born, there when Sally and Paul got married, and even took me out surfing for my 18th birthday. I knew he loved me, which was why I was willing to forgive him for anything he asked.

"What do you need me to do? Keep in mind that I have Kate and Paul to take care of." Poseidon took a deep breath and avoided direct eye contact.

Poseidon spoke quickly, like he was ripping of a Band-Aid. "We need you to accept the mortal, Coulson's, offer. We need you on this mission and yes, we will compensate you and care for Paul and Kate in the meantime. The council has decided that Coulson must be watched and that the safe completion of his mission will be a benefit. We would have asked someone else of ours already established in the agency, but he was already going to ask you… for reasons we are still trying to understand."

They sat in silence for a moment, Poseidon looking at the floor and me thinking about what I would say next. "As long as you keep your promise to help take care of Kate, then Paul can take care of himself. I have money put away in the bank for an emergency and my income will still be coming in. All that's really needed is for someone to watch Kate while Paul is at work."

Poseidon sighed with relief and smiled. "Did you like the touch with the phone? I didn't want your guests to see me." I let out a short laugh. The atmosphere in the room felt much better. We talked. Comfortable conversation and intermittent comfortable silences followed until I heard the sound of Kate's pitiful screaming.

"Your master is calling for you." Poseidon joked. "I love you and remember what I said." I averted my eyes as he disappeared in a burst of divine deadly light and an ocean breeze. I then rushed to care for my sister.

"I'll do it." Coulson watched as Percy smiled at his sister and bounced her up and down on his lap. Her giggles gave Coulson a happy feeling. The aura in the apartment was much better than when he first arrived. Things were going to get better, and he was going to help. This mission would help him to better understand Percy and to get to the bottom of his Underworld experience. Percy had all the answers he needed. Coulson knew that this was a good idea. He just wondered how his team would react to the change.