Kaydee was lying on her bed working on her homework when Newt called.

"I GOT IT!" She yelled down the stairs. "I GOT IT!" She hopped off her bed and shut the door before grabbing the phone.

This was the fourth time she had done that since dinner.

Alex looked up towards Kaydee's door and smiled. "Is Kaydee expecting a call?" She joked.

"Yeah," Walker replied, not quite happily. "She gave Newt Dobbs our number. I think she's hoping he'll call."

"Newt Dobbs?" Alex thought aloud. "Oh, I met him today. He's Captain Call and Captain McRae's ward, right?"

"Yeah, they took him in after his mother died. She met him today when she was waiting for me to finish some paperwork. She thought he looked bored and wanted to cheer him up. I guess my little Kaydee has her first crush."

At that, Alex laughed aloud, "Oh, Walker, your little Kaydee had her first crush when she was eleven on Tim McGraw. Now she thinks Toby Keith is cute, too. That is why Sydney and I are taking her to his concert alone. So she can giggle over him without worrying about her daddy disapproving." She cuddled up in his arms.

"I don't think I like that arrangement," he teased, pulling her closer.

Upstairs, Kaydee picked up her phone, "Hello?" She hoped against hope that it wasn't Trivette or Gage again.

"Is.., I mean.., May I speak to.., um.., Kaydee?" Newt said, shyly.

"It's me," she replied, grinning and sitting down on her bed and tucking her feet up underneath her.

"This is Newt. Newt Dobbs. You gave me your number this afternoon," he said, hoping she still wanted to talk to him. "Is this a bad time? I could call you another time if.., if you wanted."

"No, no," she replied hastily. "I can talk. I remember talking to you. What's up?"

"Oh, not much. We're staying with a friend of the Captains'. Mr. Parker. They're over at his bar, but he said I could use the phone, or watch TV or whatever."

"I know CD. He was my daddy's partner for a while, and he's my godfather. I love CD, he's great." She smiled. "I was just working on some homework. I hate Algebra."

"Really? I like math. I don't like literature."

"Well, I just don't get solving for x," she laughed. "So, are you going to go to school while you are here in Dallas?"

"I think so. The Captain said something about it a while ago. He told me to go to bed early."

"Oh, great! Not that you have to go to bed early, but that I'll get to see you at school."

Newt laughed. "I know."

They talked for the better part of the next hour. Well, mainly Kaydee talked, but Newt didn't mind, he was happy to listen.

Across Town

"Mox, we have to get rid of those two old rangers until this damn trial is over," Blue Duck, the drug-runner Call and McCrea were testifying against, said. "If that is lady ADA puts them on the stand, we are done for."

"You want me to take them out," Mox-mox grinned.

"No. I don't want them dead," he replied. "Not yet. I just want them distracted for awhile."

"Do you have a plan?"

"Yeah. The boy. That one that lives with Call and McCrea. I want you to kidnap him, take him to where I tell you, and keep him there until I tell you to let him go," Blue Duck replied. "If they are out looking for him, they can't be at the courthouse to testify against me."


"That's your problem," Blue Duck answered, getting up to leave. "You just make sure you don't leave any messes behind."