Final Chapter! Hope you like it!

I do not own Naruto or Concrete Garden nor do I make any money off of this.



Chapter 7:

Sasuke and Naruto stayed at Tsunade's for the next few days, learning how to care for their children. Sasuke slowly began to trust Tsunade and Sakura. They had saved his wife's life along with his children's. Haruko and Katsuo (I don't know how the r got in the name in the last chapter. I apologize.) were getting stronger and they would be able to leave soon.

Secretly, Naruto didn't want to leave. Sakura and him became close, like siblings. Tsunade was like the grandmother Naruto never had (since he was raised by his Uncle and Aunt, brother of Kushina and his wife). It was a shock to find out that she was a lot older than she looked. It also came as a surprise to find out that she was once married to Naruto's Great Uncle Jiriya. Apparently, they had gotten a divorce when Tsunade started working at the hospital here. They had a fight over the whole Angel thing. Naruto was happy to know that he still had family. Tsunade cried a bit when Naruto told her that Jiriya passed away year ago. Jiriya had gotten remarried with one of his assistants. It was that woman that would sing to Naruto. His Great Aunt had died three years before Jiriya did. His Uncle and Aunt got killed in a fire while Naruto was on a school trip. Tsunade listened as Naruto told him how he had to raise himself after that since Jiriya was never around.

Sasuke had to tell Tsunade that he was the Angel that Jiriya helped create. Tsunade knew instantly that Sasuke's parents where Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha. Tsunade told Sasuke that he had an older brother, but his brother died of an illness the same day Fugaku and Mikoto died in a car crash. It seems they were trying to bring Itachi to the hospital and went through a red light. Sasuke took everything calmly. He didn't care since he never met them. Even if he did, they would have hate him since he wasn't human, and again, Sasuke was ok with that.

A month later, Sasuke told Naruto that they were going to be leaving the next day. Naruto packed what little stuff he had along with some things for the twins. "Where are we going?" Naruto asked Sasuke.

"Some place with a garden," Sasuke answered.

"Oh!" Tsunade said grabbing Sasuke and Naruto's attention. "I have a summer-house that's in a field of flowers. I bet you'd like it." She walked over to a table and opened a draw. She pulled out a set of keys and tossed them to Naruto who caught them. "You can go live there."

Naruto looked down at the keys. Tears dripped down. "Thank you." He was happy. "Thank you.' He hugged Tsunade. For the first time, Sasuke smiled at someone besides Naruto. He was truly grateful for everything Tsunade had done.

The next evening, with Sakura at her side, Tsunade waved the two lovers off. Sasuke picked up Naruto who held the twins and took to the sky. It took them a few hours before Sasuke landed in front of a house made almost completely of wood. Only the fire-place was made of bricks. Naruto laughed as they looked around. In one room were two cribs. In another, was a king sized bed. It looked like Tsunade had planned on them staying there. After putting the twins to bed, Naruto grabbed Sasuke by the collar and kissed him. "I love you."

Sasuke smiled. "I love you too." He pulled the blond into their room, locking the door behind him.

-=-0-=-0-=-0-=-0-=-0-=-0-=-0-=-Ten Years Later-=-0-=-0-=-0-=-0-=-0-=-0-=-0-=-

Naruto ran through the field of flowers. Two black-haired boys with black eyes watched as their younger sister and brother chased after Naruto. The girl was eight while the little boy was five. Both had blond hair, but the girl had blue eyes like her mother while the boy had black eyes like his father. They had wings coming out of their backs. Naruto soon darted in between the twins causing the other children to collide with them. Naruto laughed at the stunned look on the twin's faces. This made the twins get up and join the chase. Naruto's laugh grew louder when he spotted Sasuke. He jumped right into the raven's arms. The raven fell to the ground.

Sasuke lifted up Naruto as his children gathered around them. Sasuke was happy with his life. Naruto had given him four children and one was on the way. Each child had wings, the twins being able to hide them on their own. Sasuke had to help Kyoko and Yuzuru make them disappear. "Having fun?" Sasuke asked.

"Yeah," Naruto smiled. "Kyo-chan and Yu-chan are fast. Haru-chan and Kat-chan need to start working out more."

"Mom!" the twins complained. "Don't call me Haru/Kat -chan!" Naruto just laughed and headed for the house. Sasuke chuckled and picked up Yuzuru. He followed Naruto with Kyoko, Haruko, and Katsuo behind him.

When Naruto got to the door, he opened it with a smiled. "Sakura-chan, we're back!"

"Welcome back," a very pregnant Sakura said. Her husband, Lee was sitting at the table reading the newspaper. He still had on his apron and work hat. Sakura put down a plat in front of Lee. "Come sit down. Dinner is ready." Naruto, Sasuke, and their children quickly took their seats.

When they were done eating, Sakura brought out a cake. They all sang happy birthday. It was Naruto's 30th birthday. Sasuke had to cut the cake or else Naruto would try to eat all of the frosting. Sasuke handed each person a slice of cake, Naruto having the biggest piece. He himself had the smallest since he didn't really like cake. Naruto looked around at his family and smiled. He only wished that Tsunade could have been there with them (she passed away just after Yuzuru was born).

Suddenly, everyone heard the sound of water hitting the floor. They all looked at Sakura who blushed. Lee began to panic. Sasuke and Naruto quickly moved to grabbed the things they needed. Since Sakura could not give birth alone, they had to go to a hospital. Lee led Sakura to their car. Sasuke had the twins go with them. He put Kyoko and Yuzuru in his own car (he bought it after Naruto "persuaded" him to get one). Naruto grabbed a bag and locked the door behind him. Naruto's eyes found Sasuke's. They instantly agreed on one thing. Angels and Humans could get along after all.

I wanted to end it with that last scene in the original, but I decided to add a bit more. And before anyone asks, there will not be a sequel. Those who want to know, Sakura has a girl that looks just like her and Naruto's 5th child is a girl with black hair and blue eyes. She does not have wings and is basically human. Sakura's daughter is Airi and Naruto's (2nd) is Tsubasa (ironic isn't it).

Oh! And if you didn't catch on, Lee was the stand owner!