Tenshi: Yay were in the last chapter, sorta.

Akuma: You could say that again although I don't like how this story ends

Tenshi: Hey at least she doesn't die

Akuma: TENSHI!

Tenshi: What?


Tenshi: Oh, anyways enjoy the last chapter of this story

Chapter 27, A Changed Fate

Mizaro sat their holding her father in her arms crying. How could she take them home there was no place for her Dad, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins to go at her house, but then she remembered something.

"THAT'S IT. THE UNDERGROUND CATHEDRAL THAT DADDY MADE FOR MOMMY AND OTHER RELETIVES THAT DIED!" Mizaro screamed when she remembered this because she had almost forgotten about it. She hadn't been down there for 5 years.


"Daddy where are we going?"

"We're going to see mommy."

"But mommy's dead. You told me that."

Yes but that doesn't mean you can't see her."

Yugi moved the couch in the living room revealing a trap door. When he opened it there was a room that was half way full of water and was freezing on the inside.

"Daddy how is mommy in there?"

"You'll see."

There was a wooden platform right under the trap door. Yugi stepped on it first then helped Mizaro down on to it. There was one paddle on the wooden platform as well. Yugi grabbed it and started pedaling towards what looked like a box in the water.

When Mizaro and Yugi got it they opened it up. Mizaro almost cried at what she had seen.

"Mizaro this is your mother but as you can see is dead. Seto built this place for her and for any other family members of ours die. This place is basically a Cathedral for us."

"Dad we're underground so it's more like an underground cathedral." Was all Mizaro said while she looked at her mother's body. Her mother still had all her skin and looked just like she was sleeping.

Mizaro realized that her body was able to stay like this because of how cold it was. The place was like an ice box. The wooden platform that was holding them up was big so that way they wouldn't fall off and land into the water and freeze to death.

They both looked at Anzu for a long time then closed the box, and left the room before it got to cold for them to be in there.

-End of Flashback-

Mizaro then shouted a portal spell after the memory


Then a portal appeared below her and everyone's dead bodies and they appeared in the cathedral already in coffins.

Mizaro changed Anzu's and Yugi's coffin though. She had made it bigger so that both of them could fit in it and finally be together again.

Then she changed her outfits with just a wave of her hand the wound on her father was gone and Anzu and Yugi were in the clothes they were on their wedding. Then she made everyone around them wear the clothes they had worn on that day as well.

She even got Yami's body and Shizaro's body in the cathedral as well and put Shizaro in a dress she would have worn on the day her parents got married.

Mizaro then left the underground cathedral and went to work on a spell to change her fate. She had thought for a long time about what her father said when he died. So since she didn't want to live alone or go to an orphanage she was going to make a spell that would change not just her fate but her parents fate's as well

It took her a few days to think up a spell that would work for it and for a sacrifice for it.

"We'll here goes."

I ask the Egyptian Gods to change what had happened long ago.

To change the fate of my mother so that she can live on

And to change the fate of my father so that he doesn't have to go through this again

And that Yami comes back from the afterlife with his true love and not alone

I ask that the Necromancer just be an imagination

And that his daughter Nightmare be ONLY a nightmare

In order to do this I sacrifice my Life for everyone else's

And with those words the room Mizaro was in was absorbed by a bright light and time went back to the day Yugi was going to propose to Anzu. He got woke up shocked.

'Was it all just a dream?'

Mizaro: Please read my next story when I get it typed up its going to be real cute but for now please leave a review on how you liked it. SAYONARA!