I'm sorry this is the end. I have lost all hope with this story. I find it more of a chore than a fun thing to write. I'm very sorry but enjoy the end!

- Time skip five months -

It has been five months since that incident and nothing has occurred between Zeref and I. He left me at the library after that day. I heard he made some new friends and we haven't talked since. Per usual I have been studying. In fact I have put my university application to Saint Fiore, the best in the country. It has an amazing course for law. I know my life sounds boring again but at least I'm happy.

I was walking to school again, alone. The schools spring uniform is much nicer than the winter uniform. I always pass Zeref in the mornings but again we never talk. We even walk on separate sides. I don't even know why he stopped talking to me. I also haven't spoken to Matt 's weird for some reason I feel sad that Zeref hasn't spoken to me and is ignoring me. I was only his "friend" for a few days. The date today was the 30th of May, so nothing that interesting, well a part from since it's a tuesday I can eat curry bread.

Whilst walking I heard a phone ringing. It was Zeref's. I quickly glanced to find him answering it. "Hello? Oh hey auntie Liz." He smiled when he heard her voice. I continued to walk on yet still catching their conversation. "Thanks, tell Jeremy I can't wait to see them either" Jeremy was his cousin if I remember. "I'm on my way to school so can we talk later? Thank you, bye!" He hung up. Now that I thought of it the 30th of May rang a bell. I don't remember why. Maybe it was because I would be leaving school in a month. Graduation day.

Being lost in thought was when he caught my eyes. We both stopped and stared for a moment before quickly turning away and continuing to walk on. Why was he doing this to me?! "Stupid car!" I heard from up a head. it was Matt.
"Matt?" I called him out.
"Mavis hey!" He turned to me. "Sorry this stupid junk of metal isn't opening. I took the keys from him and in one simple move opened the car. I smiled at him while he was frowning. I then remembered that his school was only a train ride away. It was cheep. Why would he need a car? I asked him that "Well I dropped out of school" I was shocked, my jaw dropped. He had always been so smart and serious! "Well you see I had an argument with my parents and gave it up. I was only working hard for them as I was afraid of what they'd say. For once I stood up for myself. Anyways I saved up and my boyfriend and I are planning to go somewhere."
"Boyfriend?" I asked if I heard him wrong.
"Yeah he is the sweetest look" There was a picture of the two of them hugging as his lock screen. I congratulated him as we both laughed.

Matt's eyes wandered off when he said "Oh hey Zeref! Long time no see!" Zeref was staring at us. He looked shocked. He must of heard us.
"Yea-Yeah" He stuttered. I awkwardly smiled.
"So how far have you two got" We both gave him a look of confusion, "You know third base? Fourth? Fifth?"
"No, ehm, we, I have to go bye!" Zeref ran off with a red colour painted onto his cheeks.
"What was that about?" Matt asked.
"I don't know. Four months ago something happened with the girls at our school and since then we haven't talked" I explained. "it doesn't matter, I'm our of there in a month." Matt laughed to reassure me.
"Well I better get going" He climbed into his car "Nice seeing you" I waved him off as he drove off.
"Good luck!" I shouted. His parents are tough.

I entered the school by myself. "Look she's back again" I heard someones comment. How typical.
"Freak!" I heard some one yell. I continued to walk on ignoring them. "OI!" The same girl yelled. I saw them in the corner of my eye storming over to me. The stopped me by pulling on my shoulder to push me back. "Don't ignore me!" She yelled. I didn't recognize her and to be honest I couldn't be fucked.
"Can you let me go?" I asked. They were stunned that I would talk back. "You're hurting me" I gestured towards my shoulder. Her eyes flamed with hatred. The girl raised her hand a punched me right in the face knocking me to the floor.
"Don't be so rude!" I could hear the chanting begin.

The pain flooded my body like a ton of bricks. I just wanted to die there. I had had enough. It is his fault it got worse! Why had he stopped talking to me?! If he stayed by my side at least I would be able to avoid this bullying crap! why..why..why...WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY- "STOP IT!" He screamed shoving them out of the way. His bold movement was just like how he saved me at the library. I could feel his hands cup my face. "Mavis? Mavis are you okay?" I smiled at him. He was here. He still cared. "I'm sorry I have been ignoring you! I thought if I did this would all stop! Please be okay!" The bruise on my cheek lifted with my smile. It comforted him. I knew then I lo-
"MAVIS VERMILION!" The girl took me by the collar lifting me away from Zeref. "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST DIE ALREADY?!" She was strong. She began to drag my weak body to the road.
"I-I ca-ca- brea" I was frightened for my life.
"LET HER GO!" Zeref scrambled past the group of watchers.
"Fine!" She threw me on to the road.

Honestly, I believe she thought there was nothing coming. She just hoped that I could break an arm or a leg. It was the worst outcome. The horn that blew. The screams. "Mavis!" That idiot ran out to my body. Other joined in not knowing what to do to save us. There was nothing to do. Before we even knew it, it happened.

We were hit by a truck.




I should of explained at the beginning. This isn't some form of simple love story. This was the story about how the boy I loved and I died. Death comes to us all in different ways and at different times. It can be in any form. Death is a terrible thing but with out it the world would be over crowded. Back to Zeref and I. We were hit head on by the lorry. It took us both. The doctors couldn't do anything. The girl from school was going to have to do her time. The driver was also done for as he went over the speed limit whilst outside a school. However both of these people did not expect for this to happen. My grandmother would have to go on by herself, but Zeref's family were there for her.

It now hit me. The 30th of May..the day my parents died. i had wiped it from my mind as it used to eat me up. I had to. Even though it was horrible to forget them. I had to. We never done anything for their death. Both of them were buried in my home town. Zeref and I were put next to them.

All I could see was darkness. "Mavis" He whispered to me. I spun. I saw nothing. "I'm here" He emerged from the shadows. I said no words. He came over and embraced me. "Mavis I need to be serious and tell you something before our souls die out too." I knew it but I wanted to hear him. His eyes were still the same. Jet black. My emerald's sparkled with hope. "I love yo-" He disappeared. Never would I heard those three words from him. I cried.

It was all over. My life had ended. I lay in my own wooden box under the Earth. Of course our death was plastered all over the media, no matter the protests of our loved ones. This wasn't simply my last school year.

This was my last year.