Fangrai-forever prompt 196: When Claire 'Lightning' Farron (the most famous woman in Cocoon) is stopped for speeding she's not sure if she should be irked or intrigued by the beautiful, brunette policewoman who claims to have no idea who she is.

I filled my own prompt again because I am a *#%&head.

Warning: lesbians, must know what I'm like by now.

Disclaimer: Square Enix owns everything including my brain.

Claire 'Lightning' Farron raced through the streets of Bodhum. She looked at her watch again and cursed. She was late. Today's filming had overrun due to problems with the set and now she was going to be late for Serah's and Snow's rehearsal dinner. It had taken Lightning a long time to come to terms with Serah's relationship with her co-star but they were finally in a place where Lightning was happy about Serah's pending nuptials. However if she turned up late, Serah will think that she had done it to make a point and she can kiss any geniality between the three of them goodbye. Plus she could already imagine the tongue-lashing she was going to get from her irate sister.

Shifting down into third gear she accelerated out of a corner and sped into a leafy suburb, travelling too fast to notice the police motorcycle hidden at the roadside.

Lightning cursed her bad luck as the bright police LED lights flashed in her rearview mirror along with a few blasts of the motorcycle's loud siren. With an aggravated sigh Lightning checked her mirrors, indicated and pulled up next to the sidewalk. Why, oh why of all the nights for this to happen did it have to happen tonight, she bemoaned. She turned off her engine and watched the police officer in her rearview mirror dismount their motorcycle and approach the driver side. This wasn't the first time this had happened to the TV star. If fact it happened so regularly that she was pretty sure the police had her plates on alert, just so they can stop her under some pretence and ask her for her autograph.

It was a complete waste of her time and highly irritating.

The female police officer stopped at the driver's door and quickly looked over the car and its occupant. "Going a little fast back there weren't you ma'am," she said in a foreign accent.

Lightning tutted and took a well-used Sharpie out of her inside breast pocket. She knew exactly how this worked. "Can we just get this over with, I'm in a hurry."

The dark-haired woman chuckled. "Oh well, I am so very sorry to be an inconvenience to you and your day," she said sarcastically with a slight bow. She took out her traffic ticket booklet and a pen. "Licence and registration please."

Lightning's head snapped up to look at the police woman in astonishment. Dressed in the black leathers of the Bodhum motorcycle cops and open white helmet. The only thing she could tell from the woman's appearance was that she was a brunette (due to a few strands of dark brown hair that had escaped her helmet), but apart from that she was unreadable probably due to the large aviator sunglasses that covered half her face.

"What?" The TV star said in shock. That was the last thing Lightning expected her to say.

The officer looked up from whatever she was writing down, took off her sunglasses and pocketed them. Her green eyes locked with Lightning. "Licence...and registration...pretty...please," she said in a firm voice.

Is she being serious? Didn't she know who she was? Lightning took off her own sunglasses. "Seriously?"

The policewoman eyes narrowed slightly as she regarded the TV star but there wasn't a hint of recognition. "Deadly," the woman responded simply and the serious look on her face told Lightning that she meant it.

Lightning hands dropped to her lap, along with a jaw. She couldn't remember the last time someone didn't recognise who she was. Lightning loathed to do this. She wasn't the type to use her fame to her advantage but she had a reputation to uphold. She was the golden girl of the TV industry and if the newspapers found out she had received a speeding ticket she'd never hear the last of it. And her agent Sazh would burst a blood vessel.

She was already cringing and she hadn't even said it yet.

"Do you know who I am?"

The policewoman sighed in exasperation, wondering why she always managed to pull over the divas. "Can't say that I do." She pointed her pen at the pinkette. "Say," she said, tilting her head thoughtfully and bringing her pen to tap against her bottom lip, "you know what might help?"

"What?" Lightning said with a small hopefully smile. An autograph? A selfie?

The officer's smile dropped. "Ya licence and registration."

Lightning hesitated for a moment, biting her bottom lip as she regarded the officer thoughtfully. Maybe she was just following protocol, maybe if she complied the woman would just give her a warning. And maybe the licence, with her real name, would jog the woman's memory. Turning away she took her handbag off the passenger, dropped in the Sharpie and routed around in her purse for her documents.

The woman took Lightning's cards and checked them over. She looked at Lightning, then at her licence, then at Lightning. Lightning held her breath. "So Miss Farron do you have any idea how fast you were going back there?"

Lightning let out the breath she had been holding in surprise as the officer didn't even comment on her name. Is she fucking with me? She turned in her seat to follow the brunette walking around her convertible writing down the details. "Look, officer?"

"Yun," the policewoman answered walking back around to the driver's side, and to Lightning's horror still writing out the ticket.

"Officer Yun." She paused. Am i really going to try this. "Is there some thing that I could..."

The brunette's eyes narrowed and she shook her head in disbelief as Lightning hesitated over what to say. It was late, her shift was nearly over and the last thing she wanted to do on a Friday night was arrest this woman for trying to bribe an officer and then wait around for transport to take her to the cop shop. But that didn't mean she wasn't going to exact some sort of punishment on the woman for acting like a prima-diva jackass. Speeding and the way she was currently acting, she was obviously desperate to get some where on time - well prepare to be fashionably late sweetheart, thought Officer Yun. Before Lightning could indict herself Yun interjected.

"Step out of the car please Miss Farron," she said opening the driver's door. She leaned down when Lightning remained motionless, looking up at her with an incredulous expression on her face. Obviously this diva wasn't used to being told what to do. "Out of the car," she ordered. Lightning complied and got out, folding her arms and frowning at the policewoman. Yun took a moment to glance over the woman's tailored dark blue power suit and white button-downed shirt as she closed the car door. Cute, she thought idly, shame about the attitude.

She brought Lightning around to the front of her car and took off her helmet letting her brunette hair fall over her shoulders. With a contented sigh she sat down and forced herself not to grin at the resulting horrified expression on the rich woman's face as she made herself comfortable on the bonnet of the woman's very expensive car.

"Step onto the line please ma'am." She held a hand out to the road marking beside the pavement.

"I'm not drunk!" Lightning exclaimed. She would never do anything as stupid as drink and drive and was offended that the officer would even think so.

"The sooner we do this," she reasoned with the stubborn woman, placing her helmet on her knees, "the sooner you can go."

"Fine," Lightning begrudgingly agreed, stepping onto the line and trying her best to be compliant. It wasn't easy. She listened as Yun explained the test- walk the line, heel-to-toe, hands at your side - but barely paid attention, too preoccupied with her thoughts.

Lightning was so famous now that she couldn't go anywhere without being mobbed by crowds of fans, so much so that she longed for the days when she could just walk outside her house as another unknown ordinary person. And yet she felt dejected because this one woman didn't have a clue who she was. It was no longer just about the ticket, she realised watching the commanding, attractive officer run a hand through her wavy dark hair. She wanted the brunette to recognise her; to see her for who she was and be in awe. So much so that when she had walked the line and Yun asked her to turn and come back, she acted without thinking.

Following the road marking, she put her arms straight up into the air and fell into front layout, then a forward flip and finished with a perfect front aerial right at Officer Yun's feet.

Yun's eyebrows were arched in surprise as the pinkette landed in front of her. Slightly out of breath but pleased with her awesome performance Lightning tilted her hip and put her hand on it waiting for the stunned officer's response. Cocky little so and so, Fang grinned impressed by the woman's flashy arrogant display. This woman suddenly became interesting.

This woman was testing her authority. She stood with a sudden overwhelming desire to be nose-to-nose with the pinkette. Usually when she thought a perp was being disrespectful towards her she'd have their arses in jail quicker than you can say 'contempt of cop'. But instead she felt a thrill run up her spine when Farron didn't step away and defiantly held her gaze with a matching domineering smirk. She wondered how far she would have to push the beautiful woman before she backed down. Or maybe her intense, challenging stare wasn't just bravado and she would never submit. It sent another electric bolt up the competitive officer's spine.

She was so close to doing something she almost forgot herself.

Farron was the first to move. Keeping her eyes locked with the brunettes she moved indiscernibly closer until their faces were almost touched. Her breath was hot on Yun's skin and her expensive perfume filled Yun's senses until she felt dizzy. The officer's grip tightened on her standard-issued helmet and ticket book as Farron leaned in and the feel of it beneath her finger tips reminded Yun why she had ended up so close to the woman in the first place.

Despite being an easygoing fun-loving person Yun wasn't lying. She may be a relatively lenient cop compared to other police officers but she was deadly serious about her job. She took a deep composing breath and stepped away from temptation, missing the disappointed look on Farron's face as she tipped her head forward to put on her helmet. It wasn't without regret that she put some distance between them but she had a job to do and that job was almost done. It was just the ticket and she decided, some verbal discipline.

"Okay ma'am you're free to go," she tore of the woman's ticket from the booklet. "But In answer to your first question I really don't know who you are and I don't really care," she said honestly. "I wouldn't care if you were goddess Etro herself, racing through the suburbs at 40 miles an hour in a 30 mile zone on the back of a behemoth, I still would have pulled ya over. The law is the law. These restrictions have put in place not to be an inconvenience to you but to protect our citizens from harm. Because whether you're Etro on a behemoth or Miss Claire Farron in her beemer if you hit a person while travelling at 40 miles an hour they are 90% more likely to die than if you hit them at 30." She handed Farron her speeding ticket and was pleased that the woman at least had the decency to look ashamed as she took it. "Why don't you think about that and keep an eye on your speed. Have a good night Miss Farron."

Lightning watched Officer Yun walk away in her tight, form-fitting black leathers and mount her motorcycle. She fastened the chin strap of her helmet before she turned on her engine and sped off into the night without sparing the TV star a second glance. Lightning looked down at her watch and cursed at time. Yun's lecture wasn't the last tongue-lashing was going to get tonight she predicted, but it was quite possibly the worst.


The next day Officer Oerba Yun Fang sat at her desk writing up the report of her incident with the speeding pinkette. Putting her details into the police database she pressed search and an unsmiling photo of Miss Claire Farron popped up onto her computer screen. Not one prior, not even a parking ticket. So why was she acting like I should know her? the brunette questioned searching the intriguing woman's image and information for clues but there was nothing.

Leaning back in her seat she looked over at her partner's desk. Vanille and her had been best friends from an early age and were practically sisters. They had always done everything together even joining the police force. So when Vanille had been transfered from Oerba to Bodhum for a promotion, Fang had immediately put her name down on the transfer list and arrived last week, almost six months later than the redhead. Consequently Vanille had been here a lot longer and probably knew everyone worth knowing in the city of Bodhum.

"Hey Vanille," she said to attract the redheads attention from the reports she was reading.

"Yep?" Vanille chirped without looking up.

"Do you know a Miss Claire Farron?"

Vanille head snapped up from her desk. "Claire Farron?" Fang answered with a nod. "As in Claire 'Lightning' Farron?"

"Nah just Claire Farron. I pulled her over last night for speeding in her beemer and..."

She stopped mid-sentence as Vanille dropped her pen and scrambled around the table, knocking some reports onto the floor in her excitement to look at Fang's computer and Miss Farron's photo. She gasped. "Lightning Farron," she pointed at the screen. "You pulled over Lightning Farron and you spoke to her."

Fang frowned at Vanille's awestruck expression. "Errrrr yeah, looks like it."

"You pulled over Lightning Farron and spoke to her," Vanille repeated sounding a little bewildered. And then a thought suddenly occurred to her. Standing upright, her face changed from amazed to fuming in the space of a millisecond. "You pulled over Lightning Farron and spoke to her, and you didn't tell me!" She suddenly yelled, clipping Fang around the ear.

Fang pitched forward slightly as Vanille's hand connected with her head. "Owww, what the hell Vanille!" She complained in astonishment, rubbing her sore ear and glaring up at the angry redhead. Growing up with the redhead she was used to Vanille's reprimands but this time she had no idea what she had done to incur the woman's wrath. "Why would I tell you. I just thought she was another perp with an inflated ego."

"You don't know who she is?" Vanille asked through her teeth. Fang shook her head. "So ya didn't get me an autograph!" She chastised, giving Fang a harder smack around the other ear.

"Oww bloody hell!" Fang growled giving her friend a push. "That really hurt Vanille. What the hell is the matter with you?" She held onto her damaged ear and kept both eyes on the irrate partner to intercept any further attacks. What could Claire Farron have done to cause such a fanatical reaction from her partner? Hearing some sniggers and chuckles from some of other officers at Fang's being aggressively rebuked by the small redhead, Fang scrunched up some waste paper with her free hand and threw it at the nearest amused offender.

"Fang, I luuuuvvvvv Lightning Farron! She's the star of my favourite TV series of all time 'Guardian Corps: Peace and Protection'. It's huge in Cocoon, everybody watches it. How do you not know who she is?" Vanille lamented, dramatically dragging her fingertips over her face as she looked up at the heavens and grieved for the missed opportunity of obtaining Claire Farron's signature.

Ah geez, Fang rolled her eyes as she understood why Vanille was so upset, another thing Vanille was obsessing over. If it wasn't a TV programme, it was a computer game, and if if it wasn't a game it was a book - she put the geek in geek-chic. "Give me a break Vanille I only moved here last week. I haven't even finished unpacking." She didn't even have a TV yet.

Vanille's eyes widened excitedly as it suddenly occurred to the avid fan that it wouldn't be a conplete loss, she could introduce Fang to the wonders of GCPP. She grabbed Fang's collar, pulled the brunette towards her and said in one breath. "IhaveeveryepisodeonDVDyou shouldcomeoverandwatchittonight."

Fang looked down at Vanille's hands tightly gripping her collar and then back up at the woman's feverish, breathless enthusiasm. Saying no was probably a bad idea.

I could not be bothered to convert the speed to km an hour, sorry I'm lazy, but I think you get the idea and the stats as completely true. I pretty much gave Fang's lecture to my sister when she was caught speeding and bemoaning her luck. It just lacked Etro on a behemoth, sadly she wouldn't understand the reference.

One more chapter to go and its nearly finished.