Chapter Four - Shakespeare

The days of the week flew by and before I knew it, it was Friday. I sat nervously in my seat in English waiting for Bella to arrive. I was surprisingly early for school today. Nightmares of my heartbreak with Liam disturbed my sleep and I knew it was because I had been thinking of my upcoming date with Tyler. Every time I started to get close, or even think about having a relationship, Liam would pop in my mind. It wasn't necessarily because my self conscious thought I was still in love with him, but rather that my only experience with dating ended so harshly. I lost the ability to say no with Liam. I lost my morals. I lost my love for art. I lost myself.

I knew it wouldn't go that far with Tyler. I am a different person now. However, I'm sure my fourteen year old self didn't have high expectations when I started dating Liam, either. I held my head high as students started filling in around me. I was never one to show weakness, and I wasn't going to start now, especially over a silly date.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Bella stated, sliding into her seat beside me. I turned to face her. She looked tired.

"You look like you got no sleep last night." I retorted, "And you smell like … fire?" I questioned, leaning in to sniff her.

She laughed as my nose found its way to her hair and shooed me away. "Yes. I was at the bonfire in La Push last night listening to Billy tell the legends of their tribe. We did invite you, remember?"

I blinked. How could I forget?

"Katherine Kohl." I found my voice, well aware we were holding hands far longer than needed. "You're - You're so hot."

I let go of Jacob immediately and covered my mouth with my hand. My face was starting to heat up and I knew it must have been the ugliest shade of red right now. Bella chuckled on the side of me, and I would have glared at her, if it wasn't for Jacob's booming laugh.

"Thanks," He said in a daze, "So are you, Katherine."

Compliments were surely not helping with my embarrassment. I couldn't help the shiver that ran down my spine when Jacob said my name. The way it rolled off his tongue so smooth and the way it sounded like it was filled with some emotion - adoration, if I had to guess - caused goosebumps to erupt throughout my whole body. I physically quivered, biting down on my lip to suppress a whimper that wanted to escape. Jacob's stare was so intense that I had to close my eyes to compose myself.

"I meant - I meant temperature wise. " I stammered, looking back into his hypnotizing gaze.

"Well, I didn't." He admitted softly. Jacob licked his lips nervously awaiting my response. I took this time to steady my breathing before replying.

"It's Kate." At his confused expression, I continued. "You can call me Kate. My mom is the only one that calls me Katherine." I smiled, rolling my eyes at her distaste for nicknames. "So," I drawled out, turning my attention to my brunette friend, "I thought you were going to La Push. I didn't know you were hanging out here." I raised my brows accusingly at her.

"Jacob, um, Jake just dropped me off before you pulled up." Bella nodded, as if trying to convince herself she was telling the truth.

"You're a terrible liar, Isabella." I teased, grinning at her bewildered expression. Before she could attempt another excuse, I continued, "Why would Jacob need to drop you off if you took the truck to his house?"

"We wanted to make sure she got home safe." Jacob interrupted. I didn't miss the fact that he said 'we,' but figured I'd ask Bella about that another time. To my knowledge, Jacob was her only companion down at the reservation.

"Well, that's nice, I guess," Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I added as an afterthought, "However, that seems completely unnecessary. We are only one town over."

"That's just what friends do for each other." Bella smiled, resting her head on Jacob's forearm.

"Friends?" I huffed accusingly, nodding toward their embrace.

"Friends." Jacob's voice rang out so prominent and strong it took me by surprise. His eyes practically screamed for me to believe him, and for some strange reason, I did. He coughed to break the tension, then added, "We're having a fire Thursday night if you want to stop by."

"We?" I pried carefully.

"The pack -" He started, then shook his head at himself, "My friends and I, Bella, my dad, and the rest of the Elders will be there. I want you to come."

"Um," I thought about it for a while. Jacob's eyes were hard to say no to. "I have to drop my brother off at karate class after school but perhaps my step dad can pick him up for me." Jacob gleamed with excitement and sighed with relief. I only found it necessary to be honest with him, "No promises, though."

"Steve couldn't pick up Josh last night?" Bella assumed.

"No, it wasn't that." I sighed, turning to face her, "I was pumped to hang out! But Joshua was under the impression that I was staying to watch him with his karate. When I told him I wasn't, and that Steve was going to be there at the end, he got so upset. I couldn't see him cry so I ended up staying."

"Oh," Bella said, "Jake will understand. You missed out, though. I think everyone was excited to finally meet you."

"Finally meet me?" I scoffed, "And who exactly is everyone?"

"Well," Bella started cautiously, "There's Billy - Jake's dad. Harry and Sue Clearwater - Harry's one of the elders. Sam and Emily. Jared and Kim - the fire was basically in her honor," I raised my eyebrows at this, but decided to let it go for now, "Embry and Quil, who are really good friends with Jacob. Jacob himself, but you know him. And Paul - you already met him, too."

"I did?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, Sunday night." Bella blushed, "You called him an asshole."

"Oh!" I laughed out loud, earning a glare from our teacher. "Sorry." I mumbled my apology, shrinking back in my chair. "I'm sure he wasn't a part of the 'excited to finally meet you' crew."

"He was, though!" Bella whisper-laughed, glancing at our teacher to make sure it went unnoticed. "Paul has, what we'll call, a short temper. They all do. But, he is not holding a grudge against you. Maybe we can plan something soon?"

"Okay." I shrugged nonchalantly, "I'll be in La Push tomorrow morning with Josh."

"Oh, that's right!" Bella nodded, "Why don't we have breakfast at Emily's instead of Lorrett's?"

"I don't know," I sighed, looking out the window, "Josh looks forward to Mickey Mouse pancakes every Saturday. Why don't you have breakfast with us? Bring Jacob and then we can swing by Emily's for a bit."

"Perfect!" She squealed, biting her lip in excitement. She must have noticed my curious expression so she answered my unannounced question, "I'm just happy to finally hang out with both of you and not feel like I have to split my time between you guys. Speaking of hanging out, Jake and his dad are coming over for dinner tonight. Charlie and Billy need to catch up on some sports game. Want to join us?"

"Oh, Bella." I laughed, rolling my eyes. "No, I can't. I was hoping you would come over and help me get ready for my date." Bella's eyes dramatically widened at my statement. "What? It's not like you weren't there when Tyler asked me out."

"I didn't know you were still going through with it!" She said in disbelief, "This changes things. Um, okay. Yes, I'll be there right after school. At least you'll be gone before Jake gets there. I'll tell him you're not feeling well." She mumbled the last part to herself.

"Why would you tell him I'm not feeling well?" I questioned seriously. "Just tell him I'm on a date. And why is it a good thing I'll be gone before he gets there?"

Bella blushed, "Well, I think he might have a crush on you."

I couldn't help but laugh. And by laugh I mean completely hunch over in my chair while being taken over by a fit of giggles. I couldn't even contain myself as our teacher marched over to our desk with her arms folded across her chest. "Is there something you'd like to share with the class, Mrs. Kohl?" She asked, peering at me over her glasses.

I shook my head, biting the insides of my cheek to prevent another uncontrollable fit. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Calahan, it won't happen again."

"It better not!" She huffed, making her way to the white board. "One more disruption from you two and I'm splitting you up for the remainder of the year!" With her back still turned to us, I flipped her the bird, earning an eye roll from Bella and snickers throughout the classroom.

I turned my attention back to Bella and gave her an intense stare. "Bella, Jacob does not have a crush on me. I've met him twice. We exchanged one sentence together the first time, and the second time we were barely in each other's presence for ten minutes. Trust me, there is nothing there." I whispered fiercely.

"If there's nothing there then why are you getting so defensive?" I was shocked at her back talk, but kept my mouth in a tight line. "See! I knew it. I know you feel something."

"Bella, what I feel is anger toward you and annoyance toward Jacob." I finalized. "What kind of friend ignores you for weeks and then suddenly pretends like nothing ever happened? You were ready to throw fists a week ago! Now you're buddy-buddy again. And you haven't made an effort to hang out with me at all this week." She didn't say anything but I noticed guilt pass through her eyes at my last statement. "Jacob is all yours." I huffed, gathering my bag as the bell rang ending the first period. "There's nothing between us other than physical attraction."

"Maybe." She chimed unfazed, a small smirk playing at her lips. "Or maybe it was love at first sight." My body was overtaken by tingles at her words and I lost my footing while walking around the table. I glared at her as a response, to which she sang back, "You're just in denial."

"Don't you think that's too … much for a first date?" Bella questioned from my mattress, peering at me from over her book.

"I don't think so." I said, my confidence wavering. "It's not like we're going bowling. We're going to the Art Gallery." A small smile played at my lips at the mention of the museum. I haven't been there in years. Bella hmmed and shoved her nose back into the book. "What are you humming about?" I laughed, walking over to her side and snatching the book from her hands. "'The History of the Quileute Tribe,' really?" I questioned, flipping through the pages but not paying mind to any of the words or pictures. "You really have a thing for the Quileutes, huh? I'm guessing Jacob had a role in your book choice this month."

"No!" She stammered, snatching the book from my hands. "I've had this book for a while now. I just haven't had the chance to read everything."

"Okay. Okay." I said defensively, holding my hands out in front of me. "Now, back to me. What time is it?" I answered my own question by looking at the clock, 5:05 PM. "He's late."

"He's really not making a good first impression, is he?" Bella joked, laying the book on my nightstand and standing up. "You know who's never late to things? -"


"-Jacob." She finished, as soon as the doorbell rang.

I smirked in her direction, completely ignoring the last part of her sentence. I could forgive someone being tardy by five minutes. "You're going to stay here with Joshua until my mom comes home, right?" I barely noticed her nod her head before I bolted down the stairs. I stole an appreciative glance at myself in the full length mirror before opening the front door. I was wearing a black asymmetrical split leg maxi dress that hugged my curves in all the right places. I paired the outfit with nude wedges, my Pandora bracelet, and large hoop earrings. My smokey eye makeup allowed my green eyes to pop and my hair was in an intentional messy bun with the fly-aways framing my face. "You got me flowers?" I exclaimed in shock as I opened the front door and red roses were blocking Tyler's face.

"I sure did." He smiled, handing me the bouquet. I brought the bunch to my nose and breathed in their fresh scent.

"Thank you." I chimed, placing them in a vase before entering the car with him, "You didn't bring the van today." I noted in surprise, breathing in the new-car smell of this red nissan sentra.

"I don't want to talk about it." He huffed sarcastically, seemingly upset. Before I had a chance to respond, he was already talking about it, "I drove it for as long as I could after the accident. But, my parents finally decided in the middle of the week to sell it for parts. So, they bought me this hunk of junk."

"Hunk of junk?" I rolled my eyes, "Tyler, this is a brand new car! Listen, if you don't want it, I'll easily take this baby off your hands." We laughed together, making eye contact for just a moment before turning our attention to the road. The ride to Port Angeles consisted of small talk and comfortable silence. When we finally pulled up to our destination I couldn't help but look a little shocked at our surroundings. "I thought ..." I drawled out, too confused to finish my sentence.

"You thought we were going to the typical art museum?" Tyler questioned with a playful smirk. He exited the car but before I had a chance to reach for the handle, he opened the door for me, lending his hand to step out. I nodded, "Well, it is an art museum, in it's own sense of the words. Don't worry, I know you can't walk around in the woods in those heels. But, let me tell you, the views are breathtaking if you ever want to explore with me one day."

"One day." I simply said, hand still in his as we made our way to The Art Center & Woods Sculpture Park. "If we're not here to explore, then what exactly are we here for?" He pointed to a door as we entered the main building. I stopped dead center as I read the sign out loud, "Shakespeare In The Woods - Romeo and Juliet? Oh my God, we're going to see an outdoor play?" I exclaimed in excitement, turning to face my date. He laughed and nodded as I squealed in place and wrapped my arms around his shoulder. Tyler returned my embrace almost immediately, tightening his grip on me when I started to pull back from our hug.

"No, stay." He joked with a toothy grin. We hugged for a second longer until he finally took my hand and led me out the door. We walked down a trail for a few minutes before entering a beautiful clearing filled with green grass and bordered with full trees.

"Wow." I muttered, observing the scenery. "The view, it's so …" I trailed off, allowing the sun-setting beams to light up my skin.

"Beautiful." Tyler finished. I looked over to him and blushed, for he was not looking at the forest, but at me. "Come on. I called ahead and had this setting arranged for us. I know you wanted dinner, but I'm hoping a picnic is okay."

I followed Tyler to a blanket he had set up a few rows from the entertainment center. A big blue comforter-like blanket was placed on the ground with a picnic basket and extra blankets on top of it. I took a careful seat, mindful of my dress, and turned my attention to Tyler. "A picnic is more than okay." He blushed from the side of me before handing me a sandwich from the basket. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he had the chance to apologize for dinner, I cut him off. "It's perfect."

"Two households, both alike in dignity,

In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,

From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,

Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

From forth the fatal loins of these two foes

A pair of star cross'd lovers take their life …"

"Thank you for tonight." I smiled, turning to face Tyler as we got to my front door. "I had a lot of fun. And, if I'm being honest, I was not expecting a date like that with you."

"Ouch," He feigned hurt, swaying on the balls of his feet. "I'm just a man full of surprises. So, can I call you tomorrow, then?"

"Wow. Is the super confident Tyler actually nervous?" I played with him, laughing when he rolled his eyes. "You can definitely call me tomorrow. In fact, if you don't call me tomorrow, I'll be pissed!"

He beamed down at my smaller frame and before I could process my actions, I reached up and caught his lips in a kiss. Tyler was shocked and initially didn't respond, but as soon as I started to pull away, he grabbed ahold of my lower back and followed my initial rhythm. We were locked in a passionate session for a few minutes before we separated.

"What was that for?" Tyler's warm breath tickled my neck as he trailed kisses from my cheek down to collar bone.

"I owed you one." I reminded him nonchalantly.

My breath hitched in my throat when his pecks came to a halt and suddenly his lips were on mine again. This time it was more intense. There was a passion, a want, and a need behind his lips. I felt an excitement I hadn't felt in so long that I couldn't help myself but to knot my fists in his shirt and pull him harder against me. He groaned softly, running his tongue across my lips for entrance. I easily granted him entry and we backed up against my front door for comfort. His arms encased my body, leaving no space between us. It's been so long since I was this close and this vulnerable with someone.

I'm not sure how long we would have stayed glued to each other, but what broke our entanglement was what sounded like a gasp followed by a bag falling on the ground. On instinct, I looked through the front window to see if perhaps my step father, mom, or little brother had been snooping - but no one was there. Tyler and I drew apart, noticing a pharmacy bag laying lonesome in my driveway. From the corner of my eye I thought I noticed the bushes moving against the forest line, but figured I was just imagining things when I took a closer look.

"What the hell?" Tyler questioned, opening the bag that was on the ground. "Cold medicine, cough drops, and saline drops." He stated, looking through the contents.

"Weird. Is there a note in there?" I asked, to which he shook his head no, "Why would someone drop this and take off?" I questioned aloud, not to anyone in particular. I looked up and down the street again, but alas, we were surely the only ones outside. "You should probably head home." I suggested, grabbing the bag from his hands.

"I should." He concluded, walking to his car. "At least you'll be prepared if you're ever not feeling well." He joked, winking at me before reversing out of the driveway.

I was lying in bed just moments later reminiscing about this evening. Who would have thought Tyler would be such a romantic? I touched my swollen lips with my fingers before lightly dragging them down my neck, mimicking the path he had trailed kisses with just minutes ago. I winced when I came in contact with a sore spot and briefly wondered if I would bruise. I reached to the side of me for my mirror, but my hand came in contact with something else.

The History of the Quileute Tribe

I gasped, bolting upright in bed as realization dawned on me.

"Jacob Black." I whispered into the dark.

At that moment, a lone, loud, heart-breaking howl echoed from the woods.

AUTHORS NOTE: In response to Tin268's review "I thought imprinting went both ways. Isn't that why Emily couldn't say no to Sam and broke Leah's heart. Kissing Tyler should not have felt good but like kissing your brother." Thanks for the review! That may be how imprinting works in Stephanie Meyers world but this is my fanfic so I can make my own rules. Nothing about this is canon - for instance, Jacob imprinting on someone else other than Renesmee. And, if you read in between the lines, you can tell that Kate is definitely feeling SOMETHING for Jacob that she can't explain. Again, thank you for the review. But please keep in mind that my version of Jake's love story will be different than most imprintees in SM's world. xx Pricilla