I do not own Naruto or Concrete Garden nor do I make any money off of this.




Chapter 1:

Angels do exist.

'I want to go home,' Naruto thought already bored from being on a plane.


Two men sat on a couch opposite of Naruto. One was called Iruka. And the other was Kakashi.

"Naruto-sama," Iruka said. "Have you given proper though to the proposal? Will you continue college? Or Begin a career?"

"Would you like to work with us?" Kakashi asked.

'Black suit,' Naruto thought. 'Must be from the mortuary?'

"You will be working at the lab built by your Great Uncle, Professor Jiriya," iruka said. "No particular field of knowledge is required. We only ask that you live on campus." Iruka handed Naruto a card.


"Naruto-kun," a man named Kabuto called.

"Ah?" Naruto questioned.

"Take a look," Kabuto pointed out the window. "Welcome to the 'Onion Dome.'"

"I thought Uncle only specialized in 'How to make an oasis from soy bean extract,'" Naruto joked.

"It's a research facility built with Funds from the Japanese and American governmants," Kabuto said leading Naruto into the building connected to the dome. "Just a heads up. Everything you see at the lab is top-secret. So keep you mouth shut, ok?"

'Black band,' Naruto though noticing the band around Kabuto's left arm. 'Memorial service?'

"Do you know the science of human cloning?" Kabuto asked. "It's a very famous experiment. If cloning becomes legal, then it will cause problems to our already unbalanced society. For example, if some maniac decides to clone Adolph Hitler, it woul become an issue." They continued through the lab. "This experiment began without much hipe for success. We followed a study of religion which led us to the discovery of this 'Angel's Gene,' We extracted its DNA and replanted it into an unfertilized egg of a female human body. In this world, angels do exist." They walked into a chamber. "Please close your eyes and hold your breath." A button was pressed and a gas filled the room. Even though Naruto obeyed, he still coughed when they exited that room. "Continue to walk one hundred yards straight into the center. Then stop and wait until the high electrical voltage stops coursing through the metal fence. Open it, and proceed until you reach the dome's center." Kabuto paused.

"Naruto-kun, are you familiar with Nippon Toki(1)? They're facing extinction in Japan. In order to preserve the species, our government introduced more Toki from China. We breed them and purify the species during the process. But the agenda was not carried out as planned and the Tokis are once again on the brink of extinction. So similarly, the experiment we are conducting here was derived from such an idea. We protect the angels and hope to fill the void with superior human traits. And it is our goal to create the 'Perfect Angel.'"

"...You!" Naruto gasped. "Are you implying that I'm the seed donor?" Kabuto laughed. "Oh?"

"You're going way off," Kabuto said. "That is virtually impossible. Naruto-kun, our 'angel' is a male."

"Then... my job?" Naruto asked.

"Please meet the Toki," Kabuto said. "And you assighment is to become his 'friend.'"

A few minutes later, Naruto was walking around inside the dome. There was a garden inside.

"Please feel safe," Kabuto had said. "Our dome is well protected from inside out and equipped with many camcorders."

'Wow,' Naruto thought looking around. 'They built a forest inside the dome.' "Excuse me," Naruto called out. "Toki-san! Toki-san! Where could he be?" He continued walking until he tripped over something. BANG! "Ouch." He looked up to see he had tripped over someone's legs.

"I am Toki," a man with black hair and black eyes stared at Naruto.

"Ah..." Naruto began. "My name is..."

"I know," the man said. "You are Naruto Uzumaki. Also the nephew of the legendary Jiriya."

"Do you know my Uncle?" Naruto asked.

"Like acquaintances," the man said helping naruto up. "The old man was my creator."

'His eyes look scary,' Naruto thought. 'Is an angel suppose to look so evil?' Naruto followed Toki to a gazebo. 'Guess 'Angels' are no holier than humans. He doesn't even have wings or a halo.'

"Of course I have wings and a halo," Toki said.

"Ackk!" Naruto gasped not thinking he said that out loud.

"Because right now, it's mot necessary to show them to you," Toki said.

'Then, where -or how- did he hide them?' Naruto asked himself. "Come to think about it, this place has nice architecture. I had to pass several security tests at the front gate, plus detox and a full body search! Seems like they place much importance in you." He smiled. "Hey! Look! Look! A butterfly!" He pointed to the butterfly on his cup of tea.

"You are defenseless," Toki said. "No, I mean that in the stupid and naive sense."

"Wha-what?" Naruto asked.

"Let me set things sraight," Toki said. "Those scientists lured you here to be my 'companion.' As no one dares to enter unless there is an emergency, I am a lonely man."

"Well, I'm happy to be your friend," Naruto grinned.

Toki grabbed Naruto hand and kissed it. "Then I'm in your care."

Naruto blushed. "Tha-that's because that is my assignment."

Toki released Naruto's hand. "Assignment, eh?" He sighed. "Those scientists have installed the best security systems around me." He saw Naruto's confused expression and continued. "It's fear. The reason being self-protecting." He grabbed the butterfly and put it to his mouth. "I feast on human flesh." He ate the butterfly. "Would you still be willing to stay by my side?"

"Naruto-kun, are you alright?" Kabuto asked. "What caused you to faint so suddenly?"

"You speal of this so easily," Naruto said. He paused. "I quit."

"You can," Kabuto said. "But you will be under our nation's surveillance for the rest of your life. Didn't I tell you? The information you've witnessed in our dome is top secret. Sadly, angels feed on men because they are cannibals."

"And yet you dare to throw a totally defenceless child into that monster's arms?" Naruto asked.

"You are special," Kabuto said.

"Come again?" Naruto questioned.

"He promised us not to eat you," Kabuto said.

'How could anyone trust his words?' Naruto thought.

"Actually, that's not all," Kabuto said. "During the cloning process, the unfertilized egg came from your mother's womb. Technically speaking, he is your half-brother. If you need to blame anyone, blame your Uncle and Him. It was the Professor's wish to use your mother's egg for cloning, and it was His order that we had to pick you."

"Please worry no more," Kabuto had said. "His being a cannibal may make him seem barbaric but in certain aspects, he is far more logical than men."

naruto walked through the garden again, this time wearing a has-mat suit. 'No matter how logical hs is, a cannibal is still dangerous. I hate you Uncle!'

Toki looked over and saw Naruto. He chuckled. "What the heck are you wearing? Such an exasseration. Did the not reasure you about my promise?"

"Words are not trustworthy," Naruto said.

"Then trust me," Toki said. Naruto removed the helmet. "Can you trust me now?"

"Not entirely," naruto said. "But your eyes don't seem to be telling lies. Even though I can't trust you, I must trust myself."

"Well good," Toki said. "We need to start bonding. Have some tea with me." He walked towards the gazebo. "Oh, and call me Sasuke."

In the camera room, Kabuto stood with a man with long black hair.

"Is he the nephew of Jiriya?" the mand asked.

"Yes, Orochimaru-sama," Kabuto said.

"He befriended the angel for our safety," Orochimaru said. "I doubt that angel has compassion of the human kind."

"Are you going to tell him?" Kabuto asked.

"What?" Orochimaru raised an eyebrow. "That I used Jiriya's name to create this experiment? That you lied about using Kushina's egg when we really used her bestfriend, Mikoto's?"

Kabuto shook his head. "No, I meant his real perpose."

"No need," Orochimaru said. "He will most likely find out from our pet.

1) Nippon Toki is Japanese crested Ibis.

You can read the original story here:
