I was the night. The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself, one of the most powerful creatures of all time.

Or so the legends went.

I didn't care about the legends. I was having too much fun, soaring through the sky over one of the Humans largest homes. It unnerved me, how they had gone from small wooden settlements to huge sprawling forests of stone within my lifetime. And the light! It was never truly dark here.

Another reason the Humans could not be trusted.

And there were plenty. They were scared of me. They always ran away screaming, or more often, attacked me.

They hated me, and I them.

But I left these thoughts behind as I climbed above the clouds, pumping my wings, up, down, up, down.

And then I tucked them in, rolled over in mid-air, and dived back towards the ground. The wind whistled past my head as I carved through the air, ever accelerating. I wanted to roar, to let loose a plasma blast, but could not reveal myself. The Humans were becoming ever-more observant, and would notice.

The forest of stone approached me at an incredible speed, and with perfect timing, I snapped my wings out and levelled out, flew low over the top of one of the Human homes, and descended onto the Human settlement.

It was risky – It was not dark enough to truly hide here, especially close to the ground, but there were a few places.

I found an abandoned area, and glided down into a running landing.

The place stank – the sickly sweet smell of the breath of those noisy, unresponsive things Humans use to get around, and no plants, no other animals. And more faintly, sinister undertones of Human.

I blew a jet of flame on the ground to warm it up, and curled up to sleep.

I would leave in the morning – there was not enough food here. It was no place for a Dragon

I awoke to the sound of approaching footsteps. I silently inhaled. I knew that scent all too well.


I listened carefully. There were several of them, sneaking towards me.

"What exactly is it?"

"Not sure. The humanspeak said it looked like a giant bird. humanspeak checked the humanspeak humanspeak, and it looked more like a crocodile. The only thing they were sure about was that it was dangerous. And large."

"This is a job for animal control. You don't need special forces to kill an animal."

"well, maybe – shhh! It's over there."

They did not know I could understand them. I did not get everything they said, but I knew what they were talking about. Killing me.

I opened one slightly. There were two Humans in sight at the other end of the room, and I could hear another three breathing, just outside. They could not see me very well. I was generally not seen unless I wanted to be, but this area was too light and small too hide properly.

But I still had every other advantage.

They did not know what they were up against, and I could see far better than them. And I could fly.

They were nervous.

I slowly stood up on my hind legs, keeping my eyes narrowed to slits.

They crept closer.

I snapped my wings, opened my eyes wide, and dropped to all fours, crouching, ready to spring, a growl in my throat.

They leapt back, but did not run.

The smell of their fear intensified, though.

I lowered my head, and opened my mouth, which was already filling with fire-breath.

They seemed even more scared at this, eyes wide with shock.

And then I lit my fire-breath, and fired a blast at the Human on the right. He flew backwards, landing several metres away, and did not move, unlike me.

By the time he landed, I was already past him, spreading my wings. With a leap, I soared into the air. There was shouting from the Humans, but I ignored them and circled round, ready to head towards the colder, less inhabited areas.

But before I got more than twenty body lengths forward, something leapt at me. I swerved to avoid it, But it was too big, and wrapped around me.

My wings were trapped, and I plummeted back towards the earth. I thrashed, trying to break free, and there was a pain in my tail.

I hit the ground hard and everything faded into blackness.

When I awoke I hurt all over, but especially in my right tail fin.

I could still feel the net – I knew now what it was – and my wings were pressed tightly against my body, one foreleg awkwardly trapped.

I opened my eyes to daylight, and saw a human standing over me.

"A dragon... we shot down a dragon... no way." He muttered, staring at me.

I recognized his voice. He was the Human from last night, the one on the left.

He pointed his weapon at me, the ones that throw hot pieces of metal too fast to avoid.

"You killed Matt... so I'm going to kill you."

But he didn't. He just stood staring.

And then he raised his weapon to his shoulder, looking along the length of it.

He was going to kill me.

I groaned and closed my eyes, and then opened them again and looked him in the eye.

He was younger than I had first thought, barely fully grown. Night Fury's live far longer than Humans, or almost any other creature for that matter, but mentally I was probably the same age as him.

"Please don't kill me." I whispered, thinking he wouldn't understand. But he did, he could see that I didn't want to die.

So he looked away, breaking the connection, and took a deep breath.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the end.

There was a lot I hadn't done. There were places I had wanted to explore, I could have found a mate...

Then everything went black again.

A/N: To clarify any confusion:
Toothless is thousands of years old, and has been around since viking times. However, because dragons more or less became extinct when he was young (about the same age he is in the movie), he hasn't grown up mentally.

He's lived this long because in my AU, Night Furies are immortal, at least until they mate. They can be killed, but won't die of old age.

Also, having done a bit of exploration in his time, Toothless has pretty much figured out english. When he hears a word he doesn't understand (and has no way of guessing what it means from context) you'll see humanspeak in it's place.