III'MMMM BAAAACK! This is yet another TMI highschool fanfiction. I wanted to write it so I did. XD

Clary and Simon were playing in the front yard when the U-haul van showed up. It had pulled up in the drive way next to the old house that no one had lived in for years. They both looked at each other and Jonathan hopped down from the tree branch he had been sitting on.

A minute later a car pulled up and three kids that looked their age climbed out.

"Do you want to go over?" Simon asked.

Clary and Jonathan shrugged and they all walked over to greet the new kids on the block.

The strangers stood for a moment before the dark haired boy spoke.

"Hi, I'm Alec."

The girl started to talk quickly and rapidly. "I'm Isabelle! You have pretty hair, did you now that? We are going to be friends deal? Can you come over and play with us? I'll ask Mom and Dad later. Oh.. And this is-"

"I can introduce myself," the blonde one snapped at Isabelle, "I'm Jace." He looked over Jon and Simon with a bored expression on his face. But when his gaze landed on Clary his face changed for a split second. She tilted her head. She would have liked to draw him.

The dark haired kids looked surprised when Jace talked. Maybe he didn't speak very often? Clary didn't know, but Isabelle was right.

They were all going to be friends.

"Clary! Clary! Clarissa Morgenstern!" The teacher, Mr. Aldertree, shouted, trying to get Clary's attention.

"Oh! I'm sorry, what was the question again?" Clary asked, refusing to blush or get her temper set off by her evil English teacher.

"What is the literary device that is being used in this sentence?", He said slowly, as if talking to a five year old. "Wobbly wagon wheels work ways wildly?"

"Alliteration, sir." Clary said, calmly. Mr. Aldertree huffed.

"Correct." he said, grudgingly, "Now pull out your papers class!"

Clary dug through her book bag until she found the assignment. She knew she would get points docked for the doodles that were drawn throughout the margins, but she didn't care.

She passed her paper to Charles, the kid sitting in front of her. He turned around and winked at her, wiggling his eyebrows. She ignored him and turned to face Simon, who was whispering at her.

"Clary, what were you thinking about?" He asked, while Isabelle, Simon's girlfriend and Clary's best female friend, sat beside him grinning like a maniac.

"Nothing." Clary said.

"It was clearly something!" Simon argued.

"I know what she was thinking about." Isabelle said, slyly.

"Shut up, Izzy!" Clary snapped. Isabelle was bent on the fact that Clary was in love with Izzy's adoptive brother, Jace. Which wasn't true. She only liked him a little bit. Isabelle also said that Jace was in love with Clary. Clary scoffed at that idea. Jace was a player. He had a new girlfriend every two weeks. And couldn't handle emotions if his life depended on it. But what Clary thought didn't matter, because Isabelle was the most popular girl in school and her word was law.

The bell rang and the class stood to go to their next classes. Isabelle and Clary made their way to French. The whole way Isabelle was pestering her about day dreaming of her and Jace. In truth she had been day dreaming about painting. She wanted to go to art.

"You know you like him!" Izzy said.

"Yes, I do know I like him. It's my liking!" Clary said, laughing at how excited Isabelle could get over the simplest things. "I just don't like him that much."

"Liar! You're lying! YOU ARE A LIAR!"

"Oh my gosh, Iz, calm it down a bit, let's go to class."

As they walked into the classroom Isabelle's older brother Alec was sitting at the desk in the front of the room. He was the teacher's aide. You think he'd give them some leeway right? Wrong.

French seemed to drag on. Clary had Art next and was ready to work on her oil painting. After what seemed like twelve years the bell rang and she ran walked to the hallway. On her way to the art building outside, she passed Jace hugging a blonde girl, who seemed intent on not letting him go anytime soon. Clary smirked at him trying not to laugh. She paused and wiggled her fingers at him before moving on making no attempt to smother her laughs.

Jace P.O.V.-

Jace watched as Clary walked toward where he was standing, hugging Kaelie. Clary was wearing a blue sweater with jeans and a white scarf. Her hair was billowing behind her and she had her books clutched to her chest. Jace wouldn't have noticed things in detail with most girls, but this was Clary. The girl he'd had a crush on since grade school.

He noticed that she was trying not to laugh as she walked past him. He was trying to pry Kaelie off of him and felt a pain in his chest that this was the girl in his arms, not Clary.

Longing was building up in his chest when finally he said "Kaelie, I have to go to class."

She smiled at him and ran her hand up his arm. "Why don't we skip today." She said suggestively.

"Why don't we both go to class?" He said pulling her off of him. 3rd hour was the only class he had with Clary and he wasn't about to miss it.

"Oh, come on! It'll be fun."


Jace jogged down the hall so he could catch up with Clary. She was laughing when he got to her.

"Having fun back there?" She asked, mockingly.

"Shut up, Clare." He said

"What ever," She answered him flippantly.

Clary's face dimpled adorably as she tried to hold back another laugh. At that Jace started to laugh and so did she. They both walked to Art in hysterics. By the time they were in the classroom they had composed themselves enough that they could actually breathe. They sat in their seats and waited for the bell to ring so that class could start.

"Okay, class, we are going to be working on our paintings today. Get your work and remember to be cautious while over there!" Mrs. Wayland said.

Clary started to bounce her leg, drawing Jace's attention away from the teacher. He tapped her arm. 'Sorry'. She mouthed. 'Okay'. Jace mouthed back. The teacher finished talking and let the students get their art.

They had been required to paint nature scenes. Most of them were doing mountains or forests. Clary had painted a ocean sunset. She was better than any sixteen year old girl or boy should be. She had used the right colors and shades to make it look just like an actual sunrise. He loved watching her paint. It was like she was sucked into her own little world.

Jace tore his gaze away from her and turned back to his own assignment. When he was turning he saw a boy named Charles looking at Clary with a possessiveness that was alarming. Jace spent the rest of class trying not to beat Charles to a bloody pulp and trying not to get caught up in looking at Clary.

When the bell rang Clary looked like she had been pulled out a pleasant dream.

"Hmm." She said, looking up at the clock like she could make the hands change. "Oh well." She sighed. As she turned towards Jace he noticed that she had a speck of paint on her cheek. He reached up and wiped it off with his thumb. She raised a hand to her cheek.

"Thanks." She said.

"No problem, now let's go to lunch, I'm ravenous!" Clary laughed and agreed. As Jace looked back into the room he saw Charles glowering at the two of them. Jace had to fight the urge to stick his tongue out like a three year old.

I kind of like this story. Review please they make my day!