Amelia's long hair swayed as the sea scented air ran its fingers through it. But the small girl didn't notice as her sky-blue eyes stuck to the port in impatience.

She sat with her brown cloth dress draped over her knees. Her white apron was over it, giving her a bit of extra warmth from the chill of the sea air. The colony plucked at the dried grass at her feet and stared out into sea until finally a speck appeared out in the ocean.

She stood up flakes of dead grass flying in the wind, and ran down the hill she sat on. Amelia raced to the port, flying past her people. The smell of fish was rooted there along with the shouting and whistles of humans.

Finally she came to the post where a certain ship had always landed. She fell against the post, panting and laughing. That certain ship came closer and closer until finally it was so close that Amelia could see the markings along the mask. She shouted and jumped up and down in bliss.

The little girl's bonnet came undone and swept through the wind's current, and disappeared onto the ship's deck. Amelia didn't even take notice of the occurrence.

Several men came from the ship, dressed in uniform, and pulled out some kind of platform with steps and tilted to the port's floor. More men came forth and stood along the edge of the large wooden platform. They saluted a single man as he gracefully came down. A tall hat sat on his blonde head and his white gloved hands held a cane. His suit held small pin shapes on his breast pocket. In his hands was some kind of white cloth. The whole sea port quieted at his arrive.

"Arthur!" Amelia screamed out and pounced at the green-eyed man. She threw her lanky arms around him as the nation of England stepped down from the platform.

England laughed as he twirled her around. "Amelia! My dear girl!" He flicked one of his wrist behind her back and the men disbanded and the port's workers went back to work with slight hesitance.

England put her down and bent down to her level. "America! You've grown so much since the last time I was here!" His eyes sparkled as he took her image in. "Here luv, I believe you dropped this? You must take care of yourself more."

America let him tie the bonnet under her chin with a pout. "But England I was too happy to notice!" She let out a giggle and twirled when he motived her too. "I've miss you England! I thought you weren't gonna come back!"

He frowned at her words. "Were not going to, America, not 'weren't gonna.'" His gloved fingers went through her long hair loving. "I will always come back to you my dear America." The little girl smiled and began to tug at his hand.

"Come on! I wanna go home with you England!" She demanded and pulled on him. He laughed and stood. Arthur looked back at a man coming off his ship.

"Have the things brought to the house." The man saluted with a nodded. "Dismissed." The man ran back to the ship.

Amelia kept pulling at Arthur, talking excitedly until England interrupted her with a weighting thought on his mind. "America you shouldn't be running around by yourself. Where's your governess?" He looked down at her as they walked the trail leading to America's home.

America shrugged, "She said I could go out and wait for you England."

Her eyes went wide realizing her mistake. "Hey England! Did you see I called you Arthur in front of everyone just like you told me too! See! I remembered!" She changed the subject, hoping to distract him from her first sentence.

England stopped them there and he bent down to look at her. "She simply let you wonder down to the port? Alone?" He eyes held a frosty coldness. "Does she let you do that a lot? Tell me the truth America."

The child bit her lip and nodded. England's face held nothing to reveal, then- "I suppose I'll have to talk with Ms. Smith." He smiled and held her hand as they continued to walk. America beamed with relief and pulled away from England as she spotted her house.

It was a rather large house England had built when he had first found her. Over 50 people worked and served the home, but only about half live there. The household was perfect for his little Amelia.

America ran to the house while fighting giggles. Arthur gave a shout for her not to run. America climbed the steps and paused for him to come up. Once he reached the top, Arthur chuckled. "I'm getting too old aren't I America?"

She shook her head. "Nope! Maybe you're just tired!" She tugged on his suit sleeve. "Hurry up England! I want us to play in my room!" At that moment a tall young women came to the door's threshold.

"Miss Amelia have you- oh!" She stopped seeing Arthur there. "Lord Kirkland!" She grabbed the side of her dark gown and curtsied. Blushing heavily, she kept her gaze to the floor.

"Ms. Smith may I have a word with you tonight?" His face held a smile but his words had bite. The women, with head still bowed, nodded. She stepped aside and they both went in with Amelia in the lead.

Several maids came to the door and took Arthur's cane, gloves, coat, and hat. One of the maids bent down to untie Amelia's white bonnet. Amelia squirmed as the maid did so. "Amelia do stand still while she does that." Arthur said. Amelia went still as stone and when the maid finished, the colony fell to the rugged floor and began to undo the straps of her shoes. The servant girls paled at the sight. Even though they let the girl do everything herself, it wasn't wise to let her do this in front of the lord… They feared what the Brit would say.

"Amelia what are you doing?"

A shiver went up the women's spines at the sound. The words were agonizing like sharpened nails being dragged across skin.

Amelia looked up and said, "Taking off my shoes." The words were said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. She already had a strap off on one shoe.

"Ladies do not sit on the floor and undress themselves in the middle of the entryway." England spoke this to America, but intense green eyes silently stared at each of the women. "You," he threw a hand at the closest women and she flinched, "take her to her room and change her into something less resembling a peasant girl's outwear."

"'S alright Eng- I mean Arthur! I can-"

"Now." Arthur spoke to the unmoving maid.

The women jerked her head, hoping to make it look something like a nod, and pulled the small girl to her feet. She silently raced them up the main stairway. America looked back with large eyes. But England had already turned his back to her.

Once they disappeared, Arthur let out a heavy sigh. "All of you disappoint me terribly." The maids were statues in a garden. England walked slowly through the line of 6 women. "Mrs. Kingly, if my memory serves me right, I left you in charge of only running the house smoothly. For what I have seen, this has not happened. See me tonight along with Ms. Smith." The middle-age women gave a shaky nod.

"Leave me." England said and they all scattered like leaves in the wind.

England walked towards the parlor where two butlers let him in. His eyes roamed the room for a moment. A large window was the room's best feature. From there he could easily see the sea and port-life. It truly was a beautiful view. Tall, almost wheat-like grass danced in sync as the wind moved them, the sun beyond the sea was tinted pink, orange, and every color in between. The country walked around the couches and ran a hand over a large cherry wood cabinet.

He stopped in front of the fireplace, looking at a self-portrait of himself and America. She was even smaller than she was now, barely discovered. The babe still wore that white smock and red ribbon. They were smiling... Rare in a portrait.

"I want brandy." He announced to the room, and in less than a second, a butler came in holding a silver platter in hand. He held a short glass and a bottle of brandy on the tray. The glass was already less than half filled. Arthur took it and the servant bowed before moved away

Upstairs Amelia was frowning as her maid dressed her into a horribly tight and uncomfortable gown. "April, I don't understand why I have to wear this. Plus I can dress myself!" April clicked her tongue and motioned her to sit at her dresser seat.

"I know dear, but Lord Kirkland demanded it n' so it must be done. 'Sides being the master of the house, e's a titled man who must be paid mind too." She pulled out a brush from the drawer and tried to do something with her long honey colored hair. "Mayb' if er' lucky enough Miss, er'll marry er'self a gent with money and not 'ave to worry 'bout takin' orders from a rich Brit!"

But Amelia's mind was on another topic. Her thoughts had stayed on how England had ordered them around. "In England, do a lot of people treat others... unfairly?" The child chose that last word carefully. She looked up at her maid silently.

April pondered slowly. She went to the girl's feet and began to put on a new pair of slippers on her.

"'Ell I suppose 'o... Just another reason why America is just amazin'! Here, many people can escape the things tha' they feared. Here, there's a chance of bein' fair! And that chance is what a lot of people need."

Amelia stared into her lap. The maid's words stuck in her head. "Done! Let's get you to Lord Kirkland now shall we?" Amelia stood up and her hand went to tug at the scratchy fabric around her neck. April opened her mouth to object to this, but Amelia started out towards the door.

The little girl raced down the stairs and stopped short of the closed parlor doors. Amelia smiled to herself for remembering the manners that had been nailed into her brain. A lady does not rush into a room. She pushed her bangs from her face and felt that April had done a simple braid. It was very similar to the ones she would wear when she would go out and play. A secret meaning from Arthur. Amelia wasn't sure she liked that.

Before the butlers opened the doors, Amelia took a breath. She held her head high and tried desperately to look graceful walking into the room.

England turned and watched the colony walk in with a stiffened back. He smiled and put down the glass. "Amelia, child, you look beautiful." He watched as her blue eyes light up. She wore a blue, half silk, half cloth gown, with white lace on the bottom and the ends of the sleeves. He could see white slippers peering out every time she took a step.

"Relax some poppet, it's just big brother." He jested at her stiffness.

He took her hand and guided her to the couch. "Now poppet I brought back some things for you."

America gasped at this. "England did you really?"

"Would I lie to you poppet?" He called out something and two men came in, each holding a handle of a large trunk. After they left, England allowed her to look at the new things.

Inside, a number of new dolls and wooden animals were laid carefully. A large wooden doll house was there also, completing the small unit.

"There's also a tea set, beautifully hand painted, and tea I was given to by China. And in another trunk I brought more dresses, slippers, and all the things a girl your age would want. Oh, and of course, English, math, and history books for you to study. Must not get behind on your studies poppet." Arthur said, looking down at the opened trunk.

Amelia traced a gentle finger over a doll's porcelain face. Its glass eyes were a pretty shade of green. "Like your eyes..." She whispered. Amelia suddenly looked up at England. "Who's China?"

England took a step back and frowned at her unexpected question. "A country in eastern Asia, Amelia." He said watching her.

"Will I get to meet China one day?" Arthur's frown deepened. He forced a tight smile and took his glass of brandy to the couch. There he finished it, throwing it back into his mouth.

"Who would want to meet that man? He believes he knows everything and will forever know everything. I myself wished I hadn't met him."

He glanced at Amelia. "He's mean then?" His smile began genuine.

"Very much so. Why would you want to meet someone like that? Come here poppet," he patted his lap, "sit with me."

Amelia stood, clutching her doll in hand, and climbed onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around her slim waist. "Just stay with brother alright?" He closed his eyes and rested his head on her shoulder.

Amelia smiled and slightly turned her head to him. "England I love you." His eyes fluttered opened. His lips tenderly touched her neck, giving her a chaste kiss.

"I love you America. Never leave me." The seriousness dripped off the words.

Amelia giggled at the tickling feeling on her neck. "I won't! I promise!" They stayed like that for a moment until Amelia said, "England... Are you gonna leave?"

Arthur, who decided not to correct her, said, "Not for while this time... Maybe I'll stay a year or even two poppet."

The little girl gasped loudly. "Last time you were here, you were only here for six month!" Arthur smiled. He moved his head to rest his chin on her shoulder.

"I know poppet... I know...and I want to spend as much time I can with you."

She giggled again and leaned against him. "I really love you England." She whispered.

"I love you America."

Only two months later, Amelia sobbed heavily against Arthur's uniformed chest. "Y-you li-lied!" She weakly threw her small fists at him. "You're a-a li-liar!" She cried out at him. Her people at the port passed by, giving pity looks at the crying child.

Arthur hugged her tightly. "I'm know poppet, I know. I give my deepest apologizes about that- this. My king needs me and I cannot-" America pulled away.

"I thought you said you love me! Why are you leaving me?!" She demanded.

England placed a hand on her tear stained cheek. "I do love you America. I will come back. Each and every single time I will. I will come back to you." He whispered intensely. America stared, and more tears came down as she took a deep breath through her sobs. In an instant she tightly wrapped her arms around him.

"Take me with you..." It came out filled with desperation.

"Oh poppet... I wish I could but I can't. You're too young..." This only made her sob harder. "I will write to you every chance I get, just until we see each other again. It will help you too with your writing. It'll be perfect." He forced a laugh.

"I don't want letters, I want you!" She screamed on his shoulder.

"Milord," the captain came up to them, "We're ready to set sail-"

England looked up sharply, "I'll bloody tell you when we set sail!" He hissed at the old man. The captain nodded, bowed, and hurried back.

They held each other bit longer until England stood up. "No!" Amelia screamed but at Arthur's nod, her new governess, took ahold of the colony with an iron grip that was strong enough to even hold back America for a moment.

Arthur boarded the ship and forced himself not to look back, for fear of looking in her eyes... and staying.

"No! Let me go! Arthur!" She screamed. The ship set sail and in a few short minutes, they were beyond her reach. America turned to her governess and bit down on her hand. With a loud scream, Amelia was released.

The small girl ran to the end of the dock. Tears trailed down her face as she panted heavily. "Arthur,I'll wait for you to come back!" She cried out into sea.

America closed her eyes and saw England's face. For some sick, sad reason she knew she wouldn't see him for a long, long time.

And she was right.

Author's Note: First Hetalia story on ! Super happy! This has been posted on Deviantart, but this a is edited, and if i do say so myself, better veriosn. Reviews, favorites, and follows make my day!